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HTML Tags – Sample files

<!DOCTYPE html>



<title>Page Title</title>







<!DOCTYPE html>



<title>Page Title</title>




<a href="">Link

<a href="Eg3.html">Link 2</a><br>

<a href="New folder/Eg3.html">Link 3</a><br>

<a href="F:/2017-Winter/CSE326 - INTERNET AND

WEB PROGRAMMING/Practice Problems/HTML/Eg3.html">Link
<a href=""
target="_blank">Link 5</a>










<p> Para Line 1<br/> Line 2 </p>


This is another paragraph with a

&nbsp; GAP &nbsp; between

some of the words.



&nbsp;&nbsp; This paragraph is<br/>

indented on the first line<br/>

but not on subsequent lines.


<p title="Tooltip">

This is a paragraph with Tooltip.









<h1> heading 1</h1>


Here is some text.%""!@#$%^&*()




Here is some subtext.



<h1>heading 2</h1>


Here is some more text.


<hr size=10/>



<!DOCTYPE html>


<title>Page Title</title>




<img src="VITLOGO.png" alt="VIT LOGO"

width="228" height="128">

<br/><img src="VITLOGOa.png" alt="VIT LOGO"

width="228" height="128"/>


<img src="VITLOGO.png">




<title >Internal Links in a Page</title>



<p align="center">

[ <a href="#HTML">HTML</a> |

<a href="#HTTP">HTTP</a> |

<a href="#IP">IP</a> |

<a href="#TCP">TCP</a> ]






Computer acronyms:

<dl><!-- Definition list -->

<a name="HTML"></a><dt><b>HTML</b>

<dd>HyperText Markup Language

<a name="HTTP"></a><dt>HTTP

<dd>HyperText Transfer Protocol

<a name="IP"></a><dt>IP

<dd>Internet Protocol

<a name="TCP"></a><dt>TCP

<dd>Transfer Control Protocol






<title>Text Styles</title>


<body align="center">


Text <b>bold</b>, <i>italics</i>,<del>del</del>,


<big title="Tooltip">resizing with tooltip</big>.


Typewriter Font:

<tt>i = i + 1;</tt> <br />

<small>2<sup>2</sup></small> = 4






<title>Eg 8</title>


<body bgcolor="SALMON">



for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)

sum = sum + i;





A section that is quoted from another source.




IWP <br>

<font size="7">IWP</font><br>

<big><font size="10">IWP</font></big>



<font color='green'>IWP</font><br>

<font color='rgb(200,100,10)'>IWP</font><br><br>

<font face="Times New Roman" size="5">

Times New Roman</font><br>

<font face="verdana">verdana!</font><br>

<font face="Courier">Courier!</font>

<!-- Arial,WildWest,Impact, Courier New, Century








<title>Simple Lists</title>

<body> <font face="Times New Roman" size="5" color =



<ol><!--Ordered List-->





<p>New Para</p>

<ol start="5"><!--Ordered List-->





<ul><!--Un Ordered List-->


<li type="disc">Two.

<li type="circle">Three.

<li type="square">Four.





<dl><!--Definition List-->

<dd>HyperText Markup Language


<dd>HyperText Transfer Protocol






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