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Tuhanlah kekuatan dan mazmurku
Dia gunung batu dan kes'lamatanku
Hanya padaMu hatiku percaya
Kaulah menara dan kota perlindungan

Ku mau s'lalu bersyukur
S'bab cintaMu padaku
Takkan pernah berubah
Hatiku percaya

Walau bumi bergoncang

Gunung-gunung beranjak
Namun kasih setiaMu
Tak pergi dariku
FirmanMu Tuhan p'lita bagi kakiku
JanjiMu terang bagi jalan-jalanku
KebenaranMu menuntunku s'tiap hari
Ku menantikanMu beri kekuatan baru

Ku kan terbang tinggi di awan
BersamaMu dalam kemuliaan
S'bab FirmanMu teguh menopang
Ku kan aman dalamMu Tuhan

JalanMu di atas jalan-jalanku
RancanganMu melebihi rancanganku
FirmanMu sungguh t'lah membebaskanku
Berjalan lebih tinggi, berjalan bersamaMu
Kupercaya JanjiMu - NDC Worship
Sungguh besar setiaMu
Kau nyatakan bagiku
Kau Bapa yang slalu mengerti isi hatiku

KemuliaanMu Kau janjikan

Aku tetap percaya

Kupercaya janjiMu ajaib

Terukir dalam kehidupanku
Kuberserah di dalam kekuatanMu
Hanya Kau segalanya bagiku

Tak akan kutakut

Tak akan ku gentar
Kaulah Imanku
Kaulah Tuhanku
Tak akan kuragukan
KebaikanMu di hidupku
KuasaMu Terlebih Besar – NDC Worship
Kuasa-Mu terlebih besar, Tuhanku terlebih besar
Tak pernah terlambat janji-Mu ya Tuhan menolong hidupku
Kuasa-Mu terlebih besar, Tuhanku terlebih besar
Tak pernah terlambat janji-Mu ya Tuhan pulihkan hidupku

Hanya Kau Tuhan penolongku

Yang s’lalu setia bersamaku
Kasih-Mu yang sanggup mengubah kehidupanku
Sungguh ku berserah, sungguh ku percaya

Ku percaya Kau bekerja

Mendatangkan kebaikan di hidupku
Ku percaya Kau bekerja
Mendatangkan kebaikan, mendatangkan kebaikan
Kau Yang Layak – JPCC Worship

Verse 1:
Semua mahkota dunia kan kuletakkan
Semua pujian manusia tak kuhiraukan
Karna tak ada satu pun yang dapat gantikan
Hanya Kau yang kudus dan hanya Kau terbesar

Kau yang layak, Kau yang layak
Kau yang layak disembah
Kau yang layak, Kau yang layak
Kau yang layak disembah

Verse 2:
Kau dekat dengan semua yang memanggilMu
Betapa besar dan mulianya karyaMu
Sungguh tak ada satu pun yang dapat gantikan
Kini kuangkat tanganku dan ku bersorak
F. O. P.
Terpujilah namaMu Tuhan – JPCC Worship

Verse 1
Terpujilah namaMu Tuhan
Kuat dan penuh kemuliaan
Satu suara kami nyatakan
KebesaranMu tetap selamanya

Verse 2
Terpujilah namaMu Tuhan
Ajaib dan penuh keagungan
Satu hati kami nyatakan
KerajaanMu kekal selamanya

Engkaulah Raja atas dunia
Yang menghancurkan kutuk
Dan membebaskan jiwa
Kami bersorak bertepuk tangan
Engkau Tuhan berjaya
Dan mem’rintah untuk s’lamanya
Alive Again - Planetshakers
[Verse 1]
When I think about your goodness
My heart is overcome
How could I begin to thank you
For everything you've done

'Cause you keep on loving me
And you cause my heart to sing, yeah

You, you make me come alive again
Oh you, you make me come alive again
Woah, this is the moment
Woah, everything changes
Woah, you are my breakthrough
I praise you
I praise you

[Verse 2]
So come on everybody
It's time to celebrate
We will never stop singing, oh
And lifting up your name


You are good (You are good) 4x

[Bridge] x2
Woah, this is the moment
Woah, everything changes
Woah, you are my breakthrough
Bersorak Sorai – True Worshipper
Bersorak sorai
Muliakan namaNya
Dia berperang ganti kita
Bertepuk tangan
Muliakan namaNya
Dia s'lamatkan jiwa kita

Satu-satunya penebus
Kalahkan maut
Bangkitkan hidup

Tuhan yang memberi kemenangan
Bersama kita
Di dalam kita
Masuk dalam kemuliaanNya
Dia perlindungan
Dan pengharapan

Dia perlindungan
Dan pengharapan
Come Right Now - Planetshakers
Nothing excites us like Jesus
'Cause in His presence there's freedom
All of our sin is forgiven
So we give to Him the highest praise

It's the greatest feeling when You fill this place
In this moment You are moving as we give You praise

Come right now Holy Spirit
Release Your power
Lord we are hungry for more of You
Heaven's open
You're bursting through filling this place
Like a rushing wind
Come and move again
Like a fire within
We will burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn

To everybody that's hurting
Here comes the sound of rejoicing
Our happiness He's restoring
So we give to Him the highest praise

We raise our hands up
We're going all out
We're lifting up the Name of Jesus Jesus
Nothing will stop us
Singing Your praises
Your Holy Spirit is here

We raise our hands up
We raise our hands up
Great Is Our God by NDC Worship

Pelukis cakrawala
Merangkai jagad raya
Pencipta alam semesta
Pemilik kehidupan
Yang sanggup meny'lamatkan
Dialah jalan kebenaran

Kami rindukan kuasa lawatanMu

Kebangkitan pasti terjadi

Datanglah dan bertahta

Kuat dan berkuasa
Saat hati bersatu
Menaikkan pujian
Belenggu dipatahkan
Mujizat dinyatakan
Great is our God
I Prophesy – Planetshakers
[Verse 1] I'll praise You
Breaking off every chain Like I've never known defeat, I'll praise
And the fear that held me You
I refuse to agree Every second You've redeemed, I'll
With the lies they told me praise You
Your power rests on me, yeah!, I'll
[Pre-Chorus] praise You
I, take up my position Now for every victory, I'll praise You
Speak, to all my conditions 'Cause Your Spirit lives in me, I'll
Take, the authority praise You
You've won for me Your power rests on me!

The word of the Lord, in my mouth [Chorus]
To bring about the change
Full of Your power, I step out [Outro]
Declare aloud Your praise Oh-oh-ohhh-ohh, oh-ohh
I prophesy Oh-oh-ohhh-ohh, oh-ohh
I prophesy
I prophesy


[Verse 2]
I'm stepping out, to become
Everything You've called me
I believe, in Your word
And Your Spirit in me


I prophesy

New Levels - Planetboom
My praise [Chorus]
Is going to new levels We're lifting Jesus up
My faith We're lifting Jesus up
Is going to new levels We're lifting Jesus up
I will give like I have never given We're gonna praise Him
before You come and fill our hearts
Until I see what we have never With all Your power and love
seen before Take us a level up
You're so amazing
[Chorus] You're so amazing
We're lifting Jesus up
We're lifting Jesus up
We're lifting Jesus up
We're gonna praise Him
You come and fill our hearts [Chorus]
With all Your power and love We're lifting Jesus up
Take us a level up We're lifting Jesus up
You're so amazing We're gonna praise Him
You're so amazing You come and fill our hearts
With all Your power and love
[Post-Chorus] Take us a level up
You're so amazing You're so amazing
You're so amazing You're so amazing
Praise and
Worship 1
Nourisha Izlean
Still – Hillsong

Hide me now
Under Your wings
Cover me
Within Your mighty hand

When the oceans rise and thunders roar

I will soar with You above the storm
Father you are King over the flood
I will be still, know You are God

Find rest my soul

In Christ alone
Know His power
In quietness and trust

When the oceans rise and thunders roar

I will soar with You above the storm
Father You are king over the flood
I will be still, know You are God [x2]

Find rest my soul

In Christ alone
Know His power
In quietness and trust

When the oceans rise and thunders roar

I will soar with You above the storm
Father You are king over the flood
I will be still, know You are God [x2]
Here I Am To Worship – Hillsong

Light of the world

You stepped down into darkness
Opened my eyes, let me see

Beauty that made this heart adore You

Hope of a life spent with You

Here I am to worship
Here I am to bow down
Here I am to say that You're my God

You're altogether lovely

Altogether worthy
Altogether wonderful to me
Praise and
Worship 2
Imelda Kumang
Tiada SepertiMu – Sidney Mohede

AnugerahMu kepadaku tak pernah berubah

Perbuatan-Mu terlukiskan di dalam hatiku
Tercengang ku dibuat-Mu ku kagum pada-Mu
Tak ada hal di hidupku yang luput dari-Mu

Kau indah Kau mulia

Tiada seperti-Mu
Kungin hidupku menyenangkan-Mu

Kau terawal dan terakhir pencipta segalanya

Seluruh bintang pun bersinar oleh ucapan-Mu
Engkau pun mengasihiku penulis hidupku
Tak henti seg’nap nafasku menyembahMu selalu

Kupuji kusembah
Tiada seperti-Mu
Kuingin hidupku menyenangkan-Mu

S'gala puji
S'gala hormat
Seg'nap hatiku menyembah-Mu
Terimalah seg'nap hidupku
S'bagai persembahan yang hidup

Bukan kehendakku,
Namun kehendak-Mu
Hidupku bagi-Mu
Kau indah, Kau mulia
Kuingin hidupku menyenangkan-Mu
Harapanku – Jpcc Worship

Kasih-Mu, karya-Mu, nyata dalamku
Kau pegang hidupku dalam tangan-Mu
Darah-Mu, salib-Mu, tebus hidupku
Nama-Mu berkuasa sanggup bangkitkan

Harapanku di dalam-Mu, hanya Kau Yesus kuatku
Ku percaya, ku aman dalam-Mu

Tak pernah gagal rencana-Mu
T’rangi jalanku kuasa-Mu sempurna
Pengharapanku takkan hilang
S’bab masa depanku Kau sediakan
Tak pernah gagal rencana-Mu
T’rangi hidupku kuasa-Mu sempurna
Pengharapanku takkan hilang
S’bab masa depanku dalam-Mu
Praise and
Worship 3
Sylvia Haren
Jesus It Is You – True Worshipper

Who makes the sun to rise and bring the earth new life in every beam
Jesus it is you
Who turns the day to night and watches me as i begin to dream
Jesus it is you
Who brings me food for my table, who cares for all of my needs
Who walks the road with me
Has grown with me through all that i have been
Jesus it is you, Jesus it is you

So i lift my hands and i bring my song

All of my days, all of my rights, all of my wrongs
I offer my life, here and beyond
To the one thing true, Jesus it is you

Who sees my brokenness and carries me when i am frail and weak

Jesus it is you
Who tells the storm to rest when i am overwhelmed and cannot speak
Jesus it is you
Who wears my guilt on his shoulders, who holds my heart in his hands
Who takes my thoughts and fears and hangs them on the arms of calvary
Jesus it is you, Jesus it is you
How I Love You – Gmb

Tak terbayang
Hidupku tanpamu
Tak terkira
Kasihmu padaku
Dan mulutku
S'lalu menyembahmu

Gunung bersorak
Laut bergelora
Lutut berlutut
Lidah pun mengaku
Dan hidupku
S'lalu menyembahmu

How I love You

How I love You
How I love You
Hanya Kau Yesus
Praise and
Worship 4
Filbert Abbit
Karna SalibMu – True Worshipper

Hanya Kau Tuhan di hidupku

Kau berikan hidup yang baru
DarahMu menyucikan pulihkan hatiku
Kunyatakan Kaulah segalanya

Engkaulah sumber pengharapan

KuasaMu sanggup menyembuhkan
Jiwaku pun berserah hanya kepadaMu
Yesus Kaulah segalanya

Karna salibMu ku hidup
Karna salibMu ku menang
Engkau yang berkuasa
Sanggup tuk melakukan mujizatMu
Karna salibMu ku hidup
Karna salibMu ku menang
Engkau yang berkuasa
Sanggup tuk melakukan mujizatMu di hidupku
Kau Yang Layak – Jpcc Worship

Verse 1:
Semua mahkota dunia kan kuletakkan
Semua pujian manusia tak kuhiraukan
Karna tak ada satu pun yang dapat gantikan
Hanya Kau yang kudus dan hanya Kau terbesar

Kau yang layak, Kau yang layak
Kau yang layak disembah
Kau yang layak, Kau yang layak
Kau yang layak disembah

Verse 2:
Kau dekat dengan semua yang memanggilMu
Betapa besar dan mulianya karyaMu
Sungguh tak ada satu pun yang dapat gantikan
Kini kuangkat tanganku dan ku bersorak

Anda mungkin juga menyukai