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Feasibility Study
Ex-situ measures for Danube River Sturgeons

Ralf Reinartz

on behalf of

University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU)/ Institute of Hydrobiology and
Aquatic Ecosystem Management and the International Commission for the Protection of the
Danube River (ICPDR)

March 2015

Project: Elaboration of pre-requisites for sturgeon conservation in the Danube River Basin

“The task for conservation biology is to halt the current extinction wave and chart a course for a
future which includes biological diversity not only for its direct contribution to human welfare as a
resource, but also because it appeals to important human values.” from “Systematic Conservation
Planning“ by MARGULES, C. & SARKAR, S. (2007)

Sturgeons in motion

Schoeppingenweg 70
D-48149 Muenster

EU Grant 2012CE160AT124
This document has been produced with the financial
assistance of the European Union. The views expressed
herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official
opinion of the European Union.

Table of content
Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 5
1 Methodic approach ................................................................................................................ 6
2 Framework ............................................................................................................................. 6
2.1 The ex-situ concept ................................................................................................................... 6
2.1.1 Case example: The Kootenai White Sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) Conservation
Aquaculture Program .................................................................................................................. 9
2.2 Sturgeon 2020 - the strategic requirements........................................................................... 10
2.2.1 Rationale .......................................................................................................................... 10
2.2.2 Goals/ Objectives ............................................................................................................. 11
2.2.3 Measures and recommendations .................................................................................... 11
2.2.4 Species-specific and region-specific requirements .......................................................... 13
3 Feasibility ............................................................................................................................. 14
3.1 Resources – guidance and feasibility ...................................................................................... 14
3.1.1 Broodstock ....................................................................................................................... 15
General guidance information .............................................................................................. 15
Broodstock collection ............................................................................................................ 15
Transport ............................................................................................................................... 16
Selection and Maintenance .................................................................................................. 18
Genetic aspects ..................................................................................................................... 18
Sex ratio and effective population size ................................................................................. 20
Other criteria ......................................................................................................................... 23
Cryopreservation ................................................................................................................... 23
Feasibility............................................................................................................................... 24
3.1.2 Ex-situ expertise ............................................................................................................... 25
Guidance information ........................................................................................................... 25
Selection of staff ................................................................................................................... 25
Capacity building and training .............................................................................................. 25
Feasibility............................................................................................................................... 26
3.1.3 Funding ............................................................................................................................. 28
Guidance information ........................................................................................................... 28
Feasibility............................................................................................................................... 30
Examples for funding programmes ....................................................................................... 31
COST - European Cooperation in Science and Technology ................................................... 31
Danube Transnational Programme ....................................................................................... 32

European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) ................................................................... 33
LIFE Programme .................................................................................................................... 34
International Visegrad Fund.................................................................................................. 38
3.1.4 Knowledge and research .................................................................................................. 39
Guidance information ........................................................................................................... 39
In-situ knowledge .................................................................................................................. 39
Hatchery operation in accordance with natural conditions ................................................. 39
Food and feeding dynamics .................................................................................................. 39
Monitoring of hatchery operation ........................................................................................ 40
In-situ monitoring and performance of released fish ........................................................... 40
Function control of habitat improvements........................................................................... 42
Research approaches ............................................................................................................ 43
Feasibility............................................................................................................................... 45
3.1.5 Live gene bank facilities (conservation hatcheries) ......................................................... 46
Guidance information ........................................................................................................... 46
Hatchery location .................................................................................................................. 47
Hatchery design..................................................................................................................... 48
Hatchery modules ................................................................................................................. 52
Modernization ....................................................................................................................... 54
Holding and handling ............................................................................................................ 54
Closing down of operations .................................................................................................. 55
Feasibility............................................................................................................................... 55
3.1.6 Management .................................................................................................................... 57
Guidance information ........................................................................................................... 57
Feasibility............................................................................................................................... 58
3.1.7 Political will ...................................................................................................................... 59
Feasibility............................................................................................................................... 59
4 Implementation.................................................................................................................... 61
4.1 Phases...................................................................................................................................... 61
4.2 Projects and activities ............................................................................................................. 63
5 Summary .............................................................................................................................. 65
6 Literature and information sources ....................................................................................... 67
7 Glossary ............................................................................................................................... 69

Figures and table

Figure 1: Differences between ex-situ conservation and sturgeon aquaculture for consumption 8

Figure 2: Conservation hatchery and natural life-cycle. ............................................................ 10

Figure 3: Hybridization as threat for native broodstock. ........................................................... 20

Figure 4: Tagging of YOY-Beluga sturgeons (Huso huso) during monitoring. .............................. 41

Figure 5: Monitoring of sturgeon juveniles with a trammel net ................................................ 46

Figure 6: Scheme of facility for migratory fishes ....................................................................... 52

Figure 7: Tanks for subadult Acipenser sturio at the IGB in Berlin, Germany ............................. 53

Table: Implementation phases for ex-situ measures ................................................................ 62

Populations of Danube River sturgeons have declined drastically with one species having vanished
already and some species and forms on the brink of extinction today. This calls for quick and
determined interdisciplinary and international conservation action, to prevent their complete
disappearance and to save sturgeon biodiversity within the most international river basin in the

The document at hand belongs to the project: “Elaboration of pre-requisites for sturgeon
conservation in the Danube River Basin (DRB)“ conducted by the University of Natural Resources
and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU)/ Institute of Hydrobiology and Aquatic Ecosystem Management
on behalf of the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR) and will
serve as a basis for developing projects aiming at the ex-situ conservation of Danube River – Black
Sea sturgeons.

It is also part of the implementation process of the Action Plan for Danube River Sturgeons (SAP,
BLOESCH et al. 2006) and based on key topic four (ex-situ conservation) of Sturgeon 2020 (SANDU,
REINARTZ & BLOESCH 2013,, the strategy for the conservation and the revival of
native sturgeon species in the Danube River Basin, as well as on its main ex-situ reference
document, the FAO – Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper No. 570 – “Sturgeon hatchery
practices and management for release” (CHEBANOV et al. 2011). Although the latter was
published with regard to the Caspian Sea, its recommendations and guidance are also applicable
to the situation in the Danube – Black Sea system and its sturgeon populations.

1 Methodic approach
Relevant information was retrieved and compiled from literature and documents, from meetings
conducted by the Danube Sturgeon Task from 2012 to 2014, as well as from the work experience
on project applications and projects for the conservation of Danube River sturgeons.
Overall feasibility was evaluated by defining single essential resources and assessing their
availability and feasibility for the implementation of ex-situ conservation measures, also with
regard to Sturgeon 2020 and cross-referencing information with the FAO Technical Paper No. 570
(CHEBANOV et al. 2011) as well as literature. Emphasis was put on information necessary for the
onset of ex-situ conservation measures in the Danube River Basin.
The implementation process was analyzed and differentiated into distinct phases containing
respective single projects and project combinations. A one-day workshop for the verification and
refinement of conclusions was conducted at the Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland
Fisheries (IGB) in Berlin on March 23rd 2015 with participating expert members of the World
Sturgeon Conservation Society (WSCS).

2 Framework
2.1 The ex-situ concept
A lot of fish species are threatened by habitat degradation and over-exploitation. In many cases,
attempts were made to compensate population deficits and/ or associated fisheries by rearing
fish in hatcheries and releasing them into the wild, commonly known as “stocking”. Such releases
have been reviewed critically in recent years, as a lot of these activities did not yield the desired
success or even had negative effects on populations (RYMAN & LAIKRE 1991, LYNCH & O'HELY
2001, CHEBANOV & BILLARD 2011). Certain fish or sturgeon populations, on the other hand,
would have been lost without human intervention and appropriate conservation measures also
involving the reproduction of broodstock in captivity (IRELAND, ANDERS & SIPLE 2002, IRELAND et
al. 2002, WILLIOT et al. 2009).
The successful use of hatcheries for sturgeon conservation strongly depends on how well
hatchery-reared animals can adapt to natural habitat conditions and how well hatchery
operations can preserve the genetic identity and diversity, as well as all other key attributes of the
natural populations (CHEBANOV et al. 2001, BROWN & DAY 2002, IRELAND et al. 2002).

The concept of ex-situ (“off-site“) measures includes all conservation activities targeting sturgeon
populations directly, and which take place out of the river. This is in contrast to in-situ (“on-site“)
measures, which aim to conserve and restore sturgeon populations in their natural habitat
through habitat protection and restoration, for instance.
Ex-situ measures consist of the establishment of broodstock from endangered populations in
captivity and their reproduction under natural environmental conditions, to release juveniles
which are fit for survival in the wild. Thus, they work in accordance with the existing life-cycle of
populations, ensuring the feasibility of measures with regard to a functioning river ecology and
ecosystem health.
For the situation of the Danube River-Black Sea sturgeon populations, these measures serve two
main purposes:
 the conservation of endangered sturgeon populations or populations on the brink of
extinction by establishing captive life-cycle units
 the stabilization of populations by providing juveniles for release and fit for survival in the
wild, to compensate for deficits in natural reproduction and to ensure viable year-classes
of future wild spawners

These measures are intended to “buy time“ to ensure successful implementation of in-situ
improvements. However, such recurrent introduction of individuals from a captive environment
into natural populations includes the threat of altering the gene pool and having detrimental
effects on a population. Thus, one of the most important aims of ex-situ measures is to maintain
and protect the genetic identity and diversity, as well as the morphological and behavioural
characteristics of the respective populations in both captivity and the wild.

This clearly distinguishes these operations from introductions in areas without natural sturgeon
populations, the economic boosting of a sturgeon fishery by the release of juveniles, as well as
from hatchery operations for the production of sturgeon products for human consumption.

Different terms are used for ex-situ operations like “conservation stocking”, “conservation
breeding”, “conservation hatchery”, “conservation aquaculture”, “captive breeding” or just simply
“hatchery”. The latter is often misleading as ex-situ measures go beyond the concept of merely
producing large quantities of fertilized sturgeon eggs and letting them hatch. However, these

terms basically have the same meaning, if used in the context of sustainable conservation
measures for endangered fish populations.
The in-situ life-cycle of the respective populations in the wild defines the conditions of ex-situ
operations and the underlying principles for Danube River sturgeon conservation in general. This
means also, that ex- and in-situ measures are closely linked and have to be well coordinated and
Figure 1 demonstrates main differences between ex-situ operations and sturgeon aquaculture for
human consumption. The only common feature of these two different approaches is adult
sturgeon broodstock being reproduced in a captive environment. However, broodstock and
captive environments differ greatly. Experience from other watersheds and sturgeon populations
has also shown, that these two concepts cannot be consolidated for the aim of conservation of
endangered sturgeon populations (ROSENTHAL, GESSNER & BRONZI 2014).
Figure 1: Differences between ex-situ conservation and sturgeon aquaculture for consumption

2.1.1 Case example: The Kootenai White Sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) Conservation
Aquaculture Program
An example of successful implementation of ex-situ-measures for the conservation and
stabilization of a sturgeon population is that of the White Sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) in
the Kootenai River (AFS MONTANA).

The Kootenai Tribe of Idaho Conservation Aquaculture Program began operation in 1990 to
evaluate the feasibility of using aquaculture as a component of recovery for sturgeon in the
Kootenai River. Sturgeon hatchery methods were largely experimental when the Kootenai
program was first initiated, as conservation was generally a new purpose for fish hatcheries at
that time. The Kootenai River White Sturgeon Study and Conservation Aquaculture Project was
later expanded to help preserve the genetic variability of the population, begin rebuilding natural
age class structure, and prevent extinction while measures are implemented to restore natural
recruitment (IRELAND et al. 2002, KTOI 2004, 2005). This program is currently meeting its
objectives of reducing the threat of extinction by annually providing year classes from native
broodstock, representing inherent within-population genetic diversity in its broodstock and
progeny groups, and minimizing the introduction of disease into the recipient wild population
(IRELAND et al. 2002, KTOI 2004, 2005).

Experimental hatchery releases of age 1-4 juvenile sturgeon from 1992 through 2004 have
included nearly 47,000 fish (KTOI 2005). Subsequent recaptures of hatchery fish in an annual
monitoring program indicate that significant numbers have survived introduction and grow well
after an initial period of adjustment to the natural environment (IRELAND et. al. 2002, KTOI 2005).
Survival rates of hatchery-produced juveniles averaged about 60% during the first year at large,
and about 90% during all subsequent years. Updated growth, condition, and survival analyses are
ongoing to track the effects of hatchery releases.

Figure 2 shows the natural sturgeon life-cycle and the intervention by the Kootenai conservation
hatchery as an example for ex-situ measures.

Figure 2: Conservation hatchery and natural life-cycle. Source: KTOI 2005

2.2 Sturgeon 2020 - the strategic requirements

The strategy and program of “Sturgeon 2020” (SANDU, REINARTZ & BLOESCH 2013) includes
different measures for sturgeon conservation. During the process of developing Sturgeon 2020 it
became clear, that human intervention also with regard to ex-situ conservation measures is
necessary, to save sturgeon biodiversity in the Danube River Basin. The six interconnected key
topics and the relevant strategic content of Sturgeon 2020 for the document at hand (key topic 4:
Ex-situ sturgeon conservation) is given below:
1. Acquiring political support for sturgeon conservation
2. Capacity building and law enforcement
3. In-situ sturgeon conservation
4. Ex-situ sturgeon conservation
5. Socio-economic measures in support of sturgeon conservation
6. Raising public awareness

2.2.1 Rationale
Viable sturgeon populations depend on a multi-aged structure comprising all different age-classes.
Ex-situ conservation measures ensure the viability of the respective populations in captivity (living
gene banks) by supporting natural reproduction and the natural life cycle. They are not intended
as stand-alone activities but should always be in line with in-situ conservation measures (see key

topic 3). They are not necessary if the natural life cycle is fully operational.
There is a strong linkage between ex-situ and in-situ measures, and an in-depth genetic
assessment of the populations must be performed as a basic prerequisite to identify management
units to be conserved. Hence, both sturgeon oriented key topics 3 and 4 overlap with necessary

2.2.2 Goals/ Objectives

 Provide basic measures to establish captive broodstock of all relevant sturgeon species
and forms in non-commercial facilities, built exclusively for supportive stocking and
reintroduction, and running according to the state-of-the-art scientific methods
 Supervise ex-situ broodstock and hatchery facilities by governmental authorities
implementing the joint conservation strategy. The facilities must not be subject to
commercial interest, but are supposed to provide mutual benefit by providing access to
offspring for stocking purposes at minimal cost and high reliability. However, expertise,
equipment and logistics from the commercial sector might be involved, if necessary
 Organize ex-situ facilities as joint regional network operations of Danube countries. The
approach must include joint responsibilities of the relevant countries and provide access to
guarantee long-term operation with shared costs, since the measures may last for several
generation cycles of the species concerned
 Evaluate the performance of ex-situ facilities on a regular basis. Improvements and new
research results relevant to the application of methods have to be incorporated in the
protocols, so as to maintain state- of-the-art
 Execute and monitor stocking measures based on the status of natural reproduction by
respecting the principle to not interfere with natural recruitment

2.2.3 Measures and recommendations

 In-situ population structure will define the requirements for ex-situ broodstock
composition and management. For instance, retrieval of the long distance migratory forms
of adults still arriving at the Iron Gate dam II must be secured for ex-situ measures to
maintain these forms for the rehabilitation of populations once the migration route at the
Iron Gate dams has been restored.
 A primary objective should focus on preparing a joint inventory of existing broodstock in
captivity (e.g. conservation programs, living gene banks) to minimize duplication of efforts

(excessive additional catches from the wild) while guaranteeing the best coverage of the
genetic structure found in wild populations.
 A survey should be conducted to determine the structure and capacity of existing facilities,
focusing on the suitability and adjustments required if these units will be incorporated into
an overall ex-situ conservation program according to the aimed high quality standard. Also
the potential for the establishment and inclusion of gamete repositories/sperm banks into
such programs has to be assessed and such facilities implemented if and wherever
 Ex-situ facilities for conservation purposes should be designed in line with the WSCS-FAO
guideline on hatchery management for release, facilitating the cultured fish for fitness of
survival in natural environments after release. This includes measures to (1) acclimate
juveniles step by step to changing environmental conditions (e.g. micro-turbulence,
salinity, photoperiod, temperature regime), (2) to allow natural behaviour in-situ, (3) to
train behavioural reactions to avoid predators, and (4) to establish facilities near the
selected and intended release sites for gradual adaptation of fish to natural conditions.
 Hatcheries for release will have to develop joint protocols to allow proper functional
analysis and assessment of operational success. Joint databanks should follow the same
layout for international assessment and comparison. A joint methodology for
introduction/release and monitoring (success control) has to be developed and applied.
 To build broodstocks for species or biological groups considered almost extinct (e.g.
Acipenser nudiventris), a rescue program should be implemented which involves fisheries
and respective authorities to secure incidental catches. This includes the timely
preparation and maintenance of means for rapid transportation as well as holding/rearing.
 Reintroductions into formerly inhabited parts of the riverine-marine system have to be in
line with IUCN guidelines and based on and coordinated with the respective in-situ
measures. A joint program has to be carried out – preferably with the involvement of the
fishery community in monitoring – to rate the performance (migration, growth and
survival) of released fish. Past stocking activities should undergo a retrospective analysis
on their structure, effectiveness and overall outcome to learn from experience and
optimize future programs.

2.2.4 Species-specific and region-specific requirements
The species-specific and region-specific requirements for ex-situ measures are given below. They
represent the state-of-the-art knowledge and the prioritised measures needed for their
For the Upper Danube ex-situ measures for Acipenser ruthenus are seen as Priority 1 (most urgent
– “must have”) if in-situ assessment in the impoundment of Aschach confirms population status.
For the Middle Danube the anadromous species and long distance migrant forms of Huso huso,
Acipenser gueldenstaedti are seen as Priority 1 (most urgent – “must have”) and Acipenser
stellatus as Priority 2 (indispensible – “need to have”) once the Iron Gate dams have been opened
for up- and downstream fish migration. An assessment of current ex-situ measures for Acipenser
ruthenus is seen as Priority 2 (indispensible – “need to have”). Rescue programs for the resident
forms of Acipenser gueldenstaedti and Acipenser nudiventris are Priority 1 (most urgent – “must
have”), depending on the results of population assessments and incidental catches. Measures for
the extinct Acipenser sturio are Priority 3 (not urgent, yet possibly necessary in the future – “nice
to have”)
For the Lower Danube and Black Sea system Huso huso, Acipenser gueldenstaedti and Acipenser
nudiventris (rescue programs for the latter two) are seen as Priority 1 (most urgent – “must have”).
Acipenser stellatus and Acipenser ruthenus are Priority 2 (indispensible – “need to have”)
depending on in-situ measures and population assessments and measures for the reintroduction
of extinct Acipenser sturio is Priority 3 (not urgent, yet possibly necessary in the future – “nice to
have”) depending on other recovery programs in Europe and the restoration of up- and
downstream fish migration at the Iron Gate dams.
Overall, anadromous sturgeon species (H. huso, A. gueldenstaedti, A. stellatus) are to be
considered a priority also for the Middle Danube, in particular when connectivity of the Danube
has been re-established in line with the obligations of the EU-WFD. The current retrieval of
decreasing numbers of broodstock of long distance migrants downstream of the Iron Gate dam II
is considered an urgent priority (“must have”).

3 Feasibility
For the analysis of the overall feasibility for Danube sturgeon ex-situ measures, it is obligatory to
determine the availability and feasibility of certain single factors, which are necessary for the
successful implementation of the required conservation activities at hand.
These factors can also be regarded as resources. In the reverse conclusion, all deficits and/ or
detrimental factors impacting these single resources, have to be regarded as threats or risks of
failure for ex-situ measures in general.

3.1 Resources – guidance and feasibility

An analysis of the strategic content of Sturgeon 2020, the technical content of FAO Technical
Paper No. 570 (CHEBANOV et al. 2011), literature and other relevant information sources, delivers
the following main resources for ex-situ measures (in alphabetical order):
 Broodstock
 Ex-situ expertise
 Funding
 Knowledge and research
 Live gene bank facilities
 Management
 Political will
These resources, their current status in the Danube River Basin and relevant technical information
is provided on the following pages.

3.1.1 Broodstock
The broodstock is the biological base of all ex-situ measures. It consists of individuals of the
endangered populations, which were identified by in-situ research in advance.
The FAO Technical Paper No. 570 (CHEBANOV et al. 2011) provides guidance on this subject.
Relevant information in form of statements was extracted and is compiled below (Ann.:
geographical reference changed from Caspian Sea to Danube-Black Sea, where appropriate and

General guidance information

Sturgeon broodstock should be collected from the natural environment in accordance with
international, national and local-level laws and regulations at dedicated sites and over a
predetermined period. As a principle, it is advisable to catch as many brood fish as necessary to
maintain the genetic integrity of the species without ignoring the need to keep the impact to a
minimum on those natural populations that are highly endangered or on the brink of extinction. In
such cases, priority should be given to the use of the (already) available ex-situ broodstocks.
Rationale: The commercial and scientific catch of sturgeon has been banned in certain parts and
in certain seasons. However, the national and local laws and regulations on the catch of sturgeons
and sturgeon broodstock that are in place are often enforced only to a limited extent or not at all.
In general, broodstock collection is done in a semi-legal environment, justified by scientific
research purposes. In practice, this means that there is very limited information on broodstock
harvests from the wild, and most broodstock catches can be considered as IUU fishing (Ann.:
Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated).

Broodstock collection
When planning and conducting broodstock collection, it is important to recognize that:
 National and local laws and regulations and international agreements should be followed.
In specific cases, dispensation should be requested from the respective authorities while
following the relevant procedures.
 The initiation of the wild broodstock collection depends on the time of sturgeon migration
to the coastal (estuary) area and the onset of spawning temperature for each species. This
time should be adjusted in accordance with ambient seasonal conditions as are prevalent
in different river basins. These conditions should be monitored continuously in order to
update and adjust regularly the estimates on the time window for collecting mature brood

fish, thereby improving the cost-efficient scheduling of the operation.
 Broodstock collection should be performed in rivers during spawning migration, in coastal
(estuary) areas using fishing nets and in rivers using trap nets that do not harm or damage
the fish.
 In cases where the number of broodstock is very low, it is advisable to collect even pre-
adult animals in other (nearby) areas (e.g. estuaries), only for the purposes of holding the
fish for later use for reproduction.

The effects of handling of brood fish during and after harvesting, as well as during and after
transport, need specific attention, with subsequent consequences on the welfare of caught
broodstock in the hatchery. Handling and transportation stress should be minimized.

Rationale: Sturgeon broodstock become vulnerable to injury and diseases when they are
confronted with stressful situations during handling. It is highly beneficial to the hatchery and the
fish to do all that is needful to reduce stress levels to a minimum. Proper care during catching,
handling and transport (by boat, car or hand at the farm) is essential. The Aquatic Animal Health
Code 2010 of the World Organisation for Animal Health provides key guidance on how to
guarantee the welfare of fish during transport.
However, adult sturgeons are exceptionally large specimens (much larger than most of the teleost
fish species handled in common commercial aquaculture). Therefore, adjustments to equipment
for handling fishes at capture and during transport must be made, and specific handling skills will
be required, for which little expertise is available among most hatchery operators. There is an
urgent need for the preparation of a specific manual to assist those involved in handling large,
mature and ready-to-spawn sturgeons.
While recognizing that detailed guidance on this subject is provided in the OIE code in more
general terms, these guidelines would specifically emphasize that:
 The length of time for which freshly captured broodstock are handled and transported
should be as short as possible. Good planning and organization of the transport by
competent (trained) persons is essential in order to minimize handling stress.
 The density of fish in the tanks or containers used for transport (by boat and truck) should
be minimized when a large number of individuals are being transported. In this respect, it

should be noted that the design of transport equipment should be suitable, preferably
using splashless tanks of a size that accommodate the full length of the fish, while either
aeration or oxygenation is provided on board boats or trucks.
 Fish should be transported in the water in which they were caught. This water must be
temperature controlled, either to maintain the temperature from which the fish originate
(water should not warm up while the fish are in transport) or cool the water to reduce
metabolic activity.
 Cradles/slings, tanks and containers for broodstock transportation should be rinsed with
freshwater before use and subjected to approved disinfection procedures.
 Stressless (e.g. splashless) tanks should be used, to avoid mechanical damage to fish and
reduce “seasickness”. Moreover, to avoid fish damage, the inner surface of containers
should be smooth (no rough surfaces, and also easier to disinfect).
 Broodstock intended for reproduction with evident signs of abnormalities on the body
should be excluded from transport to culture (broodstock) facilities.
 During catch, handling and transport, efforts should be made to maximize safety for the
fish and keep the animal out of direct sunlight (e.g. while waiting onshore to be prepared
for transport).
 Emergency, contingency and back-up plans should be ready in case any irregularity occurs
as to equipment function (e.g. oxygen supply) and handling protocol, in order to guarantee
the well-being of the fish throughout the handling and transport process.
 In certain cases, it may be necessary to transport live sturgeon from one country to
another. In such circumstances, the recommendation is to follow the FAO Technical
Guidelines on Health Management for Responsible Movement of Live Aquatic Animals,
which have been developed to support sections of the Code as well as the ICES Code of
Practice on the Introduction and Transfer of Marine Organisms, which is also endorsed by
FAO, incorporating several of its principles in the FAO technical paper Assessment of
freshwater seed resources for sustainable aquaculture. These guidelines give advice on
how to reduce the risk of introduction and spread of serious transboundary aquatic animal
diseases. Although they deal primarily with safe transboundary movement at the
international level, they are also applicable to domestic movements between different
provinces, basins, sub-basins, geographical areas or zones of differing disease status. As
such, the Technical Guidelines on Health Management for Responsible Movement of Live

Aquatic Animals can form a valuable addition to the guidelines outlined in this document.
In addition, the ICES Code of Practice on the Introduction and Transfer of Marine
Organisms addresses not only health aspects but also ecological considerations on risks on
potential ecosystem disruptions from non-indigenous species and/or foreign strains of
native species.

Selection and Maintenance

As a consequence of the drastic decline in the numbers of wild broodstock, the broodstocks built
in the hatchery are serving and will continue to serve as prime sources of population
replenishment in their previous natural range. Representative conservation of sturgeon species
gene pools and intraspecific groups (spatial, seasonal) must be ensured in the established
hatchery broodstocks intended for release either to re-establish a sturgeon species in its previous
natural range or to replenish natural stocks that are at risk.
Different approaches to establish a broodstock may be applied depending on specific local
conditions. These include the use of domesticated brood fish and immature specimens obtained
from natural runs, as well as using eggs, yearlings and fish of older age groups, reared at the
hatcheries. Genotypes of broodstock specimens should accurately represent the genetic structure
of the natural population and complete genetic characterization of all specimens before use will
therefore be an essential prerequisite before any of the fish can be used in producing progeny for
release programmes.

Genetic aspects
Hatchery populations should be established and managed under principles that capture and
maintain the genetic diversity in natural populations. Inbreeding, outbreeding and selection
should be avoided in creating and maintaining the broodstock. Individuals from different
populations should not be interbred. Genetic management of the broodstock should take place
throughout the process from selection of broodstock through rearing and releasing. Coordination
within and among river systems and countries and establishment of a centralized entity for
overseeing and coordinating hatchery practices are recommended. Research into the genetic
diversity of wild sturgeons is needed to manage hatchery practices more accurately.
Rationale: Genetic diversity is essential to the long-term survival of a species. Individual
populations of sturgeons may have unique adaptations and genotypes. This diversity should not
be compromised by hatchery practices.

Some hatcheries currently cultivate captive stocks while others cross individuals captured each
year without holding the animals beyond that time. These latter types of hatcheries may establish
captive broodstocks in the future. These implementation guidelines address both circumstances.
As there is not yet sufficient information to attribute an individual genetically to its basin or river
of origin, research will be needed to implement some guidelines. Nations should thus prioritize
research on the genetic structure of sturgeon populations.
When establishing the broodstock, it is essential to be mindful of the geographic origin of the
animals used as well as their genetic identity. To preserve the genetic diversity within the species,
several important rules should be followed:
 All necessary efforts should be made to establish broodstocks for an individual river
system that includes only individuals captured in and genetically attributed to the river
where the hatchery operates and supplementation will occur. When it is impossible to
obtain sufficient broodstock from an individual river (i.e. the local population is extinct),
animals from the closest river system and/or with close genetic relatedness may be used if
absolutely necessary.
 As a best practice, animals from the same run within a river system should be used to
create broodstocks that correspond to such individual runs. Individuals captured during a
certain run should be reared separately from those captured in a different run and only
bred with individuals from that run.
 A large random sample of individuals from the wild should be collected at different periods
during the spawning run to avoid selection of particular phenotypes and genotypes.

Figure 3: Hybridization as threat for native broodstock. Assessing gonadal status of native
Acipenser ruthenus (top) and invasive Acipenser baerii from the Aschach impoundment in the
Austrian Danube. Photo: Ralf Reinartz

Sex ratio and effective population size

 In cases where it is not possible to capture both a male and female of a species in a given
season and no captive animals (or gametes) from the same river system exist to achieve a
cross, it is recommended that the males captured be non-lethally stripped of their sperm
for the purposes of cryopreservation. Captured individuals should be retained in captivity
for future use when a suitable mate (i.e. female) is captured.
 Breeding practices in the hatchery setting should strive to maximize the effective breeding
size of the population by breeding as many individuals as possible. In the ideal case, the
effective size of each population group should not be fewer than 100–250 different age-
graded females and males. This means having 20–50 individuals effectively breeding (with
an equal number of males and females).
 When unequal numbers of males and females are used, the effective population should be
measured. Because it is likely that not all individuals will be responsive to hormone

treatment and thus not effectively reproduce, it is recommended that 100 different
individuals are prepared to be bred each year.
 In many sturgeon hatcheries, only a limited number of brood fish obtained from natural
spawning runs may be available each year. It is therefore recommended that an effective
population size of six (with equal numbers of males and females or with adjustments) be
achieved each year and that different individuals be bred each year. If fewer than six
unrelated animals breed effectively and successfully in a given year, the progeny obtained
from such reproductions should not be released.
 Inbreeding should also be avoided by ensuring that closely related individuals (e.g. siblings
and half-siblings) are not crossed. Rotational breeding schemes can be used to minimize
mating between related individuals. This will require that breeding lines are tracked
through generations (e.g. through proper and reliable [long-lasting] tagging methods and
full record-keeping) and this can be best accompanied through molecular genetic analysis
of the captive stock.
 In the absence of genetic information, inbreeding can be avoided by crossing different age
grades and crossing females and males captured at different locations during different
periods of the spawning run. Different adults should be spawned every year. When
possible, the selection of mating pairs should be optimized to preserve rare alleles.
However, this can only be an interim procedure. Full molecular genetic analysis of
broodstocks should be vigorously promoted as soon as possible.
 When there is a limited supply of broodstock, several steps can also be taken to avoid
 A breeding plan can be created that maximizes the number of crosses undertaken
(factorial mating). This involves dividing gametes from several individuals and making all
possible crosses between males and females (see also BOSCARI et al. 2014).
 When unequal numbers of each sex are available, the gametes from the individuals from
the less numerous sex should be crossed with all of the gametes from the sex in excess. It
is essential that each cross be conducted separately so that the individual lines can be
tracked, sperm competition minimized, and the relative contribution be understood of
each cross to the resulting population that will be released.
 It is preferable that the crosses conducted each year are of wild and not domesticated
broodstock. Wild individuals should be captured, tagged and genotyped each year,

stripped of gametes and released back into the wild (except in cases of highly endangered
species, and individuals with rare alleles should be retained in the captive broodstock).
 In cases where an adequate broodstock cannot be obtained from the wild, crosses with
captive (preferably not fully domesticated) females and wild males can be used, and vice
versa in the case of a lack of males. It is desirable to also use a rotational breeding scheme
in these scenarios, incorporating at least 5–10 percent of wild brood fish into the
 Detailed records should be kept of crosses performed and the resulting surviving progeny
and their genetic identity (i.e. attribution to family line) be documented, while also the
approximate number of individuals released from the different crosses should be recorded.
There is a risk that some selection will occur after fertilization through to the fingerling
stage and may therefore alter the relative percentages of progeny from different crosses
in the population ultimately released. Therefore, complete record-keeping is essential for
a retrospective analysis on the success and failure of release programmes.
 There will probably be several hatcheries in a given river system. These hatcheries should
operate collaboratively, sharing broodstock when appropriate. As the establishment of
broodstocks requires technical expertise and a sufficiently equipped hatchery, it may be
preferable to concentrate efforts into one facility in each river basin. This facility would be
able to deliver fertilized eggs to “secondary” on-rearing facilities located closer to release
sites. However, in order to safeguard the broodstock and protect against unforeseen risks,
a “duplicate” broodstock should be housed at one other hatchery within the region.
 Given that the genetic resources of the Danube and Black Sea sturgeons are shared,
establishing a basin-wide legal framework on genetic practices and protocols in hatchery
management is strongly recommended and seen as an essential part of any monitoring
and assessment programme. A regional body should harmonize practices among nations,
track breeding lines and share genetic resources when appropriate. The coordinating body
could set guidelines for standardized tagging and molecular genetic techniques to be used
by all hatcheries in the Danube-Black Sea Basin. Such information should be linked to a
 The body could further support additional genetic research on the population structure of
Danube and Black Sea sturgeons, which is a necessary first step in accomplishing sound
supplementation guidelines. A range-wide genetic database is also needed in order to be

able to attribute captured individuals to a river of origin.
In cases where broodstocks have been already established under conditions that do not comply
with those recommended above, these stocks should be genetically tested to find matches with
newly established broodstocks. Until these captive stocks are characterized, they should not be
used for supplementation.

Other criteria
Establishment of a sturgeon broodstock base at a hatchery should be conducted on the basis of a
proper breeding plan, including evaluation of optimal species and age structure of the broodstock.
All age groups should be represented in the broodstock. Each fish group should be marked by tags
of corresponding series number and related information recorded and registered in the pedigree
documentation (diary). At selection of fish for becoming part of the broodstock, individuals with
typical exterior characteristics without anomalies and with high gamete quality should have
Rationale: Spontaneous building of broodstock without long-term, science-based planning would
result in a loss of natural population genetic diversity in the wild and would not facilitate the
success of continuous hatchery stock enhancement.

Sperm cryopreservation should be considered as a generally applied and useful tool for
conservation of sturgeon species, especially for rare and endangered species. However, this
strategy takes care only of the paternal gene pool – it is yet not possible to cryopreserve oocytes.
There are various techniques available for controlling the cryopreservation process, the storage
condition monitoring and the thawing process, including the application of cryoprotectants and
diluents. The pertinent literature should be consulted in order to develop an own specific protocol.

Rationale: Sperm cryopreservation is being applied in some countries, and it has proved a useful
tool for conservation of at least the paternal fraction of the gene pool of rare and endangered
sturgeon species. Individual hatcheries could make significant contributions by incorporating
further research programmes on optimization of procedures, but through national and regional
collaboration much more impact on improved methodologies could be achieved.
Cryopreservation of sturgeon sperm can be a useful tool in the conservation of the species.
Individual animals (or their gametes) from other basins (e.g. Caspian or Azov Seas) should not be

used in Danube-Black Sea hatcheries, even in cases where there are only a few brood fish of the
target species available. This is essential to avoid genetic pollution of the original populations. If
the currently established broodstock includes animals from other basins, they should be removed
and the progeny from crosses using these animals should not be released under any

Currently there is no broodstock of Danube River sturgeons available, complying with the
standards defined in Sturgeon 2020 and FAO Technical Paper No. 570 (CHEBANOV et al. 2011).
Suitable broodstock of different sturgeon populations would have to be established to initiate ex-
situ measures, once the respective live gene bank facilities have been established.
The first step of establishing suitable broodstock would be to define populations (sub-units,
reproduction units, conservation units) characterized by species and specific traits (e.g. spawning
migration, homing behaviour, genetics). The second step would be the collection of broodstock
from these populations from the wild. It is important to consider the least detrimental way to
collect such broodstock for each population, to involve local stakeholders (fishermen, fishing
communities) in the process and to create a legal basis for the catch individuals of endangered
One possibility to mitigate the effects of collecting wild broodstock might be the utilization of
captive animals and a survey for these animals might be conducted in the different sub-basins.
However, besides confirming the status of captive individuals using genetic and/ or morphological
and meristic tools, there should be reliable background information accompanying these fishes
(e.g. time and location of capture, age as well as use in controlled propagation).
The establishment of broodstock of extremely rare species might be problematic or take a long
time. Thus, when collecting incidental catches of extremely rare species (e.g. Acipenser
nudiventris in the Middle Danube and Acipenser gueldenstaedti in the Lower Danube-Black Sea)
the survival of the animals is paramount and has to be ensured by means of proper transport,
handling, adopting and feeding as well as (health) control. For this purpose a specialized facility or
a specialized unit within a facility has to be established and maintained, prepared to ensure the
required intensive care. Cryopreservation must be applied in the case of catch of male individuals.

3.1.2 Ex-situ expertise
Specific expertise is required to run ex-situ facilities and operations. Comprehensive literature on
this topic is available (CHEBANOV & GALICH 2011), however, according to the FAO Technical
Paper No. 570 (CHEBANOV et al. 2011), the success or failure of a sturgeon hatchery depends
largely on its professional management and well-trained, dedicated and motivated staff.
Relevant information in form of statements was extracted and is compiled below (Ann.:
geographical reference changed from Caspian Sea to Danube-Black Sea, where appropriate and

Guidance information

Selection of staff
Recognizing the limited availability of experts trained in sturgeon hatchery design and operations,
it is essential that selection of staff is undertaken in such a manner that:
 the selected team includes the necessary expertise for the key operational functions (e.g.
broodstock capture and handling, mass incubation of eggs, rearing of larvae and weaning
of juveniles for release);
 continued training (upgrading) is provided for staff members in all fields of hatchery work.
 Hatchery staff should be properly trained in the activities they perform and receive
updates or advanced training, whenever new developments in terms of technology,
standards or protocols are introduced.
 Modern sturgeon hatcheries make use of advanced technologies and equipment that
require workers possessing in-depth knowledge of how to use and maintain these
technologies and equipment.
 Hatchery workers should master the traditional as well as innovative methods and
technologies. Training and education (capacity building) of all specialist workers at the
hatcheries, and particularly those involved in reproduction operations, is an essential part
of the hatchery functioning.
 Developments in fish health management, feed management, and sanitary and hygiene
requirements demand continuous updating of knowledge among hatchery staff.

Capacity building and training

Recognizing the fact that staff capabilities and knowledge are the key factors in the success of
hatchery management and operations, the following aspects should be considered:

 Capacity building of sturgeon hatchery staff, through training, can take various forms and
could include inter alia on-the-job training, formal education, short courses and study visits
to other hatcheries.
 Staff involved in operations at any production unit of the hatchery should be trained
regularly to follow best practices on safety and sanitary standards.
 Training and other guidance provided should be based on industry and regional standards
and be generally promoted and supported by competent authorities.
 Appropriate training at all levels (management, biologists and technical personnel) is
required for handling endangered fish species and in particular sturgeons and in order to
ensure professional handling of broodstock specimens, appropriate technical management
of culture systems, reproduction (including e.g. cryopreservation of sperm), adequate care
of behavioural needs of the species concerned and care of nutritional requirements as well
as best handling practices during the entire maturation and spawning phase.
 Regional-level and national-level training and education centres and dedicated
programmes should be used to ensure professional training and education; through
collaboration with such institutes and other hatcheries, the costs of training per hatchery
worker can be significantly decreased.
 Hatchery managers are advised to update their knowledge in order to apply the latest
technology available.

There is a history of controlled propagation for sturgeons in the Danube River Basin in
combination with extensive knowledge and hands-on experience in both the public and the
private sector (GUTI 2006 and 2014, HOLCIK et al. 2006, HUBENOVA, UZUNOVA & ZAIKOV 2010,
SMEDEREVAC-LALIC et al. 2011). Thus, there is a base of knowledge on conventional husbandry
and propagation methodology to build on.
Sturgeons were propagated in hatcheries and also released into the river in all sub-basins of the
Danube. Concepts differed and ranged from regular annual catch and propagation of wild
spawners to the non-continuous release of juveniles from captive broodstock, intended as
compensation for the catches of the caviar industry in the Lower Danube. However, there is no
specialized facility and also no staff experienced in the implementation of conservation oriented
ex-situ measures as defined by Sturgeon 2020 and FAO Technical Paper No. 570 (CHEBANOV et al.

It is feasible however, to establish this expertise and build capacity also in cooperation with
partners of relevant institutions outside of the Danube River Basin. This should be done in the
course of specific projects and programmes for capacity building also involving information
transfer and staff exchange between ex-situ facilities.
The question has been raised if and how expertise from the private sector can be included in ex-
situ operations, since a lot of knowledge on the husbandry and controlled propagation of
sturgeons in the Danube River Basin can currently be found in businesses.
There is nothing to be said against including expertise from the private sector on different levels,
as long as the non-commercial nature and principle of ex-situ operations is not compromised.
Thus, private experts might be involved on the basis of fees.

Potential partners for networking, capacity building and training(selection):

KrasNIIRKH - Krasnodar Research Institute of Fisheries (Mikhail Chebanov)
12 Oktaybrskaya Str.
RUS-350063 Krasnodar
Rationale: Facility and broodstock for Ponto-Caspian species (Acipenser gueldenstaedti, Acipenser
nudiventris, Acipenser ruthenus, Acipenser stellatus, Huso huso)

Landesforschungsanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Fischerei – Mecklenburg Vorpommern

Institut für Fischerei - Versuchsstation Born (Carsten Kühn)
Südstraße 8
D-18375 Born
Rationale: Facility, broodstock and reintroduction programme (Acipenser oxyrinchus)

IGB (Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries)

Biology and Ecology of fishes (Jörn Gessner)
Müggelseedamm 310
D-12587 Berlin

Rationale: Facility, broodstock and reintroduction programme (Acipenser sturio)

IRSTEA (Institut national de recherche en sciences et technologies pour l'environnement et

Station d'expérimentation Saint-Seurin-sur-l'Isle (Patrick Chèvre)
Moulin de la logerie
F-33660 Saint-Seurin-sur-l'Isle
Rationale: Facility, broodstock and support programme (Acipenser sturio)

Kootenai Tribe of Idaho Fisheries Department (Paul Anders)

PO Box 1269
Bonners Ferry
83805 Idaho
Rationale: Facility, broodstock and support programme (Acipenser transmontanus)

3.1.3 Funding
Funding is one of the most important basic prerequisites for ex-situ sturgeon conservation
measures. This comprises funding for both direct ex-situ measures like e.g. the planning and
implementation of live gene bank facilities and the establishment of the respective broodstock of
different sturgeon populations, as well as to all other fields delivering indispensible information or
services for ex-situ operations. This applies to political lobbying to generate support for instance,
as well as to the necessary in-situ research on natural sturgeon populations in the Danube River.
It is essential to provide long-term institutional funding to ensure effective measures securing
sturgeon biodiversity.

Guidance information
The FAO Technical Paper No. 570 (CHEBANOV et al. 2011) provides advice on this topic. A
compiled extract of relevant statements is given below:
 For the planning and construction of sturgeon hatcheries, whose main purpose is the
supply of fingerlings for release and rehabilitation of populations in waterbodies of their
natural range (Ann.: as in the case of the Danube River), it is imperative to calculate the

costs of construction and future operation realistically to ensure the long-term cost
implications of the hatchery operation to society. Such a financial plan is commonly
needed to obtain bank credits and/or funding from local, national, international and
intergovernmental donors as well as from licensing agencies.
 Hatcheries entirely destined for rehabilitation of endangered species should – from the
beginning – incorporate a plan on how to recover (at least in part) the running costs from
beneficiaries, once natural populations have recovered to the extent that a limited and
tightly regulated fishery can be reopened or self-sustaining populations have been fully
 Hatcheries that are constructed and operated with the sole purpose of supplying fry and
fingerlings for restocking purposes have other goals than making profit and serving society
at large.
 In the long term, contributions to the operational costs should be received from the
fishery or the caviar and sturgeon meat industry once the fishery on recovered stocks is
 Sturgeon hatcheries are expensive operations. Considerable investment is required to
build a hatchery and finance their operations. The owner must have sufficient working
capital to carry out the necessary operations.
 Before deciding to build a hatchery, one needs to examine carefully all facets of building
and operating a hatchery and determine financial schemes that include various potential
donors, while determining at what level public support and accompanying income from
hatchery operations can be generated to achieve gradually an economically viable
operation that can be sustained by the owner.
 Be involved in national planning and programming activities related to sturgeon recovery
programmes, so as to ensure awareness of the capacity and interests of the hatchery as
well as creating a broad understanding of the societal benefits and responsibilities of such
an undertaking.
 Avoid depending solely on state subsidies and grants for economic sustainability but
gradually seek accompanying measures that provide some income to defray a certain
portion of the running costs (e.g. training programmes, entrance fees for guided visits, a
small proportion of fry production for sale to aquaculture operations). Planning such
activities may have some small design implications for the construction of a hatchery (e.g.

a visitor corridor alongside, but isolated from, the production units equipped with
windows to see all operations of the system as well as an exhibition room).
 Maintain financial records of all inputs and outputs of the hatchery.
 Assign accountability for the hatchery functioning and the use of the budget for inputs
required for production to the person responsible (i.e. the hatchery manager) for control
over the budget.
 Obtain life and accident insurance to cover the main risks involved in sturgeon hatchery
activities. Worldwide, there are only a few insurance companies that have their own
regulations and technical minimum requirements for hatcheries, and this will also apply
for sturgeon hatcheries. Therefore, potential insurance agencies should be consulted
before planning and designing a sturgeon hatchery so as to guarantee that the
requirements for becoming eligible for insurance are also met before starting construction.
 Do not start production if no budget is available for release or restocking purposes.
 Make an effort to estimate the non-economic value of the hatchery and its produce,
including the social, cultural and environmental values that are associated with the
hatchery. In particular, the environmental value of restocking of a critically endangered
species may be high and offset economic costs for society.
 Ensure that both technical and economic aspects of the design and future operations are
taken in consideration. Although it is always important to keep production costs to a
minimum, there are costs that cannot be avoided without risking full success, and these
costs are clearly justified.

Currently, there is no funding allocated specifically to the international planning, building and
running of live gene bank facilities, the establishment of ex-situ broodstock or the release of
juveniles fit for survival in the wild for Danube River sturgeons.
One has to differentiate between short- to mid-term funding (for e.g. the planning and building of
a live gene bank) and long-term funding (e.g. for operating such a facility over decades as well as
implementing recurring associated activities like maintaining broodstock, modernization, capacity
building, training, release procedures).
Whereas short- to mid-term costs might be covered during the course of distinct projects,
submitted to and approved by a suitable funding programme, a different approach has to be

taken for long-term funding and recurring activities. It is self-evident, that already at the time of
application for third-party project funds through the respective programmes, it is advantageous if
not mandatory, to present a concise long-term designation framework of project outcome,
together with a long-term funding scheme as justification for the allocation of project funding.
The suitability and the application success of different funding programmes depends on the
motivation and eligibility of applicants and/ or applicant teams and their ability to cooperate
(bottom up). The eligibility and quality of technical content that is delivered is also important, as
well as the availability of co-funding (amount depends on the respective programme).
Funding for the development of projects might be necessary as some institutions do not allocate
specific funding for this purpose.
Long-term funding schemes are feasible, if international governmental cooperation can be
provided (top-down). Transnational funding is definitely necessary for such an ambitious
endeavour, as the burden should be distributed and secured accordingly. Schemes for providing
funds for joint-venture ex-situ measures might differ in participating countries however, and
depend on national idiosyncrasies like e.g. peculiarities in the procedures involving land use,
conservation or e.g. licensing fees for fisheries and/ or water use (e.g. “Fischereiabgabe“ in
Bavaria, a certain fee that is imposed on fishing licenses and used for various purposes in fisheries
and aquatic conservation, including research). One might also consider the recruitment of
sponsors, donations or even more „exotic“ activities like e.g. the conducting of conservation
lotteries for the benefit of sturgeons.

Examples for funding programmes

Potential project funding programmess (selection) and some of their main features are given
COST - European Cooperation in Science and Technology
COST is an intergovernmental framework for European Cooperation in Science and Technology,
allowing the coordination of nationally-funded research on a European level.

COST key features are:

 building capacity by connecting high-quality scientific communities throughout Europe and

 providing networking opportunities for early career investigators;

 increasing the impact of research on policy makers, regulatory bodies and national
decision makers as well as the private sector.

The support will cover the costs of networking activities such as meetings (e.g. travel, subsistence,
local organiser support), conferences, workshops, short-term scientific exchanges, training schools,
publications and dissemination activities. However, COST does not fund the research itself.

Danube Transnational Programme


The Danube Transnational Programme (2014-2020) is built around four thematic priority axes:

 Innovative and socially responsible Danube region;

 Environment and culture responsible Danube region;
 Better connected and energy responsible Danube region;
 Well-governed Danube region.

The programme will invest EUR 202,3 million from the ERDF and EUR 19,8 million from IPA II for
transnational projects in the Danube basin territory. Eligible partners will, therefore, come from 8
EU countries - Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Germany (only Baden-Württemberg
and Bayern), Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia; and 5 non-EU countries - Bosnia and
Herzegovina, the Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, part of Ukraine.

The final programme version will be the one endorsed by the European Commission, which is
envisaged to happen in mid 2015.

The preparation of the operational programme documents is in the hands of the Programming
Committee (PC), which comprises representatives of each partner country. The PC engages in
dialogue with relevant stakeholders like the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR), national
level instituions, etc. PC members subcontracted the drafting of the operational programme and
the ex-ante & environmental assessment to external experts. Nevertheless, they will be the
one approving the final version of the documents before submission to the European Commission.

Although the geographical coverage of the Danube Transnational Programme matches the one of
the EUSDR, these are considered two different instruments. According to the preliminary
information available, the programme will certainly support cooperation projects in line with the
strategy's action plan. However, the Danube Transnational Programme is not the funding

instrument for the implementation of EUSDR strategic content by definition. It is explicitly stated
that the programme at hand should not be considered as the main funding source for the strategy
implementation. The programme does, nevertheless, envisage support for the strategy
governance. The limitation to partners from the Danube drainage rules out the responsible
involvement of partners and stakeholders from outside the Danube River Basin, potentially posing
a bottleneck for any important out-of-region activities like networking and capacity building.

European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF)


on the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund [repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 1198/2006
and Council Regulation(EC) No 861/2006 and Council Regulation No XXX/2011 on integrated
maritime policy

The general objective of the EMFF is to support the objectives of the Common Fisheries Policy,
and to further develop the EU Integrated Maritime Policy.

The EMFF is structured around 4 pillars:

 Smart, Green Fisheries (shared management) to foster the transition to sustainable fishing
which is more selective, produces no discards, does less damage to marine ecosystems
and thus contributes to the sustainable management of marine ecosystems; and to
provide support focused on innovation and value added, making the fisheries sector
economically viable and resilient to external shocks and to competition from third

 Smart, Green Aquaculture (shared management) - to achieve economically viable,

competitive and green aquaculture, capable of facing global competition and providing EU
consumers with healthy and high nutrition value products.

 Sustainable and Inclusive Territorial Development (shared management) - to reverse the

decline of many coastal and inland communities dependent on fishing, through adding
more value to fishing and fishing related activities and through diversification to other
sectors of the maritime economy.

 Integrated Maritime Policy (direct centralized management) to support those cross cutting

priorities which generate savings and growth but which the Member States will not take
forward on their own – such as marine knowledge, maritime spatial planning, integrated
coastal zone management and integrated maritime surveillance, the protection of the
marine environment, in particular its biodiversity, and adaptation to the adverse effects of
climate change on coastal areas.

In addition to the four pillars, the EMFF will include accompanying measures: data collection and
scientific advice, control, governance, fisheries markets (including outermost regions), voluntary
payments to RFMOs and technical assistance.

Most of the budget is allocated under shared management. Each Member State draws up a single
operational programme to implement the Union priorities to be co-financed by the EMFF that the
Commission approves. Annual work programmes will set the specific objectives, results to be
achieved and the method of implementation.

Entities based in Member States can apply for funding from the European Fisheries Fund.

The EMFF is a potential funding instrument for ex-situ conservation measures, especially with
regard to conserving Danube River sturgeon populations for future sustainable fisheries. However,
it is mandatory that sturgeons were defined as targets in the operational programme of the
respective member states beforehand.

LIFE Programme

LIFE is the EU's financial instrument supporting environmental, nature conservation and climate
action projects throughout the EU. The general objective of LIFE is to contribute to the
implementation, updating and development of EU environmental and climate policy and
legislation by co-financing projects with European added value.

The European Commission (DG Environment and DG Climate Action) manages the LIFE
programme and delegated the implementation of many components of the LIFE programme to
the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME). External selection,
monitoring and communication teams provide assistance to the Commission and EASME. The
European Investment Bank will manage the two new financial instruments (NCFF and PF4EE).

Within the LIFE+ Nature and Biodiversity strand, specific funding is targeted at Biodiversity, a

LIFE+ project category for innovative or demonstration projects that tackle wider biodiversity
issues. These can range from the creation of green infrastructure, such as species corridors, to
climate change adaptation measures and the removal of invasive species.

LIFE+ Nature and Biodiversity provides targeted funding for projects aimed at conserving
threatened habitats listed in the annexes of the EU Habitats Directive. Thus, it is supporting
specific restoration actions and provides targeted funding for species conservation actions,
supporting projects aimed at conserving threatened species listed in the annexes of the EU
Habitats Directive, Birds Directive and the IUCN European Red List, which also includes all Danube
River sturgeon species.

New Dimensions to LIFE 2014-2020 compared to earlier LIFE programmes

The following are the main changes provided for in the new Programme.

The creation of two sub-programmes:

1. A sub-programme for Climate Action. This new sub-programme will support efforts for
better implementation and integration of climate-related objectives.

2. A sub-programme for Environment, potentially also relevant for Danube River sturgeons,
will support efforts for better implementation and integration of environmental objectives.

 Environment and Resource Efficiency will focus on implementation of environment policy

and exclude market replication-oriented innovation;

 Nature and Biodiversity will develop best practices for wider biodiversity challenges, while
keeping its focus on Natura 2000;

 Environmental Governance and Information will promote knowledge sharing,

dissemination of best practices, and better compliance, in addition to awareness raising

 The sub-programme for Environment will have a budget of approximately EUR 2.6 billion
over the duration of the Programme (or 75% of the overall LIFE budget 2014-2020).

 While the ‘Common Provisions 2014’ and ‘Project Evaluation Guide’ have yet to be
finalised, projects under the two sub-programmes will be of a similar type to LIFE+, i.e.,
best practice, innovation and demonstration projects, as well as
dissemination/information, and governance projects.

The creation of a new project–type, the Integrated Project [IP], aimed at implementing on a large
territorial scale environmental or climate strategies or action plans. These will focus primarily on
nature, water, waste, air, and climate change mitigation and adaptation sectors. IPs must
promote, when possible, the coordination and mobilisation of other EU Funds and/or national and
private funds.
The Integrated Project shall:

 Implement a plan, a programme or strategy required by EU environmental or climate-

related legislation (e.g., River Basin Management Plan), or pursuant to other acts (e.g.,
Communication on Climate Change Adaptation), or developed by MS authorities (e.g.,
sustainable urban plan); and

 Have a larger territorial scale (e.g., national, regional, multiregional, large metropolitan

 Be primarily in the areas of nature, including, inter alia, Natura 2000 network management,
water, waste, air and climate change mitigation and adaptation.

It is envisaged that Integrated Project applicants will, in most cases, be the authority responsible
for the sector concerned. The Commission will still be directly responsible for their selection,
attribution and monitoring and will therefore ensure a sufficient level of control.

In order to ensure geographical balance, an indicative allocation of at least three integrated

projects to each Member State, over the lifetime of the Programme 2014-2020, is being applied,
provided the projects reach a minimum quality threshold.

A ceiling of 30% of the projects budget will apply to IPs – a maximum of EUR855 million over the 7
years 2014-2020. LIFE 2014-2020 will have an overall budget of approximately EUR 3.5 billion
across all EU member states and qualifying non-member states.

The funding for the Environment sub-programme will be approximately €2.6 billion or 75% of the
overall budget. The funding for the Climate Action sub-programme will be €864 million or 25% of
the overall budget.

Co-financing Rates

For the duration of the first Multi Annual Working Programme (2014-17) up to 60% of eligible
costs will be funded under both the Environment and Climate Action Sub Programmes.

Within the Environment Sub Programme a co-financing rate of 75% of all eligible costs is available
to projects that concern priority habitats or species as defined in the Habitats (92/43/EEC) or the
Birds Directive(2009/147/EC).

While LIFE 2014-2020 is a potential funding instrument for sturgeon conservation measures in the
Danube River Basin for certain applicants and technical project content, the necessary co-funding
might pose an important bottleneck to project development and project implementation for ex-
situ conservation measures.

International Visegrad Fund
Legal basis: Agreement Concerning the Establishment of the International Visegrad Fund (9 June
The mission of the International Visegrad Fund is to promote development of closer cooperation
among the Visegrad Group (V4) countries—the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia—
and to strengthen the ties among people in the region. The Fund provides funding for common
cultural, scientific, research and educational projects, youth exchanges, promotion of tourism and
cross-border cooperation.
The International Visegrad Fund strives to enhance co-operation among the funding countries in
the field of education, culture and tourism.
Supported activities (in case of granted funding)
 Cultural cooperation actions
 Scientific exchange and research activities
 Education and youth exchange
 Cross-border cooperation activities
 Tourism promotion activities
Non-governmental organizations (NGOs), municipalities and local or regional governments,
schools and universities, but also private companies and individual citizens from the Visegrad
Group countries (and other countries) are eligible for grants support. For scholarships the citizens
of the following countries can apply: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and
Herzegovina, the Czech Republic, Georgia, Hungary, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro,
Poland, the Russian Federation, Serbia, Slovakia and Ukraine.
The limitation to partners from the Visegrad Group countries rules out the responsible
involvement of partners and stakeholders from outside this region, potentially posing a
bottleneck for any important out-of-region activities like networking and capacity building.

3.1.4 Knowledge and research
Detailed knowledge (i.e. the gaining of knowledge = research) of the targeted sturgeon
populations like their status, genetics, life-cycle requirements and key habitat locations and
ecological traits is vital for ensuring natural ex-situ conditions and thus the planning of live gene
banks, their broodstock and operations. It is also important to gain knowledge about the
efficiency of hatchery operations and the survival of released juveniles. The latter is to be
conducted in form of a monitoring for both ex-situ operations and in-situ performance.
The FAO Technical Paper No. 570 (CHEBANOV et al. 2011) highlights the need for the collection of
knowledge by research and monitoring and provides guidance on this subject. Relevant
information in form of statements was extracted and is compiled below (Ann.: geographical
reference changed from Caspian Sea to Danube-Black Sea, where appropriate and necessary).

Guidance information

In-situ knowledge
The location of optimal release sites should correspond to the biological peculiarities of the
sturgeon species under consideration. Therefore, in selecting sites for release, consideration
should be given to habitats and locations where, normally, the natural cohorts of the population
thrive. Thus, it is essential to choose the time-size-location-release window in line with the
movement and behaviour of the natural population.

Hatchery operation in accordance with natural conditions

Hatcheries should arrange for proper acclimation and training of sturgeon juveniles to reach
fitness when released into harsh natural conditions. This would greatly support their competitive
capacity and subsequent survival in the natural aquatic environment after release. It is important
to acclimate the juveniles to the most important abiotic factors they are likely to encounter in
their future environment (e.g. temperature profiles, light climates, relevant current velocities and
salinity gradients typical for coastal areas).

Food and feeding dynamics

Studies on the seasonal dynamics of food organisms, combined with observations on survival and
growth of sturgeon juveniles, lend support to new strategies for sturgeon stocking. These
strategies may include different management options determined by life history of the species,
seasonality of reproduction, age and size of juveniles, and climate variations (wet or dry years).

Monitoring of hatchery operation
Monitoring and research activities on sturgeon hatchery management and practices for restocking
should be made mandatory for basic information and highly encouraged for specific operational
and research aspects. The monitoring and research should:
 support sturgeon restocking and general rehabilitation activities;
 greatly enhance understanding of the performance capacity of released sturgeons (in the
light of potential increase of hatchery efficiency, survival and growth in nature, and
number of returns per recruit);
 better assist policy decisions with regard to sturgeon rehabilitation programme needs for
successful population recovery in the aquatic environment and improve sturgeon stock
management in general.
 There is considerable uncertainty associated with the biotechnology employed for
reproduction and rearing, including the standardization of large-scale production (millions
per season), in particular as it relates to fitness of the fish for meeting the physiological
and behavioural performance requirements when released into nature.

Any research on culture for release needs a coherent study design with clearly formulated
scientific working hypotheses that include a paradigm shift from employing conventional
aquaculture strategies towards close-to-nature cultivation approaches that effectively avoid any
performance deviations of the cultured specimens from the natural population. For documenting
the performance of fish, a strong system of adequate and comprehensive data collection through
monitoring of the biological and environmental parameters is equally important as monitoring the
past and current culture practices and the trend in performance they produce.

In-situ monitoring and performance of released fish

Monitoring should not stop at the release point. A coherent and adequate monitoring programme
should also enable investigation of the factors affecting the performance of the released fish
under given natural conditions that vary over seasons and years. The impacts of the changing
environmental and ecosystem conditions are largely unknown, have so far received little attention
and urgently require extensive study. Here, the data from a sound monitoring programme should
greatly assist in identifying the necessary adjustments to be made in future rearing procedures so
as to help improve the fitness of cultured fish designated for release.

First, monitoring steps should include a posteriori analysis of the reproductive efficacy of the
broodstock, helping to identify the shortcomings of the methods applied and the susceptibility of
different (individuals or groups thereof). Second, the performance of juvenile fish must be
monitored throughout the rearing process in captivity. Data acquisition and record-keeping must
be sufficiently detailed to allow a posteriori analysis of the rearing conditions, of differences
between hatcheries and of their subsequent outcome. Again, such monitoring is required to avoid
the development of rearing conditions that adversely affect parts of the population and result in
unintentional and unwanted genetic selection. At the same time, it is also needed in order to
arrive gradually at commonly agreed standard procedures that will be adopted by all hatcheries to
improve performance. Third, in order to determine the efficacy of the stocking attempts, a
detailed monitoring of the performance of the stocked fish has to be carried out, following strict
concepts, in order to be able to verify the hypothesis behind the anticipated performance of the
subsequent life stages of the released fish. Sampling should be non-detrimental and should apply
methods that ensure the survival of the fish upon sampling.

Figure 4: Tagging of YOY-Beluga sturgeons (Huso huso) during monitoring in the Lower Danube
by a team from the Danube Delta National Institute (DDNI)/ Tulcea, Romania.
Photo: Ralf Reinartz

The monitoring and research on sturgeon hatchery issues should comprise a variety of points
necessary to allow full evaluation of the efficacy of the measures carried out in order to identify
future improvements in hatchery practices:
 Identify magnitude of natural reproduction.
 Differentiate performance of both groups – naturally produced and released fish –
(eventually making it necessary to be able to apply genetic or physical tagging with
sufficient precision) for the following objectives:
 monitoring of survival of released juveniles at different life stages;
 identifying the main causes of mortality (starvation, predation, disease);
 monitoring of habitat utilization;
 identifying the habitat preferences of the released fish, compared with fish from wild
 identifying feeding preferences and feeding rates (requires not only studying gut content
of fish but also abundance and composition of food organisms in the respective habitat);
 assessing growth performance;
 determining behavioural differences between both groups (naturally produced and
released fish) with regard to swimming activity, migration patterns, predator avoidance;
 determining proportions, ages and composition of broodstock originating from stocking
 determining homing rate of released fish;
 identifying reproductive success of released fish in the wild and in the hatchery upon catch;
 determining the vulnerability of released fish to fishing compared with offspring derived
from the natural population (also as part of the objective to reduce such effects through
appropriate mitigation measures);
 determining the contribution of the released fish to the natural population.

Function control of habitat improvements

In cases where habitat improvements are implemented anywhere within the natural distribution
of the released fish (through wastewater purification, improvements in juvenile feeding grounds
through reduced utilization for other purposes, creation of spawning grounds, etc.), the efficacy of
such measures must be verified in detail by selecting reference areas to be compared with regard
to the critical parameters mentioned above.

Research approaches
In terms of monitoring and research by sturgeon hatcheries, it is important to consider the
following general guidance:
 Multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches should be applied to
problem solving at hatcheries, as, traditionally, the focus has been on biology/ichthyology
research while possible improvements in other fields have been ignored.
 Research programmes on sturgeon hatchery issues should work across hatcheries and
multilevel governance systems at the local, regional, national and international levels, as
well as involving various bodies with sturgeon rehabilitation and management and
research responsibilities, such as universities, private sector organizations, national
research institutes, and international organizations such as the CAB and the CACFish.
 Adequate resources, including research facilities and trained staff should be provided for
sturgeon hatchery research programmes. These programmes should receive financial
support from public sources and from a variety of self-sustaining funding mechanisms,
such as user-pay initiatives and cost-recovery mechanisms.
 Sturgeon hatchery research must use robust and accurate data collection, monitoring and
analysis strategies that incorporate appropriate standardized methods. Therefore, the
introduction of proper record-keeping and documentation at hatcheries is an essential
starting point.
 Research results should be shared with other hatcheries in the Danube-Black Sea Basin
and used to establish rehabilitation and management objectives, reference points and
performance criteria, and to formulate and update rehabilitation and management plans.
 Research activities and findings should be communicated to the wider public, including
fishers organizations, fisheries managers and researchers in order to create awareness and
seek their assistance in the implementation of sturgeon rehabilitation, restocking and
management programmes.

The development of frameworks to identify significant sturgeon hatchery research issues is

important for successful rehabilitation and management of the sturgeons. Researchers should
take final responsibility for the development of appropriate research proposals and approaches to
address these questions.

In order to be able to rear fish successfully to maturation and to allow them to contribute to the
population through reproduction, the key factors affecting performance are facility design,
alimentation and management. Nutrient requirements have to be identified on a species-specific
basis including the interannual variations in requirements imposed by climatic conditions.
Understanding the effects of hormonal cycles and the triggers for the onset and continuation of
vitellogenesis would allow the rearing conditions to be optimized to provide secure recruitment
into the reproductive guild in time.

Currently, despite the progress made in the last ten years, understanding remains far from
complete as concerns the impact and the resulting regulation for current, salinity, temperature,
photoperiod and physiological state. With a more complete understanding, hormonal
manipulation would not be necessary and, hence, reproduction would be without the selection
aspect currently prevailing through this impact.
In the meantime, the outcome of controlled reproduction might readily be improved by:
 the establishment of sound and easy-to-use predictors for ovulatory success;
 the identification of species-specific minimal dosage for hormonal induction;
 the identification of the effect of the induction on progeny fitness;
 improvements in fertilization techniques to match conditions (and the selective pressure in
natural conditions);
 and the determination of the genetic differences indicating the functional differences of
biological groups.

Again, in early life stages, the most critical aspect for the survival and well-being of the fish is
associated with a lack of knowledge with regard to the nutritional requirements of the early life
One further field of research deals with the behaviour of the individuals. In order to ensure
maximum fitness upon release, the rearing conditions have to provide environmental clues that
enable the fish to be trained for its life in the wild. Static environmental conditions are not the key
target, but rather environments that reveal comparable fluctuations in accordance with the river
systems utilized. Therefore, the first question is which parameters have to fluctuate? Second,
what are the amplitude and the interval of fluctuations?
Also related to the behaviour of the animal but focusing on the sensual prerequisites, it is critical

to determine the species-specific point when olfactorial imprinting sets in. This point has not yet
been determined in sturgeons with sufficient reliability. Moreover, it is necessary to verify the
results in a field study in order to determine differences in return rate upon maturation.

There is a lack of guidelines for optimal rearing densities and rearing conditions with regard to
tank design and light climate based upon physiological data. Moreover, no comprehensive study
has been carried out to determine the optimal rearing densities, the amount of feed organisms
per volume of rearing tank or means of efficient and stress-free handling (for example, during

As a prerequisite, genetic sampling according to a uniform protocol is required in order to allow a

posteriori analysis of the genetic makeup of the population where the means are not readily
In the mid-term to long term, selection mechanisms that affect the fish stocked can be identified,
including the identification of vulnerability of genetic groups, potentially making it necessary to
alter hatchery practices in order to increase survival of such individuals by altered rearing argents.
A major topic for future research concerns disease interactions. The knowledge about specific or
ubiquitous diseases in sturgeons under controlled culture conditions is still very incomplete.

Currently, there is no coordinated basin-wide implementation of research activities concerning
the monitoring of in-situ sturgeon populations or the performance of ex-situ operations in the
Danube River Basin. Also a standardization and harmonization of methodologies for monitoring
and research is urgently needed. There are still gaps in knowledge concerning population entities
within the occurring species as well as their life-cycle requirements and traits, including basic
habitat parameters. Thus, there are also gaps in knowledge concerning the optimal ex-situ
conditions for these populations. Research and filling the gaps in knowledge of Danube sturgeon
biology and ecology should therefore be fostered and intensified.

Figure 5: Team from the Danube Delta National Institute (DDNI) in Tulcea, Romania during the
monitoring of sturgeon juveniles with a trammel net in the Lower Danube. Photo: Ralf Reinartz

3.1.5 Live gene bank facilities (conservation hatcheries)

Live gene bank facilities are needed for the implementation of ex-situ measures. They hold the
broodstock of endangered sturgeon populations and ensure their conservation, including all their
characteristic traits as well as provide juveniles, adapted to natural conditions, for compensating
deficits in natural reproduction and to stabilize the wild populations. These facilities can be
considered to be the bases for ex-situ activities as well as for sturgeon related expertise.

Guidance information
The FAO Technical Paper No. 570 (CHEBANOV et al. 2011) provides guidance on this subject.
Relevant information in form of statements was extracted and is compiled below (Ann.:
geographical reference changed from Caspian Sea to Danube-Black Sea, where appropriate and

Hatchery location
 Sturgeon hatcheries destined for producing fish for release should be located in places
that are in accordance with national- and local-level planning and legal frameworks in
order to obtain the respective permits as required for any hatchery application.
 They should be constructed in environmentally suitable locations; local and legal
authorities must be made aware that granting a permit for a hatchery will include
protection of the site and nearby environments to prevent any other industrial or rural
development that could harm the culture facility (e.g. pollution).
 Selected locations should allow efficient use of the available land and water resources
while avoiding (as much as possible) any environmental impacts (e.g. on local biodiversity).
Rationale: Inappropriate siting and location of hatcheries has caused production failures,
loss of investment, conflicts with other resource users and reduced efficiency in restocking.
 Planning for a hatchery site should take into consideration the local area plans, and
foresee land- and water-use practices of neighbours that may affect positively or
negatively the hatchery functioning. It should be recognized by the respective licensing
authorities that other resource users (e.g. the agriculture sector, tourism, fisheries,
transport and hydropower) will have to face restrictions so as not to impair or threaten the
objectives and operation of the hatchery while also protecting the nearby ecosystem
services on which the species to be released will depend. Specific care should be taken
when establishing sturgeon hatcheries in ecologically sensitive habitats.
 To better foster coexistence of various human activities, it may be useful to retain certain
buffer zones and habitat corridors between the sturgeon hatchery and other users of
habitats and water resources.

While choosing the location for a hatchery, the following practical prerequisites should be
 water source characteristics – sufficient water availability and discharge options for an
equal amount, especially in low-water seasons (summer/winter), water quality in line with
species requirements, water level and, as much as possible, excellent quality (bacteria-
free), and groundwater availability;
 distance from the capture sites of parental fish (preferably less than 25–30 km), to avoid
long and stressful transportation of wild broodstock;

 distance from the infrastructure (e.g. nearest settlements and transport systems, road,
railway or airport);
 distance from an energy supply source (possible powerline routing);
 appropriate distance to fry-release locations (to reduce stress and mortality as well as
allowing early exposure [acclimation] to water conditions of receiving waters);
alternatively, an acclimation site would be required near the sites of release of the
 appropriate levels of groundwaters and rivers, which should not influence full seepage and
drainage of pond beds and to prevent flooding;
 protection against overflow;
 on-site or nearby availability of impermeable pond-construction materials (dykes, bottom
 a good access road for transport of supplies and fish;
 knowledge of prior use of the site (it is important to know what activities have been
carried out at the site before, in particular with regard to contamination of the site itself or
of surrounding habitats – in critical cases, such knowledge may prevent selection of the

Hatchery design
In the past few decades, hatcheries for teleosts (Ann.: the group of bony fishes) and sturgeons
have seen design improvements with regard to optimized system layout and the use of safety
devices and monitoring equipment as well as specific materials. These modern designs and
construction techniques should be used as much as possible when establishing new sturgeon
hatcheries. Therefore, advantage should be taken of past experiences and modern technologies
that take into account not only the requirements of sturgeon reproduction, broodstock-keeping
and fingerling nursing, but also the system layouts and materials that permit the efficient (worker
friendly) operation and management of the hatchery, while also integrating the hatchery into the
local environment, causing a minimum of possible disturbances to the surrounding ecosystems.

Rationale: Many of the sturgeon hatcheries that were designed under Soviet rule (Ann.: in former
Soviet republics as the FAO guideline targets the Caspian Sea basin, however, these
recommendations apply to older facilities in general) are still functioning. However, the design of

basins and tanks used, the layout of recirculation and heating systems, the water quality
monitoring systems and the feeding systems are often not optimal, sometimes employing
materials that may corrode or release harmful substances (e.g. softeners of plastics). As a
consequence, the risks involved in production and reproduction are higher, and these systems use
more labour, electricity and water than modern hatcheries. Similarly, hatcheries that were built in
the past for other species and are being modified for sturgeon reproduction often need
adjustments to the design of their essential units in order to meet the performance output
required today.
The strict separation and/or isolation of specific units within the hatchery is a highly
recommended design feature, permitting good risk management as to the operational control of
processes as well as good hygiene and health conditions. The separation of units is an essential
design feature to be strictly employed in the construction of new hatcheries; while in older
facilities, some improvements may be achieved by building barriers between on-site units.
Simultaneously, product flow controls may be arranged to force separate handling of units.

There is a need to protect hatcheries by sufficiently high walls or fences around their perimeters
to prevent the entrance of wildlife and unauthorized persons.

When designing a new sturgeon hatchery, it is important to:

 Determine the production capacity target and specificities of production (e.g. final size of
fry/fingerlings to be released; broodstock size and holding requirements [e.g. number of
tanks for year-class separation, separate handling of males and females]).
 Incorporate modern technical equipment that permits an overall fail-safe operation (e.g.
alarm-system) but also the modifying the light intensity and daylight regimes, water and
air temperature control and maintenance, as well as modifying the water flow and current
speed in tanks, particularly when recirculation systems are used in which hydrodynamics
through biofilters are rate controlled and need to be constant. Sufficient bypass options in
the recycle flow can help solve the problem.
 Consider daily cleaning and maintenance work requirements in the layout of the system
(e.g. easy access to all parts, sufficient space between units and fittings).
 Select adequate construction materials (e.g. durability and toxicological aspects) also for
the equipment and facilities.

 Allow for future increases in the scale of the hatchery (e.g. ensure sufficient land area and
water supply).
 Assess system design needs in response to the prevailing environmental factors (e.g. site
location, water supply, weather conditions).
 Ensure that both technical and economic aspects of the design and future operations are
taken in consideration. Although it is always important to keep production costs to a
minimum, there are costs that cannot be avoided without risking full success, and these
costs are clearly justified.
 Ensure constant monitoring and control of all production procedures throughout the
process. Without a comprehensive monitoring programme, performance cannot be
reliably assessed. Moreover, decisions on future improvements on operational modes and
infrastructure investments require sound and solid monitoring data.
 Take into account opportunities to conserve biodiversity and encourage reestablishment
of natural habitats in the design process of the hatchery.
 Minimize creation of degraded areas such as unused soil piles and borrow pits through
adequate landscaping, in particular when considering the above recommendation on
biodiversity conservation.
 Design dykes, canals and infrastructure in ways that do not adversely affect hydrology.
 Separate effluent discharge points from inlet canals to reduce self-pollution and maintain
 Consider the working conditions (and living conditions, if relevant) of farm labourers,
engineers and daily management. In addition, much experience is available from
commercial aquaculture on these issues, and planners and engineers would be well
advised to consult the respective literature
 conduct a proper maintenance and repair plan.

The following structural design aspects should also be considered:

 System layout should allow incubation facilities and tanks to be operated either as flow-
through or recirculation units. The latter should be designed as multiloop systems in which
each of the processes (e.g. mechanical and biological filtration) can be operated
independently as to their specific hydraulic and mass loading requirements, while the flow

dynamics in fish tanks can also be operated as demands require without influencing the
flow needs in treatment units.
 Equipment for thermoregulation, water degassing and aeration or oxygenation (if required)
should be incorporated at sufficient capacity (precalculated based on metabolic rates and
mass transfer theory models).
 Units for disinfection using ultraviolet (UV) light or ozonation should always be installed in
bypasses and never in the direct flow.
 A low-temperature holding facility for brood fish will enable operation with broodstock on
a continuous basis with water thermoregulation. However, the biofilter design for such
cold-water systems requires extensive dimensions that must be precalculated while the
rate of recycling will have to be reduced (larger freshwater replacement rates) at
temperatures below 10 °C as nitrification (in particular) will become slow and inefficient.
 Flow-through ponds can simulate the environmental conditions of natural spawning
grounds (substrate, flow velocity, water type and quality), provided the location of such
ponds is close to the target river and natural (or historic) spawning sites are in the vicinity.
 The water supply of each hatchery unit should be continuous and independent.
 Ongrowing ponds should be equipped with fish traps and there should be an outflow
control system to regulate flow. Furthermore, there have to be specifically designed
retainment barriers (multiple screens of various mesh sizes) to avoid accidental escape of
individuals of the respective fish sizes in the system while also preventing accidental
 Water quality management and fish health management facilities (laboratory), including
methods for egg disinfection, are essential.
 Water treatment for the water supply systems in case clean groundwater sources are not
available (e.g. sedimentation tanks for pretreatment, backwash sand-gravel filtration
systems, cross-flow filters) for water purification from siltation, retention of debris,
invertebrates, plankton species and wild fish, while also preventing unintentional invasion
by various developmental stages of fish parasites or their intermediate hosts.
 Water treatment of effluents to prevent negative impacts on the receiving water body.
 Water supply to ongrowing units should be arranged through sedimentation, net screen
systems and other modern mechanical and biological filtration techniques.

 Area, layout and depth of ponds should be determined according to hatchery standards.
Layout of the pond bed, levelling with the river and supply channel dimensions and slopes
should be designed to ensure a rapid (1–2 days) filling and draining of the ponds.
Appropriate calculations and layout of the water flow systems are decisive factors in
determining the adequate water management for any size of pond, regardless of whether
operated in flow-through or stagnant mode.

Figure 6: Scheme of facility for migratory fishes including Acipenser sturio at Saint-Seurin-sur-
l'Isle/ France. Source: IRSTEA, modified (

Hatchery modules
Sturgeon hatcheries should comprise all necessary production, transportation, control, monitoring
and management systems that would allow for a suitable living environment and conditions for
the fish as well as a suitable working environment for the hatchery workers.
Rationale: Modern sturgeon hatcheries often cater for many of the required services and inputs
themselves. This means that the whole process, from the collection of broodstock to the release
of fingerlings, is controlled and monitored to generate an optimal output in terms of volume and
quality produced, while taking into account important issues such as fish welfare and the well-
being of the hatchery workers.

Modern sturgeon hatchery systems comprise the following elements (units):
 collection, transportation and holding, including long-term low-temperature holding
facilities for brood fish with recirculated water systems (also called recirculation
aquaculture systems). It has to be emphasized that the design of such recirculation
systems is different from that for commercial aquaculture systems. They must allow water
quality to be managed in a predictable manner so as to imitate the natural conditions of
waterbodies into which the produced progeny are to be released;
 egg extraction, fertilization and incubation (here, advantage can be taken of the many
available methodologies available in commercial aquaculture, while minor adjustments
may be required);
 grow-out of larvae and fry (tanks, trays);
 live food production (methods may vary because of site-specific opportunities, including
intensive, highly controlled [predictive] culture units and/or semi-natural “mesocosm”
 fry transportation;
 laboratory, warehouse and subsidiary; and
 feed preparation farming house.

Figure 7: Tanks for subadult Acipenser sturio at the IGB in Berlin, Germany. Photo: Ralf Reinartz

When considering the modernization or partial reconstruction of existing sturgeon hatcheries, it is
essential to ensure the application of modern technological advancements and the latest
knowledge on the needs for management of the genetics and fish welfare as well as for the
environmental compatibility needs (including biodiversity conservation in the habitat settings). In
cases where modernization means total replacement of all hatchery components, the guidance on
new and modern hatchery design and construction should be employed to comply with all
requirements for a new hatchery destined for producing progeny for release.
The hatchery design and layout should be future-oriented to allow technology improvements such
as new methodologies for controlled maturation without exogenous hormonal stimulation,
development of ecological compatible methods of reproduction simulation under hatchery
controlled conditions, as well as egg incubation in adhesive state (then avoiding de-adhesive
treatment and active moving during embryogenesis).

Holding and handling

Sturgeon broodstocks should be held in special units (ponds, large tanks, cages), with each having
an autonomous water supply. Each species, intraspecific and age groups as well as mature
females and males should be kept separately. The holding of broodstocks should be performed
under conditions that are as similar as possible to the conditions in the natural environment of the
fish, and handling should be minimized in terms of time and frequency.
The handling of the broodstocks (grading, fitness assessment, monitoring of development of
biomass and the reproductive systems, etc.) should be conducted with minimal possible exposure
to stressors. (Justification: Owing to a lack of space or proper facilities, and as a consequence of
limited knowledge of how to hold sturgeon broodstock, many hatcheries currently hold sturgeon
broodstock under suboptimal conditions. As a general rule, the unit for broodstock holding should
provide not only for the bare survival of the fish but also ensure fish welfare. In this respect, it is
important to hold the broodstock at low stocking density levels or in individual hatchery units.
Holding of the brood fish elsewhere, outside the hatchery location, may lead to increased fish
health risks and impede the control of their fitness indices and selection for optimal mating.)
When holding sturgeon broodstock and handling the brood fish, it is important to keep in mind
the following aspects:
 Earthen or concrete ponds of small to medium sizes (minimum 0.01 ha), as well as cages
installed in natural waterbodies should be preferably used for broodstock holding.

 Pond stocking densities of the broodstock in the holding units concerned should be
considerably lower than those applied for commercial rearing of corresponding species
and age groups of sturgeons.
 Brood fish that have taken part in the spawning season (campaign) should be held at an
acclimation unit for at least 2–3 months, providing a low-stress environment (low stocking
density, natural photoperiod, minimum ambient-factor influence, optimal hydrochemical
parameters and water supply). In the acclimation unit, the fish can be monitored better
and are subject to acclimation procedures, including sanitary control measures, to prevent
possible health implications but also adjustments to behavioural cues such as interactions
with con-specifics and feeding.
 Natural or artificial wintering (vernalization of 2–4 months at a temperature 4–6 °C) is
necessary before final maturation of breeders for successful spawning.
 The use of non-invasive methods (e.g. ultrasound diagnostics) when handling the
broodstock is much preferred to invasive methods, as the latter may cause excessive stress,
skin abrasions with subsequent infections, reduction in general health conditions and
additional physiological stress.
Some steps have been undertaken towards using artificial spawning grounds that ensure the
optimal hydrological conditions for pseudo-migration of broodstock and include the possibility of
annual clearance of spawning ground and rearing areas.

Closing down of operations

In cases where the management decides at some point to close down the hatchery operation
completely, all installations (buildings, indoor and outdoor facilities, tanks, equipment, etc.) are to
be dismantled and disposed of in an approved manner, leaving no remains and debris behind but
returning the terrain to its pre-hatchery state. Simply abandoning a site should not be permitted
and a proper cleanup should be a legal condition to be incorporated into the contract or official
hatchery permit.

Currently there are no facilities operating in a way as defined by Sturgeon 2020 or the FAO
guidelines. Facilities as well as operations would have to be developed and adopted for the
Danube River-Black Sea system. Basically there are two approaches for the establishment of live
gene bank facilities. Either new facilities have to be established or existing hatcheries and holding

facilities have to be repurposed, modernized and adjusted. Basically both ways are eligible as long
as the functioning along the specifications as defined by Sturgeon 2020 and FAO No. 570 is
It is not always necessary to have all the different modules of a facility within one contiguous area.
However, transport should be limited to insensitive developmental stages of sturgeons. Especially
the transfer of adult spawners is problematic and should be reduced to an absolute minimum.
Failsafe operation of such a facility is mandatory and the principle of twinning facilities and
modules should not be neglected, with regard to the back-up of broodstock and operations.

3.1.6 Management
Coordinated ex-situ measures represent a very complex endeavor, especially with regard to a
region-wide or even international implementation in the Danube River Basin. A strong
coordination of the efforts to accomplish the respective goals and objectives, using the available
resources efficiently and effectively, is needed on all different levels of implementation like
projects, facilities and basin-wide ex-situ measures.

Guidance information
The FAO Technical Paper No. 570 (CHEBANOV et al. 2011) also calls for the coordination and
management of measures, documented by the following statements (Ann.: geographical
reference changed from Caspian Sea to Danube-Black Sea, where appropriate and necessary):
 Coordination within and among river systems and countries and establishment of a
centralized entity for overseeing and coordinating hatchery practices are recommended.
 There will probably be several hatcheries in a given river system. These hatcheries should
operate collaboratively, sharing broodstock when appropriate.
 Given that the genetic resources of the Danube and Black Sea sturgeons are shared,
establishing a basin-wide legal framework on genetic practices and protocols in hatchery
management is strongly recommended and seen as an essential part of any monitoring
and assessment programme.
 A regional body should harmonize practices among nations, track breeding lines and share
genetic resources when appropriate.
 The coordinating body could set guidelines for standardized tagging and molecular genetic
techniques to be used by all hatcheries in the Danube-Black Sea Basin. Such information
should be linked to a database.
 The body could further support additional genetic research on the population structure of
Danube and Black Sea sturgeons, which is a necessary first step in accomplishing sound
supplementation guidelines. A range-wide genetic database is also needed in order to be
able to attribute captured individuals to a river of origin.
 Develop a Danube - Black Sea Basin sturgeon sperm cryopreservation strategic plan,
supported by a regional-level plan that is strongly supported by national institutions of the
Danube -Black Sea area.
 Based on the nature, capacity, demand and objectives of each country in relation to
sturgeon sperm cryopreservation, it is necessary to develop a comprehensive strategic

regional plan. Such a plan should be linked to and coordinated with national plans. The
objective of the plan should be clearly determined by the end users. It is important, for
example, to determine whether the cryopreserved sperm will be used for restocking of
wild stocks, for aquaculture or for an overall sperm gene-banking exercise serving general
conservation issues.
 As sturgeon resources of the Danube and Black Sea are considered to comprise shared
stocks of several countries, it is important to develop a joint regional programme for
cryopreservation of sperm, storage and for the exchange of sperm between hatcheries.
Under a regional programme, the hatcheries could exchange their experiences and
achievements and benefit from the knowledge of international centres and scientific
 Preferably, the release of juveniles should be performed under the control of a
“commission” established by a responsible supervisory body at the regional level. The
recording and documenting of the fingerlings released should be conducted under the
supervision of this “commission”, which cross-links with similar bodies within the region to
ensure good guidance, exchange of experiences and guaranteeing comparability of

Ex-situ related activities according to Sturgeon 2020 are currently being initiated and coordinated
by the DSTF within the framework of the EUSDR and the ICPDR. The further development and
implementation of resilient management structures is generally feasible, given that
responsibilities can be defined and assigned to stakeholders on different levels of organization,
coordination, decision-making and management. Since ex-situ measures are defined by Sturgeon
2020 as governmental or official activities respectively, long-term transition of all management
responsibilities to governmental institutions, officials or their ex-situ delegates (e.g. NGOs) should
be provided. Therefore, either new structures can be established or existing structures like the
DSTF can be strengthened and extended to implement the management of ex-situ measures by
official national or international order. A first step would be the establishment of responsible
structures for project planning, application and implementation. These structures could be
established around focal points in the respective sub-basins of the Danube River and link these
into an ex-situ network, which has yet to be established and defined, to exchange information and
to share resources.

There are no surefire solutions for establishing successful management structures, especially on
such a large scale. However, among the lessons which are strongly represented in a study by FARR
& FISCHER (1992) on the success of management in international high-technology joint ventures it
can be concluded that:
 it is very important to insulate the projects from the vagaries of international politics
 a strong independent project leadership needs to be provided
 a forum structure for partners to work out their differences need to be established
 significant authority needs to be bestowed to the hands of the (respective) project

3.1.7 Political will

The political will to acknowledge the problem and to take on the challenge of sturgeon
conservation is the most basic and important resource in the Danube River Basin. It is the will of
the Danube societies to prevent sturgeon extinction and the vanishing of ecological and cultural
heritage by investing effort, expertise, time and funding as well as developing a legal foundation
for sturgeon related conservation action.
It is also the will to cooperate internationally, thus respecting the transboundary nature of
sturgeon ecology in the Danube River and a compensation measure for decades of unidirectional
development and priorization of other uses, regardless of urgent ecological Danubian needs.
One apparent problem with determining the general feasibility of ex-situ measures for Danube
River sturgeons is the fact, that neither a monetary value nor a commercial success in the short-
term can be linked to these activities. On the other hand, this can also be seen as an advantage, as
ex-situ operations are therefore decoupled from short- to midterm fluctuations of economic
markets, resulting in a stability which is mandatory for the successful and sustainable
implementation of ex-situ measures. Ex-situ measures for Danube River sturgeons do not
primarily represent an economic value but a common good for all Danube River countries.

The political will to conduct conservation measures for Danube River sturgeons, including ex-situ
activities generally is an available resource. This is documented by the fact that sturgeon
conservation has become an integral part of the Danube River Basin Management Plan (DRBMP,
ICPDR 2009), the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR), the support by the International
Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR) as well as by national Action Plans and

catch moratoria (ANONYMOUS 2004, JIVKOV et al. 2003, LENHARDT, HEGEDIS & JARIC 2005).
There are also international agreements concerning the use of Danube River aquatic resources
(ANONYMOUS 2003, BLOESCH et al. 2006) and networks of scientific and technical cooperation
like the Danube Sturgeon Task Force (DSTF) do exist. The political will is not focused on ex-situ
conservation measures to date and there is no official statement of political will or international
agreement, with regard to concrete ex-situ activities for a certain sturgeon species or population,
the establishment, running and funding of live gene bank facilities or conducting the relevant in-
situ research. It seems feasible, however, to reach such statements and international agreements,
provided that a goal-oriented political lobbying is put into practice and scientific-technical
supportive input is delivered by in- and ex-situ expert teams.

4 Implementation
4.1 Phases
The logic incorporated in the strategic requirements of Sturgeon 2020 and the respective FAO
guidelines demands a coordinated approach in the implementation of ex-situ measures.
These measures have to be implemented in a certain logical and also chronological order as
overall success depends on partial success in the respective preceding stages. The following table
provides six phases for the implementation of ex-situ measures in chronological order and the
main activities included. The different colours encode and assign the main responsibilities of these
included activities to four key topics of Sturgeon 2020 (SANDU, REINARTZ & BLOESCH 2013).
The table is valid for the overall basin-wide implementation of ex-situ measures as demanded by
Sturgeon 2020, but also for the implementation of measures for a respective single population.
Activities within the respective phases or even across phases one and two might be conducted
simultaneously, but all activities of the previous phases have to be completed before moving on
to phase 3, 4, 5 and 6 subsequently (with the exception of political support and capacity building).

Table: Implementation phases for ex-situ measures
Sturgeon 2020
Key topic 1 Key topic 2 Key topic 3 Key topic 4
Phase Acquiring political Capacity
In-situ Ex-situ
support building
Establish and maintain international political consent that in-situ and ex-situ conservation
measures for sturgeons and their funding are mandatory
Establish project
Establish project teams,
teams, political and
Establish project teams, scientific and technical
legal basis
Build in- and scientific and technical basis (theory of facility
ex-situ capacity basis (planning of field and operations, surveys
work & methodology) for suitable locations or
contracts & treaties,
facilities for repurposing)
laws & regulations)
 Create the legal and administrative framework for measures and funding
 Secure funding (for political lobbying, in-situ monitoring & research, for establishing live
gene banks and broodstock, long-term running costs of in-situ monitoring and live gene
2 banks) with technical assistance of in-situ and ex-situ (e.g. project proposals) as well as
for capacity building
 Establish long-term implementation and management structures
 Monitor in-situ populations
 Identify and define relevant conservation
units and traits (populations) for ex-situ
 Determine life-cycle requirements for
conservation units as a basis for ex-situ-
procedures (life-cycle habitat, stages &
ecological factors)
Plan and establish life gene banks and procedures on
the basis of the results of phase 2
Continue political Establish broodstock of different conservation units
Build in- and (populations) after facilities have been established
4 ex-situ capacity (surveys of existing broodstock, in-situ catches)
Onset of ex-situ operations (cycling, reproduction,
release of juveniles)
 Monitor in-situ populations and determine ex-
situ operation efficiency
 Deliver feedback for ex-situ
5  Monitor broodstock and offspring in captivity
actions  Analyze feedback from in-situ
 Adjust ex-situ procedures on the basis of
above (optimization)
 Ongoing ex-situ operations
 In-situ monitoring documents the recovery of populations and all ex-situ operations are
 In-situ monitoring is continued as prerequisite for sturgeon population management
 In-situ monitoring is developed into a tool for fisheries management

4.2 Projects and activities
The following activities are goal-oriented for the implementation of ex-situ measures for Danube
River sturgeons and should be included in project preparation and implementation.
General activities
 Political lobbying and developing political will (e.g. to establish international agreements,
contracts and funding).
 Defining responsibilities and establish management structures (e.g. team building)
 Networking and capacity building.
 Forming the legal basis of in- and ex-situ measures (e.g. for broodstock collection and
transport, facility operation).
 Standardize and harmonize in- and ex-situ methodologies.

Preparatory in- and ex-situ activities

 A feasibility study for in-situ measures as counterpart to the document at hand.
 Surveys for existing facilities, locations to establish new facilities and for broodstock in
 Establishing of in-situ monitoring.
 Identification of environmental triggers for sturgeon life-cycle-management.
 Identification and definition of populations for ex-situ conservation (conservation units)
 Repurposing facilities or design, plan and establish new live gene bank facilities for
different populations.
 Identifying possibilities for stakeholder involvement.
 Development of husbandry and transportation protocols.
 Preparation of reproduction and rearing (including rearing for maturation, induction of
ovulation, feeding regime and rearing for fitness).

Operational activities
 Collection and transport of broodstock.
 Integration of captive broodstock (including the verification of individual “fish history” as
well as the genetic and biological characterization of potential candidates).
 Establishment and operation of data base (including data collection, research, analysis for
adjustment and optimization of in- and ex-situ operation and procedures).

 Implementation of improved methodology and adaptation of rearing techniques.
 Conducting ex-situ operations (keeping, reproducing, rearing, releasing)

Monitoring activities
 Monitoring of in-situ populations.
 Establishing and conducting long-term marking.
 Conducting in-situ functional control of rearing and release strategies.
 Conducting ex-situ internal monitoring for performance of procedures.

5 Summary
Ex-situ conservation measures for Danube River sturgeons are generally feasible. It depends on
the availability and feasibility of the following seven main single resources (in alphabetical order).

1. Broodstock: Sturgeons of the endangered populations to be conserved and reproduced.

Currently, there is no broodstock available, which also complies with the respective ex-situ
standards. Thus, populations have to be defined and broodstock has to be established as
soon as the holding conservation facilities are available. Current captive sturgeons have to
be surveyed to potentially reduce the need to remove spawners from wild populations.
2. Ex-situ expertise: The expertise that is necessary for initiating and running ex-situ facilities
and operations. There is a solid base of hands-on experience and expertise in the
conventional controlled propagation of sturgeons in the Danube River Basin to build on.
Specialized ex-situ expertise still needs to be established as the overall success of
measures strongly depends on it. Capacity building and training should be done in close
cooperation with other sturgeon ex-situ- programmes.
3. Funding: Funding is one of the most important resources for ex-situ measures. Currently
there is no funding in the Danube River Basin, dedicated explicitly to ex-situ conservation.
Short- to mid-term funding might be provided by dedicated teams in the course of projects.
Long-term funding should be based on international governmental and institutional
support to share risk and effort.
4. Knowledge and research: In-depth knowledge and research of in-situ conditions as well as
ex-situ processes is vital for the success of conservation measures. Research on both wild
populations and ex-situ operations is needed, to optimize conservation strategies.
Harmonization and standardization of methodologies in the Danube River Basin is
mandatory and needs to be implemented.
5. Live gene bank facilities: There are currently no facilities operating according to the given
ex-situ standards. Surveys of existing facilities for repurposing and of locations for new
facilities have to be conducted and facilities and operations have to be established.
6. Management: Management on all levels is necessary for the goal-oriented
implementation of basin-wide ex-situ measures. Management structures need to be

7. Political will: The political will to take on the challenge of saving Danube River sturgeons is
vital for the support and long-term funding of ex-situ measures. The political will is
available but needs to be focused on sturgeon conservation also with regard to funding.
The implementation of measures can be assigned to six main phases:
 Phase 1: Establish the political basis for international ex-situ measures.
 Phase 2: Establish project teams and in-situ basis, secure funding, implementation and
basin-wide management.
 Phase 3: Plan and establish ex-situ conservation facilities and procedures.
 Phase 4: Establish broodstock of endangered populations in facilities from phase 3 and
start ex-situ operations.
 Phase 5: Recurring activities of in-situ and ex-situ operations, activities and monitoring.
Feedback and optimization of activities and operations.
 Phase 6: Post ex-situ-phase. Populations have recovered, ex-situ operations are
terminated and in-situ activities focus on population management and sustainable
sturgeon fishery.

The following activities or projects respectively are important for the successful implementation
of ex-situ measures (compilation):
 political lobbying and developing political will
 securing short- and long-term funding
 establishing the legal basis for facilities and operations
 feasibility study for in-situ measures
 building teams, responsibilities and management structures
 networking and capacity building
 surveys for facilities, facility locations and broodstock in captivity
 establishing in-situ monitoring
 establishment of ex-situ facilities and operations
 conducting monitoring of ex-situ operations and in-situ populations
 sturgeon in- and ex-situ research
 defining possibilities for stakeholder involvement

6 Literature and information sources

ANONYMOUS, (2003): Regional Strategy for the Conservation and Sustainable Management of Sturgeon Populations
of the N-W Black Sea and Lower Danube River in accordance with CITES.

ANONYMOUS, (2004): National Sturgeon Management Plan (Romania) - To implement the Regional Strategy for the
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BLOESCH, J., JONES, T., REINARTZ, R. & STRIEBEL, B. (2006): Action Plan for the conservation of sturgeons
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(Bern Convention), Nature and Environment 144, 122 pages.

BOSCARI, E., PUJOLAR, J.M., DUPANLOUP, I., CORRADIN, R., CONGIU, L., (2014): Captive Breeding Programs Based on
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BROWN, C.& DAY, R.I., (2002): The future of stock enhancements: lessons for hatchery practice from conservation
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CHEBANOV, M. & BILLARD, R., (2001): The culture of sturgeons in Russia: production of juveniles for stocking and
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CHEBANOV, M.S. & GALICH, E.V., (2011): Sturgeon hatchery manual.

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Conservation and Sustainable Development of Sturgeons, 2009 Springer Science + Business Media B.V., 467 pages.

7 Glossary
Aquaculture: The farming of aquatic organisms in inland and coastal areas, involving intervention in the
rearing process to enhance production and the individual or corporate ownership of the stock being

Ann: Annotation

Broodstock: Specimen or species, either as eggs, juveniles, or adults, from which a first or subsequent
generation may be produced in captivity, whether for growing as aquaculture or for release to the wild for
stock enhancement.

Conservation: In the document at hand it is the act of preserving, guarding, or protecting biodiversity,
environment, and natural resources, including protection and management.

Conservation unit: In the document at hand this term is used synonymously with “population” for subunits
within a sturgeon species, which are significantly different from others in important traits (e.g. location of
spawning sites, timing and distance of spawning migration), leading to a significantly reduced reproduction
with other subunits and that should therefore be conserved separately.

Controlled propagation: The reproduction of fishes under human control, often in captivity.

Cryopreservation: The freezing and storage of gametes (usually sperm) so they can be used at a later date.

Cycling: Exposing an animal to natural seasonal environmental factors (e.g. temperature or hydrological
variations) to allow for or facilitate the maturation of individuals or the ripening of gonads.

DSTF: Danube Sturgeon Task Force – an interdisciplinary network dedicated to the conservation and revival
of Danube River sturgeons.

Ex-situ: Referring to conservation activities outside of the natural habitat of an organism, often in captivity.

FAO: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

Fingerling: Related to any fish from advanced fry to the age of one year from date of hatching regardless of

Gamete: Mature sex cell (egg or sperm), haploid, that unites with another gamete of the opposite sex to
form a diploid zygote; such a union is essential for true sexual reproduction.

Hatchery: Place for artificial breeding, hatching and rearing through the early life stages of animals,
finfish and shellfish in particular. Generally, in pisciculture, hatchery and nursery are closely associated.

Homing: The regular return of migrating fish species to their native spawning grounds; or the return of fish
to their last juvenile home waters after being transferred from their native river to another and having
become well acclimatized to the latter.

ICPDR: International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River.

Inbreeding: Mating or crossing of individuals more closely related than average pairs in the population.

Incubation: The time during which eggs (embryos) develop, for example, in a hatchery. Usually the period
between fertilization and hatching of the last embryo of a given egg population.

In-situ: Referring to conservation activities within the natural environment of an organism.

IUCN: International Union for Conservation of Nature

IUU fishing: Illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, often having detrimental effects on stocks (e.g.

Juvenile: Young stage of animals, usually up to the time they first become sexually mature. For fish, usually
between the postlarval stages up to the time they first become sexually mature.

Larvae: An organism from the beginning of exogenous feeding to metamorphosis into a juvenile. At the
larval stage the animal differs greatly in appearance and behaviour from a juvenile or an adult.

Life-cycle: The sequence of life stages that an organism undergoes from birth to reproduction ending with
the generation of the offspring.

Live gene bank: Facility for the preservation of genes as living organisms.

Nursery: culture facility where a farming system intermediate between the hatchery and grow-out stages
is applied.

Outbreeding: Outbreeding depression occurs when offspring from crosses between individuals from
different populations have lower fitness than progeny from crosses between individuals from the same
population. The concept is opposed to inbreeding depression.

Population: All the organisms of the same group or species, which live in a particular geographical area,
and have the capability of interbreeding. In the document at hand this term is often used for subunits
within a sturgeon species, which are significantly different from others in important traits (e.g. location of
spawning sites, timing and distance of spawning migration), leading to a significantly reduced reproduction
with other subunits and that should therefore be conserved separately. See also “conservation unit”.

Progeny: The offspring of a particular pair of fish.

Restocking: The release of cultured or wild caught aquatic species (usually juveniles) into the wild to
restore the spawning biomass of severely overfished stocks to levels at which they can once again provide
sustainable yields.

Spawning: Refers to the process of releasing the eggs and sperm for the reproduction of aquatic species
and also sturgeons.

Spawning run: The migration of a certain distinct population to its spawning sites, often during a certain
period of time or season.

Spawning site: Spawning sites or grounds are the areas of waterbodies, where aquatic animals spawn.

Stocking: Process of moving live organisms to a rearing unit so that ongrowing (e.g. in nursery ponds,
fattening ponds) or reproduction (e.g. in spawning ponds) may take place.

YOY: Young Of the Year is a term that denominates young fishes of the same year’s reproduction period/


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