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Assignment 1


I. Change the verb in the brackets into the correct form

Abraham Lincoln was(be) the president of the United States from 1861 to 1865. During
his time, he kept(keep) the union together during the Southern succession and the Civil War, and
brought (bring) about the end of slavery in the United States.
Lincoln bore(bear) on the American frontier in a log cabin in Kentucky. At 7 years old,
Abe moved(move) to Indiana with his family. Bears and other wild animals roamed(roam) the
forests. As in Kentucky, a log cabin provided (provide) shelter for the Lincolns in Indiana. Log
cabins sheltered(shelter) many Americans at that time and not signify(not signify) poverty. His
family was(be) as comfortable as most of their neighbors and Abe well feeded and clothed(well-
feed and clothe).
Abe’s mother died(die) in 1818 when he was(be) nine. A year later his father
married(marry) Sara Bush Johnston, a widow. Abe’s new step mother had(has) 3 of her own
children and brought(bring) them with her to the Lincoln cabin. Her arrival at the cabin ended(end)
the long months of loneliness that followed(follow) the death of Abe’s mother.
Education was(be) a problem for Abraham Lincoln on the frontier of 19th century America.
Books and paper were(be) scarce. Young Abe was(be) an eager reader and learner, and he would
walk(will walk) long distance just to borrow books. At night, he read(read) by the light of the fire
woods. Like other children of his time, Abe’s made(make) his own arithmetic textbook, several
pages of which still exist.
Though Abraham Lincoln had(have) less than a year of formal schooling, he
continued(continue) studying throughout his life and educated(educate) himself. He went(go) on
to became (become) a lawyer, a member of the United States house of representatives, an
outstanding writer and speaker, and of course, president of the United States

II. Answer the questions based on the text

1. What does the first paragraph tell us?
2. How was Abraham Lincoln childhood?
3. Find the vocabulary from the text which express the following phrases
a. The action or process of inheriting a title, office, property, etc. = …
b. A hut built of whole or split logs = …
c. A place giving temporary protection from bad weather or danger = …
d. Wanting to do or have something very much = …
e. Exceptionally good = …
4. In your opinion, why did young Abe get difficulty in getting education?
5. What happened to Abe when he was nine?
6. What did Abe effort to get better education?


1. The first paragraph tell us about who was Abraham Lincoln

2. Lincoln was bore in Kentucky, at 7 years old, he was moved to Indiana with his family and 2
years later his mother was died
3. The action or process of inheriting a title, office, property, etc. = succession
A hut built of whole or split logs = Log House
A place giving temporary protection from bad weather or danger = shelter
Wanting to do or have something very much = desire
Exceptionally good = exceptionally
4. Young Abraham Lincoln had difficulty in having education because on the frontier of 19th
century America. Books and paper were scarce
5. Abe was an eager reader and learner, so he would walk for long distance to borrow books

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