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To: Dave Brat

From: Dima Khaldi

Date: 10/29/17
Subject: H.Res.511 – Expressing support for designation of September as “National Childhood
Obesity Awareness Month”

As we have heard in recent years, the rate for childhood obesity has skyrocketed tremendously.
Unfortunately, the epidemic is driven by multiple factors that have increased in prevalence such
as technology, low economic statues, and genetics. As a result, our children are waking up in a
generation of health problems. I am honored to support H.Res.511 Expressing support for
designation of September as “National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month”.

As life becomes centered around technology we are discovering more health issues. However,
the issues are starting earlier in children who are not being encouraged to put down their
machinery and spend time outdoors as have the previous generations. With the increase in
childhood illnesses we cannot forget how that will impact their future physiological health,
mental health, academic achievements, and healthcare costs.

 Currently, children with obesity are at a high risk for chronic conditions that impact their
physical health such as: sleep apnea, asthma, type 2 diabetes, joint and bone problems,
and additional risk factors for heart disease (Center for Disease Control and Prevention,
 Obese children face ridicule from peers for their weight resulting in mental health issues
of low self-esteem, low self-confidence, and negative body images (Sahoo, 2015).
 Children who are obese are four times more likely to report having problems at school
while also missing school from consequential chronic health conditions (Sahoo, 2015).
 The annual costs of childhood obesity in the United States is about $14.3 billion. As they
become obese adults the costs will increase to an estimated $45 billion (Hammond,

Recommendation: Vote to pass bill H.Res.511 Expressing support for designation of September
as “National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month”. As the childhood obesity rate continues to
increase it is important to dedicate a month in order to raise awareness in the community to help
combat this epidemic. I recommend that schools and families implement education, physical
activities, and healthy options for all children to aid in the participation for their current and
future health.

Children should be enjoying their youth rather than spending it in medical settings. Since this
epidemic is preventable I will continue to back H.Res.511 Expressing support for designation of
September as “National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month” hoping to help combat an
avoidable disease.

Childhood Obesity Facts. (2017, April 10). Retrieved October 29, 2017, from

Hammond, R., & L. (2010). The economic impact of obesity in the United States. Diabetes,

Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy, 285. doi:10.2147/dmsott.s7384

Sahoo, K. (2015). Childhood obesity: causes and consequences. Journal of Family Medicine and

Primary Care,187-192. doi:10.2147/DMSOTT.S7384

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