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genetics ch3 Klug

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1. allows us to calculate the probability of any combination of 17. If two dice are rolled together, what is the combined
outcomes for any number of potential events.: binomial probability that one will be a three and the other will be a
theorem, based on the binomial expansion (a+b)^n to be used six?: 1/6 x 1/6 = 1/12
with pascals triangle 18. In a cross between a black and white guinea pig, all
2. analysis is used to test how well the data fit the null members of the F1 generation are black. The F2 generation
hypothesis.: chi square is made up of approximately 3/4 black and 1/4 white guinea
3. can be used to calculate the probability of an event that can pigs. Diagram this cross showing the genotypes and
be accomplished in more than one way: sum law phenotypes.: P1= DDxdd D=black and d=white
F1= Dd all
4. can be used to predict the frequency with which two
F2= 1/4 DD, 1/4 dd, 1/2 Dd
independent events will occur simultaneously.: product law
19. In a cross between a black and white guinea pig, all
5. crosses involving three independent traits show that
members of the F1 generation are black. The F2 generation
Mendel's rules apply to any number of traits.: trihybrid
is made up of approximately 3/4 black and 1/4 white guinea
pigs. If two different matings were made between black
6. crosses that involve a single pair of contrasting traits.: members of the F2 generation with the following results:
monohybrid rosses Cross 1= all black offspring
7. Cross that involves two pairs of contrasting traits: dihybrid Cross 2= 3/4 black and 1/4 white
cross Diagram each of these crosses.: Cross 1= DDxDd = 1/2 DD,
8. Cystic fibrosis is an autosomal recessive disorder. A male 1/2 Dd
whose brother has the disease has children with a female Cross 2= DdxDd = 1/2 Dd, 1/4 dd, 1/4 DD
whose sister has the disease. it is not known if either the 20. In a cross between a black and white guinea pig, all
male or the female is a carrier. if the male and females have members of the F1 generation are black. The F2 generation
1 child, what is the probability that the child will have cystic is made up of approximately 3/4 black and 1/4 white guinea
fibrosis?: 1 in 9 pigs. What will the offspring be like if 2 F2 white guinea pigs
Each parent has a 2/3 chance of being a carrier and a 1/4 are mated?: All white because white is recessive so in order to
chance of an infected child. So 1/4 x 2/3 x 2/3 =1/9 be white it must be dd so ddxdd =all dd offspring due to lack
9. During gamete formation, segregating pairs of unit in variation/dominant gene
factors(alleles) assort independently of one another. what 21. In a family of 8 children, where bot parents are
is this called?: independent assortment heterozygous for albinism, what mathematical expression
10. How many different types of gametes can be formed by predicts the probability that 6 are normal and 2 are
individuals of the following genotype: a) AaBb and what are albines?: P= [8!(3/4)^6 (1/4)^2] /6!2!
the gametes?: 2^n= 4; AB, Ab, aB, ab the 3/4 means that 3/4 will not get it. the 1/4 means that 1/4
will get it
n= number of heterozygous gene pairs n=8, s=6, t=2
11. How many different types of gametes can be formed by n!/s!t!
individuals of the following genotype: b) AaBB and what are 22. In assessing data that fell into 2 phenotypic classes, a
the gametes?: 2^n= 2 AB, aB geneticist observed values of 250:150. She decided to
12. How many different types of gametes can be formed by perform a x^2 analysis by using the following 2 different
individuals of the following genotype: c) AaBbCc and what null hypotheses: a) the data fit a 3:1 ratio and b) the data for
are the gametes?: 2^3= 8 ABC, ABc, AbC, Abc, aBC, aBc, a 1:1 ratio. Calculate the x^2 values for each hypothesis.
abC, abc What can be concluded about each?: a) 33.3 with an
associated p-value of less than 0.01 for 1 degree of freedom
13. How many different types of gametes can be formed by
b) 25 with same p-value above.
individuals of the following genotype: d) AaBBcc and what
are the gametes?: 2^1= 2 ABc, aBc
Reject both null hypotheses
14. How many different types of gametes can be formed by
individuals of the following genotype: e) AaBbcc and what
are the gametes?: 2^2=4 ABc, Abc, aBc, abc
15. How many different types of gametes can be formed by
individuals of the following genotype: f) AaBbCcDdEe: 2^5=
16. If one die is rolled and it comes up as an odd number, what
is the probability that it is a five?: 1 in 3
23. In one of Mendel's duhybrid crosses, he observed 315 round 30. To assess Mendel's law od segregation using tomatoes, a
yellow, 108 round green, 101 wrinkled yellow and 32 true-breeding tall variety (SS) is crossed with a true
wrinkled green F2 plants. Analyze these data using the x^2 breeding short variety (ss). The heterozygous F1 tall plants
test to see if the round: wrinkled data fit a 3:1 ratio: 108+315: (Ss) were crossed to produce 2 sets of F2 data as follows:
32=101 Set I: 30 tall, 5 short
423:133 Set II: 300 tall, 50 short
3:1 Using the x^2 test, analyze the results for both data sets.
Calculate x^2 values and estimate the p-values in both
yes! cases.: For set I, the x^2= 2.15, with p being between 0.2 and
24. In one of Mendel's duhybrid crosses, he observed 315 round 0.05. So one would accept te null hypothesis of n significant
yellow, 108 round green, 101 wrinkled yellow and 32 difference between the expected and observed values.
wrinkled green F2 plants. Analyze these data using the x^2 For set II, the x^2= 21.43 and p<0.001. One would reject the
test to see if the yellow: green data fit a 3:1 ration: 101+315: null hypothesis and assume a significant difference between
108+32 the observed and expected.
416:140 31. Used to calculate the probability of a
3:1 specific event occurring, given the
condition upon which the event is dependent. For example,
Yes! we would use this if we wanted to know the probability that
25. In one of Mendel's duhybrid crosses, he observed 315 round a plant will be heterozygous and tall.: conditional
yellow, 108 round green, 101 wrinkled yellow and 32 probability, chance that a plant is heterozygous=1/2 and
wrinkled green F2 plants. Analyze these data using the x^2 chance that a plant is tall= 3/4.........(1/2)/(3/4)=2/3! probability
test to see if they fit a 9:3:3:1 ratio: 315/32, 108/32, 101/32, = probability of outcome/condition, in this case heterozygous
32/32 =9:3:3:1 prob/condition(tall) prob= 2/3 tall heterozygous
32. a way to determine whether an individual displaying the
Yes! dominant phenotype is homozygous or heterozygous for
26. The location on a chromosome where a particular gene that trait: testcross
occurs: locus 33. What are the exceptions to Mendel's fourth posulate?:
27. parental phenotypes being blended in offspring is called codominance, incomplete dominance, crossing over with 2
what? Who suggested this?: Wallace and Darwin suggested genes on the same chromosome
it, it is called continuous variation 34. What did Mendel call what we now call genes?: particulate
28. a _______ shows a family tree with respect ot a given trait. Its unit factors
analysis reveals patterns of inheritance: pedigree 35. What did Mendel suggest due to his work on dominance and
29. To assess Mendel's law od segregation using tomatoes, a recessiveness?: discontinuous variation
true-breeding tall variety (SS) is crossed with a true 36. What is degree of freedom equal to?: n-1, where n is the
breeding short variety (ss). The heterozygous F1 tall plants number of values where each datum point may fall. So, if
(Ss) were crossed to produce 2 sets of F2 data as follows: looking at 2 observed and experimented values, n=2 so df=1
Set I: 30 tall, 5 short 37. What is the probability of rolling a die and it landing on
Set II: 300 tall, 50 short three?: 1 in 6
From the above analysis, what can you conclude about the
38. What is the ratio of a dihybrid cross when both traits for
importance of generating large data sets in experimental
both of the parents are heterozygous?: 9:3:3:1, 3:1 for each
conditions?: Most cases, more confidence is gained as the
individual trait
sample size increases; however, depending on the organism or
experiment, there are pratical limits on sample size. 39. What is the scientific cutoff point for p value?: p<.05
40. What is the true difference between dominant and
recessive genes?: the DNA code
41. What were Mendel's four postulates?: 1. Unit factors are in
pairs: 1 from mother, 1 from father
2. Dominance/recessive: 1 dominant allele, 1 recessive allele
3. Segregation: each gamete has 1 or the other
4. Independent assortment
42. When a die is rolled twice, what is the probability that one throw will result in a 3 and the other throw will be a six?: 1 in 18
if you rolled twice, think of all the ways it could go! So if it has to be 3,6 then there is only 1 option in 36 chances but if it can be 3, 6
or 6,3 there are 2 options! i.e. 2/36=1/18
43. When a die is rolled twice, what is the probability that the 1st throw will be a three and the second throw will be a six?: 1 in 36
44. When we assume that data will fit a given ratio, we establish what is called the ____________—so named because it assumes that
there is no real difference between the measured values (or ratio) and the predicted values (or ratio).: null hypothesis
45. With _____ traits, if it is recessive it will skip a generation and if it is dominant it will appear in every generation.: autosomal

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