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Comprehension Check

Complete the following items after you finish your first read. Review and
clarify details with your group.

from Nature

1. Under what circumstances, according to Emerson, does “mean egotism” vanish?

2. What does Emerson say is “the greatest delight” of being in contact with nature?

3. Under what circumstances, according to Emerson, does nature appear to be melancholy

and sad?

4.   Notebook  Confirm your understanding of the text by writing a summary.

from Self-Reliance

1. According to Emerson, what idea makes “every heart” vibrate?

2. What virtue does society demand, and what does Emerson recommend in its place?

3. According to Emerson, what is the “hobgoblin of little minds”?

4.   Notebook  Confirm your understanding of the excerpt by writing two sentences

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that summarize its key content.

Research to Clarify  Choose at least one unfamiliar detail from one of these texts. Briefly
research that detail. In what way does the information you learned shed light on an aspect
of the text?

Research to Explore  Conduct research on an aspect of the text you find interesting. For
example, you may want to learn more about Emerson’s abolitionist politics. Share what you
discover with your group.

from Nature • from Self-Reliance  209

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