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Chemistry of Vegetable Physiology and Agriculture.

Fermentation of Sugars by Bacillus Coli Communis and

Allied Organisms, I. By ARTHUR HARDEN(Ikans. Jenner Inst. of
Preventive Medicine, 1899, 2, 126).-The gas produced from dextrose
by Bacillus coli conzmunis under anmobic conditions consists of
carbon dioxide and hydrogen, the ratio in which these gases are
present varying from 1 :1 to 1 : 1.3. This gas, and that evolved from
autrienb gelatin under similar conditions, contain no methane. The
lactic acid produced from dextrose by tbe organism employed in
presence of peptone water was a mixture of I-lactic acid with a con-
siderable proportion of the inactive form, whereas in presence of beef-
broth it consisted almost entirely of the inactive form. A. H.
Bacteria which destroy Nitrates and their Action in the
Soil. By KRENZand MAX GERLACH(Bied. Cerztr., 1901, 30,
228-232 ; from Jahresber. Landw. Versuchs-Stat. Jersitzz-Posern,
1898-1899, p. 3).-The results of pot experiments with oats showed
that addition of carbonaceous food (a mixture of xylan, glycerol, and
sodium lactate) greatly increased denitrification ; fresh cow dung had
practically no effect in presence of nitrate. Peat does not promote
Cow urine greatly increased the yield of buckwheat ; addition of
carbonaceous matters diminished the yield ; but the loss of nitrogen
was much less than t h a t which takes place when nitrate and carbon-
aceous matter are applied together.
Farmyard manure (fresh and old) increased the yield of barley, but
less than nitrate. The yield obtained with farmyard manure and
nitrate was greater than with nitrate alone.
The conclusion is drawn that whilst fresh cow dung is without
effect on denitrification, farmyard manure which contains more or less
carbonaceous food, suitable for denitrifying microbes, may act both
favourably and unfavourably at the same time. N. H. J. M.
Chlorophyllous Assirnilation without Living Organisms .
By JEANFRIEDEL (Camp!. Tend., 1901, 132, 1138--1140).-By press-
ing leaves of spinach with glycerol, and filtering, a very clear, yellowish
liquid was obtained which contained the soluble matter of the leaves.
The liquid is not capable of assimilating carbon dioxide either with or
without light. The green powder obtained by drying similar leaves
at 100' was also found to be incapable of assimilation. When, how-
ever, the green powder is added t o the solution and exposed to light,
assimilation takes place. Similar results were obtained when the
glycerol extract was precipitated with alcohol ; on adding water and
chlorophyll to the precipitate the mixture was found to have the
power of absorbing carbon dioxide and liberating oxygen. The liquid
is rendered inert by boiling, N. H. J. M.

Are Lower Chlorophyllous Algae able t o assimilate Free

Nitrogen and to increase the amount of Nitrogen in the Soil?
By W. KRUGERand W. SCHNEIDEWIND (Bied. Centr., 1901, 30,
217-218 ; from Landw. Jcclzrb., 1900, 29, 771).-The results of ex-
periments with Xtichococcus (S), Chlorella vulgaris (5), C. protothecoides
(4), and Chlorotlzecium (6 varieties), which extended over 328 to 440
days, showed that no assimilation of free nitrogen took place. It is
probable that none of the lower algae can fix nitrogen.
Some groups of algae grew most luxuriantly when supplied with
organic nitrogen ; others thrive equally well in presence of inorganic
nitrogen compounds.
Algae under natural conditions are probably favourable to the
growth of bacteria which fix free nitrogen. N. H. J. M.
Influence of Nutrition on the Secretion of Enzymes by
Monilia Sitophila. By F, A. F. C. WENT(Yroc. I[. Akad. Wetensch.
Amsterdam, 1901, 3,489--502).-l'he mould Monilia sitoplda is em-
ployed in West Java for decomposing arachis-seed cake ; it also occurs
on putrefying bread and wheat flour and on dead leaf-sheaths of the
sugar cane. The mould has a bright orange-red colour, The pigment
dissolves in alcohol, ether, benzene, chloroform, &c., yielding golden-
yellow to brownish-red solutions with a faintly green fluorescence, the
absorption spectrum of which shows a dark zone, embracing the whole
of the blue and violet portions from about F. The pigment is only
produced in presence of light (the blue and violet rays); in light

which has passed through potassium dichromate solution, or a solution

of the pigment itself, the mould remains colourless.
As regards the conditions of nutrition, proteid substances and pep-
tone can serve as sources both of nitrogen and carbon. Tyrosine,
asparagine, aspartic acid, leucine, nitrates, nitrites, ammonium salts,
alanine, and glycine are also suitable nitrogenous nutrients. Urea,
hippuric acid, creatine, and caffeine are unsuitable. The best carbon-
aceous foods are raffinose, starch, dextrin, maltose, and cellulose ;
dextrose, Izvulose, mannose, and glycogen are less suitable ; sucrose,
galactose, lactose, arabinose, arabia, and inulin are still less favourable.
Other carbon compounds which serve as food for the mould are glycerol,
mannitol, erythritol, dulcitol, and in a slight degree ethyl alcohol,
acetates, tartrates, lactates, and malates. Fats are not good sources of
carbon but are utilised to some extent.
The suitability of a nitrogenous food depends on the nature of the
carbonaceous food present, and vice versa. Comparing maltose, glucose,
lactose, cane sugar, and glycerol, i t was found that maltose is best in
presence of tyrosine, glycine, hippuric acid, creatine, or leucine ;
sucrose is the best form of carbonaceous food when asparagine is present
to supply nitrogen,
The mould grows in both acid and alkaline media.
Fats are slowly decomposed by Mornilia into glycerol and fatty acids.
Gelatin is liquefied by the mould both i n alkaline and slightly acid con-
dition. Starch, dextrin, sucrose, and maltose are hydrolysed, whilst
lactose remains unchanged j cellulose is converted into a reducing
sugar. The carbohydrates undergo still further changes, as the mould
produces alcohol and various esters.
An enzyme, which the author terms maZtogZucass, is exclusively and
very unequally secreted when the mould is supplied with certain carbo-
hydrates. It is not secreted when the carbonaceous food supplied is,
for instance, glycerol ; in glycerol, the amylolytic enzyme is found and
this produces dextrose from starch. This shows that Duclaux’s view
is incorrect, namely, that when dextrose is produced by enzymes from
starch, maltose is first formed, the maltose being converted by a second
enzyme into dextrose. Maltoglucase is secreted in large quantities
when raffinoee, maltose, commercial dextrin, or starch is present ; it is
also secreted in presence of cellulose, galactose, xylose, and sucrose.
The secretion of maltoglucase is affected, not only by the nature,
but by the amount of the food present. The author’s results do not
accord with the view that the secretion of enzymes generally is a result
of the want of certain nutrients, and that it indicates a condition of
hunger of the cell. N. H. J. fil.
Chemical Composition of the Pollen of the Sugar Beet.
By ANTONST~FT (Chem. C‘entr., 1901, i, 903-901 j from Oesterr. Zed.
Zuck. Ind. Landw., 30, 43--54).-The dry substance obtained from
the pollen of the sugar beet was found to contain 3.6 per cent. of
nitrogen, of which 2.6 was present as proteid nitrogen, 0.12 as
ammonia, 0.4 as amino-acids and 0.14 as organic bases. Asparagine
and glutamine could not, however, be detected. The ethereal extract
(5.47per cent.) probably contained very little fat, but considerable
quantities of colouring matter and 1.57 per cent. of lecithin were

present. The composition of the pollen not cmly resembles that of

animal semen in containing lecithin, but also in containing
sodium chloride. 0.82 per cent. of starch and dextrin was also ex-
tracted from the pollen. Only a very small quantity of sucrose,
however, was detected, but the pollen contained 0.52 per cent. of oxalic
acid, present mainly as calcium oxalate with some alkali oxalate o r free
acid. Other organic acids are probably also present.
A comparison of the composition of this pollen with t h a t derived
from beet of different origin and locality shows considerable differ-
ences, especially in regard to the quantity of non-proteid nitrogen,
ethereal extract, pentosans, and ash. E. w. w.
Migration of Nitrogenous Substances and Ternary Sub-
stances in Annual Plants. By GU~TAVE A N D R(Compt.
~ rend.,
1901, 132,1055--1060).-The plants selected were Sinapis ulba as
representing plants of rapid growth, with oily seeds, and Lupinus
albus, which is of less rapid growth, and bas highly nitrogenous seeds.
Total nitrogen, amide nitrogen, fat, carbohydrates soluble in water
(calculated as dextrose) ; saccharifiable carbohydrates (calculated as
dextrose), and insoluble cellulose were determined in the seeds, in ( I )
the young plants and at the beginning of the flowering period (2),
when the plants were in flower (3), and at the end of the flowering
period (4).
I n the case of Xinapis, the soluble nitrogen represented less than
one-fourth of the total nitrogen i n the first period, but increased to
about one-third in the second period, being more abundant in the stems
than in the roots. The absolute amount then diminished, but in the
fourth period the soluble nitrogen represented 38 per cent. of the total
for the whole plant, and about one-half of the total nitrogen of the
Similar results were obtained with lupins, which, however, con-
tained high proportions of soluble nitrogen in the roots and stems,
even during the period of maturation.
As regards ternary substances, it was found that whilst in Sinapis
there was a decrease of soluble sugars in the roots, stems, and leaves
during growth, there was a regular increase in the case of lupins.
N. H. J. M.
Migration of Ternary Substances in Annual Plants. By
~ Tend., 1901, 132,1131-1134. Compare pre-
ceding abstract).-The roots of Sinapis contained nearly the maximum
amount of saccharifiable carbohydrates (22.79 per cent.) at the begin-
ning of the flowering period, the amount increasing to 25.74 per cent.
at the end of this period; the percentage amounts in the stems were
14.69 and 26.27 respectively in the two periods. The insoluble cellu-
lose in the stems increases less rapidly. I n lupins, the saccharifiable
carbohydrates remained almost the same (21-22 per cent.) in the stems,
but increased i n the roots and diminished in the leaves, and the amount
in the leaves is much greater than in the case of Sinapis.
After extracting vegetable matter successively with light petroleum,
dilate alcohol, hot dilute acid, treating with a cold mixture of sulpburic
acid (53 c.c.), water (25 c.c.), and hydrochloric acid (23 c.c.), and then,
VOL. LXXX. ii. 30

after dilution with water, boiling for 24 hours, a residue was obtained
which contained C 60.28 and H 5.80 per cent. (FrBmy’s vasculose con-
tains C 59.34 and H 5.49 per cent. ;range’s lignin contains C = 59-61
per cent.). The substance is practically absent in seeds of Sirzapis, and
is present only in small amounts in the young plants, but the amount
increases in all parts as the plants develop. I n the portions where
vasculose and saccharifiable carbohydrates occur in small amounts,
proteids are abundant. It is probable t h a t saccharifiable carbohydrates
are chiefly utilised in the production of proteids, and not in forming
vasculose. N. H. J. M.
Quantity of Pentosans contained in Fruits and Vegetables,
By CARLWITTMANN (Chem. C’entr., 1901, i, 959; from Zeit. landw.
Yers. Wes. Oest., 4, 131--139).-The quantity of pentosans contained in
a large number of fruits, vegetables, fungi, &c., has been determined
by Tollens and Kruger’s modification of Councler’s method. The
results are discussed and tabulated in the original paper. E. W. W.
Pentosans of Jute, Luffa, and Brewers’ Grains. By. A.
SCHONEand BERNHARD TOLLENS(J.Lccndw., 1901, 49, 21-28).-
Wheeler and Tollens (Annalen, 1889, 255,327) obtained only about
0.7 per cent. of pure xylose from jute, whilst according to estimations
by the authors, jute contains 17 per cent. of pentosans. Similarly,
C. Schulze and Tollens (Abstr., 1892, 1420) obtained only 1 per
cent. of xylose from lufEa, and about 5 per cent. from straw, the
estimated amounts of pentosans i n the latter substance being about
24-26 per cent.
The low yields of pentoses are partly due to decomposition during
the process of heating with acid, Whilst the direct estimation of
pentosans in jute showed a percentage of 12-70 of xylan, corresponding
with 14-43 per cent. of xylose, determinations in the solutions obtained
by heating jute at 100’ with 3 per cent. sulphuric acid, and at
125-128’ with 1 per cent. acid gave 10.35 and 10.97 respectively as
t h e percentages of xylose. By extracting the wood gum f r m jute
and converting it by Councler’s process (Chem. Zeit., 1892, 1719) into
xplose, 1.2 per cent. of xylose, [a], + 19.2’, was obtained, whilst by
heating the jute with 1 per cent. sulphuric acid at 125-128’, the
yield was 0.95 per cent. By the latter method, luffa yielded 0.63 per
cent. of pure xylose, [.ID + 17.9’.
Dry brewers’ grains when heated on a water-bath with 3 per cent.
sulphuric acid, yielded a solution which was found to contain 24.77 per
cent. of pentosans (= 28.16 per cent, of pentoses). The solution con-
tained 29.08 per cent. (of the grains) of reducing glucoses, which was
only increased to 29-50 per cent. by heating with hydrochloric acid.
N. H. J. M.
A Reserve Carbohydrate, which produces Mannose, from
the Bulb of Liliurn. By J. PARKIN (Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc., 1901,
11, 139--142).-The bulb-scales of the genus Liliurn contain, in
addition to starch, a reserve carbohydrate which exists as a sort of
mucilage in the cell-sap of all the parenchymatous cells. It swells up
and dissolves in water ; alcohol -precipitates and hardens it, so that

sections of scales preserved in spirit show each cell filled with a solid
block of mucilage, in which the starch grains are imbedded. It was
obtained, by extraction with cold water and precipitation with strong
alcohol, as a translucent, almost colourless, tough solid; it gives no
marked colour with iodiDe; it appears to be dextrorotatory. When it
is hydrolysed with 2 per cent. sulphuric acid, i t yields a sugar which
mas identified as mannose by means of its cupric reducing power,
rotation, and its phenylhydrazone ; the original carbohydrate may be
idebtical with the mannan of previous observers. It was obtained
from Lilium candidurn and L.aurcctum; probably the same carbo-
hydrate exists also i n L. bulbverum, L. croceum, L. dauricum, L.
Iancifolium, L. Zongtj-Jorum, and L.Mav*tagon. C. F. B.
Proteids of Seeds. By THOMAS BOEORNY (Bied. Centr., 1901, 30,
261-263 ; from Bot. Centr., 1900, 82, 289-306).-The proteids
soluble in 5-10 per cent. salt solutions are stored in the protein
grains and albumin crystals ; proteid insoluble in sodium chloride
solutions was not usually found in protein grains. P a t was never
detected in protein grains and is probably uniformly mixed with the
plasmatic albumin. Active proteid could not be detected in protein
grains, The whole of the proteid residue of the seed tissues, after
extracting the protein grains, dissolves in aqueous potash. The gluten
substances of cereals dissolve in cold or hot 70-80 per cent. alcohol,
a solution used in other cases for precipitating proteids.
Peptones could not be detected in resting seeds. Propeptone
(albumose) was sometimes found in traces, and may have been pro-
duced by the boiling in presence of acetic acid.
Asparagine, tyrosine, and leucine, which are widely distributed in
seeds, seem to be the last intermediate products in the formation of
proteids as well as the first decomposition products. N. H. 5. M.
Voandzia Subterranea. By BALLAND (Compt. rend., 1901,
132, 1061-1062).-.t.TbandxiQ subterrccnecc (glycine or haricot pistache)
is a widely distributed, leguminous plant cultivated by negroes in the
intertropical portions of Africa. The fruit is a pod with seed which
ripens in the soil like the earth-nut. The seeds have the following
percentage composition :
Nitrogenous Starchy
Water. matter. Fat. matter. Cellulose. Ash.
9.80 18.60 6.00 58.30 4-00 3.30
On the assumption t h a t the human organism requires daily 120-130
grams of nitrogenous matter, 56 grams of fat, and 500 grams of carbo-
hydrate, it will be seen that, allowing for coefficients of digestibility,
1 kilogram of the seeds will supply the amounts required of the
different forms of food. N. H. J. M.
Sugar as Food for Cattle. By FRANZ LEHMANN (Bied. Centr.,
1901, 30, 178-181 ; from Hannov. Land. Forstwilt Zeit., 52, No. 48).
-In 1885, Lawes and Gilbert showed that for fattening pigs, sugar is
equivalent to starch. The results of experiments with sheep made a t
Gottingen in 1885 gave less satisfactory results ; 100 kilos. of sugar
were found t o correspond with only 82-1 and 88.1 kilos. of carbo-

hydrates in ordinary fattening foods (compare Maercker, Abstr., 1885,

1149, and Henneberg, ibid., 1252). I n experiments with bullocks,
Holdefleiss obtained a n increase of 0.315 kilo. per 1 kilo. of sugar.
Maercker’s experiments with pigs showed a gain of 0.7 kilo. per kilo.
of sugar.
I n experiments at Gzttingen, 980.5 kilos. of sugar (third product)
were fed, resulting in a gain of 317.1 kilos. of live weight. The
results are not considered altogether satisfactory, because the rations
employed were not the most suitable. It is thought that if, for in-
stance, crushed grain, potatoes, maize, and dairy refuse, &c., had been
employed, less satisfactory results for sugar would have been obtained.
Feeding with sugar does not improve the quality of meat.
Albert’s experiments on this point are open to criticism, otherwise his
results mould have to be considered unfavourable rather than favour-
able to the employment of sugar. N. H. J. M.
Pig F e e d i n g Experiments with Molasses, Peat Molasses
and Palm-kernel Molasses at Proskau. By J. KLEIN(Ried.
Centr., 1901, 30, 280; from Milchxeit., 1899, No. 12, l3).-Grain (1
kiIo.) is equivalent to molasses, or peat molasses (1.25 kilos.), with
meat meal (0,125 kilo.); or to palm-kernel molasses (1.21 kilos.)
without meat meal. Considerable amounts of molasses may be given
if the amount is gradually increased. With pigs 39 to 8 months old
the amount can be increased from 150 to 1275 grams per day, or,
in the case of palm-kernel molasses, to 1200 grams. Peat molasses
seems to be the best form. N. H. J. X.
Pig Feeding Experiments with Sugar and Palm-kernel
Seed at Proskau. Ey J. KLEIN(Bied. Centr., 1901, 30, 283 ; from
Milchxeit., 1900, No. 20, 21).-In addition to maize and moderate
amounts of milk and whey, the pigs received sugar and palm cake, and
palm cake alone respectively. The food did not agree with the pigs,
but the results showed that sugar had a distinct effect on the nature
of the fat produced.
I n a second series of experiments, the milk and whey were omitted,
the pigs receiving instead a, corresponding amount of meat meal. The
results showed that sugar was favourable to fat production. The
iodine numbers of the fat were considerably higher in the second series
of experiments than in the first. N. H. J. M.
Chlorine Requirement of Buckwheat. By ADOLFMAYER
(J.Landw., 1901, 49, 41-60).-The experiments were instituted
owing to very unsatisfactory results obtained when buckwheat had
been manured with kainite. I n opposition to Nobbe (Lwndw.
Versuchs-Stat., 6, 118, and 13, 398), it is maintained that chlorine is
practically of no importance in the cultivation of buckwheat, and that
even moderate amounts of potassium salts, which, like the modern so-
called kainite, contain several equivalents of chlorine to one of
potassium, may cause great injury to the crop. N. H. J. M.
Plot Experiments at Jersitz-Posen in 1898-1899 and 1899-
1900. By MAXGERLACH(Bied. Centr., 1901, 30, 236-238 ; from
Jklwesber. Landw. Versuchs-Stat. Jersitx-Posen, 1898-1899, p. 44, and

1899-1900, p. 2l).-The soil of the plots, which are mostly 160 square
metres, contains N, 0.110; K,O, 0.102 ;CaO, Oa710,and P,O,, 0.1555 per
With barley, nitrogenous manure produced a decided increase, and
nitrogen as ammonia gave nearly the same increase as nitrate. The
percentage of nitrogen w a s in each case high for brewing barley, but
the grain was considered to be good for brewing. I n the case of oats,
phosphatic manure produced very little effect, I n 1898, owing to the
dry weather, kainite had very little effect on sugar beet; but there
was no depression i n the percentage of sugar even when 8 cwt. was
Nitrogen in the form of ammonia produced no after effect, in the
second year, the yield being less than when no ammonia had been
applied. There was a slight apparent after effect in the case of nitrate,
but this is attributed to inequality in the treatment of the land.
Autumn manuring with ammonium salt had no effect on rye, whilst
spring manuring with nitrate increased the yield. N. H. J. M.
Inoculation of the Soil with Alinit. By L. MALPEAUX (Ann.
Agron., 1901, 27, 191-206. Compare Abstr., 1900, ii, 498).-Pot
and field experiments with oats, maize, and white mustard are
described. The results accord with the earlier ones indicating that
alinit only acts in soil rich in organic matter by rendering available
the insoluble nitrogenous substances present. Consistent results were
obtained in the pot experiments, but on a larger scale the results are
conflicting, and the conclusion is drawn that alinit has no favournble
effect on ordinary arable soil. N. H. J. M.
Estimation of the Manurial Requirements of Typical Soils.
By MAXGERLACH (Bied. Centr., 1901, 30, 234-236 ; from Jahresber.
Landw. Tersuchs-Stut. Jersitx-Posen, 1898-1899, p. 30).-Pot experi-
ments were made in which barley, followed by white mustard, was
grown in six different soils, containing N, 0-030 to 0,257, and P,O,,
0.012 t o 0.173 per cent. The results showed t h a t the amount of
available nitrogen was in every case so small that nitrogenous
manures were necessary for the first crop. As regards phosphoric
acid, only one of the soils was much benefited by phosphatic manure
for the first crop; all six soils required phosphoric acid for the second
crop. N.H. J. M.
Conditions of Soil and Water in the Province Rheinhessen
in the Rheingau and Taunus. By C. LUEDECKE (Bied. Cenk..,
1901, 30,145-168; from Mitt. Lccndw. Inst. K. Uniu. Breskcu, 1899,
H e f t 2, 45).-Analyses were made of 500 samples of soil and subsoil
obtained from different geological layers. Besides determinations of
calcium (and in some cases magnesium and carbon dioxide), complete
analyses were made of extracts by hot dilute hydrochloric acid.
Mechanical separations were made, and the water-holding capacity of
the soils was determined. The results are given in numerou8 tables.
I n determining calcium and magnesium, the soil (2-25 grams) was
heated at 70° with twice the amount of 10 per cent. hydrochloric acid.
The extracts for determining the total soluble constituents were

prepared by treating the soil (2.5-50 grams), previously dried a t l l O o ,

with sufficient 10 per cent. hydrochloric acid to decompose the car-
bonates. The soil is then heated on a water-bath with acid of the same
strength (twice the weight of the soil). The filtered extract is evaporated
t o dryness with nitric acid. The different methods employed for the
different constituents are those described by Bieler and Schneidewind.
The absorption coefficient for nitrogen was determined in 50 grams
of soil which passes through 0.5 mm. sieves (round holes) with 100 C.C.
of a solution of ammonium chloride containing 1 C.C. of nitrogen per
C.C. The results are calculated so as to show how much nitrogen
(in c.c.) at a pressure of 760 mm. at 0' is absorbed by 100 grams
of soil from 200 C.C. of solution.
The results of a large number of analyses of river and well waters of
t h e same districts are given in tables. N. H. J, M.
Soil of the Experimental Field of the Royal University of
Bremen at Rosenthal. By KURTVON R ~ M K Eand R H. HOFFMAN
(Bied. Centr., 1901, 30, 220-224; from Mitt. Zandw. Inst. K. Univ.
Breskcu, 1900, H e f t 3, I).-Mechanical analyses of 85 soil samples
were made. The chemical analyses were made by Wohltmann's
methods (Abstr., 1897, ii, 463), with some modification. Addition of
sodium chloride i n evaporating the hydrochloric acid extract was found
t o be unnecessary.
The results of soil analyses are given in tables. The treatment of
the field from 1893-1894 t o 1897-1895 is described in the original
paper. N. H. J. M.
Losrses of Nitrogen in Fresh Uow Urine arid Cow Dung
kept in Thin Layers, Alone and with Straw. By KRENZ and
MAX GERLACH(Bied. Centr., 1901, 30, 232-234 ; from Jdwe8ber.
Landw. Versuchs-Stat.Jersitz-Posen,'lS98-1899, pb26).-Fr9sh cow faxes
kept at 16' on tlat plates, alone and with straw, did not lose more
than 3.1 per cent. of nitrogen in 10 days. In the case of urine, the
greatest loss was 3'5 per cent. in 3 days, and 14.8 per cent. in 5 days.
Thy results of similar experiments with a mixture of faeces and urine
showed a loss of 0.9 per cont. of nitrogen in 24 hours; in 3, 5, and 1 0
days, however, the losses of nitrogen were 11.6, '12.1, and 18.9
per cent. respectively. In presence of straw, t h e losses of nitrogen in
the mixed excrement were slight in the first 24 hours, and amounted
t o 20.6 per cent. in 10 days.
It was found that when fresh excrement is added t o older dung, the
production of ammonium carbonate is not quickened as might be
expected: the loss of nitrogen in 24 hours mas 0.8 per cent., and in
3 days 4.0 per cent. N. H. J. M.

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