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An Indirect Adaptive Fuzzy Sliding

Mode Power System Stabilizer for Single

and Multi-machine Power Systems

Saoudi Kamel, Bouchama Ziyad and Harmas Mohamed Naguib

Abstract This chapter presents an indirect adaptive fuzzy sliding mode power sys-
tem stabilizer (AFSMPSS) that is used to damp out the low frequency oscillations in a
single machine infinite bus, local and inter-area oscillations in multi-machine power
systems. An adaptive fuzzy control integrates the sliding mode control (SMC) in the
design of the proposed controller. The fuzzy logic system is used to approximate
the unknown system function and by introducing proportional integral (PI) control
term in the design of sliding mode controller in order to eliminate the chattering phe-
nomenon. In addition, the parameters of the controller are optimized using particle
swarm optimization (PSO) approach. Based on the Lyapunov theory, the adaptation
laws are developed to make the controller adaptive take care of the changes due to the
different operating conditions occurring in the power system and guarantees stability
converge. The performance of the newly designed controller is evaluated in a single
machine infinite bus and two-area four machine power system under the different
types of disturbances in comparison with the indirect adaptive fuzzy PSS. Simulation
results show the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed stabilizer in damping
power system oscillations under various disturbances. Moreover, it is superior in the
comparison with other types of PSSs.

1 Introduction

Currently, the power systems wide-area is obliged to function with full power and
often in extreme cases of stability. The appearance of low frequency oscillations
due to various disturbances is able to induce with a rupture of synchronism of the

S. Kamel (B)
Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Bouira, 10000 Bouira, Algeria
B. Ziyad
Department of Sciences and Technology, University of Borbj Bou Arreridj, 34000
Borbj Bou Arreridj, Algeria
H.M. Naguib
Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Sétif1, 19000 Sétif, Algeria

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015 305

A.T. Azar and Q. Zhu (eds.), Advances and Applications in Sliding Mode Control systems,
Studies in Computational Intelligence 576, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-11173-5_11
306 S. Kamel et al.

generators coupled with the power system and can easily lead to a total collapse of
the power system. Also, the improvement of stability in damping of the inter-area
mode oscillations becomes more and more very important if an adequate answer is
not taken in the seconds or sometimes some cycles which follow.
Power system oscillations are damped by the introduction of a supplementary
signal to the excitation system called power system stabilizer (PSS). These stabilizers
improve the stability of power systems by creating electrical torques to the rotor,
in phase with speed variation to the synchronous machine, that damp out power
oscillations (Anderson and Fouad 1977; Kundur 1994). Conventional power system
stabilizers (CPSS) are one of the premiere PSSs composed by the use of some fixed
lag-lead compensators which are tuned using a linearized model of power system
in the specific operating point, shows a good control performance in the specific
operating point (Klein et al. 1991; Kundur et al. 1989; Larsen and Swann 1981).
But fixed-parameters of conventional stabilizer are difficult to obtain a good control
performance in case of changes in operating conditions such as change of load or
major disturbances.
Recently PSS design has undergone the advent of artificial intelligence such as
fuzzy logic controller (Bhati and Gupta 2013; El-Metwally et al. 1996; El-Metwally
and Malik 1995; Hassan et al. 1991; Hiyama 1994; Hussein et al. 2007; Lin 2013)
and artificial neural network (Abido and Abdel-Magid 1999; Changaroon et al. 2000;
Demirören 2003; Zeynelgil et al. 2002; Zhang et al. 1995) does not require a math-
ematical model of the system to be controlled, but fixed-parameters are difficult to
obtain a good control performance in case of changes in operating conditions such
as change of load or major disturbances. On the other hand, adaptive power system
stabilizers have been proposed (Chen and Malik 1995; Cuk-Supriyadi et al. 2014;
Karimi and Feliachi 2008; Kothan et al. 1996; Teh-Lu 1999; Wu and Malik 2006).
These stabilizers provide better dynamic performance over a wide range of operating
conditions, but they suffer from the major drawback of requiring parameter model
identification, state observation and feedback gain computation ‘on-line’.
This inadequacy is somewhat countered by the use of the merits of adaptive control
and artificial intelligences techniques in promising design of adaptive fuzzy power
system stabilizers (Bouchama and Harmas 2012; Elshafei et al. 2005; Hosseinzadeh
and Kalam 1999; Hussein et al. 2010, 2009; Saoudi et al. 2008) and adaptive neural
power system stabilizers (Fraile-Ardanuy and Zufiria 2007; Hosseini and Etemadi
2008; Liu et al. 2003; Radaideh et al. 2012; You et al. 2003). The main idea of
adaptive fuzzy control is as follows: first construct a fuzzy model to describe the
input/output behavior of the controlled system. A controller is designed based on
the fuzzy model and then the adaptive laws are derived to adjust the parameters of
the fuzzy modes on-line. However, these stabilizers do not make it possible to main-
tain good performances of continuation in the presence of external disturbances. On
the other hand, robust control provides an effective approach to dealing with uncer-
tainties introduced by variations of operating conditions. Among many techniques
available in the control literature, sliding mode control has been reported as one of
the most effective control methodologies for nonlinear power system applications
An Indirect Adaptive Fuzzy Sliding Mode Power System Stabilizer … 307

(Al-Duwaish and Al-Hamouz 2011; Bandal and Bandyopadhyay 2007; Bandal et al.
2005; Cao et al. 1994; Colbia-Vega et al. 2008; Fernandez-Vargas and Ledwich 2010;
Ghazi et al. 2001; Huerta et al. 2010, 2011; Samarasinghe and Pahalawaththa 1997;
Rashidi et al. 2003; Saoudi and Harmas 2014; Saoudi et al. 2011, 2008) in improving
the power system stability due to its robust response characteristic.
In this chapter, a new indirect adaptive fuzzy sliding mode stabilizer (AFSMPSS)
is designed for enhancing the damping of oscillations in nonlinear single and multi-
machine power system using nonlinear models. The advantages application of the
proposed PSS is to counteract the problem of variations in the system parameters,
operating conditions, to improve the stability and robustness performance of the
control systems. The nonlinear model of the power system is constructed with the
differential equations with nonlinear parameters which are functions of the state
of the system. Some of these parameters of nonlinear function are not known and
others are not exact precise. i.e. it is not possible build a relatively exact mathematical
model of the system. In order to design the proposed indirect AFSMPSS, the fuzzy
logic system is used to approximate the unknown system function present in the
model of power system. Moreover, the chattering phenomenon was eliminated due
to the utilisation of proportional integral (PI) term control in the design of SMC.
The optimal control gains are obtained via a particle swarm optimization (PSO)
technique. Using Lyapunov stability theory, the adaptation laws are developed to
make the fuzzy sliding mode controller adaptive and the PI parameters can be tuned
on-line by adaptation law to take care of the changes due to the different operating
conditions occurring in the power system and guarantee stability converge.
The performance of the newly designed controller is evaluated in a single
machine infinite bus and two-area four machine power system under the different
types of disturbances in comparison with the indirect adaptive fuzzy PSS. Sim-
ulation results show the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed stabilizer in
enhancing damping power system oscillations under various disturbances. Moreover,
it is superior in the comparison with other types of PSSs.
The rest of the chapter is organized as follows: In Sect. 2, an indirect adaptive
fuzzy sliding mode control Based PSS Design for power system to enhance the
transient stability of the system is presented. In Sect. 3, the proposed control design
procedure is given. The optimal controller gains are obtained using a Particle Swarm
Optimization (PSO) search technique is given with the procedure in Sect. 4. In Sect. 5,
the simulation results that demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed controller
are presented and compared with those of the adaptive fuzzy controller and the
conventional controllers using the single machine infinite bus and four machine two-
area bench-mark test power systems. Conclusion is stated in Sect. 6.
308 S. Kamel et al.

2 Indirect Adaptive Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control

Based PSS Design

2.1 Power System Model

In order to design the power system controller proposed in this paper, the dynamics
model of generator can be expressed in a canonical form given in Slotine and Li
(1991), this is obtained using the speed variation x1 and instead of direct and quadra-
ture voltages the accelerating power x2 are used as a state variables, the system
model of synchronous machine is represented in the following nonlinear state-space
equations (Saoudi and Harmas 2014, Saoudi et al. 2011):

ẋ1 = ax2
a ẋ2 = f (x1 , x2 ) + g(x1 , x2 )u (1)
y = x1

where a = −1/2H, x1 = ω = ω − ωs and x2 = P = Pm − Pe , H is the

per unit machine inertia constant, ω is the rotor speed and ωs is the synchronous
speed are in per unit, Pm is the mechanical input power treated as a constant in the
excitation controller design, i.e., it is assumed that the governor action is slow enough
not to have any significant impact on the machine dynamics and Pe is the delivered
electrical power. x = [x1 , x2 ]T ∈ R 2 is a measurable state vector. The PSS output
u represents the controlling supplementary signal to be designed and y = ω is the
output state while f and g are nonlinear functions which are assumed to be unknown.
(Eq. 1) represents the machine during a transient period after a major disturbance has
occurred in the system. The design of the sliding mode control is presented in the
following section.

2.2 Sliding Mode Control Design

The control objective is to force y in the system (Eq. 1) to track a given bounded
desired trajectory yd , under the constraint that all single involved must be bounded.
Then the control objective (Slotine and Li 1991; Wang 1996) is determine a feedback
control u = u(x|θ) and an adaptation law for adjusting the parameters vector θ, such
The close loop system must be globally stable and robust in the sense  that all
variables x(t), θ (t) and u(x|θ), must be uniformly bounded, i.e., x  ≤ Mx ≤
∞, θ  ≤ Mθ ≤ ∞ and |u| ≤ Mθ ≤ ∞ for all t ≥ 0, where Mx , Mθ and Mu are
parameters designer specified.
The traking error, e = y − yd , should be as small as possible under the constraint
in the previously objective.
An Indirect Adaptive Fuzzy Sliding Mode Power System Stabilizer … 309

The elaboration of an indirect adaptive fuzzy sliding mode controller is presented

in the rest of this section (Saoudi and Harmas 2014; Saoudi et al. 2011) to achieve
the above control objectives is discussed.
Let the tracking error be defined as:

e = y − y d = [e, ė]T (2)

and a sliding surface defined as:

s(e) = k1 e + ė = k T e (3)

where k = [k1 , 1]T are the coefficients of the Hurwitzian polynomial h(λ) = λ + k1 .
If the initial error vector e(0) = 0, then the tracking problem can be considered
as the state error vector e remaining on the sliding surface s(e) = 0 for all t > 0.
A sufficient condition to achieve this behavior is to select the control strategy such
1 d 2
(S (e)) ≤ −η |s| η ≥ 0 (4)
2 dt
From Eqs. (3) and (4), we have

ṡ = k1 ė + f (x) + g(x)u − ÿd . (5)

If f and g are known, we can easily construct the sliding mode control u ∗ = u eq −u sw :

u∗ = −k1 ė − f (x) − η sgn(s) + ÿd (6)

u eq = −k1 ė − f (x) + ÿd (7)

u sw = η sgn(s) (8)

However, power system parameters for nonlinear functions are not well known and
imprecise; therefore it is difficult to implement the control law (Eq. 6) for unknown
nonlinear system model. Not only f and g are unknown but the switching-type control
term will cause chattering. An adaptive fuzzy sliding mode controller using fuzzy
logic system and PI control term is proposed to solve these problems.
310 S. Kamel et al.

2.3 Fuzzy Logic System

The basis of the fuzzy logic systems (Wang 1993, 1996) consists of a collection of
fuzzy IF-THEN rules:

R(l) : IFx1 is F1l and . . . and xn is Fnl THEN y is G l (9)

By using the strategy of singleton fuzzification, product inference and center

average defuzzification, the output value of the fuzzy system can be formulated

θl μ F l (xi )
  l=1 i=1 i
y x =  n
μ F l (xi )
l=1 i=1

where μ F l (xi ) is the membership function value of xi in Fil , θl is the centre of gravity
of the membership function of the output for the lth rule; (Eq. 10) can be rewritten
y(x) = θl ξl (x) = θ T ξ (x) (11)

 T T
where θ l = θ 1 . . . θ M and ξ (x) = ξ 1 (x) . . . ξ M (x) represents the fuzzy basis
functions defined

μ F l (xi )
  i=1 i
ξl x = 

M n
μ F l (xi )
l=1 i=1

After this brief description, the following section explains the design of the adap-
tive fuzzy sliding mode control.

2.4 Indirect Adaptive Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control Design

If f and g were known, we could easily construct the sliding mode control u ∗
introduced in the previous section, however, f and g are not known, we thus replace
f (x, t) and g(x, t) by the fuzzy estimates fˆ(x|θ f ), ĝ(x|θ g ) which are in the form of
(Eq. 11) to which we append a proportional integral PI control term to suppress the
chattering action. The inputs and output of the latter are defined as (Ho and Cheng
2009; Ho et al. 2009).
u p = k p h 1 + ki h 2 (13)
An Indirect Adaptive Fuzzy Sliding Mode Power System Stabilizer … 311

where h 1 = s, h 2 = sdt, k p and ki are are PI control gains. Equation 13) can be
rewritten as
p̂(h|θ p ) = θ Tp ψ(h) (14)
θ p = k p , ki ∈ R 2 is an adjustable parameter vector, and ψ T (h) = [h 1 , h 2 ] ∈ R 2
is a regressive vector. We use fuzzy logic systems to approximate the unknown
functions f (x), g(x) and design an adaptive PI control term eliminate chattering due
to sliding mode control. Hence, the control law becomes:

u= −k1 ė − fˆ(x|θ f ) − p̂(h|θ p ) + ÿd (15)
ĝ(x|θ g )

fˆ(x|θ f ) = θ Tf ξ (x) (16)

ĝ(x|θ g ) = θ Tg ξ (x) (17)

In order to avoid the chattering problem, the switching term is replaced by a

PI control action which changes continuously and will lead to smooth out of the
chattering effect when the state is within a boundary layer |s| < Φ. The control
action is kept at the saturated value when the state is outside the boundary layer.
Hence, we set | p̂(h|θ p )| = η when |s| ≥ Φ, where Φ is the thickness of the
boundary layer.
Using the control law in (Eq. 15), then (Eq. 5) becomes:

ṡ = k1 ė + f (x, t) + g(x, t)u − ÿd

= f (x, t) − fˆ(x|θ f ) + (g(x, t) − ĝ(x|θ g ))u − p̂(h|θ p )

The next task, is to replace fˆ and ĝ by fuzzy logic systems represented in (Eqs. 16
and 17), p̂ is given by (Eq. 14) and to develop adequate adaptation laws for adjusting
the parameters vector θ f , θ g and θ p while seeking a zero tracking error. Using the
procedure suggested in Hussein et al. (2009), Hussein et al. (2010), the parameter
vectors of the fuzzy logic systems fˆ(x|θ f ) and ĝ(x|θ g ) will be adapted according
to the following rules.

Theorem 1 Consider the control problem of the nonlinear system (Eq. 1). If the
control (Eq. 15) is used, the function fˆ, ĝ and p̂are estimated by (Eqs. 16 and 17)
and (Eq. 14), the parameters vector θ f , θ g and θ p are adjusted by the adaptive
control law (Eqs. 19–21), the closed-loop system signals will be bounded and the
tracking error will converge to zero asymptotically.
312 S. Kamel et al.

θ̇ f = γ1 sξ (x) (19)
θ̇g = γ2 sξ (x)u (20)
θ̇ p = γ3 sψ(h) (21)

Proof Define the optimal parameters vector

θ ∗f = arg min sup  fˆ(x|θ f ) − f (x, t) (22)
θ f ∈ f x∈R n
θ ∗g = arg min sup ĝ(x|θ g ) − g(x, t) (23)
θ g ∈ g x∈R n
θ ∗p = arg min sup  p̂(h|θ p ) − u sw  (24)
θ p ∈ p h∈R n

where f , g and p are constraint sets for θ f , θ g and θ p , respectively. Define the
minimum approximation error:

ε = f (x, t) − fˆ(x|θ ∗f ) + (g(x, t) − ĝ(x|θ ∗g ))u. (25)

Assumption 1 The parameters θ f , θ g and θ p belong to the constraint sets f , g

and p respectively, which are defined as
f = θ f ∈ R n : θ f  ≤ M f (26)
g = θ g ∈ R n : 0 < ζ ≤ θ g  ≤ Mg (27)
p = θ p ∈ R n : θ p  ≤ M p (28)

M f , ζ, Mg and M p are positive constants designer specified for estimated parame-

ters’ bounds. Assuming that fuzzy θ f , θ g and PI control parameter θ p do not reach
the boundaries.
So, (Eq. 18) can be written as

ṡ = φ Tf ξ (x) + φ Tg ξ (x)u + θ Tp ψ(h) − p̂(h|θ ∗p ) + ε (29)

where φ f = θ ∗f − θ f , φ g = θ ∗g − θ g , φ p = θ ∗p − θ p .
Now let us consider the Lyapunov function candidate

1 2 1 T 1 T 1 T
V = s + φfφf + φg φg + φ φ (30)
2 2γ1 2γ2 2γ3 p p

The time derivative of V along the error trajectory (Eq. 29) is:
An Indirect Adaptive Fuzzy Sliding Mode Power System Stabilizer … 313

1 T 1 1
V̇ = s ṡ + φ φ̇ + φ Tg φ̇ g + φ Tp φ̇ p
γ1 f f γ2 γ3
1 T 1 1
= s(φ Tf ξ (x) + φ Tg ξ (x)u − p̂(h|θ ∗p ) + ε) +φ φ̇ f + φgT φ̇g + φ Tp φ̇ p
γ1 f γ2 γ3
1 1 1
= sφ Tf ξ (x) + φ Tf φ̇ f + sφ Tg ξ (x)u + φgT φ̇g + sφ Tp ψ(h) + φ Tp φ̇ p − s p̂(h|θ ∗p ) + sε
γ1 γ2 γ3
1 T 1 T 1 T
= φ (γ1 sξ (x) + φ̇ f ) + φ (γ2 sξ (x)u + φ̇g ) + φ (sψ(h) + φ̇ p ) − s p̂(h|θ ∗p ) + sε
γ1 f γ2 g γ3 p
1 T 1 T 1 T
≤ φ (γ1 sξ (x) + φ̇ f ) + φ (γ2 sξ (x)u + φ̇g ) + φ (sψ(h) + φ̇ p ) − sη sgn(s) + sε
γ1 f γ2 g γ3 p
1 T 1 T 1 T
< φ (γ1 sξ (x) + φ̇ f ) + φ (γ2 sξ (x)u + φ̇g ) + φ (sψ(h) + φ̇ p ) − |s| η + sε
γ1 f γ2 g γ3 p

where φ̇ f = −θ̇ f , φ̇ g = −θ̇ g and φ̇ p = −θ̇ p . Substitute (Eqs. 19–21) into (Eq. 31),
then we have
V̇ ≤ sε − |s| η ≤ 0 (32)

Since ε is being the minimum approximation error, (Eq. 32) is the best we can obtain.
Therefore all signals in the system are bounded. Obviously, e(t) will be bounded if
e(0) is bounded for all t. Since if the reference signal y d is bounded, then system
states x will be bounded. We need proving that s → 0 as t → ∞. Assuming that
|s| ≤ ηs then (Eq. 32) can be further simplified to

V̇ ≤ |s| |ε| − |s| η ≤ ηs |ε| − |s| η (33)

Integrating both sides of (33), we have

t t
1 ηs
|s|dτ ≤ (|V (0)| + |V (t)|) + |ε|dτ (34)
η η
0 0

then we have s ∈ L 1 . From (Eq. 25), we know that s is bounded and every term
in (Eq. 27) is bounded. Hence, s, ṡ ∈ L ∞ , use of Barbalat’s lemma (Slotine and
Li 1991). We have s → 0 as t → ∞, the system is stable and the error will
asymptotically converge to zero.

3 Design Procedure

Let the inputs to the fuzzy logic system be x1 = ω (speed variation), x2 = P

(accelerating power), the procedure for designing an indirect AFSMPSS to damp
low frequency oscillations in uncertain dynamic power systems can be summarized
by the following steps:
314 S. Kamel et al.

3.1 Off-Line Initial Processing

• Use the PSO to search the control gains k1 such that k1 e + ė is a hurwitzian
polynomial and the values of PI control parameters k p and ki .
• Specify the learning coefficients γ1 = 2, γ2 = 20 and γ3 = 2.

3.2 Initial Fuzzy Controller Construction

• Define m i fuzzy sets Alii for linguistic variable xi , whose membership functions
μ F li uniformly cover the corresponding universe of discourse, where i = 1, 2 and
li = 1, . . . , m i . i.e. The input states x1 = ω, x2 = P and m 1 = m 2 = 7,
the membership functions are selected Gaussian membership functions which are
labelled Negative Big (NB), Negative Medium (NM), Negative Small (NS), Zero
(ZR), Positive Small (PS), Positive Medium (PM), Positive Big (PB), linguistic
variables respectively.
• Construct the fuzzy basis functions from the input membership functions
• Construct the fuzzy rule base of ĝ(x|θ g ), which consist of m 1 × m 2 rules. Table 1
shows the fuzzy rules and forty nine initial parameter vector θ g . Since there is
enough information about fˆ(x|θ f ), the initial value of θ f is chosen to be zero.

Rg(l1 ,l2 ) : IF x1 is Al1

1 and x 2 is A2 THEN ĝ(x|θ g ) is G
l2 (l1 ,l2 )

• Construct the fuzzy systems fˆ(x|θ f ) = θ Tf ξ (x) and ĝ(x|θ g ) = θ Tg ξ (x).

3.3 On-Line Adaptation

• Apply the feedback control (Eq. 15) as power system stabilizer to damping of the
oscillations and improvement of the stability in the power system (Eq. 1).
• Use the adaptive laws (Eqs. 19–21) to adjust the parameters θ f , θ g and θ p .

The simplified schematic diagram of the proposed power system stabilizer and
the interconnection of these techniques are illustrated in Fig. 1.
An Indirect Adaptive Fuzzy Sliding Mode Power System Stabilizer … 315

Fig. 1 The proposed indirect adaptive fuzzy sliding mode PSS

4 Optimal Parameters Settings of Controllers Gains

4.1 Overview of Particle Swarm Optimization

Similar to evolutionary algorithms, the particle swarm is one of the optimization

techniques process is stochastic in nature. It is developed by Eberhart (Kennedy and
Eberhart 1995, 2001). PSO is initialized with a population of candidate solutions.
This population is called a swarm. Each candidate solution in PSO is called a particle.
Each particle is treated as a point in the dimensional problem space. The i-th particle
is represented as position vector xi = (xi1 , xi2 , . . . xid ) in d-dimensional space. The
movement of this particle is specified by the velocity vector vi = (vi1 , vi2 , . . . vid ).
The fitness of each particle can be evaluated according to the objective function of
optimization problem. The personal best position found during the search by the
i-th particle memory of the best position as pi = ( pi1 , pi2 , . . . pid ). The position
of the best personal of the entire swarm is noted as the global best position pg =
( pg1 , pg2 , . . . pgd ). The velocity and position of each particle are updated as follows:

vid = w.vid + c1 rand( pid − xid ) + c2 rand( pgd − xid ) (36)

xid = xid + vid (37)

where c1 and c2 are positive constants, and rand are randomly generated numbers in
the range [0, 1], w is a positive inertia parameter. The steps of the PSO algorithm are
(Abido 2002; Al-Awami et al. 2007; Mostafa et al. 2012):
316 S. Kamel et al.

1. Formation of initial population and initial velocities randomly.

2. Calculating the value of each particle by fitness function.
3. Finding personal best and global best of all population
4. Update particle velocity according (Eq. 36).
5. Update particle position according (Eq. 37).
6. If the evaluation value of each particle is better than the previous pbest, the value
is set to pbest. If the best pbest is better than gbest, the value is set to gbest.
7. Repetition of steps 2–6 until determination criteria satisfies.

4.2 Parameters of PSSs and IAFSM Control Gains

The conventional (CPSS) stabilizer consisting of a stabilizer gain K P SS , washout

time constant Tw and lead-lag compensators with time constants T1 , T2 , T3 , T4 , and
a limiter is used for comparison. The stabilizer transfer function is given by:

sTW 1 + sT1 1 + sT3

UPSS = K PSS ω (38)
1 + sTW 1 + sT2 1 + sT4

In this structure, the washout time constants Tw and the time constants T2 and T4 are
usually prespecified. The controller gains K pss , the time constants T1 and T3 are to
be determined.
In the proposed IAFSM controller, the gains k1 of the sliding mode surface such
that k1 e + ė is a hurwitzian polynomial and PI controller gains k p and ki , where the
first is proportional and the second proportional integral of the surface, all of these
gains are to be optimized.

4.3 Objective Function

The optimizing objective function is based on the integral time absolute error index
of the speed deviation of the synchronous generator. This fitness function is defined
n t=t1

J= t |ωi−1 |dt (39)

i=2 t=0

where t1 the time is range of the simulation and ωi−1 is the speed deviation of the
ith generator relative to the first generator.
The proposed approach employs the PSO to search for the optimal parameter
settings of the given controllers. The control parameters to be tuned through the
optimization algorithm are K pss , T1 , T3 , k1 , k p and ki of each generator in the system,
An Indirect Adaptive Fuzzy Sliding Mode Power System Stabilizer … 317

Table 1 The optimal parameters of the controllers gains for single machine
K P SS T1 K1 Kp Ki
19.8341 0.2084 5 2.8962 14.2279

Table 2 The optimal parameters of the controllers gains for multi-machine

K P SS T1 T3 k1 Kp Ki
Gen.1 19.4231 0.0343 4.0811 0.1301 0.05 3.3857
Gen.2 18.9118 0.0627 2.8886 0.0582 0.1104 3.0194
Gen.3 18.2757 0.0736 3.0712 0.0501 0.1278 2.7128
Gen.4 23.8428 0.0189 3.8402 0.1851 0.0945 3.0750

that to aim minimize the selected fitness objective function in order to improve the
system response in terms of the settling time and overshoots.

5 Results and Discussions

In this study, we will investigate the performance of the proposed indirect AFSMPSS
as it is applied to both single machine infinite-bus and multi-machine power systems
models. For the purpose of optimization of (39), to evaluate the objective function, the
system dynamic model considering a Three-phase fault is simulated. The objective
function J attains a finite value since the deviation in rotor speed is regulated to zero
and the obtained optimal parameters are shown in the Tables 1 and 2. The success of
the proposed PSS, with the single-machine infinite-bus case, motivates us to test its
capability on a multi-machine model. To assess the effectiveness and robustness of the
proposed individual design approach controllers under different kind of disturbance
conditions, The nonlinear simulation of the power system model is carried out under
the following severe faults cases considered are:
Case 1: Three-phase fault short circuit.
Case 2: Step change in the reference terminal voltage.
The performance of the proposed indirect adaptive fuzzy sliding mode PSS is
compared with the indirect adaptive fuzzy PSS, fixed parameter fuzzy PSS and
PSO-optimized conventional PSS.
318 S. Kamel et al.

Fig. 2 Single machine infinite bus power system

Fig. 3 Speed deviation response for a three-phase short-circuit fault disturbance

5.1 Application to the Single Machine Infinite-Bus Model

A nonlinear power system model consisting of a single machine connected to a

infinite bus (SMIB) through a step-up transformer and double circuit of three phase
transmission lines is chosen for time domain simulation studies. Details of the system
data and the dynamics model of generator are given in Kundur (1994), Sauer and Pai
(1998). A diagram representation of the power system is shown in Fig. 2.
An Indirect Adaptive Fuzzy Sliding Mode Power System Stabilizer … 319

Fig. 4 Speed deviation response for a step change voltage reference disturbance

Fig. 5 Two area four machine test power system

Case 1: Figure 3, shows system response under a three-phase fault occurring at t =

0.2 s with a duration of 0.06 s, for the fourth different controllers when the system is
simulated. It is obvious that indirect AFPSS has better damping of the speed deviation
than CPSS and FPSS; while the proposed indirect AFSMPSS has the best damping
of low frequency oscillations.
320 S. Kamel et al.

Case 2: The result shown in the Fig. 4 was simulated that a 0.1 p.u step change in the
reference voltage of the generator occurred at 0.2 s. It can be clearly seen in this kind
of disturbance that the system response for proposed PSS exhibits superior damping
performance of oscillations in terms of overshooting and settling time.

5.2 Application to the Multi-machine Model

For the study in this chapter, the two-area four-machine test power system model
in Kundur (1994) shown in Fig. 5 is selected for evaluating the performance of the
designed PSSs using the proposed approach. This model consists of two fully sym-
metrical areas linked together by two transmission lines 220 km. Each area contains
two identical synchronous generators rated 20 KV/900 MVA. All generators are con-
nected through transformers to the 230 kV transmission line. All the generators are
equipped with identical speed governors and turbines, exciters and AVRs, and PSSs.
Under normal condition, the Area 1 transmits 400 MW active power to the Area 2.
This power system typically is used to study the low frequency electromechanical os-
cillations of a large interconnected system. The data corresponding to the machines,
transmission lines, and loads has been given in Kundur (1994). The set of non-linear
differential equations describing the dynamics of the ith machine in the above multi
machine system are presented in Kundur (1994), Sauer and Pai (1998).
Case 1: In this case, the performance of the proposed controller is evaluated by
applying a six-cycle three-phase fault short circuit at the middle of one of the trans-
mission lines between bus-7 and bus-8. The local and inter-area mode of oscillations
is shown in Fig. 6, with different PSSs. The proposed stabilizer provides very good
performance in the damping of oscillations in comparison to the indirect AFPSS,
Case 2: The case was simulated that a 20 % pulse disturbance in the reference voltage
of Generator 1 for 200 ms has been applied. It can be concluded that the superiority
of the proposed PSS achieves the best damping of the local and inter-area mode of
oscillations effects as illustrated results in Fig. 7.

5.3 Discussion

The proposed indirect AFSMPSS is applied to both single machine infinite-bus and
multi-machine power systems models. For evaluating the performance, severe fault
disturbance and a voltage deviation are considered; In the first case test, three phase
fault to ground short circuit type is considered and the system response is compared
with the proposed controller and those obtained using a PSO optimized conventional
(CPSS), a fuzzy power system stabilizer (FPSS) and an indirect adaptive fuzzy power
system stabilizer (AFPSS). It is evident from the results in Fig. 3, for single machine
infinite bus and Fig. 6 for the interconnection multi-machine power systems that the
An Indirect Adaptive Fuzzy Sliding Mode Power System Stabilizer … 321

Fig. 6 System response to three-phase fault at the middle of one tie line applied between buses 7
and 8: a Local mode of oscillations, b Inter-area mode of oscillations
322 S. Kamel et al.



Fig. 7 System response due to step change in voltage reference of generator 1: a Local mode of
oscillations, b Inter-area mode of oscillations
An Indirect Adaptive Fuzzy Sliding Mode Power System Stabilizer … 323

damping of the low frequency oscillations in both stabilizers the conventional CPSS
and fixed parameter FPSS requires more time and has more oscillations before the
speed deviation response is stabilized. The adaptive fuzzy controller improves the
damping of oscillations due to the self-learning capability in the change of operating
conditions. However, the superiority performance is clear with the proposed con-
troller. The proposed controller provides significantly better damping enhancement
in the power system oscillations. It is possible to observe that the overshoot and
settling time are reduced as well, this in the presence of external disturbance.
In the second test case, the performance of designed controllers was evaluated
in the presence of a step disturbance injected in reference voltage of the generator.
Figures 4 and 6 in both power systems, the system response with the conventional
CPSS and fuzzy FPSS have again more oscillations and large time to stabilize the
systems. In comparison with the adaptive fuzzy AFPSS, the robustness is achieved
by the designed AFSMPSS stabilizer than the AFPSS under generators parameters
variations with a quite good damping performance.
To further assess the performance
 the effectiveness of the proposed PSS,
performance index J P = t |ωi−1 | is used to compare between the different
PSSs considered. It is worth mentioning that the lower value of this index, the better
is the system response in terms of overshooting and time-domain characteristics.
Tables 3 and 4 show the values of performance index for all cases of disturbances.
So, the proposed indirect AFSMPSS has clearly improved the system performance by
reducing the speed deviations under the following types of disturbances: three-phase
fault short circuit and step change in the reference voltage of generator which are all
rejected by the proposed stabilizer.

6 Conclusion

A new an indirect adaptive fuzzy sliding mode power system stabilizer for a single
machine infinite bus and multi-machine power system to damp oscillations has been
proposed in this paper, based on the fuzzy logic system to approximate the unknown
system function present in the model of power system and enhanced by a PI term
controller that eliminates chattering in the control signal. Controller gains are tuned
using PSO technique. An adaptation algorithm was derived based on the Lyapunov’s
direct method to cause the system follow a desired response. The effectiveness of
the proposed design stabilizers have been tested on a single machine infinite bus and
multi-machine power system under different system disturbances. The nonlinear time
domain simulation results show the robustness performance of the proposed stabilizer
and their ability to provide good quality damping of low frequency oscillations.
Moreover, this controller exhibit better performance to damp the multi-machine
power system with local and inter area modes of oscillations and improve greatly the
system stability compared to the other power system stabilizers. As a future work,
we intend to use a Type-2 fuzzy system to approximate system dynamics and design
nonlinear decentralized controllers.
324 S. Kamel et al.

Table 3 The performance index for single machine

Case 1 0.18506 0.32192 0.14065 0.13138
Case 2 0.060966 0.18476 0.055257 0.053798

Table 4 The performance index for multi-machine

Case 1 Gen2−1 0.044367 0.076493 0.044169 0.032748
Gen3−1 0.27498 0.38126 0.19403 0.071122
Case 2 Gen2−1 0.10415 0.130625 0.13793 0.097366
Gen3−1 0.16238 0.258294 0.154403 0.083119


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