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Check xr, labs before asmt well, if MAP is below 65, fix the blood
a. Labs - h/h, if dangerous call MD , get orders pressure (drip, fluid bolus)
i. K<,4 Mg.<2 Hgb <7, need to replace d. Flush bag and pressure system correct
ii. What is ekg e. Lines - label each line, know where protonix ivp
b. Xr →if they are intubated, is the etub in place, meds can go into
picc in place at the svc or migrated 9. Drips
i. Swan ganz - if its in the right spot , a. Neo or fentanyl, check your bags,
measure, mark it down check it at b. Labeled properly, right rate
least q 4 hrs c. Heparin - get PTT when is it due, do i need to
ii. Ng tube/ og tubes - in right place, titrate?
measure mark it down, confirm d. Drips: Levophed, epi, dobutamine,
placement vasopressin, dopamine, propofol,
2. Check occiput for breakdown amiodarone, heparin - question if it's ok to
3. Chek neuro pause at all?
a. If intubated and cant respond, check Gag, cough 10. Turn pt for skin breakdown / reposition / skin barrier?
reflex a. OOB, IIS, turn q 2
b. Some are sedated but can follow commands: 11. Ted hose/ SCD
weak in upper ext vs lower, spon vs purpose
c. If alert and oriented, are they lethargic, alert, Hourly expectations
obtunded, deeply sedated ● Uo
d. If pt cant talk: check perrla, pupils, brisk, ● Bp
sluggish, size of pupil, equal insize, cough gag ● Heart rhythm rate
reflex, babinski reflex ● Resp rate
4. Cardiac ● O2 sat
a. Listen to s1/s2 ● Swan ganz etc
b. Connected to monitor ● Pain
c. CVP, stripevery 2 hrs ● Temp
d. AV fistula - bruit thrill? ● LOC
e. Heart murmur?
5. Pulm
a. Ausc
b. Recheck xr - improving? atelectasis or pna. If
worsen - let dr know
c. If on mech vent, check settings f drs order
i. Oral care q 2 hr, lips, elevate HOB
6. GU
a. Postop transplant - foleys, u.o. Every hour
b. Reg pt - every 2 hrs
c. Clear cloudy sediment blood clots
d. If no uo all day, are they HD pt, check BUN creat,
check schedule for dialysis
7. GI
a. Bowel sounds 4 quadrants, is there bowel
sounds and should the be on CLD
b. If not, they might have ileus post op tell MD
c. Tubes - peg tube, are they getting osmolyte,
nephro? Are they at the goal indicated by
8. peripheral/ circulation
a. Lines
b. Tubing ok, not expired
c. CVP and A line - make sure pulses in those
i. Arterial line - Line in artery - most
accurate BP, never push meds
through it , but can draw blood from
it; MAP 65 is gold std unless
otherwise indicated by dr= perfusing
Neurological:​​ There is a HUGE variety of neurological tests that ● Assess bowel sounds. Are they present, hyperactive,
can be performed. This is my basic testing that I do on all of my hypoactive, or absent?
patients regardless of why they are in the hospital. If any of these ● What is the patient’s diet order?
are lacking, more investigation should be done into why the patient ● Are they having any nausea or vomiting?
has this deficit. ● Do they have an nasogastric (NG) tube or gastrostomy
● Is the patient in any kind of pain? Where and what type? tube (G-tube)?
● Are the patient’s pupils equal, round, and reactive to light? ● If he has tube feeds infusing, what have the residuals
● Is the patient alert & oriented to person (ask their name), been? (Residuals are checked by putting a 50 mL syringe
place (where are you?), time (ask the month and year), into the NG tube and pulling back whatever contents are in
and situation (do you know what brought you to the the stomach.)
hospital?). ● When was their last bowel movement? What did this look
● Can they move all extremities well? like?
● Can they squeeze your hands tightly with both of their ● Do they have a colostomy or ileostomy?
hands? Genitourinary:​​ How much urine output a patient has tells you
● What about applying pressure with their feet? about a variety of different things. The causes of low urine output
● Is their speech clear? could be because of acute kidney injury, low blood pressure,
● Do they have any numbness or tingling? infection, and ureter obstruction among other causes. If a patient’s
Respiratory:​​ Respiratory can be either a very simple or a very urine output has decreased, once again ask yourself, “Why?”Some
complicated body system to discuss. It can be as simple as, “This basics in your assessment include asking the following:
patient’s lung sounds are clear and they are on room air. No ● Does the patient have a Foley catheter in place?
respiratory deficits noted.” It can also be as complicated to include ● If so, what is their urine output? If not, then when did they
ventilators, chest tubes, and oscillators. For your basic respiratory last urinate?
assessment, here are the questions you should be asking yourself: ● Any pain with urination?
● Assess their lung sounds. Do they sound clear, coarse, ● What does the urine look like?
wheezy, rhonchorous (it sounds like there is a LOT of fluid Integumentary (Skin):​​ During my assessment, I look over the
moving around), or decreased (not much air moving)? patient’s skin. Note that the most common places for skin
● Is their respiratory rate normal (12-20 breaths/minute)? abnormalities and breakdown are where bony prominences come
Are they having difficulty breathing? into contact with surfaces.
● How much oxygen is the patient requiring? ● Are there any rashes, bruises, or other abnormalities?
● Do they have a cough? If so, what are they coughing up? ● How is the temperature of their skin?
● Do they have a sore throat? ● Do they have any drains?
Cardiovascular:​​ The heart can be a very complicated organ if it ● What is draining and how much?
wants to be. There are your four heart valves, four chambers, ● Do they have any wounds or pressure sores?
septums, and arteries and veins attached to complicate things even ● What dressings are in place for these wounds?
more. The heart is also one of the most fascinating organs because Psychological/Social​​: Depending on the unit you are working on,
of the ability it has to pump thousands of gallons of blood through the psychological assessment may be very short to very in depth. If
your body every day. Here are the things to think about in your you are taking care of a suicidal or bipolar person then your
basic cardiac assessment: assessment will be much lengthier.
● Assess the patient’s heart tones. Is there a clear S1/S2 ● How is the patient coping with their situation?
(meaning the “lub dub” sound)? ● Are they calm, aggressive, anxious, combative, frightened,
● Are there any murmurs (not a clear “lub dub” from issues etc.?
with heart valves), rubs (sounds like friction of heart ● How is their family coping with this situation?
rubbing), or gallops (sounds like a horse galloping)?
● What is the patient’s heart rate and rhythm?
● How is the patient’s blood pressure?
● Are they on any medications to affect their blood
● How are their radial and pedal pulses?
● What is their capillary refill time?
● Do they have a temperature?
● Are they flushed?
● Does the patient have any edema?
● Are they wearing sequential compression devices to
prevent deep venous thrombi from forming?
● What IVs does the patient have? What is infusing through
Gastrointestinal:​​ Isn’t the GI system just our favorite? I have
realized that the ICU is full of GI. Don’t sign up for my specialty
unless you are ready for lots of secretions and fluids!
Look at them, monitor, vent, brief overfiew, iv
Look at labs, progress notes, images

Look at them monitor and alarms set correct, drips - t

Look at ubing expired, how much is left, same drug, same rate,
make sure it doesn't run dry,
Look at ventilator - same ordered settings, turn down sedation to
see where they are at to assess GCS

Head to toe
Brief neuro asmt - shine light, pupil , corneal reflex, cough gag
reflexes; if sedated heavily no rxn, hard assess facial symmetry

Look at ET /NG/ OT tube - what cm, is it secure, what is output of

ET tube (secretions or gastric fluids, color, how much coming out,
see the canister, is suction hooked up, how much is in there)

Any central line, dressing, what is in the line, are they labeled, are
they the correct

Listen to heart, lungs, bowel sounds

Belly - hard soft firm
Incisions - dressings
Drains - color, full, smell?
Foley - patent, skin check, uo, color, any sediment,

Check extremities
Pulses, if cant get a doppler to hear pulse
Cap rf
Warm cold sweaty dry

Turn pt to look at back side - skin check

Check bs, blood draw, labs, make sure everything is patent

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