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[company name with trademark [eBlack Line ade cid tag UR MO HEN eg JULY 2011: SPRINKLER PROTECTION IN NON-STORAGE OCCUPANCIE! FM Global Data Shect 3-26, Fire Protection Water Demand for Nonstorage Sprinkered Properties, is used to termine sprinkler system designs and hose demands for occupancies that are not considered storage occupancies in facilites. FM Globsl has taken steps to simplify this standard in recent yeas, just a8 they have done wih their Data Sheet 89, Storage of Clas 1, 2,3, 4 and Plastic Commodities. Data Sheet 3-26 now has thtee occupancy classifications - Hazard Category | (HC-1), Hazards Category 2 (HC-2), and Hazatd Category 3 (HC-3). HC- hhs the Hightest sprinkler system designs, and IIC-3 has the heaviest sprinkler system design. Tlazard Category 4 (TIC-4 has been removed due © @ vague occupancy desertion that didnot ft any comparable manufacturing sites. Protection options are now provided for ceiling heights up to 100 with ust throe separate height ranges up t 30 ft, 30 to 60 f., and 60 to 100 This is shown in Table 2 below. Table 2- Sprinkler Design Demands for Hazard Categories, Sprinkler Design Demand Cgpmift VIE (mm/min? Hazard Cellings from 30 to 60 Ceilings from 60 to 100 f ategory Ow t8m 181030) Wet Dey Wet Dry Wet Dry 0.1500 0.111500 0.272500 0.283500 See Not ea Table ‘on can4o) (nao) (82230) (6330) 2a on +0.222500 0.213500 0.22500 0.283500 See Not Table “oo (6230) (8330) (8230) (630) 2a on snarl orale nd Hes 0.32500 0.308500 0.573000 i000 See Not an Table option (12230) (12330) 20280) 20370) 2a In addition to making this standard easier to use, some of the occupancies have been shifted to lighter hazard categories. For instance, school and university slassroams, mineral processing, metalworking shops without hydrauli euting operations, gymnasiums, and atrium have all been moved to HC- Some ofthe designs are now easier to meet as well. The sprinkler design demand areas have been reduced for HC-3 occupancies with ceilings upto 30 f high. Als, the minimum water demand duration for HC"? occupancies has been reduced fo 60 minutes. tn addition, the minimum K-factrs have been reduced to KR for HC-2 occupancies with ceiling eights up to 60 ft This standard has also een updated due to recent fire tess with extended coverage sprinklers. K1I.2 and K14.0 extendod coverage sprinklers can now be used in HC-2 & HC-3 accupancies with ceiling heights up to 30 fe Tn the pst, only NFPA allowed K140 heads in these occupancies. Additionally, extended coverage sprinklers no longer have a requirement to supply the most hydraulically emote nine sprinklers for HC-I and HC-2 occupancies. The ‘minimum sprinkler K-factrs that are now allowed are listed in Table 4 below ‘Table 4, Minimum Sprinkler K-Factors for Hazard Categories Ceiting Height, fm) Hazard Category Upto 30 fm) sores Over 60 (18 m) 5.6 0r5.6EC 252 0r252EC He sais) (80 or UEC) (360 oF 25.260), 8007 11.2EC 252 0r25.26C Hea soqis) (115 or 16080), (360 oF 28.260) M120 1128 252 0r2528C Hes 11.2160) (160 oF 1.28 (360 0F 28.260), Another significant change for this standard is that itis now considered acceptable to us storage sprinklers (or ESER sprinklers) for areas of mixed storage tnd manuractaring, and nonstorage areas for both new and existing nonstorage oecupancis. This is sgniticet, a it canbe costly to downgrade a sprinkler Systm from ESFR sprinklers to standetd coneal mode or nonsorage sprinkler. snarl omaha nd Protection guidelines have also been added for water mist systems. Water mist systems can only be used with HC-1 occupancies under certain conditions ‘These conditions inelude, but are no Timited to, dhe following: ceiling ‘ype, ceiling heights, design ares, nozzle spacing, pressure, and water supply and duration, Risk Logie can help you determine the sprinkler protection needed for your nonstorage occupancy. Please contact us For additonal information, snarl omaha nd

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