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The 8085 Microprocessor: Architecture, Programming and Interfacing

K. Udaya Kumar - 2008 - Preview - More editions

18.10 HLT INSTRUCTION 0) HLT is the mnemonic for 'Halt the
microprocessor'instruction. It is a 1-byte instruction. When this instruction is
executed, the 8085 halts further processing and enters Halt state. This is indicated by S
1 and S0 ...

Microprocessor & Microcontroller

- Page 2-62

A.P.Godse, D.A.Godse - 2010 - Preview

A.P.Godse, D.A.Godse Microprocessor and Microcontroller 8085 Instruction Set &
ALP 2-62. Review Questions I. Explain ... What will be the contents of H and L when
program control reaches to HLT instruction? LXI H, 0503H LOOP : DCR L ...

Digital Computer Electronics

- Page 144

Malvino - 1993 - Preview - More editions

In other words, the SAP-1 instructions LDA, ADD, SUB, OUT, and HLT are 8080/8085
instructions. Likewise, the SAP-2 and SAP- 3 instructions will be part of the
8080/8085 instruction set. Learning SAP instructions is getting you ready for the ...

Microprocessor Architecture Programming and Applications with the ...

Ramesh S. Gaonkar - Prentice Hall Pearson Education - 2002 - Preview - More editions
Microprocessor Architecture Programming and Applications with the 8085 Ramesh S.
Gaonkar - Prentice Hall ... Note: To execute the instructions in the following
assignments and use the Examine Register key, the HLT instruction must be ...


- Page 63

NAGOORKANI - Preview - More editions

The RIM instruction is used to check whether an interrupt is masked or not. It is also
used to read data from SID line. What will be the state of the processor after
executing HLT instruction? When the HLT instruction is executed, the processor ...

8080/8085 software design

- Page 66

1978 - Snippet view - More editions

The Op Codes for the HLT and NOP Instructions you want to execute only once,
a HLT instruction might be placed at the end of the program. A typical program
sequence is shown in Example 2-32. Example 2-32: Using a HLT Instruction MVIA ...

The 8085A Microprocessor: Software, Programming, and Architecture

Barry B. Brey - 1993 - Snippet view - More editions

TABLE 6-6 Miscellaneous Control Instructions Assembly Machine Comment STC
CMC NOP HLT EI DI RIM SIM 37 3F 00 76 FB F3 20 30 Set carry flag Complement
carry flag Performs no operation Halt until reset or interrupt Enable interrupts ...
8080/8085 assembly language programming

Intel Corporation - 1987 - No preview - More editions

Ten Days with 8085 MICROPROCESSOR

- Page 144

K. A. KRISHNAMURTHY, Krishnamurthy K. A. - 2010 - Preview - More editions

IumP I I Stack OPS I I Pseudo instruction 'IMP adr C3 B (15 general: _INZ adr C2
PUSH D D5 ORG Jz adr GA H E5 ... E4 E1 FB EXITM CPE adr EC NOP 00 Relocation:
(1P adr F4HLT 75 ASEG NAME (1M adr FG New Instructions (8085 only) ...

8085A Cookbook
- Page 30

Christopher A. Titus, Jonathan A. Titus, David G. Larsen - 1980 - Snippet view

It should be noted that some of the 8085A-family integrated circuits (those chips that
are designed -to work specifically with ... they are combined with ALE, the result will tell
us whether the 8085 A has halted (executed a halt or HLT instruction).



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