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Now this is a moment for young men across the country so it was a scary moment

what is your message today to the women across this country who are feeling
devastated feeling like the message that´s been sent tired I don´t think they I think
actually that women look if you look at the biggest fans and I can tell you that the
people that spoke to me most this really in the strongest of terms in his favor were
women you have a lot of women that are extremely I´m a tremendous number
because they´re thinking of their sons they´re thinking of their husbands and their
brothers and their uncles and others who were very honored that he he was able to
withstand this horrible horrible attack by the Democrats it´s a horrible attack that
nobody should have to go through talking about the Supreme Court and judge
Havana I think he´s highly qualified for the Supreme Court I´m glad that Dr. Ford
was heard I´m glad that Judge Cavanaugh has heard FBI investigation was done is
completed and Senate loaded difficulty I will move on that and I think that all the
victims they need we need to help all the victims no matter what kind of abuse they
had but I am against any kind of abuse or violence

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