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Health is a state of prosperity from the body, soul and social that allows everyone to live productively socially and
economically. [1] Health care is an effort to prevent and prevent health problems that require examination, treatment
and / or treatment including pregnancy and childbirth. [2] Health education is the process of helping someone, by
acting individually or collectively, to make decisions based on knowledge about things that affect their personal
health, and others. [3] An even simpler definition was put forward by Larry Green, and his colleagues who wrote
that health education was a combination of learning experiences designed to facilitate voluntary adaptation to
behaviors that are conducive to health. [3] The latest data shows that currently more than 80 percent of Indonesians
are unable to get health insurance from institutions or companies in the field of health care, such as Access, Taspen,
and Social Security. [4] Groups of people who are considered 'neglected' in terms of health insurance are those from
the small community, and traders. [4] In health services, this problem becomes more complicated, because in health
care management is not only related to several groups of people, but also the special nature of the health service
itself. [5]

Body health

According to WHO (World Health Organization) Health is a state of physical, mental, and social well-being
and not only the absence of disease or weakness.

Mental health

The World Health Organization describes mental health as "a good condition where a person is aware of
his abilities, can face normal stress, can work productively and pleasantly, and can contribute to his
community." [7] Mental health is not just the absence of mental illness and mental health problems not
mental illness. Mental illness is described as 'a spectrum of cognitive, emotional, and behavioral
conditions that intersect with good social, and emotional, and life and productivity of society.' Suffering
from mental illness is serious, temporary or permanent, from the function of one's soul. Other
terminologies include: 'mental health problems', 'sick', 'disturbed', 'mental health problems', 'illness',
'disorder', 'dysfunction'. (Hungerford et al. 2012). About a quarter of adults aged 18 years and over in the
United States are diagnosed with mental illness. Mental illness is a major cause of disability in the United
States, and Canada. For example, schizophrenia, ADHD, major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder,
anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder and autism. [8] Many teenagers suffer from mental health
as a result of the pressure of the social environment, and the social problems they face. Some adolescent
mental health problems are: depression, eating disorders, and drug use. There are many ways to prevent
mental health problems from happening such as good communication with your children / teenagers who
suffer from mental health. Also, that mental health can be cured, and pay attention to the behavior of your
children. [9]
Diabetes to Zika, Health Problems Due to Climate Change

It is not impossible if climate change can affect your health condition. With the earth getting warmer,
environmental conditions are also affected, including living things. Such as breeding mosquitoes and
spreading bacteria that cause infection due to heavy rains that cause flooding. To be more vigilant, the
following lines of health problems that can occur due to climate change are summarized from CNN:

Hot and humid climate is the right condition for breeding and experts say that the earth that is increasingly
'warming' makes us at high risk of diseases carried by vectors, such as mosquitoes, fleas and other
organisms. Climate change not only affects the spread of insects like mosquitoes but also how fast they
replicate in their bodies and how long they live. These things could have contributed to the recent Zika
outbreak, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Mosquitoes become vectors of diseases such as malaria, zika and dengue hemorrhagic fever. While fleas can cause
Lyme disease. Malaria in Indonesia is still quite high, especially in the provinces of Papua and West Papua.

Extreme weather and rain contribute to the spread of bacterial infections through contaminated water. Dr Mona
Sarfaty, director of the Climate and Health program at George Mason University's Center for Climate Change
Communication, said that when rainfall rises and floods occur, there can be a mixture of falling water and sewer
water that leads to bacterial contamination in water.

The contamination can also affect fields and gardens, which make diseases caused by food. Because rain and
flooding can spread bacteria and viruses in the dirt to the soil where food sources are grown, according to a report
from the Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health.

"Warming seawater can also make changes. Along the coast there are some cases of bacterial contamination of
shellfish during the 'warm' months that make them possible to cause infection when there are people swimming
there, especially if they have wounds. open on the skin, "said Dr. Sarfaty.

A study published this year surveyed nearly 2 million Americans, which revealed that there was a connection
between rising temperatures with mental health disorders. Despite a five-year increase of only about 1 degree
Celsius, there was an increase in mental health problems by 2 percent, including suicide.

Although it still needs further research to ascertain what really is the cause of the increase, the head of the study said
that there are economic factors or biological changes as 'perpetrators'.

"The worse the economic conditions, the worse the mental health is. And there is the possibility of a reasonable
relationship between temperature, thermal regulation and how the brain regulates their own emotions," said Marshall
Burke, assistant professor in the Faculty of Earth System Science at Stanford University.

Rising temperatures are associated with increased type 2 diabetes, according to a 2017 study published in the journal
BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care. Even so, the researchers only looked at the correlation between temperature
and diabetes alone, so they did not mention that temperature changes actually caused the disease.

In the study revealed that the rate of diabetes increased by 4 percent every 1 degree Celsius temperature rise in the
United States (US). Worldwide, intolerance to glucose rises as much as 0.17 percent per Celsius degree of
temperature rise.
Although calorie consumption and obesity are the biggest risk factors for diabetes, studies assume that warm
temperatures can reduce the activity of brown fat tissue, which can burn fat and produce heat in cold weather, so it
can cause insulin resistance and diabetes.

Many scientists agree that greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide contribute to global warming, but not only
emission gases that damage our planet. Fossil-fueled pollutants such as coal can also produce a mixture of solid
particles and liquid droplets in the atmosphere that can enter the lungs and even blood flow.

This mixture called particulate matter can trigger asthma, decrease lung function and increase the risk of
cardiovascular events such as stroke, according to a study published last year. The study estimates that more than 8
million people in the world die early due to air pollution each year.

Global warming is also causing a lot of forest fires, which release smoke that further aggravates air quality. A report
from 2011 from the National Research Council revealed that rising temperatures by just 1 degree could lead to a 400
percent increase in forest fires.

Even the slightest change in climate can have an impact on human behavior, which can lead to an increase in fatal
accidents and a decrease in food safety inspections, according to a recent study. Researchers analyzed data on more
than 500 thousand motor vehicle accidents and nearly 13 million food safety violations.

Hot temperatures can also lead to more violations, most likely because pathogenic bacteria such as E.coli and
salmonella grow faster in warmer weather. "Hot temperatures are basically ugly for humans. The essence of this
thinking is that weather affects how we move everyday and the risks we experience," said Obradovich, co-author of
the study.
Eat Yogurt Twice a Week Minimize Complication Risk in Women with Hypertension

Yogurt has a myriad of benefits for the health of the body besides launching a bowel movement.
Especially for women with hypertension, getting used to eating yogurt at least two servings each week
can help prevent complications of hypertension in the heart. How can? Yogurt lowers blood pressure High
blood pressure or hypertension occurs when blood pressure is higher than 140/90 millimeters of mercury
(mmHG). Hypertension that is not managed properly has the potential to cause complications in the
heart, kidneys, and various other vital organs of the body. Now, quoting from WebMD, a study shows that
adults who are used to eating yogurt about 2-3 servings per day experience a 50% decrease in tension
compared to people who have never eaten yogurt at all. Another study also reported similar things. In
addition to helping to lower blood pressure, eating two servings of yogurt regularly every week minimizes
the risk or even helps prevent hypertension complications associated with cardiovascular disease. The
benefits of yogurt come from its potassium content, which can get rid of excess sodium from the body.
Sodium is a mineral that plays a role in increasing blood pressure. Sodium is found in foods high in salt.
The reduction in the risk of complications for heart disease is actually equally felt by men and women who
are accustomed to eating yogurt every week. However, the effect is specifically more different for women.

Yogurt prevents hypertension complications in women

According to a study by the American Journal of Hypertension published by Oxford University Press, both men and
women who regularly eat yogurt at least two servings of yogurt per week have a 20 percent lower risk of stroke or
coronary heart disease.

Interestingly, the same study showed that the reduced risk of heart attack as a complication of hypertension was
much lower in women who ate yogurt more than men. The risk of heart attack is reported to be 30% lower for
women, while in men only around 19 percent.

In addition, the routine of eating weekly yogurt is also associated with a reduced risk of having to undergo vascular
surgery such as heart bypass or angioplasty, up to 16 percent for women who have hypertension.

This study looked at around 55 thousand women and 18 thousand men with high blood pressure after ruling out
other factors that might affect changes in blood pressure. For example age, race, family history, physical activity,
and diet.

Yogurt stabilizes blood pressure in non-hypertensive women Other studies have also found a connection
to how yogurt can minimize or even completely prevent the risk of hypertensive complications related to
heart problems in women. The results showed that healthy women (in the sense of not being at risk or
having a history of hypertension) whose daily diet was best suited to the DASH diet pattern and also
consuming five servings of yogurt or more a week had a 31 percent lower risk of developing high blood
pressure. This is compared to women who don't go on the DASH diet and only eat yogurt one serving per
week or even less. The DASH diet is a diet to reduce the intake of sodium (salt), fat, and cholesterol.
Instead, this diet makes you increase your intake of protein, fiber, and vitamins and minerals from
vegetables and fruits and whole grains and nuts

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