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Muscle Energy Techniques With aecompanying DVD Leon Chaitow »000 Registered Osteopathic Practitioner and Senior Lecturer, University of Westminster, London, UK With contributions by Ken Crenshaw BS ATC CSCS Sandy Fritz. BS MS Gary Fryer BSe ND DO. Craig Liebenson DC Ron J Porterfield BS ATC Nathan Shaw ATC CSCS Erie Wilson PT DSc OCS SCS CSCS Foreword by ‘Donald R Murphy DC DACAN [stations by Graeme Chambers BA(Hlons) Medical Artist THIRD EDITION EDINBURGH LONOON NEWYORK OXFORD PHILADELPHIA STLOUIS SYDNEY TORONTO 2006 CHURCHILL LIVINGSTONE, (© Pearson Profesional Lined 1996 (© Blevior Limited 1999 (© 2006, Blevier Limited. All sights reserved “The right of Leon Chaitow to be identified as author ofthis work has been asserted by hin in accordance with the Copyeight, Designs and Patents Act 1968 [No part ofthis publication may be reproduced, stored in a retreval system, cr transited in any form orb any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or oherise without ether the prior peratission of the publishers ors lcence permitting restricted copying in the United Kingdom fsa by the Copyright Licensing Agency, 90 Tottenham Court Road, Landon WIT 4LP. Permissions any be ought directly from Elevier's Health Sciences Rights Departient in Philadephia, USA: phone (4) 215-288 786, Ine (41) 215 238 2235, mall: hoalthpenmissionstéelseviercom. You may also complete Your roquast on-line via the Elsevier homepage (hilp:/ wwwelseviercom), by aeeeting, Castomer Suppor and then Obtaining Permissions Fist edition 196 Second edition 1999 Thind edition 2005 ISBN 1: 0448 101140 ISON 13:97 0443 10144 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Acatalogie record for this book is available fom the British Library Libeacy of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data ‘catalog recor fr tis bock is avallable fom the Tibrary of Congress Notice [Neither the Publisher nor he Author assume any responsibilty for any less oF injury and for dlamage to persons or property arising out of or related to ary use of the material contained n this book It isthe responsibilty ofthe testing practitioner, relying on independent expertise and ‘knowledge of the patient, to determine thobast treatment and met of aplication fr the patie The Publisher your source forboats, BRN trnctsondmtinesio Inthe heath slenes ‘ ‘Working together to grow libraries in developing countries verchrircom | womboaliory | ware Printed fn China bo Health Ser. aM 13Y cds ‘006 Contents ‘The CD-ROM accompanying this text includes video sequences of all the techniques indicated in the text ‘by the ican. To look at the video for a given tochnique, cick on the relevant icon in the contents list an the CD-ROM, The CD-ROM is designed to be used in conjunction with the text and not as a stand-alone product. Contributors vi Foroword ix Preface »% Acknowledgements xi 1. An introduction to muscle energy techniques 1 2. Patterns of function and dysfunction 23 3. How to use MET ” 4, MET: efficacy and research 107 Gaty Fryer ©. Sequential assessment and MET treatment of main postural muscles 131 6 MET and the treatment of joints 199 ‘T Inlegrated neuromuscular inhibition technique (INIT) 2ar 8 Manual resistance techniques in rehabilitation oor Craig Liebenson 9. MET in the physical therapy setting 278 Erie Wilson 10. MET ina massage therapy setting 299 Sandy Fritz 11. MET in treatment of athletic injuries ait Ken Crenshaw, Nathan Shaw, Ron J Porterfield Index sat

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