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NAME: Darlinton Tandazo


'Planning a Presentation' describes a four-stage process:
1. Identifying your goal
The first stage of the planning process is to decide on the specific objective of your presentation. This
focuses your mind on whatever it is that you are trying to achieve.
2. Know your audience
It is essential to know your audience and to make sure that your presentation has Count your existing
3. The definition of your key message statement
This should be summarized in a key message statement, which forms the title of your presentation.
4. Outline the scope
A presentation needs three to five key points to support the message statement key. The most efficient
way to decide on these is to use a mental map to get all the possible documented content and then
create your key points in function of your goal, the audience and the key message statement.

In general, be able to spend a lot of time in preparing content for High impact presentations, because
of their importance to you and your department. Thus, The better prepared your content is the more
convincing your argument will be.

Most presentations are likely to be fairly low profile and will include keeping your team up to date
with progress, new work practices and procedures. Remember, the skills that are displayed during
presentations can help your Career prospects, especially if you can show that you are a persuasive

Take yourself The time to prepare your content correctly will ensure:
• Your argument is well structured.
• Your message should be dig.
• Your visibility is maximized
• Support you need.

There is an old saying about presentations that you should tell the public what you are going to say,
Then he tells them, and finally he tells them what you have told them. As the great speaker Winston
Churchill said:
'If you have an important point to make, do not try to be subtle or intelligent.
Use a pile driver. Hit the point once.

This does not mean repeating the same thing three times. In each of the three ways to inform your
public something, it will meet three different objectives. The first phase (tell them what you are going
to tell them ') has that serve a very particular purpose and that is to not leave the audience behind at the
beginning of the presentation.

The most important place for emphasis is the beginning and the end, when the audience is at its most
receptive Similarly, at the end of the presentation you need to summarize the most important details
and provide a conclusion.

The beginning of the presentation should also serve to answer the questions:
• Why are you the person giving the presentation instead of someone else?
• How important is the theme of the presentation why the members of the audience

While intended to be humorous, this word makes a valid point, and that brevity is important. Even
experienced public speakers have difficulty maintaining the attention of an audience of more than
approximately 40 minutes, and 20 minutes is a realistic maximum for most of people who are
presenting a topic based on work.
NAME: Darlinton Tandazo

No matter how much backup information you have, it is necessary to set a strict limit of time and
discard anything that will take you over it. If you consider that 20 minutes is not time enough then ask
yourself how many times have you heard anyone say they wanted a presenter I had talked for a longer
time, or that the presentation was too short.


Taking into account the points mentioned above, which is now in a position to begin to write the
detailed content of your presentation based on:
• Your goal
• Your message key status
• Your three to five key support points
• Your knowledge of the audience

Each presentation is different and although it is possible to provide general guidelines, which can be
quite difficult to see how they are applied in practice. In this scenario, the survey has shown that there
is a certain degree of dissatisfaction with the customer service and you have been asked to present this
information to senior management.

Your presentation is one of several that occurs during the day and has been assigned a space of 30
minutes. Because the information that is found is quite debatable that should allow at least ten minutes
to the questions, which means that you need to develop a 20 minute presentation.

This fund allows you to plan your presentation and to define your objective presentation and
develop a key message statement.
You know your presentation environment consists of in the following:
• Audience - Executive Board
• Public knowledge - strategic level, based on an expectation of growth that offers a 'good' return of
the investment.
• Agenda - Yours is the first presentation after lunch.

The implications of these aspects of your presentation environment are summarized in the following
table. his
audience will be strategic thinkers and will not be particularly interested in the issues
operations unless they have a financial impact.

In practice, your knowledge of the organization is used to decide on a statement key message that
supported its goal and was supported by its key points. Remember that you need to have enough time
to get through all your points to Make sure your audience fully understands your message.


When you have the content in the form of a basic project that you are satisfied with, you can then
begin to turn it into a presentation. One of the characteristics of this method is the use of transitions
between each of the stages and the key points of the body, as shown in the diagram above. The
advantage of these is that allow you to meet the needs of a mixed audience by allowing different levels
of knowledge.

Always remember that the public does not have the luxury of being able to go back and listen again of
his presentation. It's easy enough for them to get lost if they get distracted or start thinking in detail
about something you said.

No matter how well the structure of your material is always possible for the public to become
disoriented. Keeping this in mind you should use the transitions to get people back on board in points


NAME: Darlinton Tandazo

This is the first stage of the presentation to prepare because all the other stages are dependent
her. The most common problem that people have in the development of a presentation is to
underestimate the time you will have to deliver.

An alternative approach for a main body 15 minutes would be to reduce the number of key points to
three, since this would allow about 400 words for each and that also means that There are fewer

The most important thing to remember when you are working through this stage is that the elimination
of unnecessary material is the best use of your time and will lead to a clear and concise presentation, I
know relentless and get rid of everything that is not absolutely necessary.
The time interval is too short
• A key point argument is too emotional or subjective
• One or two points no longer as 'key' are like the ones you keep
• The concept of a key issue is too complex
• The data of a key point is insufficient or weak, therefore it must be excluded.

An important part of your work in this stage is to reach the transitions between each of your key
points. These are important since these regular reminders of what he just said whereabouts and you are
in the overall structure are absolutely crucial to keep the audience with you.

Your next action is to decide the order of these key points and then find the right words to explain each
message in a way that allows them to enter through the audience. There is no short cut which can be
applied to this step. You have to write the content of each key point in its entirety using a word
processor or dictation software, editing the march.

This process is essential so that the structure of your final presentation will be clear and logical
• You can keep track of all the best when you're on paper that when you're just think about it.
• You can continue to cross-check the content with your key message status.
• Writing things makes it easier to check logic and objectivity.
• Write everything will force you to decide on the best order for the material.
• You can see that repetition is necessary and in which it is detrimental to your discussion.
• It will be able to shape the global flow and give it everything the right amount of emphasis.
• The final result is the basis of your presentation brochure, which can be used in case of cancellation
or given to non-assistants.

At the beginning of a presentation there is often a brief period in which people need to finish the
conversations, text messages, or anything else you might be doing so that can be established to
listen. Also, when you start talking to your audience you have to adapt to your Delivery style - not
only your voice or accent, but also your body language and facial expressions.

This period of establishment is usually quite short, but that does not mean anything important until
that the public is receptive. The pre-introduction significantly reduces the chances of losing people at
the beginning of the presentation.

Key points
• A pre-introduction serves to draw people's attention and to make sure they are listening to you so
they can hear your full implementation.
• It may be unnecessary if a president or another speaker is formally introducing, but it can still help
judge the volume and pace of its delivery before saying nothing important.

NAME: Darlinton Tandazo

There are two big mistakes that can be made at the beginning of the presentation. The first is not to be
clear about your key message. The second error is not being clear about the structure of your
presentation. To avoid this, your introduction should anticipate the following six questions from the
1. What exactly is the point of the presentation?
2.Why should I care?
3. Who is the person who makes the presentation?
4. How long will it take?
5. What topics are you covering?
6. In what order are you presenting in?

If you are using visual aids then the first two slides you present should inform the audience of their
key message with their credentials and give them a roadmap that shows the structure of your

Do not worry about the time this takes. A minute past telling the audience what their message
key is and why it is there to deliver it will have a great influence on the amount of attention that
they lend and therefore what they carry. Losing yourself at the beginning of the presentation is very
frustrating for the people in the audience.

An important function of your work plan is to inform your audience if your presentation format
Allow questions. You may have to ask questions to be kept until the end to Ensure that you get through
all your key points in your allotted time.

It is necessary to make sure that everyone agrees with this from the beginning. In some cases you may
be able to write down the questions that may arise on a flip chart and then answer them, if necessary,
in the end. This is a useful technique because the first questions can often be.

Answered as your presentation progresses. An important point is not to give too much background
information at this stage and to make all the presentation to bogged down before it starts. This
overwhelm the people who need the background information and we will bore those who do not. All
you need to do is make it clear that the background information will be given as and when necessary,
and that it is not necessary to be a specialist to understand what is about to be said.

Some speakers find it difficult to bring things to an end. This is something that needs to be done in a
way explicit and clean, so do not use phrases like 'in the celebration' 'last,' or 'just before finish 'unless
you are about to stop talking.

Bringing things to a decisive end means trying at the end of his presentation as two different tasks:
• The first is a brief summary of the main points. This can be derived directly of the introduction and
only differs in that it will focus on reiterating its key points.
• The second is to focus on the audience what you want to take away from the presentation by
reformulating the key message statement and how the key points support.

You must do everything possible to make this conclusion as shocking and memorable as it is
possible. Ideally, your conclusion should be a single sentence that refers to the message statement

There are several rhetorical techniques that can be used to make sure that the writing of
his conclusion is memorable:
• A call to action, if your goal is to persuade your audience to do or accept something.
• A personal experience that shows how you can benefit
• Illustration by using an appointment
NAME: Darlinton Tandazo

• Use humor to demonstrate something

• The use of statistics to show the importance of your key message statement When finished, you
should make sure that you have a visual aid that summarizes the message principal. You can even
leave this visible during the question and answer period.

An effective presentation requires a certain amount of repetition in order to get the message across
to the audience. You should tell them what you are going to say, then tell them and finally tell them
what I told them. "The first iteration serves to guide the audience as to who is presenting what and
The second iteration represents the substance of the presentation. Finally, it is necessary review the
most important points, reformulate why they are relevant to the public, and bring the presentation to its
logical end.

This suggests that you should aim for a main body that you can comfortably offer in about 12
minutes The ideal speed for a presenter is around 100 words per minute, which means that it should be
the target of about 1200 words for the main body. Remember the need for repetition when the content
is being prepared otherwise it will end up with a Weak presentation or one that is too long.

The introduction should tell the public its key message and credentials, as well as what It is clear how
your presentation is structured and how long it will take. The summary should make it clear that you
are moving towards the conclusion of the presentation by reiterating the key message and how the key
points support.

Finally, your conclusion should be a single sentence that refers to the key message statement,
something that makes it appear that the presentation has a rounded structure and makes it look well
planned and logical.

This appendix illustrates how the mental map created as part of the planning process is used in the
creation of the main body of the presentation.

This can happen for several reasons:

• The time interval is too short
• A key point argument is too emotional or subjective
• One or two points no longer as 'key' are like the ones you keep
• The concept of a key issue is too complex
• The data of a key point is insufficient or weak, therefore it must be excluded.

The customer satisfaction survey gave a very specific answer about the management aspect of
contracts. It was divided into two large areas: the present contract; and the rest of the SLA (Service
Level Agreements) that were intended to define the service in detail.

So you can present a realistic and balanced picture of what is happening in the provision of
services that you have talked to the manager of the provision of services to your side of the feedback
of the customer satisfaction survey.

'Provision of services' is definitely an area of your executive team should be aware of a cause of the
impact it is having on its reputation in the industry and its long-term viability as Service provider. Of
all its five original key points this is the most important and must be presented for the first time.

It should also be called 'Internal Communication', because in most cases it is the lack of this type of
communications that creates the problems. In addressing these issues of the Organization can ensure
NAME: Darlinton Tandazo

that existing customers are more content. With an effort long-term agreements could be persuaded to
renew their contracts and remain clients.

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