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The Narrative Life of Frederick Douglass Characters

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1. adoptive Douglass reports that ________ slaveholders are 12. Captain Douglass's first master and probably his father;
notoriously the worst masters Anthony is the clerk for Colonel Lloyd, managing Lloyd's
surrounding plantations and the overseers of
2. Alabama, When Douglass is in jail, at first, Thomas Auld
those plantations. He is a cruel man who takes
Baltimore, announces his intent to send Douglass to __________.
pleasure in whipping his slaves, especially
Hugh Then Auld suddenly changes his mind and sends
Douglass's Aunt Hester. He is called "Captain"
Auld Douglass back to __________ with __________
because he once piloted ships up the
3. Andrew Captain Anthony's two sons Chesapeake Bay.
13. Captain Dies and it sends Douglass back to be appraised
4. Anna Douglass's wife. She is a free black woman from
14. Captain Lucretia Auld's husband and Hugh Auld's brother.
Murray Baltimore who becomes engaged to Douglass
Thomas He did not grow up owning slaves, but gained
before he escapes to freedom. After his escape,
Auld them through his marriage to Lucretia. After
she and Douglass marry in New York and then
attending a church meeting in Maryland, he
move to New Bedford, Massachusetts.
becomes a "pious" man, but he uses his
5. Aunt Douglass's aunt. She is an exceptionally beautiful newfound Christianity to be even more self-
Hester and noble-looking woman, superior to most righteously brutal toward his slaves.
white and black women. Captain Anthony is
15. Caroline name of slave Mr Covey buys to be a breeder
extraordinarily interested in her, and she therefore
suffers countless whippings at his hands. 16. Christmas Slaves are encouraged to celebrate this holiday
and drink, rather than resting or working
6. Austin replaces Mr Hopkins as a supervisor; is proud,
industriously for themselves. Douglass explains
Gore ambitious, cunning, and cruel, and his domination
that this strategy helps keep blacks enslaved. By
over the slaves is total. He does not argue or
giving slaves a brief span of time each year to
hear protests and sometimes provokes slaves
release their rebellious spirit, slaveholders keep
only for an excuse to punish them. he thrives on
them manageable for the rest of the year. By
the Great House Farm. His ensures that all of the
encouraging them to spend the holiday riotously
slaves bow down to him, while he, in turn,
drunk, slaveholders ensure that freedom comes
willingly bows down to the Colonel. He is a
to seem unappealing
silent man, never joking as some overseers
would. He performs barbaric deeds of 17. Colonel Captain Anthony's boss and Douglass's first
punishment with a cool demeano Edward owner. He is an extremely rich man who owns all
Lloyd of the slaves and lands where Douglass grows
7. awkward Douglass is most often whipped by Mr Covey
up. He insists on extreme subservience from his
for being
slaves and often punishes them unjustly.
8. Barney the name of both of the slaves in charge of Col
18. The At around the age of twelve, Douglass
Lloyd's horse stables; they were often unfairly
Columbian encounters this book, which contains a
Orator philosophical dialogue between a master and a
9. Beal shot and killed an elderly slave of Colonel slave. In the dialogue, the master lays out the
Bondly Lloyd's who was fishing on his property. Colonel argument for slavery, and the slave refutes each
Lloyd did not complain about the killing. point, eventually convincing the master to
10. Betsy Douglass's grandmother. She raised Douglass on release him. The book also contains a reprint of
Bailey Captain Anthony's land after Douglass's mother a speech arguing for the emancipation of Irish
was taken away. She served the Anthony family Catholics and for human rights generally. The
her whole life and had many children and book helps Douglass to fully articulate the case
grandchildren who became slaves for the against slavery, but it also makes him hate his
Anthonys. After seeing Captain Anthony's masters more and more. This dilemma is difficult
children from birth to death, she is abandoned to position for Douglass and often fills him with
a hut in the woods instead of being allowed to regret
go free. 19. Daniel Colonel Llyod's grandson who befriends
11. Bill a slave who refuses to help Mr Covey beat Douglass; this gives Douglass some benefits
20. David a free black who takes Douglass in. He is an 26. Frederick the author and narrator of the Narrative. He is a
Ruggles abolitionist and journalist and advises Douglass rhetorically skilled and spirited man and a
Douglass to go to New Bedford, powerful orator for the abolitionist movement.
Massachusetts, to find work as a caulker; He One of his reasons for writing the Narrative is to
witnesses Douglass and Anna Murray's offer proof to critics who felt that such an
marriage and gives Douglass five dollars and articulate and intelligent man could not have
a letter of recommendation. once been a slave. The Narrative describes his
experience under slavery from his early
21. Demby whipped by Mr Gore and runs into a nearby
childhood until his escape North at the age of
creek to soothe the pain. He refuses to come
twenty. Within that time, he progresses from
out of the creek, and Mr. Gore gives him a
unenlightened victim of the dehumanizing
three‑count to return. When he makes no
practices of slavery to educated and empowered
response after each call, Mr. Gore promptly
young man. He gains the resources and
shoots him. When questioned about his
convictions to escape to the North and wage a
actions, Mr. Gore calmly explains that he was
political fight against the institution of slavery
setting a bad example for the rest of the
slaves. Mr. Gore is never investigated for this 27. Great what all of Colonel Lloyd's slaves refer to the
murder, and he still lives free. House central plantation, on which Douglass grew up
Farm as because it resembles a small village; Slaves
22. Douglass, The escape party consists of _________, _________
from other plantations feel privileged to be sent
Henry, John, and _________ Harris, _________ Bailey, and _________
there on an errand
Henry, Roberts. _________ Jenkins initially intends to
Charles, accompany them, but eventually decides to 28. Hamiltons the Auld's neighbors who greatly mistreat their
Sandy, remain. They plan to canoe up the _________ Bay slaves, Henrietta and Mary
Chesapeake, on the Saturday before _________. Douglass
29. Harriet Douglass's mother. She is separated from
Easter writes travel passes, signed by their master,
Bailey Douglass after his birth, but she still attempts to
for each of them.
maintain family relations by walking twelve miles
23. Edward notorious slave "breaker" and Douglass's to see him at night. She dies when Douglass is
Covey keeper for one year. Slave owners send their young.
unruly slaves to him, who works and punishes
30. Henry intelligent boys Douglass meets when under
them (thus getting free labor to cultivate his
and John William Freeland
rented land) and returns them trained and
docile. His tactics as a slaveholder are both
cruel and sneaky. He is deliberately deceptive 31. Hugh Thomas Auld's brother and Douglass's
and devious when interacting with his slaves, Auld occasional master. He lives in Baltimore with his
creating an atmosphere of constant wife, Sophia. Thomas and Lucretia Auld allow
surveillance and fear. him to borrow Douglass as a servant for his son,
Thomas. He is well aware that whites maintain
24. Eliza, Douglass arrives to live at Thomas Auld's in
power over blacks by depriving them of
Priscilla, March 1832. Life under Auld is particularly
education, and he unwittingly enlightens
Henny difficult because Auld does not give the
Douglass in this matter. He is not as cruel as his
slaves enough food. Douglass works in the
brother Thomas, but he becomes harsher due to
kitchen alongside his sister, _________; his aunt,
a drinking habit in his later years. He seems to
_________; and another woman, _________. They have
suffer some consciousness that slavery and the
to beg or steal food from neighbors to
law's treatment of blacks are inhumane, but he
survive, though the Aulds always seem to
does not allow this consciousness to interfere
have food wasting in the storehouse.
with his exercising power over Douglass.
25. first Is Douglass's first or second six months with
32. Hughes a slave Mr Covey calls to hold Douglass back.
Mr Covey worse?
He approaches, and Douglass kicks him down
33. Lucretia Captain Anthony's daughter and Thomas Auld's
Auld wife. After Captain Anthony's death, she inherits
half his property, including Douglass. She is as
cruel an owner as her husband.
34. Lucretia, About two years after the death of ________ Auld, 48. William Douglass's keeper for two years following his
Thomas, her husband, ________ Auld, remarries. Soon after Freeland time with Covey. He is the most fair and
Hugh the marriage, he has a falling out with his straightforward of all Douglass's masters and is
brother, _______, and punishes him by reclaiming not hypocritically pious. Douglass acknowledges
Douglass his exceptional fairness with a pun on his name
35. Mr replaces Mr Severe as overseer; He is less cruel 49. William A Baltimore shipbuilder. Hugh Auld sends
Hopkins and profane than Severe and is considered a fair Gardner Douglass to him to learn the trade of caulking.
overseer; he is fired after only a short time His shipyard is disorderly with racial tension
between free-black carpenters and white
36. Mr a drunk and a cruel man who carries a whip and
carpenters, and he is under pressure to complete
Plummer cudgel with him and often uses them on slaves
several ships for a deadline.
37. Mr Severe first overseer of Captain Anthony's farm
50. William Father-in-law of Thomas Auld. After Lucretia
38. Mr Wilson a religious leader who runs a slave school until Hamilton Auld's death, Thomas remarries his oldest
the community shuts it down daughter. He himself sometimes takes charge of
39. Nantucket Where Douglass first speaks at an anti-slavery Douglass, as when he arrests Douglass for
conference plotting to escape from Freeland.

40. Nathan A Massachusetts worker and abolitionist. He is 51. William Founder of the American Anti-Slavery Society. He
Johnson immediately kind and helpful to the Douglasses, Lloyd meets Douglass when Douglass is persuaded to
loaning them money, helping Douglass find Garrison tell his history at an abolitionist convention in
work, and suggesting Douglass's new name. He Nantucket in 1841. Immediately impressed with
is well informed on national politics and keeps a Douglass's poise and with the power of his story,
nice household. he hires him for the abolitionist cause.

41. Ned the slave Hester went out with before she was
brutally whipped by Captain Anthony
42. Sandy A slave acquaintance of Douglass. Is highly
Jenkins superstitious and stands in the Narrative as a
representative of all uneducated, superstitious
slaves. She is kind to Douglass when Douglass
runs away from Covey's, but the Narrative also
implies that she may have informed William
Freeland about Douglass's plans to escape;
gives Douglass a root to keep him safe from
harm - works
43. the snake nickname for Mr Covey by slaves because of his
44. Sophia Hugh Auld's wife; was a working woman before
Auld marrying Hugh, and she had never owned
slaves. The corruption of owning a slave
transforms her from a sympathetic, kind woman
into a vengeful monster.
45. Thomas lives in Maryland and boasted of violently killing
Lanman two slaves, yet has never been investigated for
the crimes
46. Walter Douglass quickly learns caulking under
Price ______________ and soon earns the highest possible
47. Wendell President of the American Anti-Slavery Society.
Phillips He considers Douglass a close friend. He
admires Douglass's bravery in publishing his
history without pseudonyms, but also fears for
Douglass's safety

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