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Articulation of competence

Strategic Mobilizer

Henry Sanchez

LDRS 595

Dr. Barron

September 15, 2018


Evidence of knowledge acquisition:

As I l evaluate the competency of a strategic mobilizer, the first thing that comes to my mind is

one with the capability to gather the resources he needs to accomplish a goal or task. What I

mean by gathering resources is the leader himself has a clear perspective of what he wants to ac-

complish, so in doing so he identifies the right potential, gathers the right people, and resources

to accomplish the plan of a department or organization. What the strategic mobilizer does is he

observes the potential in others that will benefit the accomplishment of the plan and he inspires

and gives vision to his followers to get the job done.

Interpretation of Knowledge:

When I come to an understanding and think of a theory that connects strongly with a strategic

mobilizer I think of the Path-Goal Theory, where the leader motivates followers to accomplish a

designated plan or goal. According to Northouse (2016) notes, “Path-Goal Theory emphasizes

the relationship between the leaders style and the characteristics of the followers and the organi-

zational setting”(p.115). The strategic mobilizer delegates and allows others to take a leadership

role and to utilized their strengths and experiences to accomplish the mission a goal or plan. So

as a strategic mobilizer organizes himself, others, and the resources to get things accomplished

the leader will have followers that are confident in their performance and motivated to accom-

plish the plan of the organization.

Creation of New Knowledge:

As I entered into my Master's in leadership, honesty it was my personal goal that I wanted to

achieve in life, but at the same time to develop a leadership skill set to help me to be more effi-

cient on my job and to help me lead more effectively amongst my colleagues and those that I was

leading. As I reflect back in taking Leadership 516, there was a question that was asked, “who

are you as a leader, and how has God called you to lead” to me this was profound and quite im-

pactful in my life because many times I would model myself after other leaders. But I

had to dig down deep and ask myself and identify what gifts, talents, and potential do I possess

as I lead and influence others around me. And coming into MAiL, Ive developed a better per-

spective of what strategic mobilizer is, a who develops a strategy to accomplish vision or mis-


The concepts and theories that I've learned in the program such as the Path-Goal Theory

have allowed me to see through a different perspective, opposed to when first began my masters.

The leadership theories, concepts, and experiences has made available to me a leadership tool

belt as a strategic mobilizer in my leadership here at Azusa Pacific University, to be more orga-

nized myself in gathering the information, strategizing processes, communicating to others, and

providing efficient resources to complete the mission of the department. Also in leading a team

of 45 student employee, I have discovered my strengths and have learned to strategically utilize

them more efficiently as leader. My strengths are connectedness, belief, includer, relator, and

communication. I am assimilating, I gather the information, analyze the information by building

the big picture, and like planning out my next move.

Application of knowledge:

While being MAiL for the last 3 years, I have definitely had opportunities to apply and op-

erate under the competency of a strategic mobilizer. Currently I work for Facilities management

here at Azusa Pacific University, my responsibility is to manage and supervise a student em-

ployee staff currently of about 45 student employees. In my job description, I interview, con-

duct training, schedule worker's, create work schedules, take care of all the time and payroll re-

sponsibilities for student employees. Also in my job responsibilities, the competency of a strate-

gic mobilizer does come into action, every day when I come to campus with a plan and goal that

I want to accomplish and I have a team I equip and send out to accomplish this goal which is to

create a clean and safe environment for our community, customers, and visitors who visit our


In addition, operating a strategic mobilizer is important to stay organized in how I plan

shifts, time, and communicate clearly the objectives and goals for each day to my student em-

ployees. I utilize technology to my advancement to communicate the scheduling, training, and

for communication for advancement of my departments mission and goals. Secondly, it is cru-

cial in how I organize my student employees to handle for the custodial maintenance on the cam-

pus as far as restrooms, clean up after events, and trash pickup around campus. The organization

of these tasks are very important to make sure that communication with my employees is

clear, they receive proper training, and have the resources they need to accomplish their tasks

and goals for the Department.

Furthermore, there is one paper and a project that myself and my class group was involved in

that have implementation of a strategic mobilizer. First I wrote a paper “Final Action Research

Report” in LDRS 593 which located in Appendix I, basically me and my group chose to gain in-

sight into employee motivation and relationships to leadership in a Christian Organization. This

project allowed as a team to strategically mobilize to together using our strengths and potential to

perform the research study needed to the motivation factors in a Christian Organization. Sec-

ondly, I have submitted a slide presentation from my LDRS 510 class, were we formed a con-

sulting group to articulate a business and financial plan for a non-profit business “Hodos” located

in St. Petersburg, Russia. There was a group of seven of us, and in this project I can see where is

the strategic mobilizer comes into play, with each of us having are certain strengths and gifts po-

sitioned in the right areas whether it was financial, marketing, and technology to create processes

so that we can meet the goals and request of this organization.

Creation of new knowledge:

In pursuing growth in this area of strategic mobilizer, I believe it’s important for me to

identify the opportunities in the future where I can utilize all my strengths, tools, and abilities in

leadership to assist others and my organization. As I think specifically about my leadership and

being a strategic mobilizer, I want to continue to position myself for a place of leader to assist

and sustain my organization here at Azusa Pacific University. By equipping and guiding others

toward achieving the goals through by implementing and improving processes for my organiza-

tion growth. As connectedness being one of my strengths, I find fulfillment bringing people and

processes together to accomplish a goal. At the current time I am me lead supervisor for my de-

partment of facilities management, but I am confident and see potential for growth and advance-

ment in my department to where I can use the strategic competency to benefit my department. I

would like to see myself step into a more higher leadership position within the next two years.

Moreover within the timeframe of two years, first I like to continue to progress in the ca-

pacity of the strategic mobilizer as I assist my leadership accomplish it’s goals. Secondly, to play

more of a leadership role in making hard decisions and Corrections to bring improvement in val-

uing our staff, providing resources, improving processes, and accomplishing efficient goals in

our organization. Thirdly, In making changes and bringing improvement to improve processes

and completing goals, I have learned in my experience that communication is key in making sure

that myself as well as my team I am leading is on the same page in what are aiming to accom-

plish. And lastly, in pursuing growth in the leadership of strategic mobilizer, I have to continue

refresh myself with information, learning, and new processes to me grow, continue to be orga-

nized, lead others, and be efficient as a leader.

In conclusion, the competency of a strategic mobile in the position of employment here at

Azusa Pacific University as I lead a team of employees. In articulating a plan and processes to

accomplish a goal. And organizing and bringing the resources together as far as the potential of

people, working resources, and communicating information needed to execute the plan and

achieve our mission for organization as a team.


Northouse, P. G. (2015). Leadership: theory and practice. Seventh edition. Los Angeles: SAGE

Publications, Inc.

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