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William C.


Role and function of

The Instructional Materials Center

AN educator's life is never dull and sideration. The collection may contain
our lives have been filled of late with the whole range of materials used in
more than the usual number of ex teaching. Printed matter such as books,
plosions. The population explosion has pamphlets, periodicals audio-visual ma
filled our classrooms, and the explosion terial such as slides, filmstrips, record
of knowledge has filled our waking hours. ings and the equipment needed to use
There has also been an explosive-like them are equally available to teachers
revolution in teaching methods and in and students. Free and inexpensive ma
the amount of material created for in terials, charts, clippings, globes and maps
structional purposes. are also included, as are the less common
Aiding teachers and students in deal but useful items such as models, speci
ing with the flood of knowledge, assist mens, dioramas.
ing them in using the wealth of instruc Some centers have equipment which
tional aids now available, and helping may seem unusual but which makes
them to employ effectively the methods sense because of the school's instructional
and "hardware" of the new teaching program. Production of simple school-
technology is the function of an instruc made instructional materials using photo
tional materials center. The concept of a graphic equipment and lettering devices
unified service including both library often takes place in the center. Some
and audio-visual materials is receiving materials centers in elementary schools
rapid acceptance among educators. have a sewing machine for use in making
Whether it is called "materials center," costumes for dramatizations and others
"curriculum laboratory," or "learning re have simple woodworking tools. Art
sources library," its purpose is to help supplies beyond those which are kept in
create a richer learning environment each classroom are often a part of the
through providing appropriate learning center's collection.
materials, experiences and resources. Ideas, too, are part of the center.
Bulletin board materials and suggestions,
exhibit and display ideas, scripts, field
What Is a Materials Center?
trip and community resources files, and
In materials centers all learning ma all manner of things which will make in
terials have equal status and receive con struction more effective are housed in

364 Educational Leadership

the center. Professional books and booklets or posters for public relations
periodicals as well as units of work and purposes.
demonstration suggestions are also avail At times a total class will come with a
able. teacher to learn about research tools or to
The most important characteristic of use the center's other resources. Often
^an effective instructional materials center individuals and small groups will be at
is its skilled staff. A mature, experienced, work finding information by examining
and creative professional person who en printed or audio-visual materials. Ma
joys helping teachers and students is the terials and equipment are also taken from
keystone of an effective program. Skill the center for classroom use.
and knowledge in the total field of in In general two major types of activity
structional materials are a necessity, as is go on in the center: (a) reading, listen
a good understanding of child growth ing to, and viewing of materials by
and development and principles of learn teachers and students individually and in
ing. Given adequate clerical help and small groups; (b) teacher and pupil
funds, such a person can markedly in preparation of teaching aids such as
fluence teaching practices. graphs, charts and slides.
What a center contains and what serv In the materials center the specialist
ices it offers depends on the type of is concerned with acquiring, organizing,
school curriculum it serves. What is housing and distributing the whole range
appropriate for one school may not be of possible learning resources so as to
logical for a school of the same size in a enrich the learning environment of the
nearby district. The purpose of a center school. Servicing and repair of materials
is to improve instruction through service and equipment are also the specialist's
to teachers and pupils. Since each responsibility.
teacher, each building staff, and the
needs of youngsters in each school are What Are the Advantages?
different, there should be variation in
the program of service. In order to do the kind of teaching job
expected by the community, a teacher
must utilize a wide variety of materials
How Is a Materials Center Used? and approaches. Administrators and cur
Varied activities take place in a center. riculum people can help teachers by pro
Teachers inquire about, order, preview or viding a climate which enables them to
make the materials they need to do an be creative and to bring to bear all pos
effective teaching job. The materials sible resources for the solution of an
I specialist gives guidance in securing and instructional problem. It is in the class
i using materials. Resource units and good room where the effect of the "explosions"
ideas employed by other teachers are is felt. Teachers have always been busy
shared. Students ask for data for research people but now with the rapid increase
purposes' or for a practical project such as in the numbers of children we must edu
making a model. They secure information cate, an increasing emphasis on quality
about resource people or field trips they education, and the deluge of new knowl-
might take. Administrators and curricu Williant C. Miller it Educational Consultant,
lum people receive help in planning Wavne County Hoard of Education. Detroit,
effective teachers' meetings or preparing Michigan.

March 1 961 365

Register now for have the type of education required by
today's demands.
The Sixth Curriculum Research Institute We talk about teaching the whole
(Western Section) child. We know that the most effective
April 22-25, 1961 learning experience is a natural and in
tegrated one. Yet many schools have an
Shirley-Savoy Hotel
artificial division of materials. When
Denver, Colorado
audio-visual services are separate from
Theme: those in which teachers and students
secure printed materials, it is more diffi
A Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Learning
cult to have a unified approach to satis
Participating scholars: fying an educational need. For example,
a chart which could make a valuable
contribution is printed, but it cannot be
shelved like a book. Since it is not pro
jected material or primarily pictorial in
Complete registration information nature the audio-visual person does not
available from: feel it is his responsibility. The same may
be said of free and inexpensive materials,
flat pictures, realia and many other types
1201 16th Street, N.W.
of learning aids. Because of an artificial
Washington 6, D. C.
division of materials the purposes of edu
cation may not be served. A "no man's
land" of materials for which no one feels
edge and teaching materials, a compre responsible is often created. This cannot
hensive learning resources program is a happen when a school is served by a
necessity. It is more efficient and helpful unified collection under the direction
for teachers to have one place to go for of a skilled materials specialist.
teaching materials rather than to visit
separate library and audio-visual depart
A Building or System Center?
ments. The unified collection encourages
better and more frequent use of the Materials should, of course, be as close
learning materials available. to the consumer the pupil or the
It is widely recognized that each teacher as is practically possible. It
learner has a pattern and rhythm of would be best to have all materials in
growth which are unique. Providing the the classroom immediately at hand. Cer
wide variety of learning experiences nec tainly as many as possible of the com
essary to satisfy the different levels, monly used tools for learning should be
abilities and interests is a challenge. A kept in the classroom. Many maps,
properly staffed and equipped materials globes, and reference books should he
center can have real impact on the prob always available. Materials and equip
lem of differing learning rates. Easy ment not likely to be used continuously
access by teachers and pupils to a wide or on the spur of the moment, such as
variety of instructional materials and filmstrips, slides, and the necessary pro
skilled guidance in the selection and use jection equipment, can be kept in the
of these tools is necessary if we are to building instructional materials center.

366 Educational Leadership

Other items, less often used and too ex Qne school system which had self-
pensive to be placed in each school, contained elementary classrooms wished
can be stored in a system or area mate to establish and staff a materials center.
rials center. Such items as motion pic When the staff members found it was not
tures, cased exhibits, and expensive financially possible to hire a person to
models could be shared among several do this, they decided they were willing
schools from a central location. Regard to have the number of children in their
less of location, proper records of all classrooms increased so as to free one
equipment and materials owned by the of their skilled teachers to provide this
district will assure that any teacher in service. Some formal and much on-the-
the school system can obtain a needed job training prepared this teacher to im
item wherever it is housed. plement the program they had en
visioned. If the contribution of such a
center can be understood, such services
How Can a Center Be Established? can be established even against great
Enthusiastic and skillful teachers have odds.
always collected materials to vitalize Most schools now have some separate
instruction. Students who have such and usually uncoordinated method of
teachers are fortunate. Not all teachers, providing for audio-visual and library
however, are so dedicated. Many find the needs. Integrating these two services,
demands of their assignments so great while desirable, sometimes can be diffi
that they have little energy left to col cult because of the vested interests of
lect necessary resources. individuals involved. Some librarians
Every school has the beginning of an may be fearful of the rapidly growing
instructional materials center, because audio-visual field. They may not feel
.every school and most teachers have comfortable with the new equipment and
some library books and audio-visual re materials. In schools where the library
sources. Usually there is no policy or is a teaching station or used to some
plan to facilitate the sharing and use of degree as a study hall, it is difficult to
these learning aids. Even a few materials take on a broader responsibility. Many
and resources centrally located and under audio-visual people do not wish to sur
the direction of a service-minded person render their area of responsibility to li
can serve the instructional program bet brarians, nor do they wish to be under
ter than the same amount of material the librarian's direction.
when it is scattered and uncoordinated. As wijth all ideas which call for peo
Once the idea of sharing learning re ple to change their ways of working,
sources is accepted by a faculty, many skilled guidance and attention to the
steps can be taken without a great ex interpersonal aspects of the problem are
penditure of funds. Compilation of a necessary. Curriculum people have the
picture file or list of community resources responsibility and the skill to stimulate
can enrich greatly the learning environ new methods of organizing curriculum
ment at little cost. .Some of the most services to assist teachers and thus im
comprehensive instructional materials prove instruction. An amalgamation of
programs now in existence started with library and audio-visual services, when
such a simple pooling of materials and approached with skill and understand
ideas. ing, is such a step.

March 1961 367

Copyright © 1961 by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum
Development. All rights reserved.

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