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1) If 7th lord is in moveable sign with malefics and getting aspect from

malefics to 7th house.also.

2) Shukra in moveable sign with malefics and if 7th lord is weak.

3) Shukra in fixed sign with Surya and Budha and 7th lord a malefic.

4) 7th lord is with Shani or Rahu and 7th is occupied by Kuja.

5) A malefic in 7th and aspected by another malefic.

6) From Lagna 7th is occupied by Kuja,Chandra in 6th from Shukra and Lagna lord in 8th.

All the above are Dwikalatra Yogas.

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Posted March 20, 2003

Ramadas, Pinkie, All,

I think that in general, the 7th house and the

condition of Venus and/or Jupiter (if the chart belong

to that of a woman) has to closely inspected in order

to arrvie at a correct assessment of one's potential

relationship life. Of course, combinations such as the

Dwikalatra Yoga are such attempts to gauge such

potential. I have found, in my studies, that it is not

so much that the aspring student try to master all of

the yogas that abound in Jyotish, but rather, to

understand the essence that makes up these

combinations. In so doing, the student or more

experienced jyotishi gets more of a feel for the chart

rather than merely comminting to memory by rote

formulas that may or may not have any bearing on the

chart at hand, due to a whole host of factors, some of

which having to do with the changing times in which we live.

Take for example, the yoga known as Kuja Dosha; this

is a greatly misunderstood combination that gives many

people undue worry and sorry, because it is in fact so

very rare to find in horoscopes. Yet, there is

something to said for the fact that, generally

speaking, Mars in connection with the 7th house, even

when it does not give rise to KD, still is problematic

from the standpoint of bliss and tranquility. This is

because of Mars' inherent independent and often

arugmentative nature.

Just the other day, I was asked to give my opinion on

the chart of a young woman who had Aries rising, with

Mars Rx there giving Ruchaka Yoga; Venus was in the

8th house in Scorpio, with Mercury in the 7th, ruling

the 6th. Right off the bat I could tell that this

woman was bound to have above average trouble in

relations, for a host of reasons. First, even KD stood

nullified because of its dignity by Sign, its very

presence in the 1st house and in the chart of a female

suggested a more forceful nature than was customary

for a woman, even here in the Western world. Second,

the ruler of the 7th lay in a Trik House, giving rise

to what is known as Dushkriti Yoga; and finally,

Merucyr, an impotent planet, lay in the 7th house, and

rules the 6th, another Trik House; as the 6th is the

12th from the 7th, the 6th then represents a draining

or weakening of what the 7th house represents, which

in this case, was this woman's partners and men in her

life. Finally, the 1st and 7th, lords were 6/8 from

each other. Indeed, this woman's relationship life was

horrendous. I say all this to say, that even if one

did not know the specific names for all of the

combinations I mentioned, just knowing the basic feel

for the planets and the basic building blocks of Vedic

Astrology, should have given any student the same

conclusion that I came up with.

Hope this helps and adds to the colloquiy.

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