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Int. J. Med. Sci.

2009, 6 234

International Journal of Medical Sciences

2009; 6(5):234-240
© Ivyspring International Publisher. All rights reserved

Pathogenic organisms in hip joint infections

Udo Geipel
Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene, University of Saarland Hospital, Homburg (GER)

Correspondence to: Udo Geipel, MD, Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene, University of Saarland Hospital,
Kirrberger Strasse, Bldg 43, 66421 Homburg, Germany. Phone: +49-6841-162-3946; Fax: +49-6841-162-3985; Email:

Received: 2009.08.10; Accepted: 2009.08.28; Published: 2009.09.02

Infections of the hip joint are usually of bacterial etiology. Only rarely, an infectious arthritis
is caused in this localization by viruses or fungi. Native joint infections of the hip are less
common than infections after implantation of prosthetic devices. Difficulties in prosthetic
joint infections are, (I) a higher age of patients, and, thus an associated presence of other
medical risk factors, (II) often long courses of treatment regimes depending on the bacte-
rium and its antibiotic resistance, (III) an increased mortality, and (IV) a high economic bur-
den for removal and reimplantation of an infected prosthetic device. The pathogenic
mechanisms responsible for articular infections are well studied only for some bacteria, e.g.
Staphylococcus aureus, while others are only partially understood. Important known bacterial
properties and microbiological characteristics of infection are the bacterial adhesion on the
native joint or prosthetic material, the bacterial biofilm formation, the development of small
colony variants (SCV) as sessile bacterial types and the increasing resistance to antibiotics.
Key words: arthritis, bacteria, diagnosis, prosthesis, therapy

Infectious arthritis
The infection of a joint can occur in different large joints. Hip joint infections, however, are aggra-
ways, (I) via injection or during joint operation vated by the fact that they can exist over a long time
through direct colonization, (II) by direct contact with with only poor symptoms. An increased rate of infec-
a neighboring infected site, or (III) by haematogenous tion occurs in the pre-damaged joint and is also asso-
or lymphogenous seed of the pathogen. Another clas- ciated with particular predispositions of the patients
sification of bacterial arthritis distinguishes acute, (Table 1) [1,2,3]. In particular, a joint prosthesis is a
chronic and reactive forms, which differ in their type high risk predisposition for an infection. Periopera-
of joint infection and their triggering bacteria. Reac- tively the initial bacterial entry into the joints may
tive arthritis is a postinfectious complication with no occur. On the other hand the implanted foreign mate-
need of presence for viable pathogens in the joint. rial causes in addition to the severe joint disease pre-
While reactive arthritis often simultaneously affect sent an additional reduction in local resistance, which
several joints, the presence of polyarthritic types of facilitates haematogenous infections. The prosthetic
non reactive arthritis occur infrequently and then materials are also additional binding sites for various
mostly as a result of several bacteriaemic phases. bacteria, and act as a starting point for prosthetic in-
Among joint infections, the hip is the second fections. Thus, in addition to the local conditions, the
most frequent localization after the knee joint. Basi- bacterial properties and their specific pathogenity
cally, there are no differences in the bacterial spec- have to be considered for understanding the whole
trum between hip joint infections and those of other mechanism of infection. Basically, a too late or not
Int. J. Med. Sci. 2009, 6 235

sufficiently cured joint infection can cause trophic and infection. An overview is shown in Table 2.
functional limitations or can even be the starting point
of a progressive infection spreading in continuity, Table 2: Bacteria responsible for (hip) joint infections
lymphogenic or haematogenic. In general, the detec-
tion and treatment of acute infectious arthritis is an
acute emerging situation, in which a delay may pro-
gress to further septic inflammation [2].

Table 1: Predisposing factors

Bacteria responsible for (hip) joint infections

Some bacteria have preferences for certain infec-
tion routes and patterns. Infections not related to in-
juries or medical interventions (e.g. intraarticular
puncture, joint replacement) are mostly resulting
from often physiologic bacteriaemic periods. The
most frequently detected pathogens of joint infections
are staphylococci. Staphylococcus aureus has domi-
nance in acute purulent arthritis while coagu-
lase-negative staphylococci can be found mainly in
periprosthetic infections and after diagnostic arthro-
scopies. Other gram-positive bacteria as causative
agents for hip joint infections are streptococci, espe-
cially Streptococcus pyogenes, Enterococcus faecalis and Pathogenesis
Corynebacteria species. If bacteria reach into the joint they can bind to a
A large number of different gram-negative rods large number of different binding molecules. Espe-
act as infectious agents on joints. The group of en- cially fibrinogen, extracellular matrix proteins and
terobacteria contains a broad spectrum of pathogens. glycosaminoglycans, including fibronectin and
Salmonella enterica, Shigella species, and Yersinia species laminin, are components of the blood plasma, the
are classically described as pathogens for purulent bacteria use adhesion to [4,5]. A large number of bac-
and reactive forms of arthritis. Pseudomonas aeruginosa teria specific receptors (adhesins) and adhesion fac-
can be found more often in predisposed patients (e.g. tors have been described. The intra- and interspecific
diabetics). In otherwise healthy people it is associated variation of the expression of these bacterial patho-
with iatrogenic modes of infection during diagnostic genity factors can be correlated with the inherent
procedures. Campylobacter species, however, are classic bacterial virulence [6,7]. In this large microbiological
agents of reactive arthritis, as well as the obligate in- and infectiological field a lot of research is done for
tracellular bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis, Mycoplasma Staphylococcus aureus. This is also substantiated by the
pneumoniae, and Ureaplasma urealyticum. From the production of various cytotoxins and the presence of
spirochaetales only Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato is highly effective signaling mechanisms [3]. Another
relevant. Less commonly identified organisms for bacterial feature is the formation of a biofilm, a poly-
joint infections often accompanied with osteitis or meric matrix of saccharides, primarily described in
osteomyelitis are Brucella species and Mycobacterium the colonization of foreign material. Biofilm produc-
tuberculosis. Anaerobes, such as Bacteroides fragilis, are tion as an important mechanism of pathogenesis can
rarely found and are usually part of a polymicrobial be detected for S. aureus, coagulase-negative staphy-
Int. J. Med. Sci. 2009, 6 236

lococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and other bacteria material allows not only a surface colonization; it is
(Figure 1). It was also shown that bacteria inside the also responsible for a reduction of the local defense
biofilm have an increased resistance to the local host mechanisms. Among others, it leads to an apoptosis of
defenses and to antibiotics [8]. Additionally, through phagocytes surrounding the joint prosthesis; a
the conversion into so-called small colony variants mechanism described as frustrane phagocytosis [10].
(Figure 2) additional modifications of bacterial cells Reactive arthritis (RA), however, is aseptic and
develop [9], while significantly reducing treatment usually not erosive. It results from a distant infection
efficiency and triggering chronic processes. The for- (usually urethritis or enteritis). Often the reactive ar-
mation of an inflammatory response, with the local thritis is disseminated and involves multiple joints.
generation of cytokines and reactive bacterial and The immunological mechanism of the frequent asso-
host specific metabolic products leads to a joint injury, ciation with HLA-B27 is not yet fully understood.
not seldom to irreversible destruction. Thus, effective Using immunological and molecular biological pro-
therapy strategies must combine calculated antibiotic cedures bacterial antigens can be detected in synovial
regimes with local surgical interventions. fluid and synovial membrane [11]. Although in some
Joint replacement surgery increases the risk of studies viable bacteria could be detected [12], in an
infections due to intraoperative bacterial wound con- overview of research results it can be concluded that
tamination, leading to an early onset of the typical bacterial antigenetic material or antigen-antibody
symptoms. The material of the joint prosthesis is also complexes are haematogenous deposited in the joint.
covered by host proteins such as fibrinogen and fi- This triggers a local inflammatory immune reaction,
bronectin, which in turn facilitates bacterial coloniza- even without local bacterial proliferation [3,13].
tion, leading to a delayed type of PJI. The foreign

Figure 1: (left) Raster electron microscopy of Staphylococcus aureus from broth culture; (right) Staphylococcus aureus biofilm.
Images from S. Sailer und I. Chatterjee, Homburg/Saar.

Figure 2: Staphylococcus aureus as normal phenotype

and as small colony variant (SCV). Note the different
size and hemolysis (identical molecular pattern).
Int. J. Med. Sci. 2009, 6 237

bacterial cultures can complete the diagnostic testing

Microbiologic procedures in joint infections
by antibiograms. The incubation time of the bacterial
A differentiation of arthritis is practicable by culture should last 7 days. Slow-growing bacteria as a
examination of typical laboratory medicine and mi- pathogen in question, the presence of bacteria modi-
crobiology characteristics in joint fluid. In addition to ficated by antibiotic pretreatment, SCV or biofilm
the macroscopic parameters (e.g. color, viscosity) the production need an extended culture period [16].
gram stain is the fastest test, giving a hint to the trig- Both, joint defect formation and chronification, if NJI,
gering agent. Beside the inflammatory parameters, are not treated quickly and efficiently, and increasing
such as erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), mortality, high economic burden for removal of in-
C-reactive protein (CRP), and white blood cell count, fected joint prosthesis and implant renewing [17] al-
which are nonspecific and do not provide loca- ways require the increased effort in sampling and
tion-related information, the synovial fluid leukocyte microbiological analysis.
count is a simple, rapid and accurate test. The changes
in acute joint infections are often more pronounced. Infection serology
For a targeted therapy the microbiologic examination In reactive arthritis the cultural detection of
is the most important step [14]. Thus, joint fluid or pathogens is often not possible. This makes serologi-
intraarticular tissue must be obtained before antibiotic cal analysis to a method principally necessary to de-
therapy is started. Swabs, also from intraoperative tect antibodies against the causing bacteria. The anti-
sites should not be sent into the laboratory due to the body detection has a great diagnostic value also due
small quantity of carried material. Also swabs or tis- to the reduced sensitivity of bacterial culture in joint
sue from superficial wounds or fistula often show the infections caused by Borrelia or Brucella. For a medi-
growth of skin flora and not the relevant bacteria. cally and economically adequate evaluation in sero-
Only isolation of S. aureus from sinus tracts is predic- logic diagnosis the sensitivity and specificity of the
tive of the causative pathogen [15]. Especially in PJI an various methods must be considered. An overview of
operational approach is useful to obtain and examine the bacteria that most commonly trigger reactive ar-
several materials. Although molecular techniques thritis is listed in Table 3.
have a high value as a diagnostic procedure, only

Table 3: Serodiagnosis of common bacterial agents for postinfectious arthritis

and glycopeptides, and the occurrence of bacterial

Antibiotic therapy
variants with modifications of other metabolic activi-
The therapeutic approach has to be selected in ties, with implications for the action of quinolones,
accordance with the mode of infection (NJI, PJI, RA), aminoglycosides, and tetracyclines. In principle, the
the expected or found pathogens, and their resistance. spectrum of available antibiotics is limited by the
It should be remembered that the slowed growth of specific pharmacokinetic requirements in the treat-
bacteria in a biofilm on surfaces of joint prosthesis ment of joint infections. This applies particularly to
may additionally reinforces antibiotic resistance chronic infections and prosthesis infections. For an
[18,19]. Responsible for such an increase against an- overview of common substances and therapeutic re-
tibacterial substances are changes in cell wall synthe- gimes, see Table 4.
sis, which limits the effect of beta-lactam antibiotics
Int. J. Med. Sci. 2009, 6 238

Table 4: Antibiotics for therapy of infectious arthritis (all given dosages are for healthy adults of 70 kg with normal liver and
kidney function)
Int. J. Med. Sci. 2009, 6 239

Acute native joint infectious arthritis early-onset PJI may be curative. For infections with
staphylococci particularly antibiotic combinations
Essential for sufficient treatment of acute septic
with Rifampicin possesses high cure rates. A surgical
arthritis is the fast and aggressive therapy with the
intervention must be always combined with a suffi-
combined application of antimicrobial medication
cient antibiotic therapy. Also in this constellation Ri-
and joint lavage. Regarding the duration of treatment,
fampicin plays in staphylococcal infections a promi-
there are no controlled studies. The recommendations
nent role [21]. For infections caused by MRSA and
vary for native joint infections between 2-3 weeks and
MRSE Teicoplanin and Vancomycin are used. Ex-
6 weeks in the presence of accompanied osteomyelitis
tending this repertoire with newer antibiotics, espe-
and / or if the clinical response is only moderate. For
cially Linezolid, Daptomycin and Tigecyclin were
initial therapy in the presence of clustered gram posi-
introduced for PJI therapy. A valid rating for the
tive cocci in microscopic examination and, therefore,
newest (lipo)glycopeptides Oritavancin, Dalbavancin,
most likely an infection with S. aureus is the intrave-
Telavancin, and for the cephalosporins Ceftobiprol
nous therapy with a penicillinase-resistant penicillin.
and Ceftarolin in treatment of methicillin-resistant
For gram positive chainlike cocci, thus highly suspi-
staphylococci is currently not possible.
cious for a streptococcal infection, penicillin G is em-
pirically given. Most of the gram negative rods have Antibiotic prophylaxis
their effective therapy initially with a quinolone or a The perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis is one of
second or third generation cephalosporin. In the case the procedures, which clearly demonstrates the re-
of a negative gram stain, first or second generation duction of infection rate after joint surgery [22,23].
cephalosporines (e.g. Cefazolin, Cefuroxime), possi- Important is the application time before operation,
bly in combination with an anti-staphylococcal peni- about 30–60 min before cutting time. The most widely
cillin (e.g. Flucloxacillin), are a calculated approach. If, used antibiotics in orthopedic surgery are cepha-
after culture results and / or availability of anti- losporins of the first or second generation, like Cefa-
biograms the first selected antibiotic regime has to be zolin or Cefuroxime. Alternatives in patients with
adjusted, then it has to be carried out immediately. beta-lactam allergy are Vancomycin or Clindamycin.
Prosthetic Joint Infection In hospitals with high prevalence of MRSA Vanco-
mycin is also used.
In the treatment of PJI virtually every conceiv-
Haematogenous infections of the joint prosthesis
able form was tried out, antibiotics alone or in com-
may be due to transient bacteremia. Thus, antibiotic
bination with debridement and intraarticular lavage,
prophylaxis during dental procedures or genitouri-
the ex- and reimplantation of the prosthesis in one or
nary tract and gastrointestinal tract interventions are
two stages, the arthrodesis or as a last option the
useful in order to prevent late-onset prosthetic infec-
amputation. In all, however, the prolonged antibiotic
tion [24].
therapy is a crucial factor.
An algorithm has been described, suggesting the Discussion
surgical management as a function of the time period
There are only a few interfaces in medicine of
from surgical intervention till onset of PJI, the type of
such high importance like the interaction between
infection, the implant and soft tissue situation and
surgeons, physicians and microbiologists in the pre-
existing co-morbidities [20]. From the experience in
analytical, analytical and postanalytical phases in the
antibiotic therapy of bone and joint infections the re-
diagnosis and treatment of joint infections. This
quirements for an "ideal drug" may be formulated.
process generally requires a coordination and opti-
Beneficial characteristics are bactericidal action, effec-
mization by all parties. Conclusions must be made for
tive bone and tissue concentrations, opportunity for
the samples to be investigated, their required num-
oral sequential therapy, and no adverse side effects.
bers and volumes, the sample collection method, time
Even if these aspects should be included in the selec-
and mode of transport, and the communication of
tion of the drug of choice, the finding is, however, that
laboratory results. Each of these items can cause a
(I) for many of these parameters (e.g. antibiotic pene-
delay or failure in efficient diagnosis and therapy. An
tration into the bone) no reliable experimental data
initially chosen antimicrobial therapy has to be
are available, (II) studies correlating these ideal char-
adapted on the results of diagnostic procedures, the
acteristics with the clinical outcome are largely lack-
infectious agent detected or most probable, and the
ing, (III) there is currently no single substance, which
planned surgical procedure. The bacterial culture in
fully corresponds to all requirements.
the microbiological laboratory, especially for PJI and
It was shown that the sole antibiotic therapy for
Int. J. Med. Sci. 2009, 6 240

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