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Time:3 hrs MAX MARKS :50

Answer any FIVE questions.

All questions carry equal marks.


1. Write a detailed note on the pyramids of Giza and reflect upon how the scale and construction of these was
possible to such precision.
2. What are the important features of the ancient civilization of Mesopotamia and Indus valley?
3. Compare the architectural features of the classic civilization (Greek and Roman) with the help of neat
4. Explain and illustrate of the following
a) Egypt temple- The temple of Khonsu.
b) Greek Agora
c) The Colosseum (Amphitheatre) Roman
d) Development of plan-forms and elevations derived in the churches
5. Explain the technique of construction of the byzantine dome .explain the features with neat sketches.
6. Write a detail note of Romanesque architectural features with neat sketches &examples.

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