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Name : Hartania Yoanda Agustin

NPM : 1521110063

Class : VI A

Green Tea to Fight Cancer

Thesis Statement :

Green tea is a traditional Chinese noble drink that is rich in benefits, especially in
the prevention of malignant diseases such as cancer.

Outline :

1. Green tean
A. The origin of green tea
B. Types of common green tea
C. The content of the content contained in green tea

2. Benefits of green tea for cancer patients

A. Stopping the growth of cancer cells
B. Kill cancer cells
C. Prevents the formation and growth of new blood vessels in the tumor.

3. Rules of drinking tea

Green Tea to Fight Cancer

In the present era tea is the second most popular drink after mineral water. In addition
to the delicious taste of tea is also able to relieve thirst well as well as mineral water. Tea has
many kinds such as green tea, black tea, white tea, oolong tea, herbal tea, etc. But of the
various kinds of tea, green tea is the best tea. Green tea is a traditional Chinese noble drink
that is rich in benefits, especially in the prevention of malignant diseases such as cancer. To
know the prevention of cancer by consuming green tea, we need to analyze about green tea
more deeply.

(Hanzi: 绿茶 Traditional Hanzi: 綠茶 pinyin: Lǜ chá) is a Chinese script meaning

green tea. Tea made from Camellia sinensis tea leaves is produced in a different way than
oolong tea and black tea. For green tea, Camellia sinensis tea leaves are picked and subjected
to heating or dissolution processes to prevent oxidation. Or in other words means a drink
resulting from brewing the tea leaves. In the past, drinking green tea was a legendary thing in
China during Emperor Shennong's reign. A book written by Lu Yu in 600-900 AD (Tang
Dynasty), "Classic Tea" (Simplified Chinese: 茶 经; traditional Chinese: 茶 經; pinyin:
chájīng), is considered important in the history of green tea. The Kissa Yojoki (喫茶 養生 記
Kitab Teh), written by Zen Eisai priest in 1191, explains how drinking green tea can affect
the five vital organs, the shape of tea plants, flowers and leaves, and how to plant and process
the tea leaves. But over time, green tea is not only in production in China alone but has
spread to various countries, especially in Asia. So green tea is now also popular in Western
countries who used to be black tea drinkers.

Green tea also has several types, ranging from low quality teas to high quality teas, eg
Kukicha and Hōjicha. Kukicha is a low-quality tea made from tea leaves mixed with tea
leaves whilst Hōjicha is made with in gongseng on a frying pan or in an oven, Then there is a
sencha green tea. Sencha is commonly taken daily, made from leaves that are exposed to
sunlight while Kabusecha is a type of sencha tea which leaves protected for some time from
exposure to sunlight before harvesting so that the aroma kabusecha tea slightly softer than
regular sencha tea. Next there is bancha green tea. Bancha is a rough tea made from the
second harvest between summer and autumn that does not cover sencha tea while Genmaicha
is a bancha tea with a mixture of unmixed grains of rice (genmai) has the scent of half grated
rice grains. Bancha tea has more tea leaves than sencha tea leaves. Not only that, green tea
also has a kind of gyukuro and matcha. Which both of these types memliliki high quality. But
the difference is that gyukuro is the chosen tea of an upscale tea leaf called Tencha and has a
pale green color coming out of the tea leaves. The leaves are protected from sun exposure so
it has a very fragrant aroma. While Matcha is a high-quality green tea that is ground into a tea
powder and used for tea ceremony. Matcha has a fragrant aroma that is used as a food flavor.

In addition to many kinds, green tea is also rich in good content for the human
body. Green tea contains caffeine, of which Caffeine, 1,3,7-trimethylxanthine, is widely
distributed in natural products, ie, tea, coffee, cocoa and in addition to many soft drinks.
Caffeine caffeine shows a variety of biological effects that have attracted the interest of
pharmacologists and clinicians.
Caffeine is regard as follows Diuretic, Cardiac muscle stimulant, Central nervous system
stimulant, Smooth muscle relaxant, Elevates free fatty acids and glucose in plasma. Green tea
also contains antioxidants, such as vitamin C, vitamin E and -carotene. In addition to
antioxidative activity, these vitamins have anti-tumor effects and suppress aging. Commercial
Japanese green tea leaves contain vitamin C approximately 280 mg per 100 g dried weight.
By administration of vitamin C to rats, lipid peroxidation of liver was decreased. Vitamin C
has also antimutagenic effect. Japanese green tea leaves contain about 70 mg of vitamin E per
100 g dried weight. Vitamin E suppresses the peroxide lipid synthesis. - carotene has a
radical scavenging function which prevents skin cancer. Vitamin E and -carotene are water
insoluble matter. In order to ingest vitamin E and - carotene, eating whole tea leaves as
Matcha is necessary. Green tea also contains vitamin B complex which helps excitometabolic
action of carbohydrates and amino acids. And not only that green tea contains Flavonoids.
Flavonoids including more than 4,000 known individual compounds, are polyphenolic
substances isolated from various plants.
Beside catechins, Japanese green tea also contains other flavonoids, such as
kaempherol, quercetin, myricetin and their glycosides derivatives. Flavonoids are found to
have halitosis preventing effects, inhibition of lipoxygenase and phospholipase, inhibition of
histamine release, antihypertensive effects, antifungal, antiviral, antioxidative,
hypocholesterolemic and diuretic functions. Therefore it appears that flavonoids can
contribute the benefits of human health. Green tea also contains amino butyric acid (GABA)
and theanine as an anti hypertensive. It also contains polysaccharide as an anti hyperglycemic
and flourine as anti carious. And most importantly the content of green tea is catecins. Tea
catechins are responsible for the astringent.
Taste of green tea. Epicallocatechin gallate (ECG) 10% and - - epicatechin (ECG)
50%, - epigallocatechin gallate (EGCg) 50%, - epigallocatechin (EGC) 30%, - - epicatechin
gallate (ECg) 10% and - - epicatechin (EC) ) 10%. A variety of biological activities are
attributed to anti-oxidative, radioprotective, anti-mutagenic, anti-tumor, anti-hyperglycemic,
anti-hypercholesterolemic, fat reducing, anti-ulcer, anti-bacterial, bowel modulating, anti-
viral, anti- carious, anti-hypertensive actions and the inhibitory activity of some enzymes.
After knowing the various content contained in green tea, we can see a general
overview of the pertinent epidemiological studies on tea consumption and cancer prevention
in different organs such as bladder and urinary tract, breast, colon and rectum, esophagus,
kidney, liver, lung, pancreas, stomach, and uterus is provided. These studies indicated that the
green tea reduced human cancer risk in some cases. Catechins of tea are bio-antimutagens,
and reduced the high spontaneous mutations due to altered DNA-polymerase III in a mutator
strain of Bacillus subtilis (see figure left). Because of their antimutagenic activities, the tea
catechins show various anti-tumor actions, too. For example, catechins dedicated decreased
the number and the area of preneoplastic glutathione S -placental positive transfer of foci-
form in the liver (see figure left). These results suggest that the tea catechins have a
chemopreventive activity against cancer of the liver. More specifically, the content of EGCG
(crystal of tea catechins) and green tea antioxidants have 3 anti-cancer benefits: 1) Stopping
the growth of cancer cells, 2) Killing cancer cells, and 3) Preventing the formation and
growth of new blood vessels in the tumor.
The first in this discussion is EGCG can DOWNLOAD THE GROWTH OF
CANCER CELLS. Cancer cells form when our body cells no longer follow the normal cycle
of cell growth and death, then begin to grow out of control, resulting in a dangerous, even
life-threatening tumor-in various parts of the body. EGCG and other green tea antioxidants
act in a very specific way to prevent the growth of cancer cells-and most likely play a role in
at least part of the benefits of green tea as an anti-cancer. These antioxidants have proven its
ability to prevent the growth of cancer cells in several different ways. They decrease cellular
protein levels called cyclin D1 needed by cancer cells to grow well. EGCG also inhibits
enzymes that help maintain cancer cells in the 'cell cycle', to enable their growth. Because of
these actions, EGCG forces cancer cells to be 'trapped'-meaning to stop growing, usually
permanently.EGCG also increases levels of other important cellular proteins, which make
cancer cells more and more difficult to grow.
Then EGCG KILLS CANCER CELLS. In a truly promising development, EGCG is
shown capable of killing many types of cancer cells in laboratory conditions. One way in
which EGCG does this is by triggering the activity of proteins called 'pro-deaths' that make
cancer cells commit suicide. In one study, treating breast cancer cells with EGCG triggered
many deaths from them , so the researchers saw a considerable reduction in tumor size. In
other words, EGCG and other green tea antioxidants are not only able to stop the growth of
cancer cells-but also actively kill them. Lastly is EGCG can PREVENT ESTABLISHMENT
begin to form and grow in a tumor, this event is called angiogenesis. Angiogenesis allows
cancer cells to grow and spread more rapidly to other areas of the body by giving them the
nutrients and oxygen they desperately need.
Numerous studies have shown that EGCG prevents action of the growth factor
necessary to form and grow new blood vessels. In this way, EGCG prevents cancer cells from
growing and spreading rapidly from one location to another and attacking other body parts.
In one study, the tumors were treated with a strong green tea leaf extract containing
concentrated tea polyphenols (including EGCG), then it was shown that the new blood
vessels were substantially reduced and the tumor size was smaller.
To get the perfect treatment, need to note how the brewing and the rules of drinking
green tea so that no one to consume that can cause other problems. The first thing to note is
the perfect way of brewing. A perfect cup of green tea has a distinctive aroma, it is not too
bitter, weak, or watery-in other words, the perfect mix! Here's how you can easily and simply
prepare this health drink for you or your beloved family at home: Use 2 grams(approximately
1 teaspoon) of green tea leaves for every 6 ounces of water. Ideally you should use organic
tea leaves. You may use filtered, filtered, or well water from tap, but fresh unpolished cold
water is the best choice (avoid fluoride-supplied tap water). To make tea, pour water into a
kettle and heat it up to 70 - 80 degree C. Or, just heat the water to a boil briefly. Enter the tea
leaf into the teapot or cup, then pour the already heated water onto the tea leaf. Then, cover
the teapot. If using a cup, cover it with a lid or small plate. Usually green tea should be
allowed to be brewed for 1 - 3 minutes, depending on the type. Small tea leaves are generally
brewed faster than large leaves. remove the leaves by pouring the tea through a sieve. Whole
green tea leaves can usually be brewed 2 - 3 times, and produce a new flavor each time
The second thing to note is the rules of consuming green tea. Green tea as good as
its in consumption 2 - 3 cups a day. Because excess green tea can cause poisoning or liver
damage, so it should be no more than two to three cups a day. Then do not drink green tea on
an empty stomach. Caffeine contained in green tea when consumed on an empty stomach can
cause stomach upset. The last rule immediately after the consumption of green water. Green
tea is a diuretic, which can cause frequent urination. To avoid dehydration, drink water as
much as possible after drinking green tea.

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