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Jawablah pertanyaan berikut dibawah ini:

1. Jelaskan apa yang dimaksud dengan “Text” dan “Nontext”
2. Apa yang dimaksud dengan context?
3. Apakah istilah atau kata “teks” selalu mengacu pada teks tertulis?
4. Jelaskan mengapa pendidikan bahasa Inggris perlu memperhatikan jenis-jenis
teks yang dipelajari penutur asli?

Carilah makna leksikal kata- kata berikut ini di kamus:

1. Wild
2. Growth
3. Genre

Tulislah jawaban Saudara di bawah ini:

1. Text is complete language unit, which has the content and form (abstract). It
can be written language (sentences) and oral (speech) delivered by a sender
to the recipient to convey certain message resulting from human interaction
and communication
Non text is a series of sentences, paragraph or even speech which cannot be
recognized as a text because they cannot give a full understanding to the
reader or listener, perhaps because the situation is not in the right context, or
there is no semantic relationship
2. Context is a specific space and time were faced by a person or group of
people, that cover of the physical and social environment concerning with the
particular speech and knowledge that both had been equally owned by the
speaker and listener, so that a listener understand what is intended by the
speaker, in short, context is a situation or background that is cause and a
reason of the occurrence of a communication

3. No, it is not. Text is not always refers to written text because speech is also a
considered as form of text, as long as it can convey certain message ans
understandable for the speaker and listener.

4. Learning English is always concern with the kind of native speaker’s text
because a language function is always involves both the context of culture
and situation. However, there are so many difference between Indonesian and
England, perhaps it can cause a such cultural shock. So, if we want to learn
English, firstly we must learn about the culture and situation. As the native
speaker teach how to communicate politely and orderly, in a clear structural
arrangement, so does our teacher must practice to apply to the learning of the
second language, we may call, an imitation.
5. The lexical meaning of
1. Wild :
(adjective) uncontrolled, violent, extreme.
(adjective) natural. Used to refer to plant or animal that live or grow
independently of people in natural condition and with natural
(noun) in natural conditions, independent of human.
Slang : very unusual, often in a way that is attractive or exciting.
2. Growth
(noun) the growth of person, animal or plant is its process of increasing
in size.
An increasing of the size or the importance of something
A lump growing on the outside or inside of a person, animal, or plant
that is caused by disease.
Something that has grown.
3. Genre
(noun) a style, especially in the art that involves n particular sets of
(adjective) produced according to a particular model or style.

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