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Question Bank: 2014-15
Engineering Chemistry of ¼ B.Tech: Semester-II, UNIT-IV

Instrumental methods of analysis:

Answer the following:
1. State Beer-Lamberts law.
2. What is Absorption spectroscopy?
3. What is Emission spectroscopy?
4. What are the changes takes places by IR radiations?
5. What are the changes takes places by UV radiations?
6. What are chromophores?
7. What is an auxochrome?
8. How many types of electronic transitions take place in UV spectroscopy?
9. What is the principle involved in colorimeter?
10.Write any two applications of IR spectroscopy.
11.What is the source of IR radiations?
12.What is the source of UV radiations?
13.Write any two applications of UV spectroscopy.
14.How many types of vibrations take place in Di-atomic molecules?
15.How many types of bending vibrations takes place in poly atomic molecules?
16.Write any two advantages and disadvantages of flame photometry.
Fill in the blanks:
1. The range of IR radiations in electromagnetic spectrum is -------------
2. UV region extends from ---------- nm to -----------nm. In electromagnetic spectrum.
3. In colorimetric method iron forms complex with ----------
4. Sodium emits radiation at ------------nm.
5. -------------- is used as buffer in colorimetric method.
6. -------------- oxidizes ferrous ions to ferric ions.
7. ------------- is used as the source in atomic absorption spectroscopy.
8. The minimum temperature required for flame photometry is -------------.
9. In IR spectroscopy the cell is made by --------------
10.In UV spectroscopy the cell is made by --------------
11.Far IR region extends from ------ to ----------- cm-1
12.Mid IR region extends from ------ to ----------- cm-1
13.Compounds containing multiple bands shows ------- type of transitions.
14.In colorimeter the intensity of color depends on -----------
15.Alkali and alkaline earth metals are analyzed by -----------------
16.Absorbance of each standard solution is plotted against concentration. This plot is
known as -----------

Essay Questions:
1. a) Write short notes on Beer – Lamberts law
b) Explain the principle, and instrumentation and applications of IR spectroscopy.
2. a) Explain the principle, and instrumentation and applications of UV spectroscopy.
b) Draw the block diagram and applications of colorimeter.
3. a) Explain the principle of colorimeter.
b) Draw the block diagram and applications of atomic absorption Spectroscopy.
4. Explain the principal involved in AAS. How nickel is estimated by AAS.
5. How sodium is estimated by flame photometry.
6. Explain the principle and instrumentation of flame photometry.

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