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Size tolerancing revisited: A basic notion and its evolution in standards

Article  in  Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part B Journal of Engineering Manufacture · May 2013
DOI: 10.1177/0954405412470418


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2 authors:

Edward P. Morse Vijay Srinivasan

University of North Carolina at Charlotte National Institute of Standards and Technology


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Special Issue Article

Proc IMechE Part B:

J Engineering Manufacture
227(5) 662–671
Size tolerancing revisited: A basic Ó IMechE 2013
Reprints and permissions:
notion and its evolution in standards
DOI: 10.1177/0954405412470418

Edward P Morse1 and Vijay Srinivasan2

Size is a fundamental descriptor of objects—it allows us to quantify ‘‘how big’’ objects are and to compare and classify
objects based on this notion. In the world of International Organization for Standardization Geometrical Product
Specification and Verification, size is defined much more narrowly: it is restricted to features of size, and the methods of
inducing size values from an actual workpiece are strictly controlled. The release of ISO 14405-1:2010 has introduced a
rich new set of size specification modifiers, which includes two-point and spherical local sizes, least squares, maximum
inscribed and minimum circumscribed associations, as well as calculated diameters (inferred from the circumference,
area, or volume of the feature of interest). Further modifiers allow the specification of statistics of local size measure-
ments, such as maximum, minimum, range, average, and others. This article will present ‘‘size’’ as a fundamental engineer-
ing notion from several viewpoints and trace its evolution in engineering drawings. It will then discuss the implications of
the use of the recently standardized size modifiers in engineering design and investigate the issues that may arise in the
application and interpretation of these extensions to size.

Standardization, International Organization for Standardization, Geometrical Product Specification, size tolerances,
design intent

Date received: 16 July 2012; accepted: 16 November 2012

Introduction more stringent, and these have, in turn, driven tolerances

to become tighter to better ensure product functionality.
Size alone does not describe the geometric quality of an However, tighter tolerances require better manufac-
object. Size, form, location, and orientation are the turing and measurement equipments and practices to be
basic geometric descriptors that together allow us to used, which result in more expensive components and
describe mechanical objects—or workpieces—as well as products. To meet the constant demands for improve-
subsets (features) of these workpieces. From the per- ment in product quality without unnecessarily increas-
spective of engineering design, the quality of a product ing the costs of manufacture, designers have sought
cannot be defined by a single feature; it is the interac- more sophisticated means of specifying geometric con-
tion of features that allows mechanisms to function, trols through tolerances. The intent of these controls is
and the specifics of this interaction that often determine to capture the geometric requirements necessary for the
the ultimate quality of the product. It is in this context, component to meet the functional requirements of the
the notion of size as a fundamental geometric descrip- assembled product, without placing undue constraints
tor of objects should be considered. on the geometric aspects of the component to which the
A designer decides on appropriate material, surface, part function is insensitive.
and geometric requirements for each component of a
product with the intent that components meeting their
individual specifications will function properly when 1
Department of Mechanical Engineering & Engineering Science, UNC
assembled. These geometric requirements are indicated Charlotte, Charlotte, NC, USA
as dimensions and tolerances in a part ‘‘drawing’’ (either Systems Integration Division, NIST, Gaithersburg, MD, USA
a two-dimensional paper rendering or a three-
Corresponding author:
dimensional computer representation) using the symbols Edward P Morse, UNC Charlotte, 9201 University City Boulevard,
defined in national and international standards. Charlotte, NC 28223, USA.
Demands for improved quality and yield have become Email:
Morse and Srinivasan 663

Two primary strategies have evolved in the quest for forms, and a single parameter value will not capture
finer control over component geometry. The first is the the geometry of the actual feature. This leads to two
control of population characteristics, through what is methods of determining conformance to a size specifi-
known as statistical tolerancing. This method can be cation. The first method is to induce a single value that
used to take advantage of statistical ‘‘averaging’’ over is representative of the actual feature’s size and com-
assemblies of several components, which allows less pare this value to the tolerance limits, while the second
stringent (and therefore cheaper) tolerances to be method compares many different size parameters, each
placed on the individual components in exchange for a obtained from the actual feature to the tolerance limits.
(small) probability of product nonconformance. The An example of the first method is to perform a least-
second strategy is to specify the geometric requirements squares fit to a sample of points from the feature’s sur-
for individual components with greater fidelity to the face and use the size parameter from this fit to evaluate
actual function required by the component in the final conformance to the tolerance. Another example is to
product. While this method can be applied partially find the smallest perfect form feature that contains the
through greater training and sophistication of the actual part and determine conformance based on the
designer, some desired specifications are outside of the size of this perfect form feature. As can be seen from
domain thus far supported by traditional geometric these examples, the basis for this method of size assess-
controls. The distinction between these two strategies ment is determining the size of a substitute geometric
can be summarized by whether the geometric control is element that corresponds to the actual feature in some
applied ‘‘from part to part’’ or applied ‘‘within a part.’’ way.
This article will address the new specification meth- An example of the second method would be to deter-
ods for controlling feature size for an individual feature mine the two-point size (say, using a vernier caliper) of
(i.e. ‘‘within a part’’) that are now appearing in stan- the actual feature at many different locations on the
dards documents. The increased domain of functional feature. If all of these sizes were to be contained in the
specification that is admitted by these size modifiers will prescribed tolerance interval, then conformance to the
be investigated in the rest of the article. Section size tolerance is obtained. When using this method, a
‘‘Notion of size tolerance’’ will introduce the notion of single representative ‘‘size’’ value is not produced for
size, and section ‘‘Traditional size tolerancing and the the actual feature; rather, conformance to the specifica-
Taylor principle’’ will describe how size has tradition- tion requires that each of the many sizes meets the tol-
ally been controlled in standards. Section ‘‘Spines, off- erance criterion.
sets, and scaling’’ will review methods of describing size
variation, and section ‘‘Features of size’’ discusses the
special role that features of size play in modern toleran- Traditional size tolerancing and the Taylor
cing standards, which are covered in section ‘‘Standards principle
for size tolerancing.’’ Sections ‘‘Uses and implications’’
Traditional size tolerances consist of upper and lower
and ‘‘Open issues’’ will investigate potential applica-
limits to the size of a feature, as shown in Figure 1(a)
tions for the new size tolerancing syntax and some open
for a solid cylindrical feature. Two size-related func-
issues presented by this expanded domain of
tions of the feature are captured using the so-called
Taylor principle, a notion of size tolerancing that pre-
dates the information age. The first function (assembly,
most often) is global in nature, where the entire manu-
Notion of size tolerance
factured feature depicted in Figure 1(b) cannot exceed
Size has a strong intuitive meaning and is used to clas- a theoretical boundary that represents a worst-case
sify objects both qualitatively and quantitatively. In the mating part as shown in Figure 1(d). The second func-
qualitative use, size is often used comparatively to state tion (strength, conductance, clearance, or other) is
A is larger than B. When used for quantitative descrip- local, where the cross section at any location as indi-
tion, both a value and unit are stated—A is 5 m long. cated by the arrows in Figure 1(c) should not have too
As we move from the descriptive realm of approximate little material. While the method of measurement for
size to the conformance decision of whether an individ- these features is not specified by the tolerancing stan-
ual part meets a size specification, we are forced to dards, it is useful to note the correlation between classi-
examine this notion more carefully. In general, nominal cal inspection methods and these tolerances. Separate
features of a design have perfect geometry and can inspection methods are used to determine conformance
therefore be characterized by a single size parameter to the upper and lower size specifications. We will illus-
(e.g. diameter). Setting limits on this size parameter trate these methods further using the example shown in
(say, the diameter can vary between 11.99 and 12.01 Figure 1.
mm) results in a tolerance specification for the feature For this example, the upper size limit captures the
that each manufactured workpiece should meet. size of a theoretical boundary within which the entire
While the nominal feature has perfect form, and cylindrical feature must fit. This has been realized using
hence a single size, actual workpieces have imperfect hard (functional) assembly gauges for many years—if
664 Proc IMechE Part B: J Engineering Manufacture 227(5)

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Figure 1. (a) Traditional size tolerancing of a cylindrical pin, (b) actual pin feature that is manufactured, (c) two-point measurement,
and (d) global containment.

the feature will fit inside a gauge having the size of the the Reuleaux triangle, a more rounded extension to
tolerance limit, the feature conforms to that tolerance the Reuleaux triangle, and a Fourier disk are shown in
limit. This is a natural example of functional testing— Table 1. The Reuleaux and Fourier shapes have been
the function is tested by ‘‘assembling’’ the part with the shown by Voelcker1 relating to feature sizes.
gauge. Figure 1(d) shows the actual feature contained If the two-point measurement is based on diametri-
within the bounding envelope. This requirement also cally opposed points (i.e. points on a line passing
enforces a relationship between the size of the feature through the center of the cross section), the Reuleaux
and the form of the feature. If the part is at its maxi- shapes will not have constant two-point size for mea-
mum material condition (MMC), then it cannot have surements in the cross section. However, the Fourier
any form variation (either out-of-roundness or straight- disk (shown in the last row of Table 1) is an example of
ness of its axis), or it will not fit within the boundary. another noncircular cross-sectional shape with constant
The phrase ‘‘perfect form at MMC’’ is used frequently two-point size, even when the two-point measurement
to describe this relationship. is required to use diametrically opposed points. The
Continuing our example to the lower size limit, we construction of these figures can be extended to any
now wish to evaluate the limit for local size at all loca- cross sections with an odd number of sides.
tions on the part. This can be envisioned as a two- While the examples shown here may seem to be con-
point measurement using calipers (for our external fea- trived, this is no mere geometric curiosity—centerless
ture) or other device with opposing measuring faces. grinding can produce such artifacts quite easily. It is
There is a subtlety here regarding the two-point mea- interesting to observe that 7-sided and 11-sided curves
surement, in that different metrology tools will find of constant width are deliberately manufactured to
different pairs of points in the evaluation. Considering mint coins in the United Kingdom and Canada, respec-
the parallel faces of a caliper, the two contact points tively, as shown in Figure 2. Maintaining the same
with the faces may not be diametrically opposed on width all around enables these coins to be used in vend-
the feature itself. For the figures in the first two rows ing machines just as a circular coin of the same width
of Table 1, it is clear that a pair of vertical lines (repre- (or, equivalently, the same diameter). What is more,
senting the caliper faces) will not touch the cross sec- each of these coins has the same circumference as a cir-
tion at points that are diametrically opposite. Certain cle with the same width; this fact is known as Barbier’s
figures, referred to as curves of constant width (in 2D), theorem. But each has a smaller area than the corre-
will have the same two-point size regardless of the sponding circle—a fact known as the isoperimetric
measurement direction, but are not circular in cross inequality2—resulting in material savings when millions
section. While such figures may be uncommon in of such coins are minted. To clarify, these shapes shown
actual definition, they do provide a useful analytical in the following have cross sections of less area than a
case where the different specification methods will circular cross section of the same width, resulting in less
result in a significantly different result. Examples of material used in minting the coins.
Morse and Srinivasan 665

Table 1. Figures of constant width or constant two-point size.

Generation of Reuleaux triangle Resulting figure

Actual part with

a cross section of
(nearly) constant
Another curve of constant width
Resulting figure

Generation of a Fourier disk (3 periods) Resulting figure

Figure 2. Coins of constant width from UK and Canada.

The constraints imposed by the Taylor principle are form of objects are controlled independently, and that
the basis for the American Society of Mechanical both the upper and lower limits of size are controlled by
Engineers (ASME) size tolerancing, which defaults to the the two-point measurements. Recognizing that different
use of this principle in ‘‘Rule #1’’ of the Y14.53 standard. situations call for different requirements, each toleran-
Counter to this, the default principle of the International cing practice has developed syntax that allows the
Organization for Standardization Geometrical Product designer to override the default rules—the ASME default
Specification (ISO GPS) standards is that the size and is overridden with a statement ‘‘Perfect form at MMC
666 Proc IMechE Part B: J Engineering Manufacture 227(5)

not required,’’ and the ISO default is overridden with a Spines, offsets, and scaling
circled E symbol indicating the imposition of an envelope
Voelcker5,6 outlined five conceptions of size. Three of
these—parametric size, incremental size, and relative
As stated at the beginning of this section, the Taylor
size—can be used interchangeably in describing the
(or envelope) principle can address two aspects of part
classic features of size specified in the tolerancing stan-
functionality: assembly and ‘‘minimum material pres-
dards. This relationship is described in more detail in
ence.’’ While this connection is valid, these practices
section ‘‘Features of size.’’ A fourth concept, generative
were guided by what can be verified using vernier cali-
size, appears in the ASME Y14.5.1M-1994 Standard,7
per, micrometer, dial indicators, and hard gauges. The
which provides mathematical definitions for geometric
question for the present is what can now be done with
tolerances. These mathematical definitions are intended
the benefit of CMMs and other coordinate measuring
to be consistent with the Y14.5-1994 Standard. Y14.5.1
systems that collect many points from the surface of the
addresses size in a generative sense, whereby spheres
feature? Is it appropriate to simply emulate two-point
having diameters consistent with the tolerance limits
measurement with these advanced systems, or should
are swept along spines, resulting in the boundaries of a
we look to expanding the notion of size tolerancing to
tolerance zone to which the actual feature may be eval-
better capture part function?
uated, as shown in Figure 3. The size of the minimum
One strategy to make size tolerances more function-
(or maximum) spheres that may be swept along a spine
relevant is to take individual cases where the traditional
without intersecting the feature boundary determines
size tolerances are not adequate for the designer’s
the actual values for maximum and least material sizes.
intended function and explore how the true functional
Opposing plane features of size may be treated simi-
requirements could be expressed geometrically. This
larly but have a spine that is a surface instead of a line.
would allow the slow introduction of tolerancing syn-
Offsetting and scaling are two methods for describ-
tax for various component functionalities. Another
ing size variation. In Figure 4, we see the trade-offs that
strategy is to develop a general syntax that describes a occur with using these methods to define relative size.
broad set of criteria for size and allow the designer to The nominal shape in Figure 4(a) might change size
choose among these tools to specify appropriate geo- through scaling or offsetting. If scaling in Figure 4(c) is
metry. This second strategy is implemented in the chosen, then the property that smaller parts ‘‘fit inside’’
development and release of the new ISO standard on larger parts is not maintained unless the object is con-
linear sizes, ISO 14405-1:2011,4 and is discussed further vex. If offsetting by the radius of a disk or sphere in
in section ‘‘ISO extensions to size.’’ Figure 4(b) is chosen, then containment is maintained,
but the ‘‘shape’’ of the nominal part is distorted, as
shown in Figure 4(d). Voelcker5,6 pointed out the
importance of both containment and shape invariance
as they relate to assembly and function. The trade-offs
shown earlier seem confounding until the class of fea-
tures of size is considered.

Features of size
In the world of ISO GPS, the specification of size is
limited to features of size. Historically (in both ISO and
ASME), these features of size have been limited to
Figure 3. Spines and their generated tolerance zone limits for spherical and cylindrical surfaces, and pairs of oppos-
a cylindrical feature of size. ing parallel planes. ISO now includes wedges and cones

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Figure 4. (a) Nominal shape, (b) offsetting sphere/disk, (c) scaled shapes, and (d) offset shapes.
Morse and Srinivasan 667

as features of size,8 and Srinivasan9 discusses the family Extensions to size

of quadrics that support this addition to the feature of Although the assembly of rigid components is a classic
size ‘‘family.’’ In addition, the symmetry classes covered and important design problem, there are other func-
by these features of size are described, which influences tional requirements that might have us think about size
their use as datum features. Each of these features of differently. Many industrial components have toler-
size has the geometric characteristic that it is Shape- ances that are tight enough that the assumption of
Invariant under Offsetting (SIO). This concept, intro- rigidity is no longer valid—with tolerances of a few
duced by Voelcker and Sabin and reported by micrometers, the deformation of many industrial mate-
Voelcker,5 describes those objects for which offsetting rials is of the same order of magnitude. A round, house-
of the object boundary has the same effect as a scaling hold plastic container provides a compelling domestic
operation. For example, taking a cylindrical shell with example. The inner circumference of the lid and the
diameter of 10 units and offsetting this boundary out- outer circumference of the container that comes into
ward by 1 unit will result in a cylindrical shell of dia- contact with the lid should be toleranced carefully to
meter of 12 units; scaling the original cylindrical surface ensure an airtight closing. These objects are not easily
by a factor of 1.2 would result in the same final surface. stretchable and maintain good integrity of their circum-
This shape invariance under offsetting is more than a ference, whereas their flexibility renders their diameter
geometric curiosity; it is a result of some desirable to vary even under normal conditions. Concerning
design properties outlined in the next section. additional (nonassembly) applications, the circumfer-
ence of a feature may also be of importance if this fea-
ture rolls on another feature or surface. In all these
Properties of features of size cases, instead of indirectly controlling the circumference
There are two basic properties that have historically using a linear size tolerance, it may be more effective to
been applicable to size tolerances. First, the size of a place the geometric control directly on the characteristic
nominal feature is characterized by a single parameter. that is important (namely, the circumference). A similar
While this might be a diameter or distance, a single size situation can be envisioned if the volume of a tank or
tolerance will not be used to control both the height displacement of a solid is part of the primary function
and width of a feature simultaneously. Second, con- of a part or feature.
tainment is maintained monotonically for this size Another area where additional specification tools
parameter, that is, a nominal (perfect form) feature are needed is when mating parts do not have the same
with a size of l will ‘‘fit inside’’ a nominal feature with nominal geometry. For instance, we may wish to cap-
a size of l + e, where e can be arbitrarily small. These ture the end of a shaft within a nest of rigid fingers, or
properties can be derived from the SIO property where pins, as shown in Figure 5. While it has been possible
a single parameter can represent the scale of the fea- for many years to control the location and size of a pat-
ture, and the scaled shapes will satisfy the property of tern of pins, the control of the inner diameter con-
fitting inside one another. The ‘‘under offsetting’’ prop- strained by contact with the pin surfaces is far more
erty will ensure that two identical shapes of different difficult to control directly. The standard tools used to
sizes will have the same clearance between them around ensure that a set of pins will fit within a set of holes
the entire boundary of the features. (such as mounting a wheel to the hub of an automo-
This is a useful design tool when applying tolerances bile) will not provide very good control over the cylin-
to guarantee assembly of rigid components—if an der that is inscribed within the set of pins.
opening is required to be larger than size X, then a mat- The extensions to size that have been introduced in
ing part that is smaller than size X will always be able the tolerancing standards are described in the following
to fit into the opening. Complementary specifications section. While the properties of monotonic containment
observing this rule are frequently used in tolerancing may not be required explicitly by the ASME Y14.5-
for assembly. 2009 standard, there is evidence that this desirable trait

Figure 5. Extension to size specification. How might the function on the left be captured when tolerancing the pins (shown at
668 Proc IMechE Part B: J Engineering Manufacture 227(5)

will be maintained, even with the extensions described is induced. The second type of irregular feature of size
in the following. might be an irregular surface profile. One might ask
why it is important to classify these irregular shapes as
features of size, rather than allow them to remain as
Standards for size tolerancing simple profiles. The main reasons are to permit loca-
ISO has popularized the notion of ‘‘limits and fits’’ tion tolerancing of these features with material condi-
where the tolerance values are indicated only symboli- tion modifiers (i.e. additional positional variation is
cally; for example, an indication of 16 h7 in the specifi- permitted as the feature changes size) and also to use
cation means 16þ0:000
0:018 . In the absence of any other
the features as datums, again with material condition
indication, these size limits apply to local two-point (material boundary, in Y14.5 terms) modifiers. To clar-
sizes for the toleranced feature. This practice is codified ify, the benefit of this extension to the class of features
in ISO 286-1.10 of size is not directly in the control of the feature, but
The main standards that will be discussed here with in the use of the feature’s ‘‘size’’ to permit additional
respect to size tolerances are ASME Y14.5-20093 and variation in other tolerances or mobility in datum refer-
ISO 14405-1:2010.4 As described in section ‘‘Traditional ence frames.
size tolerancing and the Taylor principle,’’ there are two
major default interpretations of 6 size limits in geometric
ISO extensions to size
tolerancing: (1) ASME Y14.5 Rule #1, also known as the
Taylor principle, that requires two-point measurements The release of ISO 14405-1:2010 is a major develop-
and envelope requirement, and (2) ISO 8015 (which ment in the definition of linear size tolerances. It defines
defines the terminology and fundamental concepts used 14 types of linear size tolerances, as shown in Table 2,
in ISO 14405 and other ISO GPS standards) that speci- for cylindrical and two parallel planes features. The
fies a default of two-point measurements. Regardless of first two (LP and LS) are explicitly local in their inter-
the tolerancing system used, the envelope requirement pretation, while the next three (GG, GX, and GN) can
implies a perfect form at the MMC—thus coupling the be applied globally to the entire feature. Of the three
notions of size and form. With the envelope requirement, calculated sizes, CC and CA are local (cross-sectional),
the parameter of interest is the size of the mating perfect while CV is global. The final six tolerance symbols are
form envelope, and deviations away from this envelope applied to populations of values (two point, by default,
will not cause the envelope size to change. The extent of but other methods may be specified) obtained from a
form deviation allowed is captured by the other (upper feature. These symbols provide a vast array of methods
or lower) size limit where any form deviation will have for specifying feature sizes.
an effect on the local two-point size. The introduction of these new linear size tolerancing
Two types of extensions to the conventional envelope symbols and their modifiers gives rise to an interesting
and two-point specification methods above have been emergence of size tolerancing algebra. In simple cases,
recently introduced by standards. The first is the expan- it is easy to see that the combination of LP (for the
sion of the class of features of size to objects that do not lower size limit) and GN (for the upper size limit) is
easily conform to the single parameter quantification of equivalent to the ASME Rule 1 for solid cylindrical fea-
the classic features of size. This is manifest in the ASME tures, but the combination of LP and GX for the same
Y14.5:2009 standard3 under the name of irregular fea- solid cylindrical feature poses an interesting question—
tures of size. The second extension is in the specification should this be forbidden or be allowed to enable the
of the size based on new analysis methods for the data designer to ensure that there is some ‘‘bulk’’ in the solid
extracted from an actual, imperfect part feature. By giv- cylinder? Such rules for combination have not yet been
ing the designer the freedom to specify the way in which developed.
the size parameter is defined, it is envisioned that the An example of how this specification might appear
design intent can be more closely captured than with on a drawing is shown in Figure 6. In this case, the spe-
traditional association methods. A set of 14 new specifi- cification of GG controls the association of the actual
cation modifiers appear in ISO 14405-1:2010.4 surface feature in the determination of conformance to
ASME extensions to size
Uses and implications
The main changes to size specification in ASME
Y14.5:2009 are in the introduction of irregular features The uses of these new size specifications and the impli-
of size. These are categorized further into those features cation of having the symbols available to designers are
that contain (or are contained in) an envelope that is of real interest, both to the design community and to
one of the classic features of size (e.g. sphere, cylinder, those who must inspect the features to determine con-
and parallel planes) and those which are related to an formance to the tolerances specified. Prior to the intro-
envelope of some other shape. The first type of irregu- duction of these new symbols, there were aspects of
lar feature of size is shown in Figure 5, where the pins functional specification that were not easily captured
contain a cylindrical envelope from which a size value with the standard syntax of the tolerancing standards.
Morse and Srinivasan 669

Table 2. ISO 14405-1:2010 specification modifiers for linear size.

Symbol Description per standard Symbol Description per standard

Two-point size Volume diameter (calculated size)

Local size defined by a sphere Maximum size

Least-squares association criterion Minimum size

Maximum inscribed association criterion Average size

Minimum circumscribed association criterion Median size

Circumference diameter (calculated size) Mid-range size

Area diameter (calculated size) Range of sizes

These modifiers can be further modified with specification such as any cross section (ACS), specific cross section (SCS), or over a portion of the
feature that can be fixed or movable. This can change an association from being global to local in nature—for example, . SCS might not be
completely ‘‘localized’’ in every case since, for a spherical size, the neighboring cross sections have an influence on the size at that particular cross

fraction of these specifications is addressing the area of

Ø20 h6 **

functional control that is desired. The figure also

attempts to draw attention to the necessarily regular
structure of standardized specifications (hence the rec-
tangular regions) and to recognize that the occasional
use of nonstandard specification methods may be
needed to ensure the appropriate geometric control for
specialized functional requirements.
At the moment, we can propose that the new specifi-
cations may be of use to some plastic and rolling bear-
ing manufacturers and in industries that have other
rolling components. In addition, industries where vol-
ume is measured for dispensing chemicals, medicines,
or other product may specify containers and dispensers
Figure 6. Specification of a feature of size using the Gaussian using this new syntax. If a product’s raw material is
(least-squares) association criterion. very expensive, molded or forged parts might also have
a volume-limiting requirement—if not for function, for
controlling the cost of materials.
This is represented graphically in Figure 7(a), where The case of roller bearings brings us to a final interest-
the rectangle representing standardized controls does ing question: while an individual roller may be specified
not cover all the geometric configurations that are by its circumference or average size or some other size
needed for function (e.g. circumference of a roller and specification, the performance of the assembled bearing
area of a conductor cross section). In Figure 7(b), we is critically linked to the nature of the entire set of rollers
show how the state of affairs may have changed. In that are used in the assembly. The interaction of rank
using the new standards, there are many more things ordering of size values on individual components, com-
that can be specified; however, it is unclear what bined with the use of population characteristics
670 Proc IMechE Part B: J Engineering Manufacture 227(5)



Figure 7. Schematic representation of functional coverage of geometric standards, (a) before and (b) after the introduction of
recent documents.

(statistical tolerancing) on the population of parts, is a determining conformance to these specifications will be a
matter for further study, as these may ultimately con- challenge for years to come.
verge to a single functional specification if the designers
can determine what is required.
Open issues The increased richness of size specification in the recently
released standards opens a much larger domain of speci-
The specification operators defined in the ISO 14405-
fication for the designer. There are some specifications
1:2010 standard provide mechanisms that expand the
that, while syntactically valid, may not correspond to a
domain of possible size specifications. What remains
functional requirement that can be envisioned today. It
unclear is how specific desired functional requirements
is hoped that this wider array of tools will be judiciously
are represented within this domain. As also discussed
used by designers to more closely capture the functional
in section ‘‘Uses and implications,’’ there are interesting
requirements of their designs.
issues surrounding the use of population characteristics
With the publication of these new tolerancing stan-
and their interaction with the specifications that classify
dards, the use of these tools in industry may reveal new
size based on order statistics within an individual
avenues of functional size specification that have not
been mentioned here. Future study remains in pursuing
The verification of size specified according to ISO
functional specifications that will allow more effective,
14405-1 can be viewed using the same conceptual
succinct use of GPS. In addition, the interaction of
separation as is expressed in the specification: global,
calculated, and statistical. However, additional issues within-part and part-to-part specifications is an area
surround the specifics of the verification of tolerances where much is still to be learned.
that are specified with this new syntax. Coordinate
metrology has long wrestled with the issue of how Funding
many points to measure in order to adequately repre- The first author’s research was funded in part by a
sent the part surface. This question is also present for grant from NIST, grant number is 60NANB11D166.
the rank-ordering specifications: not only does the
inspector need to decide how many points are suitable
at a given cross section, the number of cross sections Acknowledgements
needed to determine a median value (for example) must The authors thank Professor Herb Voelcker for his
also be chosen. Also, for volume-based size specifica- insights regarding the subtle nature of size control in
tion, the inclusion (or omission) of ‘‘end surfaces,’’ mechanical design and his leadership toward a careful
which are traditionally not part of a feature of size, evaluation of size specifications. The authors would
must be addressed. also like to thank the members of national and interna-
At present, there exists no formal method to ensure tional standards bodies who have spent many years in
that a specific physical inspection technique conforms to developing the principles that underlie geometric toler-
a specific size modifier, and no validation of the algo- ancing specifications, Joshua Lubell for his insightful
rithms that operate on sampled coordinate data to deter- and constructive comments on the manuscript, and
mine conformance to specifications (with the exception of Tom Charlton for his thoughts on applications for glo-
some least-squares testing). While the theoretical answer bal size tolerances. Any mention of commercial prod-
may be clear for some of these validation methods, the ucts within this article is for information only; it does
estimation of task-specific measurement uncertainty for not imply recommendation or endorsement by NIST.
Morse and Srinivasan 671

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