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Saintpaulis - African Violets

This flowers are originated in the eastern part of Africa at the border between
Kenya and Tanzania.This plant have been discoverd by baron Walter von Saint Paul
Illaire and named after him.
The African Violet its a dwarf plant, with little flowers colored in blue or
purple. Is not a demanding plant, just needs to know them.

Tacking care:

1. The lighting must be adequate for the plant to bloom. Is good to try to find a
place with good exposure like on a window sill, but in the same time away from the

2. When you are watering the flower you should try not to wet the leaves and pour
water only at the roots. The soil should be watered when you fell that its need
moisture. In other words you need to keep soil moist to dry and allow soil around
roots to dry out before watering.
You must use water at the room temperature or as close as possible in temperature
to the air around your plants, because when you watering with cold water it chills
the roots, causing leaves to curl down.

3. If you want to multiply the Violets the easiest way is leaf cuttings. For this
you need to cut the leaf from outside the plant, leaving 1 inch of stem and put it
directly in water.

4. Pinch off spent blossoms and blossom stems to encourage development of new

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