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Application: Flipkart

Test Scenario

1.Open the flipkart,create an account, search for the product, add product to cart,check in offer zone recharge your network t
2.Open flipkart,search the product and add to wishlist,buy a product ,go to gift card check balance of card and pay the amount
3.Open flipkart search for watch add to flipkart,book a flight and hotel and claim rewards,go to flipkart plus zone,remove produ
4.Open Flipkart ,add products to wishlist,check it in cart,recharge your network in game zone,book a ticket in refurbished prod


Test case name: Flipkart_integration scenarios

Project name: Flipkart
Release name: Mango
Requirement number: 161.4.2
Module name:
Pre-Condition: Internet connection
Test data: Items,Products
Post-Condition: NA
Severity: Critical
Test case type: Integration
Brief description: Products must be added/deleted to/from cart
Test case execution hours:

Sl no. Action/Description
1 click on 'Flipkart' icon.
2 click on 'create account' button
3 add products to the 'cart'
4 click on'offer zone' button
5 click on 'recharge' button
6 add products to the 'wishlist'
7 click on 'gift card' button
8 click on 'balance card' button
9 click on 'upadate email id' button
10 search for watch add it to 'wishlist'
11 click on book tickets for 'flight and hotel'
12 click on 'cart' button
13 click on 'remove' button
14 add product to 'wishlist' icon
15 click on 'cart' button
16 recahrege your network in 'game zone'
17 book a hotel in 'refurbished products'
18 click on 'logout' button


Author: Dileep.S.R
Reviewed by: Dheeraj.R
Approved by: Mr.Pradeep Aldur
Approved date: 9th-NOV-2018
er zone recharge your network then close the application.
nce of card and pay the amount and close the flipkart
flipkart plus zone,remove products from cart and close the application.
book a ticket in refurbished products and close the whatsapp.

Input Expected result

NA flipkart 'home' page should be displayed
NA account' should be created
NA products' should be displayed in 'cart'.
NA offer zone' page should be displayed.
NA recharge' should be done.
NA products' should be displayed in 'wishlist'.
NA giftcard' page should be dispalyed.
NA payment should be done.
NA email id' should be updated.
NA product should be displayed in wishlist
NA ticket should be booked and claim rewards
NA products should be displayed
NA product should be removed from 'cart'
NA product should be displayedin 'wishlist' page
NA product should not be displayed in 'cart'
NA error message should be displayed
NA error message should be displayed
NA user should be succefully logout from the application.
Actual result Status Comments
Application: Actitime
Test Scenario

1.Login as admin,click on users,click on create new user and enter all the valid details and click on create user button ,go to use
2.login as test manager,click on task,projrct and customer,click on create new customer and enter all the details ,create custom
3.Login as test manager ,create new project ,select customer in dropdown and enter all the details and create project and chec
4.Login as admin,create new user check it is displayed in opentask,click on create new task and check it is displayed in reports


Test case name: Actitime_integration scenarios

Project name: Actitime
Release name: Revenge
Requirement number: 126.2.3
Module name: Pro
Pre-Condition: Software should be installed
Test data: NA
Post-Condition: NA
Severity: Critical
Test case type: Integration
Brief description: Should be able to create accounts and manage data
Test case execution hours:

Step no. Action/Description Input

1 click on 'Actitime' icon. NA

2 password:manager

login as user with valid 'username' and 'password'

3 click on 'users'button NA
4 click on 'create new user' button NA

login information
5 and create

enter values for all the fields and click on 'create user' button
6 click on 'user list' button NA
7 click on 'logout'button NA
8 msnsger

login as user with valid 'username' and 'password'

9 click on 'task' button NA
10 click on 'project and customer'button NA
11 click on 'create new customer' button NA
12 enter values for all the fields and click on 'create customer' butt NA


Author: Dileep.S.R
Reviewed by: Dheeraj.R
Approved by: Mr.Pradeep Aldur
Approved date: 9th-NOV-2018
on create user button ,go to user list add check user is displayed and then logout from the application.
ter all the details ,create customer then go to active page and project and check customer displayed and logout from the application.
tails and create project and check whether it is displayed in actitime project and customer and then logout from the application.
d check it is displayed in reports and logout from the application

Input Expected Result Actual Result


password:manager Actitime' page should be displayed

NA home' page should be dispalyed

NA user'page should be displayed.

login information
and create create new user' page should be displayed.

NA user' should be created

NA user should be displayed
msnsger admin' should be successfully logout from the application

NA home' page should be displayed

NA task' page should be displayed
NA customer and project' page should be displayed
NA create new customer' page should be displayed
customer' should be created
gout from the application.
from the application.

Actual Result Status Comments

Application: Whatsapp
NO Test Scenario
1 Open the whatsapp upload the profile photo,change the profile photo , delete all the chats , send message to userB
add profile photo in the group send videos in the group and delete the group upload videos in the status go to call
2 Open the whatsapp upload status and view status of your friends,send a message to your friend,see the stautus wh
3 Open the whatsapp share a photo with your friend,check the status of your contacts reply to status,create a new gr
4 Open the whatsapp upload a video to profile photo,chat with your friend in status and change the profile photo of

Test case name : Whatsapp_integration scenarios
Project name: Den
Release name: Den4.1
Requirement number: 151.5.2
Module name: Whatsapp
Pre condition: internet connection,software should be installed
Test data: videos,photos should be present and mobile contact shou
Post condition: NA
Severity: Critical
Test case type Integration testing
Brief Description: Should be able to send photos,text and videos to other co
Test case execution hours:


No Action/Description Input Expected Result

1 click on 'whatsapp' icon. Whatspp' page should be displayed
2 click on 'profile photo' button NA profile photo page should be displayed
3 upload the 'profile photo' in profile photo page NA photo should be uploaded
4 change the 'profile photo' in profile photo page NA photo should be changed
5 click on 'chats' button NA chats' page should be displayed
6 delete the 'chats' page NA chats should be deleted
7 click on 'chats' button NA chats' page should be displayed
8 click on userB 'chats' button NA userB chats page should be displayed
9 send message to userB in 'chats' oage hi message should be sent
10 click on 'group chats' button NA group chat page should be displayed
11 send emojis in 'group chats' page NA emoji should be sent
12 click on 'profile photo' button in 'group chats' p NA profile photo' page should be displayed
13 upload the profile photo in 'group chats' page NA photo should be uploaded
14 click on 'groups chat' button NA group chats' page should be displayed
15 upload the video in 'groups chats' page NA video should be uploaded
16 click on 'chats' button NA chats page' should be displayed
17 slect the group and delete the group in 'chats paNA group should be deleted
18 click on 'calls' button NA calls' page should be displayed
19 select the calls and delete the calls in 'call page' NA calls should be cleared
20 click on 'status' button. NA status' page shoul be displayed.
21 upload 'staus' NA status' sholud be uploaded.
22 view 'status' of your friends. NA friends 'status' should be displayed.
24 send a 'message' to your friend hello messagte' should be sent.
26 click on 'my status' button. NA my status' page should be displayed.
27 click on 'viewed by' button NA viewed by' page will be displayed with viwed by list.
28 click on 'settings' button NA settings' page will be displayed with following fields 'accou
30 click on remove 'profile photo' NA profile photo' should be removed.
31 click on 'invite friend' button NA Invite message should be sent to your respective contact
32 click on share 'photo' NA photo' should sent to friend
33 click on 'status' button. NA reply to 'status' of your friends.
34 click on 'create group' button NA group' should be created.
35 click on 'add member' button NA members' should be added.
36 click on 'group' photo NA profile photo should be uploaded.
37 click on share 'document NA document' should be sent
38 upload a video to 'profile photo' NA error message should be displayed
39 chat with your friends in 'status' NA error message should be displayed
40 change the 'profile photo' in profile photo of youNA error message should be displayed
41 make a video call to your friend in 'settings' NA error message should be displayed
42 click on close application NA user should be come out from the application


Author: Dileep.S.R
Reviewed by: Dheeraj.R
Approved by: Mr.Pradeep Aldur
Approved date: 9th-NOV-2018

hats , send message to userB ,chat in group send emojis in the group
deos in the status go to calls clear the calls and close the whatsapp
ur friend,see the stautus who all viewed your staus,remove the profile photo,invite your friend to whatsapp and close the app.
ply to status,create a new group add members to that group,upload a group photo and write the subject,send a document, close the ap
change the profile photo of your friend, go to settings make a video call to your friend and close the whatsapp.


hould be installed
ent and mobile contact should be present

,text and videos to other contacts

Actual Result






ed with viwed by list.
with following fields 'account' button 'chats' button 'notification' button 'invite a friend' button
to your respective contact



the application
p and close the app.
end a document, close the application.

Stutas Comments

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