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Pastors Go out

Daniel Lopez and María del Pilar Rios.

Last night we had our first go out with a couple of pastors as we obeyed to God according to
His will for us this year. It was an amazing time with them.

I want to start mention that they are my inlaws. Why the first? They were my pastors for 20 years.
So I am practicing the first fruits with them. Pastor Daniel and his wife are pastors for 30 years
in the city of La Calera. They have been faithful to this city all this time, planting this church from
zero. Their ministry started with Sunday school and eventually they become a church with more
than 70 persons today. All these years they have conquered, been successful according to God´s
calling, but they have also suffered. Yesterday, during the dinner time, Pastor Daniel expressed
that during all these years there was a period that he felt burnt out and he wanted to quit.
Sometimes he stills struggles with this. But last year, lot of Haitians arrived to the country and he
started a “Spanish as a second language” for Haitians, and today they have more than 30 brother
immigrants that are part of the church.

Their prayer requests are:

- For strength for his last 10 or 15 years of fuel ministry that he thinks he has.
- Presence of God in everything they plan for the church.
- Backup from God in a process where they are moving the church to a different way of
working. (Small groups, Bible study, etc)
- For their marriage, cause empty nest is a reality in their lives so they miss their kids and
in-law (myself, jejej) ….
- Fresh ideas to work with immigrants.

Finally, I want to thank to brother John Bucchi for make this possible. We really appreciate his
generosity in this matter. We truly believe that pastors are key leaders to spark their churches
and we need to take care of them and this is a beautiful way of spoil them in a good way.


Franklin Iriarte A.

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