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A good education is the base of a quality future; have you ever wonder about the

educational system in Mexico? In Mexico the education is dived in Primary Education,

Middle Education, Secondary Education, and Tertiary Education, through the years the

educational system has been struggling and many measures had taken place to reach new

objectives, in this essay we will discuss about them.

Primary Education encompasses children from 6 to 12 years and some of the subjects like

mathematics, Spanish, natural Science, geography and History are taught, although, the

basic education is compulsory, according with INEE (Instituto nacional para la Evaluación

de la Educación), 97% of children between 6-11 years goes to school, however most of

them do not continue their secondary education,

The Middle education in Mexico, in this field of education there has been more chances to

sing in, however a part of the students leave school in the first year, also this level of

education is divided in general and technical, a technical middle school gives you the

opportunity to study a technical career, like technical drawing, tailoring, electricity,

accounting, etc. in my own experience I studied in a technical school, technical drawing to

be more specific, and I got some knowledge that keeps helping me now a days, for example

mathematics and problem solutions in real life situations.

Now, lets talk about secondary education, which takes 3 years of studies and learners are

from 15-18 years old regularly, the same way as in middle school you can also apply to a

technical or a general school, however in this phase, at the end

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