Anda di halaman 1dari 3


No. of No. of Cognitive level Test Item

Content class items Easy Average Difficult Distribution %
sessions 60% 30% 10%
Mga batas na
nagpaoprotekta 8 10 (6) (3) (1) 1-6, 20
sa mga 1,2,3, 31,32,33 46 31-33,
mamimili 4,5,6 46
Importansya (9) (5) 7-15,
ng paggamit 4 15 7,8,9,10, 34,35,36 (2) 34-38, 30
ng produksyon 11,12,13 37,38 47,48 47-48
Karapatan ng (6) (3) (1) 16-21,
mga tao 2 10 16,17,18 39,40,41 49 39-41, 20
19,20,21 49
Pinagkukunang (9) (4) 22-30,
yaman 4 15 22,23,24 42,43,44 (1) 42-45, 30
25,26,27 45 50 50
Total 10 50 30 15 5 50 100
1. Know first your total number of items.

Total Number of Items = 50

2. Then total number of sessions

Total Number of sessions = 10
3. Distribute the Total Number of Sessions in every topic or lesson it should be equal to 10 since meron kang 10 Total Number OF SESSIONS

4. To get the Number of Items in every topic or lesson ito po ang Formula

Number of Items = Number of class sessions x Total Number of Items

Total No. of Class Sessions
Example First Topic or Lesson : 2 x 50
10 You have 10 item on your first topic.

5. Then to find how many Items you will Distribute in Easy, Average and Difficult this is the Formula
Easy = 60% Average = 30% Difficult is 10%
On the first topic or lesson you have 10 items
Easy 10 x .6 = 6 items on Easy
Average 10 x .3 = 3 items on Average
Difficult 10 x .1 = 1 item on Difficult

If ever you get a result with decimal point like for example 4.5 you will decide if you will give 4 or 5 items.

6. To get the percentage of items on every topic or lesson this is the Formula

Percentage of items = Number of items x 100

Total Number of Items
Example First topic or lesson : 10 x 100
20 or 20% from the first topic

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