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• Pengertian barang

• Tipe-tipe barang
• Problem barang
Barang Publik
• Barang yang bersifat non-rivaled
dan non-excludable.
untuk mengkonsumsi barang
publik orang tidak harus bersaing
dan orang tidak bisa membuat
pembatasan atau larangan untuk
mengkonsumsinya (no one can be
excluded from using the good).
Example : udara = barang bebas
Barang Privat

• Bersifat rivaled dan

• example, if one individual
eats a cake, there is no
cake left for anyone else,
and it is possible to
exclude others from
consuming the cake
private good
Barang Publik :
• Inge Kaul (1999) :
– Barang Publik Murni
– Barang Publik Tidak Murni
• Barang publik murni
– Non-rivalry : penggunaannya
tidak bersaingan
– Non-excludable : tidak dapat
diterapkan prinsip perkecualian
(impossible to exclude individuals
from consumption) TV, radio,dsb
• Barang yang
penggunaannya tidak
bersaing dan tidak ada
perkecualian (siapapun
bisa menggunakan/
 Barang Publik Murni
Contoh : jalan raya,
lampu lalu lintas,
keamanan, kebersihan
Barang Publik Tidak Murni

• Barang yang tidak

sepenuhnya publik maupun
sepenuhnya privat atau
barang yang hanya sebagian
yang bersifat tidak bersaingan
(non-rivalry) ataupun tidak ada
perkecualian (non-excludable).
Contoh : pendidikan ,
kesehatan , makanan bergizi,
internet, dsb
Terminology, and types of public goods

Excludable Non-excludable

Rivalrous Private goods : Common goods /

makanan, pakaian, (Common-pool
air, ikan, pasir, kayu
Non- Club goods : Public goods :
Rivalrous TV kabel, internet udara, keamanan,
TV nonkabel,
jalan raya, taman
Barang Publik Tidak Murni:
Common Pool Resources
• Barang yg bersifat
“rivalrous but non-
excludable “ problem
barang publik = tragedy of
the commons.
• For example, sea fishing =
non-excludable resource,
but one which is finite and
Barang Publik Tidak Murni :
Club Goods
• Club goods atau toll goods bersifat
non-rivalrous but excludable

• could be delivered as private goods,

but are usually delivered by the
government (finances from public
funds like taxes).

Note :
• public good = non-excludable pure
public goods.
• Club goods = excludable public goods .
Problem “Free Riders”
• Konsumer ikut menikmati atau
memanfatkan barang publik
tanpa perlu ikut andil dalam
proses penciptaannya = free
rider problem”, atau "easy rider
Free Riders
• Adanya „free rider‟  market
Why ?
• sulit mengkalkulasi cost dan
benefits dari barang publik yg
diproduksi  tidak ada insentif
untuk memproduksi barang
publik secara sukarela
• hardly anyone is willing to pay
for the invention/goods if they can
benefit from it for free
Barang Publik: Market Failure
• Non-rivalness and non-
excludability may cause
problems for the
production of such

 market failure =
markets are unable to
provide these goods in
desired quantities
Barang Publik: Market Failure
Adam Smith :
• Market alone unable to
provide necessary public

• the collective must do

something together to
provide these goods.

Public sector
Sektor Publik :
• Definisi sektor
• Pentingnya sektor
• Peran Sektor
Public Sector

• The public sector,

sometimes referred to as the
state sector is a part of the
state that deals with either the
production, delivery and
allocation of goods and services
by and for the government or
its citizens, whether
national, regional or
Public Sector :

• The part of the economy concerned

with providing basic government
services as the police, military, public
roads, public transit, primary education
and healthcare for the poor
 The public sector might provide
services that non-payer cannot be
excluded from (such as street lighting),
services which benefit all of society
rather than just the individual who uses
the service (such as public education),
and services that encourage equal
Public Sector
Hicks (dalam Hughes,1994):
• Sektor publik menyediakan
barang dan pelayanan/jasa
(services) yang cakupan
dan jenisnya tidak
ditentukan oleh keinginan
langsung konsumer, tapi
oleh keputusan badan-
badan pemerintah
ataupun badan perwakilan
Public Sector
Hicks (lanjut)
• Sektor publik : hasil dari
pengambilan keputusan
politik/publik tidak
melibatkan proses pasar
command based :
memaksa orang untuk
Misal : KTP,SIM, pajak,
Bisnis : voluntary
(baju,elektronik, makanan,
mobil,perhiasan, dsb)
Individual Decisions : Collective Decisions :
I can choose, alone & Choices are made by
without interference the community & are
binding on all

Private Decisions Liberty of the individual : Tyranny of the Majority:

My choice has no - What socks should I - Should we have a right
consequence for your wear? to die? Suicide?
welfare - Religion - Should we restrict what
people can read ?
- Whom should I marry?

Public Decisions Theft by the Minority : Liberty of the Group:

My choices affect - Number of children -How much should we
your welfare spend on defense?
- Smoking in public places?
- What do we do about the

Sumber : wikipedia

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