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pankaj negi
Regi. 10807965
KHz. Since the output voltage from the
detector is proportional to the deviation, the
Introduction:- noise signal produces an output that is 1/10
(7.5/75) that of the desired signal. Since the
NOISE IN FM :- output signal is, in the worst case, 10 times
To broadcast high quality audio, FM greater than the output noise, the output
requires a much larger bandwidth than AM. SNR is 10 dB. Demodulation of the FM
Since noise increases with bandwidth, one signal increases the SNR by 7 dB. This is
would have to ask why FM is ever used. quite different from AM, where a  signal
There are two answers: with a 3 dB SNR still has a 3 dB SNR after
1.      Most noise is amplitude  
modulated, so a properly The inherent noise suppression ability of FM
designed FM receiver would be improves as the modulating frequency is
immune to this noise decreased. In the above example, if the
2.      FM, by its nature, has noise modulating frequency were limited to 5
suppressing characteristics. KHz, the SNR improvement factor would be
  30 or 15 dB. The noise suppression ability
To remove amplitude modulated noise, FM decreases with decreasing DR.
receivers have a circuit between the IF  
amplifier and the detector known as a PREEMPHASIS: 
limiter. The limiter is a special type of IF We know that the noise suppression ability
amplifier whose output amplitude is of FM decreases as the modulating
constant over a wide range of input frequency increases.  However, in speech
amplitudes. The effect of this stage is to clip and music, the higher frequency components
of noise peaks present in the signal, greatly are generally the low level components, and
reducing the noise level of the signal prior to they are more prone to the effects of noise.
detection. To improve this situation, the high
  frequency components of the audio signal
There is a noise suppression characteristic are boosted in amplitude relative to the
inherent to FM that improves its lower frequency components prior to
performance considerably over AM, even modulation. This results in greater deviation
without a limiter circuit. Consider a at the higher frequencies and better noise
broadcast FM signal with and SNR of 3 dB suppression. This process is known as
and a phase shift between the noise and the preemphasis.  A preemphasis circuit is
signal of 30 degrees. The deviation typically an RC circuit with a 75 μsec time
corresponding to this phase shift is 7.5 KHz constant. The effect of this RC network is to
for the maximum audio frequency (15 KHz). increase the relative level of a 2.12 KHz
The total maximum deviation allowed is 75 signal by 3 dB and a 15 KHz signal by 17
dB. In order for the demodulated audio to
sound natural at the output of the receiver, a
deemphasis circuit must be placed between
the detector and audio amplifier to attenuate the detector and audio amplifier to attenuate
the higher audio frequencies relative to the the higher audio frequencies relative to the
lower frequencies by the same amount that lower frequencies by the same amount that
they were increased by the preemphasis
they were increased by the preemphasis
circuit. The deemphasis circuit has the same
circuit. The deemphasis circuit has the same time constant as its preemphasis counterpart
time constant as its preemphasis counterpart to ensure that the resulting audio has a
to ensure that the resulting audio has a natural frequency distribution.
natural frequency distribution.  
The diagram below shows typical
preemphasis and deemphasis circuits.  


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