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Communication patterns are modes of communication that we use frequently in certain

situations or with certain people. Some patterns may be prevalent, that is, appearing in most
communications regardless of the situation, while many are situation-specific, that is, used
with certain people (friends, spouse, children, boss) or in certain situations (at work, in
conflict, in fear).

Communication patterns can include all of the following and much more:

disclosing,Self-concealing, Gossiping, Expressing emotion by yelling, crying, throwing
things, banging doors etc.

Communication What are the Three C of Communication?

Correct, concise and complete

Importance of Communication Study

1. To create and sustain all our endeavors e.g arts, play, aggressions, relationships
2. Communication demands our attention
3. It is the study of human activity
4. It provides us with insight and skills (ability to solve problems)
5. Communication helps us to develop transferable knowledge
6. Communication helps us to develop critical thinking skills, language skills and people

interpersonal communication, between individuals Messages may be verbal (that is,

expressed in words), or they may not involve words at all but consist of gestures, facial
expressions, and certain postures ("body language"). Nonverbal messages may even stem
from silence.[4]


Managers do not need answers to operate a successful business; they need questions.
Answers can come from anyone, anytime, anywhere in the world thanks to the benefits of all
the electronic communication tools at our disposal. This has turned the real job of
management into determining what it is the business needs to know, along with the
who/what/where/when and how of learning it. To effectively solve problems, seize
opportunities, and achieve objectives, questions need to be asked by managers.


FORMAL : This is the type of communication is used in professional setting with proper
conversation, no slang, manners are often used
Training in Formal communication takes place in school or structured classes. Instead of learning
through imitation, learning takes place through examination of the nature of communication,
interpersonal, small groups, and public speaking.

Formal Communication would be writing a business or other letter within the guidelines of that genre.
Such as a cover letter for a resume', or a thank you letter or note for a present received.

It depends on what you are talking about. Formal in English is like hello and informal is hey. You
would say hello if you were meeting someone important and hey if you were meeting a friend or
family. In different languages it is different. Another example, yes and yeah

INFORMAL : This is the type of communication usually used with family and friends, contains
shortened version of words, contains slang
Training in informal communication need not take place in class, we learn from imitation, trial and

Informal communication would be like having an online chatting or just having a conversation with a

Nonverbal content always accompanies the verbal content of messages. This is reasonably
clear in the case of face-to-face communicant. people cannot help but communicate
symbolically (for example, through their clothing or possessions) or through some form of
body language. In messages that are conveyed by the telephone, a messenger, or a letter, the
situation or context in which the message is sent becomes part of its non-verbal content. For
example, if the company has been losing money, and in a letter to the production division, the
front office orders a reorganization of the shipping and receiving departments, this could be
construed to mean that some people were going to lose their jobs — unless it were made
explicitly clear that this would not occur.

A number of variables influence the effectiveness of communication. Some are found in the
environment in which communication takes place, some in the personalities of the sender and
the receiver, and some in the relationship that exists between sender and receiver. These
different variables suggest some of the difficulties of communicating with understanding
between two people. The sender wants to formulate an idea and communicate it to the
receiver. This desire to communicate may arise from his thoughts or feelings or it may have
been triggered by something in the environment. The communication may also be influenced
or distorted by the relationship between the sender and the receiver, such as status
differences, a staff-line relationship, or a learner-teacher relationship


Whatever its origin, information travels through a series of filters, both in the sender and in
the receiver, before the idea can be transmitted and re-created in the receiver's mind. These
filters will determine what the sender of a message says, how he says it, and with what
purpose. human communication is "doubly relative". It takes one person to say something
and another to decide what he said.


Physical and cognitive, including semantic filters (which decide the meaning of words)
combine to form a part of our memory system that helps us respond to reality. Behavior
results from an interaction between a person's internal state and environmental stimuli. What
we have learned through past experience becomes an inventory, or data bank, consisting of
values or goals, sets of expectations and preconceptions about the consequences of acting one
way or another, and a variety of possible ways of responding to the situation. This memory
system determines what things we will notice and respond to in the environment. At the same
time, stimuli in the environment help to determine what parts of the memory system will be
activated. Hence, the memory and the environment form an interactive system that causes our
behavior. As this interactive system responds to new experiences, new learnings occur which
feed back into memory and gradually change its content. This process is how people adapt to
a changing world.[7]

Top-down approach: This is also known as downward communication. This approach is

used by the Top Level Management to communicate to the lower levels. This is used to
implement policies, gudelines, etc. In this type of organizational communication, distortion of
the actual information occurs. This could be made effective by feedbacks.


It is what we do. More specifically, one of the first means of communication we

exercise is verbal. All babies from every culture in the world make the same
sounds until they are around 18 months old. Then they begin to differentiate. For
the next four to five years, they use their speech skills to connect to everyone
around them.

It is some time after this that the phobia (irrational fear) develops. When
questioned, people will invariably choose public speaking over death as their
greatest fear. And, it makes no sense.

Every time we speak to two or more friends, we are public speaking. Every time
we open our mouths in a restaurant for anything other than eating, we are public
speaking. We do it all the time, and in total comfort. Yet, when faced with the
proposition of standing at a podium in from of a few people, we lock up. We
freeze. We go deer in the headlights.
The secret is not to picture your audience naked or other such ridiculous tricks.
The trick is to just talk. It is something we know how to do, and it is something
that everyone should have to do, if for no other reason than they would be able
to better empathize with those who do speak publicly.

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