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Republic of the Philippines

Departrnent of Education
Region X - Northem Mindariao TAilOOB
Anecito Siet€ Skeet, Mantic, Tangub I$r:' '
Fax (088)545-0304
tangub.cit\ ph /
L. S',-ttt*# {Wi

![o. 33, 3. 2018



To: Chief, Curriculum Implementation Division (CID)

Chiei School Governance and Operations Division (SCTOD)
Education Program Supervisors
Public Elementary and secondary School lleads
This DMsion

1. Pursuant to the attached DepEd Order No. 49, s. 2009 entitled Reiterating
the Reuised Rttles and Regukttions on the Teaching of Reli@on in htblic Elementary
and Secondary Sehoois.

2. The {ield is advised that the below - cited conditions/provisions be


a. No classes w"i1l be disrupted;

b. Schedules as to the date and time must be arranged by the School

Heads concerned ahead of time and must be reflected in the Class

c. No fees shall be collected from the pupils/ students and teachers;

d. No pupil/ student shall be allowed or permitted to attend preferred

lgligious instruction classes without a written Guardian/ Parent's

rr||rr- Rel@d1*, t,rc!,,sine @ur rfM^g fu5,7c duel:lor. fulds a shtng

Pupils/ students not receiving religious instruction from a particular
denomination should be under the supervision of their respective class
adviser during the time religion classes are going on;

School Heads/Principals shall fix the schedule of the religron class

hours taking into account the number of t] e religion instructors that
can be {ielded by t}re different denominations/religious groups at one

The optional religious instruction shall be allotted at least eight5i

minutes, spread over at least two (2) meetings but not more than tlree
(3) meetings in a week. In no cases shall the class periods be allotted
less than ninety (90) minutes per week.

h. The optional lsligious instruction and the values education (EsP) of this
department are separate and different. Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao is a
distinct subject per DepEd Order No.31, s. 2O12 {PolicE Guidetines on
tlw Implementation of Grades 1 to 1O of the K to 12 Ba.sic Edacation
Arriculum Effectiue SY 2012 - 20131. As such they shall be allotted
separate class hours.

It is advised then that a copy of the modifred Class Program of the grade
levels shall be forwarded to tlds office for proper monitoring purposes.
J. Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum to all concerned is enjoined.

Assistant Schools


rll_ll|ll|lr nal@a,.l, l,rd sT,g dttd. alffi^g fuslc -4,r?tloa bl./,i/ds a sao,,.c
3&4rbtir ot ri. gbitipDir.,
Eepertmeut of @Uurstion
O6FEO Comptet, Merslco Av6nur, pr.ig Clty P,shH

mY t tmm
No. {9 ,!.20$l

To: lrn&rrecrctarice
Burcau Dircctora
Rcgioaal Dircctcs
Schoots Didsnm/City Supcrlotcrdcntg
Dbtrict Supcrqistrs
Heads, Ptrrblic Ehmeaur5r and Scconday Schoob

f. fbr tho infwmatioo md guidancc of aI Jacrracd, thc lao\ridotr! of DECS

Ordcr No. 12O, s. 1999 on tlo abawmcntioned cubjcct ar. tcrcUy rrltcceaa as
a. Drclrauor of BolLt - It ic th doclrcd poliey of tbc Stetc in
coafomtty xrith thc Ear,detc of thc Csrrtitution, b GEcouratc .nd.
proEotr thc tlaching of rcligion to children in p.r.blic cleocntrry rnd
rcconddy rclroole wlthln the rcguler cler. hourt, For Urc Stat irB
coSlizeit of tbc vital rolc thet tha teachiag of religioa aacumcs in
citiztn forostion, particularty thc aolding of our yanth; Honec, tbc
r,6t* rqdat thc tBc...r:t, of Elitiota inqEuctioa oot Gly ia tbc
privatc echools but also in prblic schoole. For tlcr purpoice, thir
Dcpartu.(tt *ult povidc hqeundcr thc aechanicg to ariblc thc
tcschiry of rellion in all publii ctcrlcntary aod cecondary rchoola
ovcr the country, fuIl, asae b thc poctar tbat thc C@ctiqltim
prohitit! thc govcrurucnt Aron fuvoriag a prrticl&r crtalrilrhucot or
rdilion 6 eroldtitot thc froc clarci* .thaoof. F\rrtfrcrnct, thc
iaplcracntatioa of tiis Ondcr thould aot'cntdl additjoDd colt to thr
govErn ncnti

b. Cmrrjr - Tbit Ordcr atrall apply to dl public clcelatery and

sccondrry cchoola ia the Philippincs;

c. Dcidtloa of firrur * As uscd in this Ordcr, thc fonowing thatl


Rcligion - an iartitutiooalizcd E7Etcotr of belirdir, ettitudsr

and pacticco;
Values Efucation - the integration iat6 the schod
curricufum of univusally asccptod ao rrcll as Fitlpioo huaom,
eocial ooral, polldcal ecotronic rnd coltur.l rralucoi
Optioad rcll$our blEuction - rtferq to the rcUghn dasees
conducted in th. public elracntary aad accm&ry br
utudcntdpupila sholc parcnE oprEd to cr.rci* tbeir right
to rcqucst rcligious iastruction for tleir chil&en or waf,d.
The optional charactrr of religious instruction in public
ochools pertain$ as preroga.tive or choi€c of thc pareots or
guardians of the children, who are free to reguest or rrot to
rtqucst that the dril&e! urrder thcir carc bc instructcd in
tlre rcligion of their cnoicc. The principal or school head
shall accommodate said rcguest by providing or eourciag thc
necd€d teacher/instuctor. Howcvcr, in th. c{cnt said
tcacherlinstructor for thc choscn dcnMinatioa or rditioo
ehould bc unavail,ablc, ltcm g, bckrw, shall apply;
. RegUlar Claas Hours - rcfcrs to thc regular or noflnal
ichcdutcd pcriods o{ instructior or laboratory work for a
studc[t; and
o Class Period - the averagc length of tioe schcduled for one
Bession or instructional period in a counE,

fhc tt.ct trlhrtsletot! - Thc religious trachcrc/instructoE lrho

teach religjon classes in the public elemcntaqr ard hi8h sctroolE ehall
bG &rsrc-IJ_-solr$cd 9y rc*uitcd by the rrpo.cfu: principal or school
@.r4. in accordance with rhe correspon,lirg requcst for optional
rcligious instruction. After their desigration or nomination by their
reapective rcligioue authoritiea, said tcachrrs/iastructors sbail
subeit to fhe principal or sdrool hcad thcir prolrcr quthoriratioD
palrem and request for tirae ailocation and schedule for thc optionel
reli$ouo insruction. Ordinary tcachers tcaching in a ccrtain school
may dro teech rcligion in thc eemc o! enothcr sctnol during thc
pcriods whefl they are Aee from their o.dinary teaching loads, and
providcd they arc euthmized to do so by the cortrpct€nt religious
authority of thcir dcnomination;

nrddot of Rollgtour hrttrcttoa - thc tcachErs/instructors of

religion as rcferrad to in ltem d shail trc allocrcd to teach thoac
pupils/otudents whose parents or guardians havc o,pted to rcquest
that their children or wards learn religion in Bchool shsll be cmt*rcd
in writing by thc parcnt or guardian wbo shall likcrsisc accompliih in
full thc ncccrssy applicetion form. Ho rtudcot/prpil shall bc
allorcd or pcreittcd to ettcnd rtdigious.iartruction das*s wiihout
thc aaid xrrittrre applicatioa and duly ac{omplilhod r.q\rcst of his/hcr
parcnt or guardirn;

Th' Ajpllcrtlor - The application rcfcrr€d to in thc ner.t prcccditrg

pdagraph, rhall clurly indicate the faittr or religious instructioo the
studentlpupil should receive from thc authorircd rcligiar
taachers/iostructor, and the prcfcrred rchedule for rcligious

f,or-racilplat of Bd3lru llatruotlo Students not recciving

z,d. rcliBi,oug ingtnrction or thosc with request-but thcrc io no availablc
tcacher/instructor for thc pardculer dcnoaination rcqucctcd strould
be under t}le Bupervision of thcir rcspective claee advis€r during the
time religion ctasses are going on;
S!. .nd Oclrdulllg of RGllgtor! Clrna - lhe optional religious
instruction sha[ bc raught 4rlJlns_L.gllql Slas3 hours only and not
beforc or aftcr cl6es time, n6r duriagGm'6G:-milE claclcr
slrould not nuebcr morq than brbr strdsnt$ of the eadc lcrrcl and of
thc ssme religion, er(ept whcrc tlc rcligious authority ccrti$cs that
his teachcrs/inotructora can allorr for a bigger numbcr due to its
prarticality, availability of time slot/schedulc, iastnrctorc/tcachcrs,
clas3room matcf,ial$ arrd related Eattersi

Thc principal or school head ghall 6x thc schcdulc of thc rcligioa

class hours taking into ac@unt the number of tlrc rdigion
t€aehcrB/instructors that cao be fieldcd by thc diff€reDt
denorr.inat' OnS at onc tjrne.

i. Drrrh of n Utho ClEaaa - lhc optional rctigious inotnrction

shall bc allottrd at least ci3bty ttrinutc! a c,!cl9 sprcsd @cr at best
tcro {2f but not morc thsr tbrec (3} aoetings in uc wtrah, In no casc
. ehell thc claes periods bc albncd lccs tlran niscty (SDl Eirurrs pc( 90 arirr. a u.rrl
. (e a"4i rn "
j. OD(l3art notrar@. Ilrtruclror rli V.Ioil EdEGrt{o - The 4qr)
optional reu8ious ingtruction and the valucs educatior of dde
Dcpartdc"lt are sclrs&te, difialnt, and dirtinct gubixts. As such
they shall bc atlottrd sqraratc chrB bours and in no ca* rhall thcy
bc tah togetJrcr bf the studm.ts in onE ed the oanre dass pGr*S,'
PROVIDED, howwer, that if tlrc principal or school hcad cannot fmd
any availablc tinae glote for thc optional religiouc inetnrctioB in tbc
weekly clasr sciredule, srith conformity of thc rcligious teachers or
iEstructors, the optionel rcligious instructiod shall bc allottcd at lcast
tqro (2) of the pr€€€nt [v€ {51 time-slots arsigFcd errc!"y Beek to ValuDa

k. AAoIlt ts.tlv. Sucltulr - Any principal, echool hcad, or tcachcr

c,ho violatcs any ptotision of this Hcr *hrn, after duc procrat, be
suliccted to appmpriatc disciplinary aanctior.s.

2. llnE'cdiatc and wide diss€ininetioa of aod compliancc sfft thie Ordcr is


Rcfercncc: DrpED Ordcr: {No. l2O, a. 1999)

Allotment: l- -[D.O. 5e97)
To bc indicatGd in thc Pcrpctual lodex
unda th. foUowing subjccts:

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