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Legs and Body-

Make 2: Using brown

Round 1: Create a magic circle with 6 SC

Round 2: SC INC in each stitch (12)

Round 3: SC in the first stitch, SC INC in the next stitch, rpt around

Round 4: SC in the first 2 stitches, SC INC in the next stitch, rpt around

Round 5: SC in the first 3 stitches, SC INC in the next stitch, rpt around

Round 6: SC around in the back loops only (30)

Rounds 7-8: SC around (30)

Round 9: SC in the first 9 stitches, INV DEC 6 times, SC in the last 9

stitches (24)

Round 10: SC in the first 6 stitches, INV DEC 6 times, SC in the last 6
stitches (18) Change to color for overalls

Rounds 11-24: SC around (18)

Fasten off (do not fasten off at the end of the 2nd leg, see below)

(At the end of Round 24 on the 2nd leg, complete a SC in each of the
next 6 stitches (this will line up your legs to be straight when we join.
Round 25 joins the legs together and starts the body)

Round 25: Chain 3 and attach to the first leg with a SC (make sure
both of your feet are facing the same direction), SC in the remaining
stitches around the leg, when you reach the chain make a SC across
each of the 3 chains, SC in the remaining stitches of the next leg and
SC across each of the 3 chains (you will have SC on both sides of the
3 chains now) (42 SC)

This completes your join and is where your next round will start.

Rounds 26-40: SC around (42) Change to shirt color

Round 41: SC around (42)

Round 42: SC in the first 5 stitches, INV DEC, rpt around (36)

Round 43: SC in the first 4 stitches, INV DEC, rpt around (30)

Round 44: SC around (30) Change to beige

Round 45: SC in the first 3 stitches, INV DEC, rpt around (24)

Rounds 46-47: SC around (24)

Fasten off and leave a long tail for sewing

With beige

Round 1: Create a magic circle with 6 SC

Round 2: SC INC in each stitch around (12)

Round 3: SC in the first stitch, SC INC in the next, rpt around (18)

Round 4: SC in the first 2 stitches, SC INC in the next, rpt around (24)

Round 5: SC in the first 3 stitches, SC INC in the next, rpt around (30)

Round 6: SC in the first 4 stitches, SC INC in the next, rpt around (36)

Round 7: SC in the first 5 stitches, SC INC in the next, rpt around (42)

Round 8: SC in the first 6 stitches, SC INC in the next, rpt around (48)

Round 9: SC in the first 7 stitches, SC INC in the next, rpt around (54)

Rounds 10-18: SC around (54)

Note: Here is where we will add the eyes before we start closing the
head. Insert the eyes between rows 16 and 17, 7 stitches apart.

(Optional: Sew on eyelashes before fastening the back of your eyes)

*Stuff your head firmly as you go.

Round 19: SC in the first 7 stitches, INV DEC in the next, rpt around

Round 20: SC in the first 6 stitches, INV DEC in the next, rpt around

Round 21: SC in the first 5 stitches, INV DEC in the next, rpt around

Round 22: SC in the first 4 stitches, INV DEC in the next, rpt around

Round 23: SC in the first 3 stitches, INV DEC in the next, rpt around
(24) *Continue to stuff the head firmly

Round 24: SC in the first 2 stitches, INV DEC in the next, rpt around

Round 25: SC in the first stitch, INV DEC in the next, rpt around (12)

Round 26: INV DEC around (6)

Fasten off and sew remaining part closed, weave in your end

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With beige

Round 1: Create a magic circle with 6 SC

Round 2: SC INC in each stitch (12)

Rounds 3-4: SC around (12)

Round 5: SC in the first stitch, SC INC in the next, repeat around (18)

Round 6: SC around (18)

Round 7: SC in the first 6 stitches, SC INC in the next 6 stitches, and

SC in each of the last 6 stitches (24)

Fasten off leaving a long tail for sewing

Take your black yarn and tapestry needle; make a ‘V’ and pass
through across as shown below. Pass through a few more times from
the bottom center to the top until your nose is filled in:

Spine Hat-
With brown and 5 mm crochet hook (this is the only piece of this
pattern that will use the bigger size hook)

This part will be made as a hat that we will sew onto the head to be the
spines. We will be joining each round with a slip stitch as we go. The
ch 1 in each row does not count as the first stitch.

Round 1: Create a magic circle with 8 HDC, join with a sl st to the first
HDC, ch 1

Round 2: HDC INC in each stitch, join with a sl st, ch 1 (16)

Round 3: HDC in the first stitch, HDC INC in the next, repeat around
and join with a sl st, ch 1 (24)

Round 4: HDC in the first 2 stitches, HDC INC in the next, repeat
around and join with a sl st, ch 1 (32)

Round 5: HDC in the first 3 stitches, HDC INC in the next, repeat
around and join with a sl st, ch 1 (40)

Rounds 6-9: HDC around, join with a sl st (40)

Fasten off leaving a long tail to sew onto the head

Make a slip knot and attach to the top of your hat with a slip stitch, ch
10 skip a post/stitch and slip stitch into the next post/stitch. This
creates the first spine, continue around and then down to the next until
you reach the 8th round of the hat.

Fasten off and weave in ends

Bow- (For girl)
Ch 15

Row 1: HDC in the 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across, ch 1 and

Row 2: HDC across (14)

Fasten off leaving a long tail for sewing

Using your tail whip stitch the two ends together to make a tube
(pictures below), placing your sewn side in the middle wrap your yarn
tightly around the middle 3-4 times to form your bow. Secure it in the
back and use the remaining tail to sew onto the head.

Assembling the head-

Sew the nose onto head centered evenly with the eyes as pictured
below (Optional: Use pins to hold in place as you sew) Stuff the nose
lightly just before sewing is complete. Lastly, sew on the spine hat and

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Make 2

*Lightly stuff the bottom of the arms only*

With brown

Round 1: Create a magic circle with 6 SC

Round 2: SC INC in each stitch around (12)

Round 3: SC in the first 3 stitches, SC INC, rpt around (15)

Rounds 4-5: SC around (15)

Round 6: SC in the first stitch, INV DEC, rpt around (10)

Change to beige

Rounds 7-14: SC around (10)

Change to shirt color

Rounds 15-20: SC around (10)

At the end of round 20 pinch the arm flat and make 5 SC across the
top to close, fasten off and leave a long tail to sew onto the body.
Overall Straps-
Make 2 in overall color

Ch 20, HDC in the 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across

Fasten off with a long tail for sewing

Front Pocket-
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In overall color

Row 1: Ch 8, SC in the 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across, ch 1

and turn

Rows 2-4: SC across, ch 1 (7)

Fasten off leaving a long tail for sewing

Assembling the body-
1. Sew the head onto the body, making sure to have the facial features
centered. Add more stuffing as you go to make it firm and less wobbly.

2. Next sew the arms onto the body centered with the head at row 44.

3. Sew each strap onto row 40, front and back over the arms and
crossing in the back.

4. Sew along the sides and bottom of the pocket, centered on the front
of your hedgehog as pictured below.
Yay, your hedgehog is complete! I hope you had as much fun making
them as I did!

The forest family has grown more than I intended but I love each one!
Is there a forest animal that you would like to see added to the group?
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Santiago IngtrametJune 8, 2018 at 7:19 AM


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