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Alhamdulillahirrobbil’alamin, the writer would like to ackknowledge her

countless thanks to the most gracious and the most merciful, Alloh SWT; who
always gives her all the best of this life and there is no doubt about it to finish this
paper “The Types Of Business Organization” with subtitled “Cooperative, Public
Corporation and Service In Business”. This paper sumitted to fulfill one of task in
English Language.

This paper contains information about part of Type Business

Organization. Or more specifically talking about Cooperative, Public Corporation,
and Service in Business, which we hope will provide the reader with information
about Type of Business Organization.

The writer willing to present thanks for everyone who has helped the writer,
especially in this paper. Then the writer want to express his sincere thanks to:

1. Mr. Akbar Fauzan S.Pd. as us teacher of English Language;

2. Other friends one group, who were suggested until this paper finished.

The last, this paper is far from being perfect, but it is useful not only for
the researcher, but also the readers. For this reason, constructive thought full
suggestion and critics are well come to make this paper better.

Cipasung, December 2015



PREFACE .................................................................................................. i

CONTENTS ............................................................................................... ii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION.............................................................. 1

A. Background of The Problem ................................................................. 1

B. Formulation of The Problem ................................................................. 1
C. Purpose Asignment Paper ..................................................................... 1
D. The Benefits Of Paper ........................................................................... 1


A. Definition Of Cooperative..................................................................... 3
1. Sources Of Cooperative ...................................................................... 3
2. Level Of Cooperative ......................................................................... 3
3. Types Of Cooperative ......................................................................... 3
a. Business Cooperative ...................................................................... 3
b. Retail Cooperative ........................................................................... 4
c. Credit Unions .................................................................................. 4
d. Service Provider Cooperative.......................................................... 4
e. Housing Cooperative ....................................................................... 4
f. Student Cooperative ........................................................................ 4
4. Cooperative Principles ........................................................................ 5
5. Set Up A Cooperative ......................................................................... 5
B. Definition Of Public Corporation.......................................................... 5
1. Benefit Of Public Corporation ............................................................ 6
2. Difference Between A Public Corporation And Private Corporation 6
3. Essential Characeristic Of Public Corporation ................................... 6
C. Definition Service In Business .............................................................. 7
1. Usage Examples Public Corporation .................................................. 7
2. Free Service Sample Business Plans .................................................. 7
3. Process Services .................................................................................. 7

4. Benefits For The Provision Of Good Services ................................... 8
5. Tips Serve Customers Or Consumers ................................................. 8

CHAPTER III CLOSING ........................................................................ 9

A. Conclusion ............................................................................................ 9



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