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Effect of ibuprofen vs acetaminophen on postpartum
hypertension in preeclampsia with severe features:
a double-masked, randomized controlled trial
Nathan R. Blue, MD; Cristina Murray-Krezan, MS; Shana Drake-Lavelle, BS; Daniel Weinberg, MD; Bradley D. Holbrook, MD;
Vivek R. Katukuri, MD; Lawrence Leeman, MD, MPH; Ellen L. Mozurkewich, MD, MS

BACKGROUND: Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug use has been postpartum ibuprofen or acetaminophen for first-line pain control.
shown to increase blood pressure in nonpregnant adults. Because of this, Seven patients crossed over or did not receive their allocated study
the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists suggests drug, and 93 completed the study protocol in their assigned groups.
avoiding their use in women with postpartum hypertension; however, We found no differences in baseline characteristics between groups,
evidence to support this recommendation is lacking. including mode of delivery, body mass index, parity, race, chronic
OBJECTIVE: Our goal was to test the hypothesis that nonsteroidal hypertension, and maximum blood pressure prior to delivery. We did
antiinflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen, adversely affect postpartum not find a difference in the duration of severe-range hypertension in
blood pressure control in women with preeclampsia with severe features. the ibuprofen vs acetaminophen groups (35.3 vs 38.0 hours, P ¼ .30).
STUDY DESIGN: At delivery, we randomized women with pre- There were no differences between groups in the secondary outcome
eclampsia with severe features to receive around-the-clock oral dosing measures of time from delivery to last blood pressure 150/100 mm
with either 600 mg of ibuprofen or 650 mg of acetaminophen every 6 Hg, postpartum mean arterial pressure, maximum postpartum systolic
hours. Dosing began within 6 hours after delivery and continued until or diastolic blood pressures, any postpartum blood pressure 160/
discharge, with opioid analgesics available as needed for breakthrough 110 mm Hg, short-acting antihypertensive use for acute blood pres-
pain. Study drugs were encapsulated in identical capsules such that pa- sure control, length of postpartum stay, need to extend postpartum
tients, nurses, and physicians were masked to study allocation. Exclusion stay for blood pressure control, antihypertensive use at discharge, or
criteria were serum aspartate aminotransferase or alanine aminotrans- opioid use for inadequate pain control. In a subgroup analysis of pa-
ferase >200 mg/dL, serum creatinine >1.0 mg/dL, infectious hepatitis, tients who experienced severe-range hypertension, the mean time to
gastroesophageal reflux disease, age <18 years, or current incarceration. blood pressure control in the acetaminophen group was 68.4 hours
Our primary outcome was the duration of severe-range hypertension, and ibuprofen group was 56.7 hours (P ¼ .26). At 6 weeks post-
defined as the time (in hours) from delivery to the last blood pressure partum, there were no differences between groups in the rates of
160/110 mm Hg. Secondary outcomes were time from delivery to last obstetric triage visits, hospital readmissions, continued opioid use, or
blood pressure 150/100 mm Hg, mean arterial pressure, need for continued antihypertensive use.
antihypertensive medication at discharge, prolongation of hospital stay for CONCLUSION: The first-line use of ibuprofen rather than acetamin-
blood pressure control, postpartum use of short-acting antihypertensives ophen for postpartum pain did not lengthen the duration of severe-range
for acute blood pressure control, and opioid use for breakthrough pain. We hypertension in women with preeclampsia with severe features.
analyzed all outcome data according to intention-to-treat principles.
RESULTS: We assessed 154 women for eligibility, of whom 100 met Key words: blood pressure control, ibuprofen, nonsteroidal
entry criteria, agreed to participate, and were randomized to receive antiinflammatory drugs, postpartum pain control, preeclampsia

Introduction require several days of postpartum NSAID-mediated alteration of aldoste-

Hypertensive disorders are important observation.1-3 In addition, women with rone metabolism,14 sodium retention,15
contributors to maternal morbidity and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy are inhibition of prostaglandin-mediated
mortality, and women diagnosed with a at increased risk for cesarean delivery, vasodilation,16 and production of vaso-
hypertensive disorder of pregnancy are with its attendant need for postoperative active metabolites of arachidonic acid via
likely to meet criteria for postpartum pain relief.4 Chronic use of nonsteroidal cytrochrome-P450 induction.17
antihypertensive therapy as well as antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), Because of this concern, the American
particularly cyclooxygenase inhibitors, is College of Obstetricians and Gynecol-
known to increase the risk of develop- ogists (ACOG) suggests avoiding the
Cite this article as: Blue NR, Murray-Krezan C, Drake-
Lavelle S, et al. Effect of ibuprofen vs acetaminophen ment of hypertension (HTN) in healthy, postpartum use of NSAIDs in women
on postpartum hypertension in preeclampsia with severe nonpregnant women as well as to diagnosed with preeclampsia who have
features: a double-masked, randomized controlled trial. antagonize the effects of some antihy- postpartum HTN, though evidence in
Am J Obstet Gynecol 2018;volume:x.ex-x.ex. pertensive drugs in hypertensive patients support of this recommendation is
0002-9378/$36.00 receiving treatment after just a few days limited.18 Animal studies are limited to a
ª 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. of NSAID use.5-13 The hypothesized single investigation in a rat model of
mechanisms for this effect include the preeclampsia, which showed that

MONTH 2018 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 1.e1

Original Research OBSTETRICS

were alanine aminotransferase (ALT) or

AJOG at A Glance aspartate aminotransferase (AST) >200
Why was this study conducted? mg/dL, serum creatinine >1.0 mg/dL,
We sought to generate evidence for or against American College of Obstetricians chronic kidney disease, chronic liver
and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommendation to avoid nonsteroidal antiin- disease, infectious hepatitis, gastro-
flammatory drugs in women with postpartum hypertension (HTN). esophageal reflux disease, peptic ulcer
disease, bleeding disorder, known
Key findings sensitivity or allergy to NSAIDs or acet-
Postpartum ibuprofen use did not adversely affect any metric of postpartum aminophen, or current incarceration.
blood pressure control, including the duration of severe-range HTN, need for Women were approached prior to de-
antihypertensive medication at discharge, or need to extend hospital stay for livery or within 6 hours after delivery.
blood pressure control.
Randomization and follow-up
What does this add to what is known? Within 6 hours after delivery, we ran-
The ACOG recommendation to avoid nonsteroidal antiinflammatory use in domized study participants to receive
women with postpartum HTN is not based on substantive clinical evidence. scheduled, around-the-clock dosing
with either 600 mg of ibuprofen or 650
indomethacin had no effect on blood hypothesized that ibuprofen would in- mg of acetaminophen every 6 hours,
pressure (BP) while rats were still preg- crease the duration of severe-range HTN starting immediately after delivery and
nant.19 In human beings, the limited in women with preeclampsia with severe continuing for the duration of their
data on the influence of NSAIDs on features. postpartum hospitalization. Randomi-
postpartum BP among women with zation was performed by our investiga-
preeclampsia are conflicting.3,20-23 Materials and Methods tional pharmacy using a block
NSAIDs are ideally suited for post- Details of ethics approval randomization scheme with block sizes
partum pain control and are still widely This study was approved by Human of 10. Patients, nurses, and physicians
used for postpartum and postcesarean Research Protections Office of the Uni- were masked to study allocation. The
delivery pain management in non- versity of New Mexico (Albuquerque, investigational pharmacy executed study
hypertensive women because of their NM) and was registered at clinicaltrials. drug masking by either encapsulating the
effectiveness.24-26 They are more effec- gov prior to study onset (study identi- tablet form of the study drug or by
tive than acetaminophen to alleviate pain fier: NCT02911701). All enrolled par- measuring and encapsulating the
from obstetric perineal injury, and have ticipants provided written informed appropriate quantity of ibuprofen or
also been shown to decrease opioid use consent. acetaminophen bulk powder and
after cesarean delivery.21,24,25,27-29 Addi- microcrystalline cellulose in unmarked,
tionally, the analgesic alternatives to Eligibility identical capsules. Ibuprofen tablets
cyclooxygenase inhibitors have signifi- We performed a double-masked, ran- were manufactured by Ascend Labora-
cant risks. The use of postpartum opi- domized controlled trial of ibuprofen vs tories LLC (Parsippany, NJ) and pur-
oids may predispose to ongoing opioid acetaminophen for postpartum pain chased from Cardinal Health Inc
dependence and is associated with control. We assessed for eligibility all (Dublin, OH), and acetaminophen tab-
neonatal central nervous system women aged at least 18 years who were lets were manufactured by Major Phar-
depression during breast-feeding. admitted to the University of New maceuticals (Livonia, MI) and
Although acetaminophen is an addi- Mexico Hospital from Oct. 29, 2016, purchased from Cardinal Health Inc.
tional nonopioid alternative that may through Nov. 1, 2017, with any of the Powdered forms of both study drugs
decrease the use of postcesarean opioids following diagnoses: preeclampsia with along with the capsule shells and
its use is contraindicated in the setting of severe features, chronic HTN with microcrystalline cellulose were pur-
severe, acute elevation of liver enzymes, a superimposed preeclampsia with severe chased from Fagron Inc (St Paul, MN).
common occurrence among patients features, or HELLP syndrome (hemoly- Women undergoing cesarean delivery in
with severe variants of preeclampsia.30-32 sis, elevated liver function tests, and low both study arms did not receive ketor-
It remains unclear whether the theo- platelets), as defined by ACOG.18 We olac but were given 1000 mg of intrave-
retical adverse effect of short-term included women with the above di- nous acetaminophen in the recovery
NSAID use on postpartum BP is clini- agnoses even if their presentation did not room, and their study drug was initiated
cally significant and justifies forgoing include severe-range HTN as these 6 hours after delivery. All study partici-
their analgesic properties. We conducted women are still at risk of significant pants were given opioid analgesics upon
this study to evaluate the effect of postpartum HTN, and make our results request for breakthrough pain.
ibuprofen vs acetaminophen on post- more generalizable. Women had to be As per our institutional protocol and
partum BP control among women with able to give informed consent in either the ACOG guidelines, women diagnosed
preeclampsia with severe features. We English of Spanish. Exclusion criteria with preeclampsia with severe features

1.e2 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MONTH 2018 OBSTETRICS Original Research

same inclusion criteria as our study

population who had both postpartum
Enrollment, randomization, and follow-up
ibuprofen and acetaminophen made
available on an as-needed basis. We
found the duration of severe-range HTN
was exponentially distributed, with an
exponential mean of 35 hours (95%
confidence intervals [CI], 25e51 hours).
To have 80% power to detect the clini-
cally significant difference of 24 hours
between study arms with a type I error
rate of 5%, 46 women in each group
were required for our study. In addition
to its previous use in comparing time-
driven postpartum outcomes, we chose
a difference of 24 hours between groups
because this represents 1 additional day
of hospitalization, which we considered
to be generalizable in its clinical signifi-
cance.2 To account for study group
contamination, we obtained approval to
b recruit 100 women.
Secondary outcomes included time
from delivery to last BP 150/100 mm
Hg, postpartum mean arterial pressure
(MAP), any BP 160/110 mm Hg, need
for antihypertensive medication at
Women not approached due to speaking language other than English or Spanish, limited availability discharge, prolongation of hospital stay
of study personnel, or lack of prepared study drug. b Both patients requesting early discharge were for BP control, length of postpartum
considered to have completed study as they had both received 8 doses of study drug and had hospital stay, postpartum use of short-
already achieved blood pressure (BP) control. acting antihypertensives for acute BP
Blue et al. Ibuprofen and postpartum blood pressure control in preeclampsia. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2018. control, need for opioid use stratified by
postpartum day, and time to BP control
in those who experienced severe-range
HTN. At 6 weeks after delivery, partici-
received intravenous magnesium sulfate neuroimaging were automatically with- pants were contacted and a question-
for 24 hours after delivery, were observed drawn and their physicians unmasked to naire collected to determine the rates of
in-hospital for a minimum of 72 hours their study allocation. A data safety obstetric triage visits, hospital read-
postpartum, and were not discharged monitoring board was created to missions, opioid medication use, and
until at least 24 hours after having either convene in the event of any of the oral antihypertensive medication use.
a systolic BP 160 or a diastolic BP 110 following sentinel events: stroke, seizure/
mm Hg. BP was measured hourly for eclampsia, posterior reversible enceph- Analysis plan
the first 24 hours postpartum and every alopathy syndrome, or death. Partici- We differentiated between the primary
4 hours thereafter. We initiated sched- pants who received at least 8 doses of the endpoint of “duration of severe-range
uled oral antihypertensive therapy with study medication were considered to HTN,” which included all randomized
either labetalol or extended-release have completed the study intervention. patients (including those who never
nifedipine for >1 BP 150/100 mm experienced severe-range HTN), and the
Hg in a 24-hour period, and acutely Study endpoints and sample size secondary endpoint of “time to BP
treated any BP 160/110 mm Hg with considerations control,” which was only analyzed in the
either oral labetalol or oral short-acting Our primary outcome was duration of subset of patients who experienced
nifedipine, at the discretion of the care severe-range HTN, defined as the time postpartum severe-range HTN. The
provider. Daily laboratory samples were (in hours) from delivery to the last BP distribution of the primary endpoint was
drawn, and women with new-onset 160/110 mm Hg before discharge. For assessed with the Shapiro-Wilk test for
creatinine >1.1 mg/dL, AST/ALT >250 our sample size assumptions, we exponentiality. Mean durations of
mg/dL, seizure activity, stroke, or analyzed a pilot sample from our peri- severe-range HTN and their 95% CI
focal neurologic findings requiring natal database of 31 gravidas meeting the from the exponential distribution were

MONTH 2018 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 1.e3

Original Research OBSTETRICS

arms over postpartum days 0-2. We

analyzed all outcome data according to
Demographic characteristics
intention-to-treat principles but the per
Ibuprofen Acetaminophen protocol analysis set was also analyzed to
Baseline characteristic n ¼ 50 n ¼ 50 P value assess for any bias in the primary
Maternal age, y, mean (SD) 31.9 (5.9) 30.5 (6.4) .3a outcome. All analyses were performed in
SAS 9.4 (SAS Institute Inc, Cary, NC)
BMI, mean (SD) 36.5 (8.0) 36.4 (7.5) 1.0
and R 3.4 (R Foundation for Statistical
Parity, n (%) Computing, Vienna, Austria). The study
Nulliparous 18 (36) 19 (38) .8b protocol and outcomes were reported
Multiparous 32 (64) 31 (62) according to CONSORT guidelines.
Ethnicity and race, n (%)
Hispanic 20 (40) 20 (40) .8c We assessed 154 women for eligibility. Of
White 13 (26) 11 (22) these, 100 women met all entry criteria
Black 1 (2) 2 (4) and consented to participate. They were
randomly assigned to receive ibuprofen
Asian 0 (0) 2 (4)
or acetaminophen for postpartum pain
Native American 12 (24) 9 (18) control. Of the randomized participants,
Otherd 4 (8) 6 (12) 93 subjects completed the study ac-
Mode of delivery, n (%) cording to the protocol for their assigned
group: 46 in the ibuprofen group and 47
Vaginal 25 (50) 32 (64) .4c
in the acetaminophen arm. Of those who
Operative vaginal 1 (2) 1 (2) did not complete the protocol or who
Cesarean 24 (48) 17 (34) crossed over, details are as follows: in the
Chronic HTN requiring 8 (16) 7 (14) .8a ibuprofen arm, 1 woman did not receive
treatment, n (%) any study drug because of inability to
Need for IV antihypertensives 37 (74) 42 (84) .2b
swallow capsules, and 3 women with-
before delivery, n (%) drew to ensure they were receiving
ibuprofen and were also later given
Maximum SBP before 181 (16) 183 (14) .5a
delivery, mean (SD) acetaminophen. In the acetaminophen
arm, 1 woman was automatically with-
Maximum DBP before 107 (11) 106 (11) .7a
drawn for postpartum AST and ALT that
delivery, mean (SD)
increased >250 mg/dL, and 2 others
BMI, body mass index; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; HTN, hypertension; IV, intravenous; SBP, systolic blood pressure.
withdrew voluntarily to ensure they were
Independent 2-sample t test; b c2 Test; c Fisher exact test; d Includes women identifying as biracial, or another race or
ethnicity not otherwise accounted for. being given ibuprofen, later receiving
Blue et al. Ibuprofen and postpartum blood pressure control in preeclampsia. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2018. both ibuprofen and acetaminophen. In
each group, 1 patient requested
discharge on the day before the standard
postpartum observation period of 72
calculated for the 2 study arms and time model to compare arms, adjusted hours had elapsed. Both patients had
compared with a maximum likelihood for mode of delivery and included an received 8 study drug doses and had
test. An exponential regression model interaction between group and mode of already achieved adequate BP control, so
was fitted to duration of severe-range delivery. Frequencies and percentages were considered to have completed the
HTN that included arm, mode of de- were calculated for categorical data and study. Per our intention-to-treat plan, all
livery, and an interaction between them. study arms were compared with c2 or women who withdrew or crossed over
Continuous secondary endpoints were Fisher exact tests, as appropriate. The were included in the final analysis. This
assessed for normality. Means and SD opioid use data were skewed, so the log- is summarized in the Figure. None of the
were calculated for continuous data and transformation of opioid use in sentinel safety events occurred, so the
compared between study arms with t morphine equivalents was used for data safety monitoring board did not
tests with the exception of time variables, analysis. Repeated measures logistic convene.
for which the mean and CIs for expo- regression was used to compare any Among study participants, the mean
nentially distributed data were calcu- opioid use between arms over post- maternal age was 31.2 years (SD 6.1).
lated. Time to BP control among the partum days 0-2, and repeated measures The ethnic/racial distribution was as
subset with severe-range HTN was linear regression was used to compare follows: Hispanic, 40%; White, 24%;
assessed by fitting an accelerated failure mean morphine equivalents between Native American, 20%; Black, 3%;

1.e4 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MONTH 2018 OBSTETRICS Original Research

Postpartum outcomes
Ibuprofen Acetaminophen
Outcome n ¼ 50 n ¼ 50 P value
Duration of severe-range HTN, h, 35.3 (27.2e47.5) 38.0 (29.4e51.3) .3b
mean (95% CI)a
Time from delivery to last BP 150/100 58.3 (48.0e68.6) 57.1 (45.8e68.5) .9b
mm Hg, h, mean (95% CI)
Time to BP control, h, mean (95% CI)c 56.7 (45.1e71.2) 68.8 (54.0e86.7) .3d
Postpartum MAP, mean (SD) 97.6 (6.2) 97.3 (9.1) .9e
Maximum postpartum SBP, mean (SD) 168 (16) 165 (15) .3e
Maximum postpartum DBP, mean (SD) 99 (10) 96 (10) .2e
Any postpartum BP 160/110 mm Hg, n (%) 34 (68) 31 (62) .5f
Any postpartum meds for acute BP control, n (%) 30 (60) 26 (52) .4f
Postpartum stay, d, mean (SD) 3.8 (1.4) 4.0 (1.3) .5e
Postpartum stay extended for BP control, n (%) 18 (36) 23 (46) .3f
On antihypertensives at discharge, n (%) 33 (66) 31 (62) .7f
BP, blood pressure; CI, confidence interval; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; HTN, hypertension; MAP, mean arterial pressure; SBP, systolic blood pressure.
Time from delivery to last BP 160/110 mm Hg; b Maximum likelihood test for exponential means; c Subgroup analysis in only patients who experienced any severe-range HTN, n ¼ 31 in
acetaminophen group and n ¼ 34 in ibuprofen group; d Wald c2 test; e Independent 2-sample t test; f c2 Test.
Blue et al. Ibuprofen and postpartum blood pressure control in preeclampsia. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2018.

Asian, 2%; other, 11%. In all, 41 were outcome results were the same in the per mm Hg to more directly compare our
delivered by cesarean, 2 by operative protocol analysis, which excluded 7 pa- results with findings published after our
vaginal delivery, and 57 vaginally. Be- tients who crossed over or never received trial was initiated.23 We also found no
tween study arms, there were no differ- study drug (see description of excluded difference between groups for this BP
ences in baseline demographic or patients in the first paragraph of “Re- cutoff (ibuprofen 92% vs acetamino-
obstetric characteristics (Table 1). sults” section). phen 84%, P ¼ .22). Comparisons of
For the primary outcome of duration For the subgroup analysis of time to postpartum opioid use also revealed no
of severe-range HTN, we did not detect BP control, there were 30 (60%) patients difference between groups overall or
any difference between women assigned in the acetaminophen group who expe- over time (Table 3). At 6 weeks post-
to receive ibuprofen and those assigned rienced severe-range HTN and 33 (66%) partum, there was no difference in the
to acetaminophen (35.3 vs 38.0 hours, in the ibuprofen arm. We excluded from rates of obstetric triage visits, hospital
respectively; P ¼.30). There were also no this analysis the 2 study participants (1 readmissions, or continued use of opi-
differences between groups in secondary from each group) who were delivered oids or antihypertensive medications
outcome measures of BP control: time vaginally with forceps or vacuum (Table 4).
from delivery to last BP 150/100 mm because their small number would
Hg, postpartum MAP, maximum post- disproportionately influence the test for Comment
partum systolic BP, maximum diastolic interaction between mode of delivery Principal findings
BP, any postpartum BP 160/110 mm and study arm. There were no differen- The main finding of our study is that
Hg, need for short-acting antihyperten- tial effects in time to BP control between compared to acetaminophen, ibuprofen
sives for acute BP control, length of the arms when accounting for mode of did not extend the duration of severe-
postpartum stay, need to extend post- delivery (accelerated failure time model: range HTN in women with preeclamp-
partum stay for BP control, or require- interaction between study group and sia with severe features. Our findings do
ment of antihypertensives at discharge mode of delivery Wald c2 0.50, P ¼ .48). not lend support to the recommendation
(Table 2). To assess the impact of mode The adjusted mean time (95% CI) to BP put forth ACOG’s 2013 Hypertension in
of delivery on duration of severe-range control in the acetaminophen group was Pregnancy Task Force monograph to
HTN, we fitted an exponential regres- 68.4 hours (54.0e86.7), and 56.7 hours avoid NSAIDS in women with pre-
sion model that included study arm, (45.1e71.2) in the ibuprofen arm. eclampsia with severe features.18 When
mode of delivery, and the interaction Though it was not a planned outcome comparing women randomized to
between the two, which found no inter- measure, we also analyzed the frequency receive ibuprofen rather than acetamin-
action (F ¼ 0.43, P ¼ .51). The primary of at least 1 postpartum BP 150/100 ophen for first-line pain control, we did

MONTH 2018 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 1.e5

Original Research OBSTETRICS

Pain control and opioid use
Ibuprofen Acetaminophen
Any opioid use n ¼ 50 n ¼ 50 P value
Postpartum d 0, n (%) 22 (44) 20 (40) .2a
Postpartum d 1, n (%) 27 (54) 25 (50)
Postpartum d 2, n (%) 26 (52) 18 (36)
Ibuprofen Acetaminophen
Opioid requirement (in MEQ),
among those requiring opioids Mean (SD) Median Mean (SD) Median
Postpartum d 0, mg 22.1 (25.1) 15.0 22.6 (13.9) 18.8 .9b
Postpartum d 1, mg 27.5 (18.7) 30.0 32.3 (17.5) 30.0
Postpartum d 2, mg 28.9 (18.9) 22.5 45.4 (32.3) 41.3
Total MEQ dose 77.4 (64.8) 60.0 88.4 (108.1) 30.0 .6c
MEQ, morphine equivalent.
c2 Test for interaction effect of group and postpartum day on any opioid use from repeated measures logistic regression; b F test for interaction effect of group and postpartum day on
log-transformed opioid MEQs from repeated measures linear regression; c t Test for 2 independent samples on log-transformed total MEQ dose.
Blue et al. Ibuprofen and postpartum blood pressure control in preeclampsia. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2018.

not identify a difference in any metric of with the specified degree of HTN for a Strengths and weaknesses
postpartum BP control, including the few hours postpartum as categorically Our study had several strengths. It was a
time to BP control among those who equal to a woman with the same degree double-masked, randomized controlled
experienced postpartum severe-range of HTN for 48 or 72 hours after delivery. design with an intention-to-treat anal-
HTN. Additionally, we did not find any In the management of women with ysis. Additionally, we chose outcome
difference in the need for antihyperten- postpartum HTN, the role of timing is measures that were clinically relevant
sive use either at hospital discharge or at important. The clinical significance and and included additional measures that
6 weeks postpartum. implications of a BP 160/110 mm Hg were reported in other studies to facili-
We chose the primary outcome mea- occurring 6 hours after delivery is tate comparison. The use of around-the-
sure of duration of severe-range HTN different from when it occurs 72 hours clock study drug dosing helped ensure
because it conveys the effect of elevated after delivery, as the woman with severe- that the inherent potential for type II
BP on a woman’s postpartum care more range HTN 72 hours after delivery is error would be related to limited power
accurately than other outcome mea- considered to have more persistent, se- rather than underestimation of NSAID
sures. Alternative outcomes, such as the vere disease, and is more likely to require effect because of the less frequent dosing
presence of any BP 160/110 mm Hg, prolonged observation and treatment due to PRN dosing. Lastly, the high
MAP, or rate of persistent postpartum with scheduled antihypertensive proportion of our study population with
BP 150/100 mm Hg, treat a woman medication. clinically significant postpartum HTN
makes our findings generalizable to
women with persistent postpartum
HTN, the population among which
ACOG initially advised caution.
Outcomes at 6 weeks postpartum
Our study also had several limitations.
Ibuprofen Acetaminophen The superiority design does not allow us
Outcome, n (%) n ¼ 43 n ¼ 34 P value to infer equivalence between treatment
Continued antihypertensive use 15 (34.9) 7 (20.6) .2a arms, and the relatively small sample size
Continued opioid use 2 (4.7) 0 (0) .3b
limited our ability to assess rare adverse
outcomes. We chose a superiority design
OB triage visits after discharge 7 (16.3) 5 (15.7) .6b because our objective was to identify a
Hospital readmission 3 (7.0) 0 (0) .2b difference between groups rather than
Readmission related to preeclampsia 1 (2.3) 0 (0) .6b prove equivalence. Equivalence or non-
OB, obstetric.
inferiority designs are powered to rule
c2 Test; b Fisher exact test.
out a narrower margin of difference be-
Blue et al. Ibuprofen and postpartum blood pressure control in preeclampsia. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2018. tween groups with more confidence, and
so require much larger sample sizes.

1.e6 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MONTH 2018 OBSTETRICS Original Research

Lastly, the unique racial and ethnic acetaminophen group was only 28.6% an increased risk of cesarean delivery if labor is
makeup of our study population, with compared to 84% in our cohort, which induced? J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med 2010;23:
high proportions of Native American may be related to differences in study 5. Dedier J, Stampfer MJ, Hankinson SE,
and Hispanic participants and a low design or attributable to their cohort Willett WC, Speizer FE, Curhan GC. Nonnarcotic
proportion of Black participants, having less severe disease. This may analgesic use and the risk of hypertension in US
may limit the generalizability of our suggest that patients with less severe women. Hypertension 2002;40:604-8.
findings. disease are more susceptible to NSAID- 6. Curhan GC, Willett WC, Rosner B,
Stampfer MJ. Frequency of analgesic use and
induced changes in BP. By comparison, risk of hypertension in younger women. Arch
Comparison with existing literature our study’s primary and secondary out- Intern Med 2002;162:2204-8.
Our findings are consistent with 2 of 3 comes were specifically chosen to 7. White WB, Kent J, Taylor A, Verburg KM,
previous publications addressing this address the question of whether any Lefkowith JB, Whelton A. Effects of celecoxib on
research question. The 2 studies consis- NSAID-associated increase in BP would ambulatory blood pressure in hypertensive pa-
tients on ACE inhibitors. Hypertension 2002;39:
tent with our findings were retrospective alter care. The above randomized 929-34.
in design and did not identify any asso- controlled trial is the only study we 8. Morgan TO, Anderson A, Bertram D. Effect of
ciation between postpartum NSAID use identified that supports the recommen- indomethacin on blood pressure in elderly peo-
and persistent BP 150/100 mm Hg, dation to avoid NSAID use in women ple with essential hypertension well controlled on
MAP, antihypertensive use, or length of with postpartum HTN. amlodipine or enalapril. Am J Hypertens
postpartum hospital stay.3,22 9. Klassen DK, Jane LH, Young DY,
Our findings are not consistent with Conclusion Peterson CA. Assessment of blood pressure
the 1 previously published open-label, In conclusion, we were unable to identify during naproxen therapy in hypertensive pa-
randomized controlled trial, which re- any detrimental effect of ibuprofen on tients treated with nicardipine. Am J Hypertens
ported that women with preeclampsia postpartum BP. Our study does not 1995;8:146-53.
10. Whelton A, White WB, Bello AE,
with severe features who were given support the hypothesis that postpartum Puma JA, Fort JG. Effects of celecoxib and
ibuprofen after vaginal delivery had at use of NSAIDs adversely affects BP rofecoxib on blood pressure and edema in
least 1 BP 150/100 mm Hg at more control in women with preeclampsia patients > or ¼65 years of age with systemic
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