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XLIII Annual session 3


Countdown to participation 4 Delegation Pre-payment 16

Returning forms 4 Travel and Accommodation 17
Workshop for MUN-Directors 4 Travelling to The Hague 17
Provisional Programme of Events 5 Airport Pick-up Bus Service 17
Issues on the Agenda 6 Transportation in The Hague Area 17
General Assembly (GA) 6 HTM Public Transport Conference Ticket 17
Security Council (SC) 6 Accommodation 17
Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) 7 Community Housing 17
Environment Commission (EC) 7 Hotel Booking through ITO Special 2000 18
Disarmament Commission (DC) 7 Stayokay Hostel Den Haag 19
Human Rights Commission (HRC) 7 Conduct 20
Special Conference on Crime and General Behaviour 20
Punishment (SCCP) 7 MUN-Directors’ Responsibilities 20
International Court of Justice (ICJ) 8 Conduct in the Convention Center 20
Advisory Panel on the Question of The Caribbean Conduct in Hotels and Private Homes 20
Islands (APQCI) 8 Alcohol and Drugs 21
Delegations 2011 9 THIMUN-Affiliated Model
Members of the United Nations 9 United Nations 22
Security Council 10 Aims of affiliation 22
ECOSOC 10 Conditions of affiliation 22
Non-Member Delegations 10 Benefits of affiliation 23
Advisory Panel on the Question of The Caribbean 2010/2011 List of THIMUN-Affiliated
Islands (APQCI) 11 Conferences 24
Delegation Size 12 THIMUN Foundation 27
Meetings and Seating 12
Assignment of Roles and Functions 12
Applications for the position of
Student Officer, Member of the
International Court of Justice,
Member of the Advisory Panel
or MUNITY Press Delegate 13
General Rules 13
I. Student Officers 13
Executive Committee 13
Assistant Presidents and Committee Chairs 13
Deputies 13
II. International Court of Justice 13
III. Advisory Panel on the Question
of The Caribbean Islands (APQCI) 14
IV. MUNITY Press Delegation 14
MUNITY Online 14
Successful Applicants 14
Preparatory Meetings 14
Fees 14
Conference Fees & Deadlines 15
2011 Conference Fees 15
Financial Statement 15
Deadlines & Cancellations 15
Payments 16
THIMUN Administrative Handbook 2011 4


August Returning forms

In August schools which attended in the previous All forms should be typed, but FORM II must be
year will receive an invitation to attend. typed . Form II can also be easily filled in via the
New schools will receive a conditional invitation. Internet until 12 November 2010. Further Infor-
mation, including the log-in and password will be
September sent together with the delegation assignments.
The request to participate (FORM I) must be Most forms can also be found on the THIMUN
received by Friday, 17 September 2010 . website:
The delegation pre-payment is also due at this
time. The Application Forms for students applying Forms should be faxed or mailed. I.D. Badge
for individual appointments are also due by Forms with the participants’ photographs may not
this date. be faxed. Please do not send the ITO Hotel Form
to the THIMUN Office.If you have used only
October the mail and have not faxed your forms, confirm
The allocation of delegation assignments is receipt by tele­p honing the THIMUN Office.
completed at this time. MUN-Directors may American schools outside the United States
phone for their delegation assignments as should NOT use the APO system. Do not depend
of Monday, 11 October 2010. The delegation on Special Delivery or Express post to make up
assignments will also be published on the for a mailing that should have gone out days
website at On Friday 8 and before and do not entrust students with mailing
Saturday 9 October a MUN-Directors’ workshop or faxing.
for teachers will be held in Voorschoten (near
The Hague). Workshop for MUN-Directors
A special workshop is provided particularly
November to meet the needs of new MUN-Directors.
By Friday, 12 November 2010 schools must submit The workshop will be held in Voorschoten
a complete list of the names of all participants (near The Hague) on Friday 8 and Saturday
(FORM II) together with the I.D. Badge Form + 9 October 2010. More detailed information
Photo’s . The Accommodation Form , the ITO Form , will be published on our web site. The workshop
the Schiphol Pick-up Form and the MUN-Directors’ will be held simultaneously with the XXIV annual
Assignment Form are also due by this date. MINIMUN. This means that a number of experi-
enced MUN-Directors will be available to give
December advice and the new MUN-Directors will be able
In December all schools will receive a Statement to observe students in action. All new MUN-
of Account based on the information given on Directors are strongly encouraged to attend this
FORM II and the latest information for the special session. THIMUN will be able to arrange
conference. hotel accom­m odation for the nights of Friday,
8 October and/or Saturday, 9 October.
January Please phone, fax or email your requirements
The conference takes place: to the THIMUN office as soon as possible.
23 – 28 January 2011.
XLIII Annual session 5


Sunday, 23 January 2011 Wednesday, 26 January 2011

09:00-18:00 Registration 09:00-14:00 Committee & Sub-commission
9.00-17.00 Workshop for all Student meetings
Officers (mandatory) SC, ICJ, ECOSOC and Ad­v isory
15:00-16.30 Briefings of ICJ, MUNITY, Panel in session
APQ panelists and heads of 09:00-17:00 Approval Panel open
delegation of non-UN member 11:30-14:00 Lunch available
delegations 14:00-17:00 NO SESSIONS
16:00 Community Housing starts
Thursday, 27 January 2011
Monday, 24 January 2011 09:00-17:00 Committee & Sub-commission
09:00-10:30 Late registration meetings SC, ICJ, ECOSOC and
09:00-10:00 Preparatory meetings Ad­v isory Panel in session
09:00-17:00 Lobbying, merging and informal 09:00-11:30 Approval Panel open
meetings 11:30-14:00 Lunch available
09:00-17:00 Security Council, ICJ and 17:00 MUN-Directors meeting with
Advisory Panel in session Board of Directors
11:30-14:00 Lunch available
12:00 MUN-Directors’ Introductory Friday, 28 January 2011
Meeting (mandatory) 09.00-11:30 Committee & Sub-commission
13:00 Ambassadors and Heads of meetings
Delegation Meeting 09:00-16:00 SC, ICJ, ECOSOC and Ad­v isory
14:00 Approval Panel Training for Panel in session
new MUN Directors 11:30-13:00 Early lunch available
15:00-16:30 FORMAL OPENING 13:00-16:30 Plenary sessions of General
16:30-17:30 Reception for VIPs Assembly, Commissions and
18:00-19:00 MUN-Directors’ welcoming Special Conference
reception 16.30 CLOSING CEREMONIES
20:00-24:00 Dance for THIMUN Participants
Tuesday, 25 January 2011
09:00-13:00 Plenary sessions and opening
speeches of General Assembly,
Commissions and Special
09:00-17:00 Security Council, ECOSOC, ICJ
and Advisory Panel in session
09:00-17:00 Approval Panel open Free afternoon on
11:30-14:00 Lunch available Wednesday 26 January 2011
14:00-17:00 Committee & Sub-commission On Wednesday 26 January 2011 there will be
meetings no mandatory programme after 14.00. The ICJ
20:00 Evening entertainment will however be in session until approx. 17.00.
The Convention Center will remain opened
for those delegates wanting to do research or
prepare for debate the following days.
THIMUN Administrative Handbook 2011 6


GENERAL ASSEMBLY (GA) 4th Committee (Special Political

1st Committee (Disarmament and and Decolonization)
International Security) – The United Nations’ role in promoting and
– Perspectives of ending the embargo on consolidating new or restored democracies
North Korea – The situation of the occupied territories
– Providing measures to fight the spread of of Azerbaijan
terrorism in LEDCs – The question of the Comorian island of
– Towards a nuclear-weapon-free world: Mayotte
accelerating the implementation of nuclear – Investigation of Israeli practices affecting
disarmament commitments the human rights of the Palestinians
– Peace and stability in West Africa and other Arabs of the occupied territories

2nd Committee (Economic and Financial) 5th Committee (Administration and Budgetary)
– Measures against fiscal fraud – The question of equitable representation on
– External debt and development: towards and increase in the membership of the Security
a durable solution to the debt problems of Council and related matters
developing countries – Financing of the United Nations Stabilization
– The question of new agricultural methods Mission in Haiti
and the role of food security – The question of the admission of Taiwan as
– Addressing systemic poverty in the twenty a United Nations member
poorest countries – The question of financing the UN political
mission of the Monitoring Group on Somalia
3rd Committee (Social, Humanitarian
and Cultural) 6th Committee (Legal)
– Dismantling the blockade of the Gaza strip – Follow-up on the advisory opinion of the
– Measures to deglamorize the role of crime International Court of Justice on the Legality
and criminals in popular culture of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons
– Improving the lives of slum dwellers – Legal measures to eliminate international
– Strengthening the coordination of terrorism
humanitarian and disaster relief assistance – Developing an international consensus with
of the United Nations regards to removing immunity from prosecu-
tion for state officials and heads of state
– The status of the Protocols Additional to
the Geneva Conventions of 1949 relating to
the protection of victims of armed conflicts


– The situation in Afghanistan
– The situation on the Korean Peninsula
– The situation in the Middle East, including
the Palestinian question
– Non-proliferation (Iran, DPR Korea)
XLIII Annual session 7


(ECOSOC) – Review of the Kinshasa Declaration on
– Addressing corruption and its effect on trade Great Apes
and development – Evaluating the year 2010, declared to be
– Evaluating the effectiveness of the monitoring the international year of biodiversity
of long-term humanitarian aid following natural – Evaluating the water policy and strategy
disasters of the UNEP
– Addressing the criminal exploitation of migrant – Measures to prevent the export of hazardous
workers material
– Cyber crimes and identity theft
– Increasing international cooperation to HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION
eliminate human trafficking (HRC)
– Measures to prevent criminal disregard of Sub-commission 1
the environmental and labor regulations – Child Soldiers: demobilization, rehabilitation
– Achieving the three targets of MDG1, and reintegration
“To reduce poverty by 2015” – Establishing and protecting the human rights
– Measures to promote economic participation of children in post disaster areas
by women in LDCs – Combating defamation of religions
– Fostering an understanding of the impact – Implementing the decisions of the Durban
of “White Collar” crime upon individual and Review Conference on antiracism
Sub-commission 2
DISARMAMENT COMMISSION (DC) – Measures against contemporary forms of
Sub-commission 1 slavery
– Eliminating arms sales to areas of social – The protection of freedom of expression
and political unrest and opinion
– International piracy on the high seas – The situation concerning the Israeli blockade
– The threat of nuclear weapons in the and/or settlements in Gaza
Middle East/DPR Korea – Human rights and international solidarity
– Reviewing the implementation of the
global ban on the use of cluster bombs SPECIAL CONFERENCE ON CRIME
and landmines AND PUNISHMENT (SCCP)
Sub-commission 1
Sub-commission 2 – Improving measures to prevent youth crime
– Trading arms to terrorist organizations – The question of cultural differences influencing
– Measures to regulate cyber warfare by the concept of crime and punishment
nation states – Strengthening the promotion of rehabilitation
– Effective inspection of nuclear power of criminals
installations in Iran – The question of links between international
– Assisting countries in safe and secure terrorism and organized crime
disposal of obsolete weaponry – Achieving justice for victims: the role of
judges, prosecutors and lawyers
Sub-commission 1 Sub-commission 2
– The last stand of the Gorilla: environmental – Developing international measures to
crime and conflict in the Congo Basin strengthen the organs of the state in combating
– Clearing the waters: a focus on water quality the influence of crime on civil society
solutions – Supporting women and other victims of sexual
– Biodiversity and ecosystem restoration for crime in their reintegration into civil society
sustainable development – Implementing measures to combat the concept
– Fisheries and aquaculture in our changing of “Honor Killing” in society
climate – Measures to strengthen the international
financial system from the effects of international
– Developing international measures to restrict
the movement of the spoils of crime between
THIMUN Administrative Handbook 2011 8

– Australia vs. Japan
– Germany vs. Italy

– Maritime and resources disputes
– Environment and tourism
– Towards autonomy and/or independence
of some Caribbean islands
– Reduction of disaster risk and vulnerability
in the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea
XLIII Annual session 9

DELEGATIONS SC = Security Council


SD = Small Delegation possible
(See page 12 for delegation sizes)

MEMBERS OF THE DR Congo Lesotho (SD) Saint Lucia (ECO)

UNITED NATIONS Denmark Liberia Saint Vincent & the Grenadines (SD)
Djibouti Libya Samoa (SD)
Afghanistan Dominica (SD) Liechtenstein (ECO) San Marino (SD)
Albania Dominican Republic (SD) Lithuania Sao Tome & Principe (SD)
Algeria Ecuador Luxembourg (SD) Saudi Arabia (ECO)
Andorra (SD) Egypt (ECO) Madagascar Senegal
Angola El Salvador Malawi Serbia
Antigua & Barbuda (SD) Equatorial Guinea Malaysia (ECO) Seychelles (SD)
Argentina (ECO) Eritrea (SD) Maldives (SD) Sierra Leone
Armenia Estonia (ECO) Mali Singapore (SD)
Australia (ECO) Ethiopia Malta (ECO) Slovakia (ECO)
Austria (SC) Fiji (SD) Marshall Islands (SD) Slovenia
Azerbaijan Finland (ECO) Mauritania Solomon Islands (SD)
Bahamas (ECO) FYR of Macedonia Mauritius (ECO) Somalia
Bahrain France (SC/ECO) Mexico (SC) South Africa
Bangladesh (ECO) Gabon (SC) Micronesia, Federated States (SD) Spain
Barbados Gambia Moldova (ECO) Sri Lanka
Belarus Georgia Monaco (SD) Sudan
Belgium (ECO) Germany (ECO) Mongolia (ECO) Suriname (SD)
Belize Ghana (ECO) Montenegro Swaziland (SD)
Benin Greece Morocco (ECO) Sweden
Bhutan Grenada (SD) Mozambique (ECO) Switzerland
Bolivia Guatemala (ECO) Myanmar Syrian Arab Rep.
Bosnia-Herzegovina (SC) Guinea Namibia (ECO) Tajikistan (SD)
Botswana Guinea Bissau (ECO) Nauru (SD) Thailand
Brazil (SC/ECO) Guyana Nepal Timor-Leste (SD)
Brunei Darussalam (SD) Haiti (SD) Netherlands Togo (SD)
Bulgaria Honduras New Zealand Tonga (SD)
Burkina Faso Hungary Nicaragua Trinidad & Tobago (SD)
Burundi Iceland Niger (ECO) Tunisia
Cambodia India (ECO) Nigeria (SC) Turkey (SC/ECO)
Cameroon (ECO) Indonesia Norway (ECO) Turkmenistan (SD)
Canada (ECO) Iran Oman Tuvalu (SD)
Cape Verde Iraq (ECO) Pakistan (ECO) Uganda (SC)
Central African Republic Ireland Palau (SD) Ukraine (ECO)
Chad Israel Panama United Arab Emirates
Chile (ECO) Italy (ECO) Papua New Guinea (SD) United Kingdom (SC/ECO)
China (SC/ECO) Jamaica Paraguay United Rep. of Tanzania
Colombia Japan (SC/ECO) Peru (ECO) United States of America (SC/ECO)
Comoros (ECO) Jordan Philippines (ECO) Uruguay (ECO)
Congo (ECO) Kazakhstan Poland (ECO) Uzbekistan (SD)
Costa Rica Kenya Portugal Vanuatu (SD)
Côte d’Ivoire (ECO) Kiribati (SD) Qatar Venezuela (ECO)
Croatia Kuwait Rep. of Korea (South) (ECO) Viet Nam
Cuba Kyrgyzstan (SD) Romania Yemen
Cyprus (SD) Lao PDR (SD) Russian Fed. (SC/ECO) Zambia (ECO)
Czech Republic Latvia Rwanda (ECO) Zimbabwe
DPR Korea (North) Lebanon (SC) Saint Kitts & Nevis (ECO)
THIMUN Administrative Handbook 2011 10

SECURITY COUNCIL Non-Member Delegations

Permanent members The maximum size of the non-member delega-
China, France, Russian Federation, tions will vary according to the type of delegation
United Kingdom, United States of America and the need to be represented in a particular
committee, council or sub-commission because
Non-permanent members of agenda items affecting these delegations.
Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Gabon, Such delegations will be accorded speaking
Japan, Lebanon, Mexico, Nigeria, Turkey, Uganda. rights, but not voting rights, on issues relevant
to their particular organization. Non-member
The Security Council is composed of 5 permanent delegates will be assigned to a particular forum,
members and 10 members elected for two-year normally on the basis of one delegate per forum,
terms. To prevent delegations from having to pre- and may only participate in another forum, Secu-
pare a Security Council position at short notice, rity Council or the ICJ, at the express invitation
the UN Security Council membership list for 2010 of the President or Chair of the forum concerned.
will operate throughout the 2011 THIMUN Con-
ference (also applies to ECOSOC membership). In the list on page 11 , some delegations have
been permitted 2 delegates in ECOSOC i.e.
Two delegates from each of the 15 member ECOSOC (2); otherwise delegates are assigned
states must be assigned to the Security Council. to a specific committee or sub-commission.

Security Japan
counCIl Lebanon
countries Mexico
Austria Nigeria
Bosnia and Herzegovina Russian Federation
Brazil Turkey
China Uganda
France United Kingdom
Gabon United States of America

ECOSOC is composed of 54 member countries,
a third of the members changing every year.
As with Security Council countries, the member
states for THIMUN include those countries
whose ‘real’ term ends on 31 December prior
to the conference. This prevents schools having
to handle an ECOSOC country at short notice.
All ECOSOC countries must have two delegates
assigned to ECOSOC.

ECOSOC Comoros Iraq Niger Slovakia

MEMBERS Congo Italy Norway Turkey
Argentina Côte d’ Ivoire Japan Pakistan Ukraine
Australia Egypt Liechtenstein Peru United Kingdom
Bahamas Estonia Malaysia Philippines United States of America
Bangladesh Finland Malta Poland Uruguay
Belgium France Mauritius Rep. of Korea (S) Venezuela
Brazil Germany Moldova Russian Fed. Zambia
Cameroon Ghana Mongolia Rwanda
Canada Guatemala Morocco Saint Kitts & Nevis
Chile Guinea-Bissau Mozambique Saint Lucia
China India Namibia Saudi Arabia
XLIII Annual session 11

1. Non-member states / Official Observers (OOs)

Delegation Max No. Permitted Assignments
Holy See 11 GA1, GA2, GA3, GA4, GA6; ECOSOC (2); H R1, H R2; SP1, SP2
ICRC 11 GA1, GA2, GA3, GA4, GA6; ECOSOC (2); H R1, H R2; SP1, SP2
Palestine 11 GA1, GA2, GA3, GA4, GA6; DC1, DC2; H R1, H R2; SP1, SP2
2. Spokesmen / Lobbyist for Non-governmental Organisations (NGOs)
Delegation Max No. Permitted Assignments
Amnesty International 10 GA1, GA3, GA4, GA6; ECOSOC (2); H R1, H R2; SP1, SP2
Human Rights Watch 10 GA1, GA3, GA4, GA6; ECOSOC (2); H R1, H R2; SP1, SP2
3. Specialist Spokesmen for UN Organisations, Specialised Agencies and Organisations
Delegation Max No. Permitted Assignments
ECA (Commission for Africa) 11 GA1, GA2, GA3; ECOSOC (2); EC1, EC2; H R1, H R2; SP1, SP2
ECE (Commission for Europe) 10 GA2, GA3; ECOSOC (2); EC1, EC2; H R1, H R2; SP1, SP2
ECLAC (Latin America, Caribbean) 11 GA2, GA3, GA5; ECOSOC (2); EC1, EC2; H R1, H R2; SP1, SP2
ESCAP (Com. for Asia, Pacific) 11 GA1, GA2, GA3; ECOSOC (2); EC1, EC2; H R1, H R2; SP1, SP2
ESCWA (Com. for Western Asia) 11 GA1, GA2, GA3, GA4; ECOSOC (2); EC2; H R1, H R2; SP1, SP2
FAO (Food and Agriculture) 3 GA2, GA3; ECOSOC (1)
IAEA (Atomic Energy Agency) 4 GA1; DC1, DC2; EC2
I FAD (Agricultural Fund) 3 GA2, GA3; ECOSOC (1)
I M F (Monetary Fund) 3 GA2; ECOSOC (2);
I NSTRAW (Advancement/Women) 8 GA2, GA3; ECOSOC (2); H R1, H R2; SP1, SP2
I NTE R POL (Police) 7 GA1; ECOSOC (2); DC2; H R2; SP1, SP2
OCHA (Humanitarian Affairs) 8 GA2, GA3; ECOSOC (2); H R1, H R2; SP1, SP2
OPCW (Chemical Weapons) 3 GA1; DC1, DC2
U NCTAD (Trade and Development) 3 GA2; ECOSOC (2)
U N DE F (Democracy Fund) 3 GA4; SP1, SP2
U N DP (Development) 3 GA2 ; ECOSOC (2)
U N E P (Environment) 3 GA2; EC1, EC2
U N FPA (Population Fund) 7 GA3; ECOSOC (2); H R1, H R2; SP1, SP2
U N HCH R (Human Rights) 10 GA1, GA3, GA4, GA6; ECOSOC (2); H R1, H R2; SP1, SP2
U N HCR (Refugees) 6 GA1, GA3, GA4, GA6; H R1, H R2
U N ICE F (Children’s Fund) 9 GA2, GA3, GA4; ECOSOC (2); H R1, H R2; SP1, SP2
U N ICR I (Interregional Crime Inst.) 4 ECOSOC (2); SP1, SP2
U N I FE M (Fund for Women) 8 GA2, GA3; ECOSOC (2); H R1, H R2; SP1, SP2
U NODC (Drugs and Crime) 7 GA3; ECOSOC (2); H R1, H R2; SP1, SP2
World Bank 4 GA2, GA3; ECOSOC (2)
WTO (World Trade Organisation) 3 GA2; ECOSOC (2)
4. Panelists for the Advisory Panel on the Question of the Caribbean Islands
17 Countries 10 UN Organisations 5 Other Organisations
– Antigua & Barbuda – ECLAC (Latin America + Caribbean) – ACS (Ass. of the Caribbean States)
– Bahamas – I LO (Internat. Labour Organization) – Caribbean Tourist Organization
– Cuba – I MO (Internat. Maritime Organization) – CAR ICOM (Caribbean Community)
– Dominica – I PCC (Climate Change) – European Union
– Dominican Rep. – U NCLOS (Law of the Sea) – ICRC (Red Cross)
– France + overseas – U N DP (Development)
– Grenada – U N E P (Environment)
– Haiti – U N HCR (Refugees)
– Jamaica – U NWTO (World Tourism Organization)
– Netherlands + overseas – World Bank
– St Kitts & Nevis
– St Lucia
– St Vincent & the Grenadines
– Trinidad & Tobago
– United Kingdom + overseas
– United States
THIMUN Administrative Handbook 2011 12


The minimum and maximum restrictions on delegation size are as follows:


SC AND ECOSOC Member Country 18 18

Must be represented in:
SC with 2 delegates
ECOSOC with 2 delegates
General Assembly with 6 delegates
Special Conference with 2 delegates
All three commissions with 2 delegates each
Security Council Member Country (non ECOSOC) 16 16
Must be represented in:
SC with 2 delegates
General Assembly with 6 delegates
Special Conference with 2 delegates
All three commissions with 2 delegates each
ECOSOC Member Country 14 16
Must be represented in:
ECOSOC with 2 delegates
General Assembly with 4-6 delegates
Special Conference with 2 delegates
All three commissions with 2 delegates each
Standard Delegation Country (non SC/ECOSOC) 12 12
Must be represented in:
General Assembly with at least 4 delegates
The remaining delegates should be distributed across the other forums
i.e.Special Conference and the 3 commissions
Small Delegation Country 7 12
Must be represented in:
General Assembly with at least 4 delegates
The remaining delegates should be distributed across the other forums
i.e.Special Conference,and the 3 commissions
Non-member Delegation - -
One delegate per permitted
Forum (see previous page)

Meetings and Seating Assignment of roles and

When in session, each country delegation functions
will be allocated: Each delegation must have a nominated Head of
2 seats in the Special Conference Delegation or Ambassador. The Ambassador
2 seats in each of the three Commissions, for each country delegation must be present in
Security Council and ECOSOC the General Assembly and, therefore, must be
1 seat in each of the six General Assembly assigned to one of the six GA Committees.
Committees Each delegate must be assigned to a specific
Each non-member delegation will be allocated GA Committee, to a specific Council, or Sub-
one seat in each permitted forum except for those commission.
delegations permitted to have 2 delegates in the MUN-Directors are not allowed to coach dele-
plenary session of their permitted forum. gates during sessions.
XLIII Annual session 13


General Rules Registrar of the International Court of Justice
With the exception of the hosting schools, par- Executive Administrative Officer
ticipating schools may submit no more than 3
applications in each of the 4 categories (StOff/ In appointing the Secretariat General, the Board
ICJ/Press/Adv. Panel). Failure to adhere to this of Directors gives priority to students of proven
restriction by any school may result in all appli- worth who attend one of the schools in the
cants from that school being disqualified. All The Hague area.
students applying for one of the above positions
must complete an Application Form, together Assistant Presidents and Committee Chairs
with a formal letter of motivation and a letter The Assistant Presidents of the three Commis-
of recommendation from their MUN-Director. sions and the Special Conference will preside
These must be returned to the THIMUN Office over the sub-commissions when they are in
by the final closing date. Late or incomplete session and assist the President in lobbying and
applications will not be considered. in the plenary sessions. The Committee Chairs
will each preside over one of the six GA Commit-
I. Student Officers tees when they are in session. Most of these
The Student Officer team consists of the Execu- positions are expected to be filled by those who
tive Committee together with the Co-Presidents, have already held a position at THIMUN or a
Deputy Presidents, Committee Chairs and THIMUN-Affiliated conference as Assistant
Deputies in the various forums. President or Deputy.
All Student Officers must be thoroughly conver-
sant with Parliamentary Procedure and particularly Deputies
with the current THIMUN Rules of Procedure. In general, Deputy Presidents and Deputy Chairs
They must have a good knowledge of current are appointed in order to provide an opportunity
affairs as well as of the issues on the agenda. for younger students to gain experience. It is
They will be required to write a research report hoped that such students will prove themselves
and must be prepared to be actively involved in capable and will be available to serve again at
the lobbying process, coordinating the work of the subsequent session of THIMUN. Thus prefer-
their respective Council, Commission, Confer- ence will be given to students able to attend in
ence or Committee throughout the week. 2011 as well as in 2012.

In their letter of application candidates should II. International Court of

state which position and which forum(s) they Justice
are particularly interested in. The ICJ consists of 15 judges who will examine
Please note that students in their final year at 2 cases concerning legal disputes between
secondary school who have not previously member nations. Each case will be argued by
chaired at THIMUN or at a THIMUN-Affiliated advocates representing the parties to the dispute.
conference are unlikely to be selected. Each party in each case will be represented by
no more than 2 advocates. The Court may also
Executive Committee be called upon by any of the other UN organs
The Executive Committee consists of: to give an advisory opinion on a point of inter­
Secretary General national law.
Deputy Secretaries General
President of the General Assembly The judges and the advocates are independent
President of the Security Council lawyers and not members of any country delega-
President of ECOSOC tion, though the advocates may consult the de­
President of the Special Conference legation whose country they are representing.
Presidents of the three Commissions Advocates may also be called upon to act as
President of the International Court of Justice judges in the alternate case. Applications are
President of the Advisory Panel sought from outstanding students of sound aca-
THIMUN Administrative Handbook 2011 14

demic ability, with a capacity for independent IV. MUNITY Press Delegation
research, a good knowledge of international Press delegates, under the supervision and direc-
affairs and MUN experience. An interest in law tion of the Press Coordinator, are responsible for
would be an advantage but applicants are not producing the THIMUN conference newspaper.
expected to be legal experts. In their letter of The Press Delegation includes layout editors, text
application, as well as outlining their qualifica- editors, experienced reporters, photographers
tions and experience, candidates must state and cartoon artists. This team of young aspiring
whether they are interested in being a judge or journalists are busy in the mornings selling their
an advocate and suggest which particular case paper and are often the last people to leave the
they would be more interested in, preferably conference each day, when the deadline is met
giving a reason for their choice. The letter of application should include details
of the applicant’s journalistic experience skills,
Once selected, the judges and advocates are familiarity with word-processing, desktop publish-
expected to make a special study of the Statute, ing and/or photo editing programs, MUN experi-
Rules of Court and procedures of the Internation- ence and knowledge of current affairs. Applicants
al Court of Justice and Robert Stern’s Briefing are encouraged to send samples of their work,
Guide for participants in the THIMUN ICJ. Both e.g. articles, photos, artwork, or layouts published
judges and advocates are also expected to re- in school or student newspapers and magazines,
search the particular cases before the ICJ. essays or assignments in English, History, Inter-
national Relations, or Art classes.
III. ADVISORY PANEL ON Successful applicants are expected to be en-
THE QUESTION OF gaged in an on-line forum in the months before the
THE caribbean islands conference, contributing their ideas and work for
This Panel, consisting of 32 members, has the publication in the pre-conference issue of MUNITY.
task of drawing up a summary of the situation in
the Caribbean Islands and a plan of action for the MUNITY Online Delegation
region, in an open debate. There is a separate MUNITY Online is essentially a web portal,
form for applicants. All applicants must belong directed at people who are not at the conference
to a participating school and should be students and therefore has a different feel to it. It tries to
with previous (THI)MUN experience. show the outside world just what THIMUN is,
What distinguishes this panel from all other and what is taking place during the week.
forums at THIMUN is that panelists will be the
representatives of bodies as diverse as coun- Successful Applicants
tries, UN or other organizations. As such, they Students whose applications are successful will
will not only bring political and diplomatic per- be notified by the middle of October at the latest.
spectives, but in addition, economic, cultural, All Student Officers, ICJ members, members
judicial and environmental dimensions to this of the Advisory Panel and Press delegates are
forum. The purpose of the debate is not to draw expected to travel with and reside with the other
up a regular resolution, but a text that is advisory delegates from their school. THIMUN is not
rather than mandatory in tone. From this it follows responsible for their travel or accommodation
that the debate will also be organized in a differ- costs.
ent fashion. The rules and regulations are akin
to those of the Security Council; the APQCI Workshop for Student Officers
will debate in plenary sessions but might be All Student Officers are required to attend
divided by the chair in separate groups in order the one-day workshop held in The Hague
to enhance the debate. The quality of the debate on the Sunday immediately preceding the
highly depends on the experience, flexibility conference.
and enthusiasm of the participants to the forum.
Former APQ participants all agree that this forum Fees
is so exciting because the group is really in With the exception of the Executive Committee
charge of the direction, scope and format of the of the Student Officer team, all students holding
debate. individual positions will be charged the full
participant fee. No fee is charged for members
of the Executive Committee.
XLIII Annual session 15


2011 Conference fees

Delegation fee per delegation E 160.00

Participation fee per person E 220.00

for MUN-Directors / Delegates
Including Press and Student Officers
(except Executive Committee)
Includes lunches and a HTM Public Transport Conference Ticket

Chaperone fee per person E 100.00

(includes ID badge, but no lunches or
HTM Public Transport Ticket)

Community Housing fee per student E 100.00

(housing only)

Changes to Form II E 30.00

after 12 November 2010 per ID badge changed,
replacement ID badge after registration at conference (cash payment)

Publication Fee E 30.00

Financial Statement Deadlines & Cancellations

The MUN-Director and the School Administrator Changes / Substitutions:
are required to sign a declaration on Form I After 12 November 2010, substitutions for
acknowledging that they have read the page in students unable to attend will only be permitted
the Handbook concerning fees and cancellation on payment of an administrative charge.
costs and that they agree that their school is All changes and substitutions have to be sent
obliged to pay in full for the number of students to the THIMUN Office in writing. The cost of a
and teachers forecast to attend (see attendance badge change is EUR 30.00 per badge changed.
forecast on Form I). A final statement of numbers
and names of participants is required on FORM II
by 12 November 2010.
THIMUN Administrative Handbook 2011 16

From 12 November 2010 the full fees are due,
whether or not a school, or an individual partici-
pant, for whatever reason, actually attends. The
full fees for services ordered through THIMUN
are due as soon as the THIMUN Office receives
the appropriate form. Cancellation costs will vary
according to the date the written cancellation is
received by the THIMUN Office:

Housing per school:

after 12 November 2010 100% of fees / charges due

Cancellation of participant or school:

after 17 September 2010 100% of Delegation pre-payment
after 12 November 2010 100% of fees / charges due

Schiphol Pick-up service, ‘Stay Okay Hostel’:

before 1 December 2010 50% of fees / charges due
after 1 December 2010 100% of fees / charges due

Schools are strongly urged to take out adequate The Hague International
cancellation , travel and medical insurance. Model United Nations
THIMUN is not responsible for costs incurred by Account No.
individual schools or individual participants in any (IBAN: NL 14 ABNA 051 91 82 138,
of these areas. SWIFT: ABN ANL 2A)
ABN-AMRO Bank, Statenlaan 46, The Hague
Delegation Pre-payment Payment by Credit Card:
By 17 September 2010 at the latest, For payments by American Express, Visa or
a non-refundable delegation pre-payment Mastercard please use the appropriate form at
(including delegation fee and publication fee) of: the end of this Handbook. Please note that a
5% surcharge applies.
E 3,050.00 for a Standard Delegation Country
(12 students plus 1 MUN-Director), Checks:
E 1,950.00 for a Small Delegation Country If checks have to be used (see note on the
(7 students plus 1 MUN-Director) or bank charges below), then they must be:
E 1,070.00 for a Non-member Delegation 1 drawn on a Dutch bank in Euro and
(3 students plus 1 MUN-Director) 2 sent to the THIMUN Office (NOT to the
The remainder of the fees must be transferred
after receipt of the Statement of Account, which Bank Charges
is based on your delegation assignment(s) and Schools are responsible for the payment of all
the final number of participants. MUN-Directors bank charges related to the processing of checks
are expected to bring evidence of payment with and payment of fees. To avoid or minimize such
them to registration at the conference. charges, schools should instruct their bank to
transfer the money, net of bank charges, directly
All payments are to be made in Euro, and by bank transfer into the THIMUN account.
net of all bank charges (see below), by: Charges are especially high on processing checks
not made out in Euro or not drawn on a Dutch
Bank Transfer: bank.
Please clearly indicate the name of the school
and/or the conference number, which will Second Delegation
be given with your delegation assignment. Schools allocated a second delegation will be
If possible, the International Bank Account charged for the maximum number of students in
Number (IBAN) and the International Bank Code the first delegation and at least the minimum
(BIC/SWIFT) should be used to avoid unneces- number of students in the second delegation.
sary delays and charges.
XLIII Annual session 17


TraveLling to AND IN The Hague Accommodation

Schools are required to make their own arrange- It is important for THIMUN to know where all
ments for travel to and from The Hague. participants are staying for the duration of the
conference. Therefore, all schools must fill in the
Airport Pick-up Bus Service name of the accommodation on FORM II. This
THIMUN offers a pick-up service to and from does not apply to students from local schools
Amsterdam-Schiphol Airport to your hotel, the who are living at home. Please note however that
Convention Center or the Stayokay Hostel. this information on FORM II is for administrative
For further details, please see the relevant order purposes only and that all reservations and or
form at the end of this Handbook. changes should be made directly through ITO
For those not using the Pick-up Bus Service,
there are frequent trains direct from Amsterdam/ Community Housing
Schiphol Airport to The Hague. From Station A Community Housing program is provided for
Den Haag Hollands Spoor (HS), tram 1 (direction delegates from schools with special qualifications
Scheveningen) takes you to the Crown Plaza e.g. state schools, schools situated far away
Hotel which is a few minutes walk from the and schools offering reciprocal arrangements for
Convention Center. From Den Haag Central The Hague students. Schools wishing to apply
Station (CS) tram 10 or 17 (direction Staten­ for Community Housing in 2011 should write
kwartier) will take you directly to the Convention a letter of motivation to be sent to the THIMUN
Center. office by 17 September 2010.
Schools not eligible for Community Housing may
Transportation in The Hague area not make separate private housing arrangements
For delegates in community housing living in for their delegates with families in The Hague
outlying areas , and their hosts, a bus service or Wassenaar areas since such action takes
will be provided to and from the Convention potential beds out of the programme. Breaches
Center mornings and afternoons. Specific details of this rule may result in schools not being invited
regarding buses will be provided to all students to future conferences.
and families involved in the community housing
program. Late buses will also be provided after
the Friday night dance.

All participants staying in hotels and other

locations are expected to use the very efficient
public transportation system.

HTM Public Transport Conference Ticket

In cooperation with HTM the THIMUN I.D. Badge
with a special HTM ticket will serve as a public
transport ticket for The Hague area. The THIMUN
I.D. Badge + ticket will be valid for 8 days
between 22–29 January 2011.
With the badge + ticket you can travel on any
tram or bus in The Hague and Scheveningen.
THIMUN Administrative Handbook 2011 18

HOTEL BOOKING THROUGH Return Application Form to ITO 2000 by:

ITO SPECIAL 2000 12 November 2010 at the latest.
ITO Special 2000 is again able to supply hotel
accommodation to MUN participants at special Pre-booking for THIMUN 2012 will not
rates (see below). be possible until after the THIMUN 2011
Please note that ITO Special 2000 is willing
and able to reserve accommodation at special Payment: The total amount for your reservation
rates in any hotel in The Netherlands. Therefore, must be received by 1 December 2010 at the
if you wish to stay in a particular hotel of your latest
choice, which is not listed or if you are visiting – by bank transfer to: ITO Special 2000,
Amsterdam or other places during your stay in ING Bank, Colijnplein, The Hague,
The Netherlands, please make use of the facilities Account No.
provided by ITO Special 2000. (IBAN NL35INGB 0660 1245 48)
– ITO will send you a payment request through
Write directly to ITO Special 2000, preferably PayPal. On their secured web site you will be
by email (, or use the form at able to pay with the payment method of your
the back of the Handbook, giving specific choice.
details on dates and numbers. Do not send the
ITO form to the THIMUN Office. ITO Special For payment by check or bank Transfer there is a
2000 will reply with details and booking infor­ minimum surcharge of EUR 10.00 per check for
mation. Do not transfer the amount for your administration costs by the bank.
reservation to the THIMUN bank account Please quote Reference No. with your payment.
but directly to ITO Special 2000. All prices must be paid in Euro in order to avoid
problems caused by frequent fluctuations in the
We advise you to book as soon as possible currency market.
but no later than 12 November 2010.
Please notify ITO Special 2000 of any changes
All prices are in Euro per room per night, net to as soon as possible. The information about your
be paid to ITO Special 2000. Prices include accommodation on Form II is for administrative
buffet breakfast, taxes and service costs. * Triple purposes only and all changes should be confirmed
rooms might be double rooms with a third bed. to ITO Special 2000.

Hotel Location Single Double Triple

(e) (e) * (e)

Ibis Den Haag Centre 3* The Hague city centre 122,00 137,00 184,00
Carlton Beach 4* Scheveningen 121,00 147,00 173,00
Crown Plaza Promenade 4* de luxe near Convention Center 149,00 181,00 212,00
Bilderberg Europa 4* Scheveningen
standard room 121,00 147,00 179,00
executive room 138,00 164,00 195,00
Greenpark 4* Leidschendam On request
Golden Tulip Bel Air 4* near Convention Center 137,00 170,00 208,00
Hampshire 108 4* near Peace Palace 111,00 133,00 172,00
Mercure Hotel Central 4* The Hague city centre 176,00 203,00 on request
NH Atlantic 4* Kijkduin 84,00 105,00 149,00
NH Den Haag 4* The Hague Central Station 104,00 128,00 153,00
Novotel Centre 4* The Hague city centre 176,00 203,00 235,00
Novotel World Forum 4* Convention Center 166,00 192,00 219,00
Parkhotel 4* The Hague city centre 111,00 148,00 195,00
Kurhaus 5* Scheveningen 171,00 207,00 248,00
Tulip Inn 3* Leiden Central Station 68,00 84,00 124,00
Amsterdam Airport 4* Schiphol Airport 60,00 85,00 110,00
Amsterdam Centre 3* Dam square 100,00 125,00 185,00
Amsterdam Centre 4* Museum district 90,00 110,00 165,00
XLIII Annual session 19

StayOkay Hostel Den Haag

The Hague has a nice youth hostel located in
the city. Trams 1, 10 and 17 stop very close and
all go to the Convention Center.

The hostel, a historic building, has been com-

pletely renovated and the interior re-designed
as a youth hostel with all modern facilities.

There are 220 beds in total, in 2-, 4-, 5- and

8-bed rooms with showers and separate toilets.
As far as possible, the MUN-Directors will be
accommodated in the ten 2-bed rooms available
at the Stayokay Hostel. Please send your book-
ings as early as possible.

For organizational reasons bookings made

through THIMUN are for the week of the confer-
ence only. Bookings and payments must be made
through THIMUN. Further details can be found
on the booking form at the end of this Handbook.

Price: E 50.00 per night including breakfast

buffet, 3 course dinner, tourist tax, the use of bed
sheets and towels. Please note that the minimum
stay is 6 nights.
THIMUN Administrative Handbook 2011 20


General Behaviour are staying. MUN-Directors with students in

Although The Hague International Model United hotels are required to sign the Code of Conduct
Nations is an educational exercise intended for issued by the hotels through ITO and must ensure
young people, delegates are simulating the that their students conform to these requirements.
Councils, Commissions and Conferences of the
United Nations. Thus, for the period of the con- MUN-Directors are expected to be present in
ference, they must be regarded as diplomats and the Convention Center during most of the day,
ambassadors for the country they are represent- especially for any individual assignments and
ing, as well as representatives of their individual for the mandatory meeting on Monday and they
schools. This demands a high standard of per- must ensure that their students are present in
sonal conduct and behaviour from all delegates, their designated forums.
both during the conference sessions and outside MUN-Directors are also required to adhere
the Convention Center. to the dress code (see below)

It is extremely important for the continuing good Conduct in the

relations between THIMUN, the Convention Convention Center
Center, the City of The Hague and the local diplo- Formal dress, i.e. the kind of clothes that real
matic and business communities that delegates UN diplomats might be expected to wear when
behave appropriately at all times. Therefore, attending UN sessions, is required at all meet-
schools are expected to select their students ings. In order not to cause offence to other
carefully and not bring to The Hague any student delegates, national dress, military uniforms and
who is likely to create a disciplinary problem. armbands are forbidden. Delegates and teachers
This is important not only for the good name of must be courteous at all times to the Convention
THIMUN but also for the good name of the Center Staff and to the THIMUN Organizational
school concerned. School Administrators and and Administrative Staff, most of whom are
MUN-Directors should be aware that attendance volunteers giving up many hours of their own
at the annual session of THIMUN is by invitation time to serve the delegates.
and that this invitation may be withheld from Smoking is prohibited in the entire
schools unable to ensure that their students con- Convention Center and alcoholic drinks
form to accepted standards of adult behaviour. may not be consumed while the conference
is in session. This also applies to the other
Responsibilities and Conduct Conduct in hotels and
All students must be accompanied by, and are private homes
the responsibility of, the designated MUN- Students must remember that THIMUN is depend-
Director(s). A MUN-Director must be a teacher ent on the goodwill of families in the community
at the school, or at one of the schools from which and of hotel managements in being able to provide
the delegation comes. At least two responsible accommodation at a reasonable cost for dele-
adults (MUN-Directors or chaperones) should gates. A bad experience by just one family or just
accompany each group. This does not apply one hotel may mean the loss of many potential
to students in small delegations or in delegations beds for future delegates. Therefore, students
from local schools. These students may be accom­ must be polite and considerate at all times to host
panied by just one MUN-Director. families, hotel staff and fellow residents. A curfew
All students staying in hotels must be supervised of 11 p.m. is recommended for every night except
by their MUN-Director. MUN-Directors are required the night of the dance and there must be no noise
not only to stay in the same hotel as their students in hotel rooms after 10 p.m.
but must ensure that their room is located as close
as possible to the rooms in which their students
XLIII Annual session 21

Alcohol and Drugs

MUN-Directors are responsible for making and
enforcing their own rules for their own students
with regard to alcohol consumption.

It should be noted that in The Netherlands the

minimum legal age for alcoholic consumption is
16 and that many of the students will be living at
home, or come from homes, where the moderate
consumption of beer and wine is acceptable
social behaviour for young people in this age
group. Therefore it is impossible for the confer-
ence organizers to impose unrealistic and
unenforceable restrictions on alcohol consump-
tion outside the conference. No alcohol will be
sold to students in the Convention Center during
the daytime and only low-alcohol drinks (beer
and table wine) and soft drinks will be available
at the dance on Friday evening.

The use of any narcotic drug is expressly

THIMUN Administrative Handbook 2011 22


THIMUN-Affiliation links those MUNs, which Aims of THIMUN-Affiliated

wish to be associated with THIMUN and whose Model United Nations
educational goals, standards and quality of or- – To promote interest in and support for the work
ganization are recognized as being of an appro- of the United Nations;
priately high standard. – To promote interaction and dialogue between
THIMUN has encouraged the development of young people from a variety of countries and
THIMUN-Affiliated MUNs in order to give more school systems;
young people, for whom coming to THIMUN – To increase the awareness of international
would be impossible, the opportunity to experi- issues amongst young people;
ence and enjoy the benefits of Model United – To instil a global perception in young people,
Nations. It is, therefore, a primary goal of all focussing on the formulation of peaceful reso-
THIMUN-Affiliated MUNs to reach out to the lutions to world problems;
local communities in which they are situated – To develop the communication skills necessary
and to encourage participation by local schools to foster the international education and global
in their region. perception mentioned above;
To assist teachers and students in understand-
– ����������������������������������������������
ing the primary educational and philosophical
aims of the programme;
– To help teachers prepare their students for full
participation in all aspects of a Model United
Nations conference;
– To achieve and maintain a common standard
for participation among the delegates coming
from different backgrounds and from various
countries with differing educational systems;
– To standardise the basic structures and rules
of procedure used in the various conferences;
– To provide a means of sharing the educational
content of THIMUN with those who are devel-
oping their own Model United Nations and with
interested parties outside the MUN;
– To provide opportunities for teachers and
students in the field of current international

Conditions of Affiliation
– THIMUN-Affiliated MUNs must give credit to
THIMUN in their mailings, in statements in the
media, and on all documentation; this also
applies to websites: a link to the THIMUN
website must be included on the front page
of the website of the THIMUN-Affiliated MUN;
– Full acknowledgement must be given, with
the source clearly stated, for the use of any
THIMUN materials e.g. extracts/adaptations
from the THIMUN website, or the Rules of
THIMUN must receive copies of all documen-
– ������������������������������������������
tation relating to the THIMUN-Affiliated MUN
e.g. invitational mailings, handbooks, reports;
XLIII Annual session 23

– Affiliated conferences are responsible for

providing updated information to THIMUN;
– THIMUN-Affiliated MUNs must be evaluated
and accredited, at least once every three
years, by a member of the THIMUN Board of
Directors or a member of the THIMUN Advi-
sory Board. Arrangements must be made for
this person to attend the conference;
In the event of a change in the principal organ-
– ������������������������������������������������
izer of the conference, this evaluation will have
to be carried out anew;
– Unless the designated member of the Board/
Advisory Board is attending the conference as
a participant, THIMUN-Affiliated MUNs must
pay the travel/accommodation expenses of the
evaluator and, therefore, need to budget for
– Evaluation reports must be returned to the
THIMUN Office as soon as possible after
the conference. A copy will be sent to the
THIMUN-Affiliated MUN organizers;
In the event of criticisms or a negative evalua-
– ������������������������������������������������
tion, a discussion will take place with the
organizers with a view to making necessary
– All recommendations made by the evaluator
should be put into practice by the conference
immediately following the evaluation;
– Failure to comply with any of the above con­
ditions may result in Affiliation being with-

Benefits of Affiliation
– Recognition and accreditation by the world’s
foremost Model United Nations for secondary
school students;
Permission to use the THIMUN logo on docu-
– ������������������������������������������
Permission to use the THIMUN rules of proce-
– ��������������������������������������������
– Promotion of the THIMUN-Affiliated conference
in THIMUN Publications and on the THIMUN
– Assistance and/or advice from the THIMUN
Office in setting-up and organizing confer­
– The sharing of knowledge and expertise
between like-minded teachers and students.

Application Procedure
MUN conferences wishing to become THIMUN-
Affiliated should write a letter of application to
the THIMUN Board of Directors, giving precise
details of the conference.
THIMUN Administrative Handbook 2011 24

2010/2011 LIST OF

Contact: Mrs. Lamia Mazhar

Johannesburg Model United Nations (JOMUN), E
September 2010
Private Bag X4, Bryanston, 2021 Johannesburg,
South Africa Chennai Model United Nations (CHEMUN)
Contact: Mr. Lane Hunt 29-31 October 2010
E c/o American Int. School Chennai, 100 Feet Road, Taramania, Tamil Nadu, Chennai 600113,
Contact: Mr. K.P. Indra Simhan
9 October 2010
c/o THIMUN Office, 2e Van Blankenburgstraat Dhirubhai Ambani International MUN (DAIMUN)
119, 2517 HC The Hague, The Netherlands 28-31 October 2010
Contact: Ms. Irene Crépin SCL-5, G Block, Banda Kurla Complex,
E Mumbai 400051, India Contact: Ms. Sreemati Sen
Panama Model United Nations (PANAMUN),
27-29 October 2010
P.O. Box 0819-02588, Panama,
Republic of Panama
Contact: Mr. David Swartwout MUN of the Int. School of The Hague (MUNISH)
E 5-7 November 2010 c/o International School of The Hague, Wijndae-
lerduin 1, 2554 BX The Hague, The Netherlands
Royal Russell School Model United Nations Contact: Ms. Emma McCluskey
16-19 October 2010
c/o Royal Russell School, Coombe Lane,
Croydon, Surrey CR9 5BX, United Kingdom SHAPE Model United Nations
Contact: Mr. John Piggin November 2010
E c/o SHAPE American High School, Avenue de Paris, Bldg 706, 7010 Shape, Belgium
Contact: Ms. Millie Harris
Deutsche Schule Athen Model United Nations E
21-23 October 2010
Dimokritou and Ziridi Str., 15123 Amaroussion, Iberian Model United Nations (IMUN)
Greece 11-13 November 2010
Contact: Ms. Astrid Itter-Giataganas Carlucci American International School of Lisbon,
E Rua Antonio dos Reis 95, Linho 2710-301 Sintra, Portugal
Contact: Mr. Peter Andrews
Cairo American College Model United Nations E
22-24 October 2010
c/o Cairo American College, PO Box 39, Maadi,
1431, Cairo Egypt
XLIII Annual session 25

South American Model United Nations (SAMUN) International Monterrey Model United Nations
13-16 November 2010 Simulation (IMMUNS)
c/o Colegio Intl. de Caracas, PAKMAIL 6030, 17-19 February 2011
P.O. Box 025304, Miami, Av. Morones Prieto, km. 1.5, Santa Catarina, N.L.,
Florida FL 33102 – 5304, United States Mexico
Contact: Mr. Thomas Sweeting Contact: Ms. Marissa Aguilar
MARCH 2011
Berlin Model United Nations (BERMUN)
17-20 November 2010 Haarlem Model United Nations (HMUN)
Teltower Damm 87-93, 14167 Berlin, Germany 1-3 March 2011
Contact: Dr. Walter Peterson and Haarlem MUN Secretariat, Prinsenhof 3, 2011
Ms Karin Hövermann TR Haarlem, The Netherlands
E Contact: Mr. C.M. Blommesteijn E
Leiden Model United Nations (LEMUN)
19-21 November 2010
Fruinlaan 15, 2313 EP Leiden, The Netherlands American School Foundation Model United
Contact: Mr. Hans Prins Nations (ASFMUN)
E 16-18 March 2011 Bondojito 215, Tacubaya, Mexico City DF 01120,
Qatar Model United Nations (QMUN) Contact: Mr. Tim Marlowe
24-26 November 2010 E
P.O. Box 1129, Doha, Qatar
Contact: Mr. Cameron Janzen
E, Dubai International Academy MUN (DIAMUN) 23-26 March 2011
P.O. Box 118111, Emirate Hills, Dubai, UAE
Contact: Mr. Bertrand Fernandes
Paris Model UN (PAMUN)
10-12 December 2010
American School of Paris, 41 Rue Pasteur, Haileybury Model United Nations
92216 St. Cloud, France 25-27 March 2011
Contact: Mr. Ouriel Reshef c/o Haileybury and Imperial College, Hertford
E SG13 7NU, United Kingdom Contact: Mr. Michael Perrins
Turkish International Model United Nations
9-12 December 2010 Colegio Am. Int. Naciones Unidas (CAMINU)
c/o Özel Üsküdar American Academy, Vakif 31 March-3 April 2011
Sokak No. 1, Baglarbasi, 34664 Istanbul, Turkey P.O. Box 1701157, URB Carcelen, Quito,
Contact: Ms. Ruth Briddock Ecuador
E Contact: Ms. Renata Loza, Ms. Virginia Lalama E
Genoa Model United Nations (GEMUN)
24-26 February 2011
Via Bertani 6, 16125 Genova, Italy
Contact: Ms. Dina Kotelnikova
THIMUN Administrative Handbook 2011 26

Bath Model United Nations (BSMUN) Contact: Mr. Ryan Welborn

March 2011 E
c/o Kingswood School, Lansdown, Bath BA1
5RG, United Kingdom
Contact: Mr. Craig Woodgate Malaysian Model United Nations (MYMUN)
E 15-17 April 2011
E 22 Jalan Mont’ Kiara, 50480 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Contact: Ms. Heather Shepherd
Beijing Model United Nations (BEIMUN) E
March 2011
#10 An Hua St., Shunyi District, Beijing 101300,
JUNE 2011
Contact: Mr. Colin Aitken
E International MUN of Alkmaar (IMUNA) June 2011
Bergerhout 1, 1815 DA Alkmaar,
St. Petersburg Int. Model United Nations The Netherlands
(SPIMUN) Contact: Mr. H.P. Stein
March 2011 E
c/o St. Petersburg Gymnasium 157,
Proletarskaya Dictatura St. 1, 193124
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Contact: Ms. Natalia Rychkova, Mr. Igor Persianov
E; E Hisar School Junior Model United Nations
MUNESCO 8-10 October 2010
March 2011 (for students in the 11 – 14 age group)
c/o East Campus, 06800 Bilkent, Ankara, Turkey Hisar School, Uzunkemer Gokturk Beldesi,
Contact: Mr. Anthony Ladd Istanbul Caddesi, Kemerburgaz, TR-34077
E Istanbul, Turkey Contact: Dr. John Israel
APRIL 2011
Robert College International Model United British International School Cairo Model United
Nations (RCIMUN) Nations (BISCMUN)
April 2011 25-26 March 2011
Kurucesme Cad 87, 80820 Arnavutkoy, Istanbul, P.O. Box 137, Gezira, Zamalek, 11211 Cairo,
Turkey Egypt
Contact: Mr. Cyrus Carter Contact: Mr. Peter Carrigan
St. Andrew’s International Model UN (SAIMUN)
18-21 April 2011
c/o St. Andrew’s College, Booterstown Avenue, The European International Model United
Blackrock, Co. Dublin, Ireland Nations (TEIMUN)
Contact: Mr. Michael Allen, Ms Aileen Kerins 5-11 July 2011
E; E P.O. Box 41161, 9701 CD Groningen, The Netherlands
Contact: Mr. T. Hermans
American Int. School Model United Nations E
April 2011
P.O. Box 8090, Masaken Nasr City, 11371 Cairo,
XLIII Annual session 27

Patron: HRH Princess Mabel van Oranje

Board of Directors
Linda Dubock Fran Laughlin
Current Chair, British School in The Netherlands
Deutsche Internationale Schule Den Haag Peter Loy
Remco van der Zwaag American School of The Hague
Treasurer, HuygensLooNovum Karl Mythen
Fokke de Jong International School of The Hague
Secretary, Da Vinci College Leiden Alain Meidinger
Lycée Français Vincent van Gogh

Advisory Board
Martin Goff Cornelia Ohlig
(Chairman), Sevenoaks, United Kingdom Schule Schloss Salem, Germany
Michael Allen Walter F. Peterson
St. Andrew’s College, Ireland John-F.-Kennedy-School, Germany
Dennis Boyle-Woods John Piggin
(Emeritus) Royal Russell School, United Kingdom
Jeff Buscher Margaret Taylor
Beacon Academy, Philippines (Emeritus)
Anthony Calabrese Ouriel Reshef
(Emeritus) Am. School of Paris, France
Blannie Curtis Irwin Stein
Am. Int. School of Lisbon, Portugal (Emeritus)
Pamela van Driel Robert S. Stern
(Emeritus) TASIS England, United Kingdom
Didem Erpulat Jack Wyss-Lockner
Özel Izmir Am. Lisesi, Turkey Am. Int. School of Budapest, Hungary
Martin Kollar Jr. David Williams
(Emeritus) (Emeritus)
Hans Christian Naess Michelle Wren
Int. School of Stavanger, Norway Int. School of Brussels, Belgium
Andrew Newman
John Burroughs School, United States of America

Managing Director:
Irene Crépin
Assistant Conference Managers:
Tanya Keizer, Esmeralda van der Hout
THIMUN Administrative Handbook 2011 28


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