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7 Subtle Lies We All Tell Ourselves

Nobody likes liars but the truth is that we deceive ourselves every day, thus limiting ourselves from living
the life we deserve and preventing our own success
Tidak seorangpun yang menyukai pembohong namun nyatanya kita membohongi diri sendiri setiap hari,
sehingga membatasi diri dari menjalani hidup yang semestinya dan menghambat kesuksesan

1. I am a victim of my past (sayoko korban masa lalu)

You’re not a victim of your past, but you’re a victim of your present because of your past.
(Kamu bukanlah korban masa lalu, melainkan korban masa kini karena masa lalumu)
Obsessive patterns of former times and nonstop analyzing of what has already gone can lead to even
more mistakes. Your past will haunt you if you let it.
(Terlalu memikirkan masa lalu dan tidak berhenti menganalisa yang sudah terjadi akan menuntun mu
melakukan kesalahan lain. Masa lalu mu akan menghantuimu jika kau terus membiarkannya)

2. I’m too old for that (lah tuo igo nak cak itu tu)
You are never too old for anything
Tidak ada kata terlambat untuk sesuatu hal
• Nelson Mandela was 76 years old when he became president.
Nelson Mandela berumur 76 tahun ketika menjadi presiden
• Leonardo Da Vinci turned 51 the year he painted the Mona Lisa
Leonardo Da Vinci berumur 51 ketika ia melukis Mona Lisa
• Colonel Sanders opened his first KFC franchise at the age of 61.
Colonel Sanders membuka waralaba KFC pertamanya pada usia ke 61

3. Money doesn’t love me (ambo kurang beruntunglah)

Don’t doom yourself to failure from the beginning
Jangan menghakimi diri sendiri dulu
Money shouldn’t be your primary goal
Uang bukanlah tujuan utamamu
You deserve everything that you’re dreaming about
Kau layak memiliki segala sesuatu apa yang kau impikan

4. I can do that later (kelak-kelaklah dulu gaweinyo tu)

You may wake up one day and find you no longer have time for the things you’ve always wanted to do.
Kau mungkin terbangun dan menemukan bahwa dirimu tidak memiliki waktu terhadap sesuatu yang
ingin kau kerjakan
No one knows what the future holds
Tidak ada yang tahu apa yang akan terjadi

5. No one understands me (Dak do yang ngerti ambolah)

Stop thinking that no one understands you just because they don’t agree with you
Berhentilah berprasangka bahwa tidak ada yang mengertimu hanya karena mereka tidak setuju terhadap

6. I’m not them...I can’t do that (Ambo tu idak cak kamu orang, caknyo ambo dak bisolah)
We tend to compare ourselves to people who appear to have a successful career
Kita cenderung membandingkan diri kita terhadap orang lain yang terlihat lebih sukses

7. My complexes block my abilities and efforts (Kesulitan tu ngalangi kemampuan ambolah)

Look at yourself through the eyes of someone who loves you, and you’ll see yourself as you really are.
Lihatlah dirimu seperti orang yang mencintaimu menilaimu, dan kau akan menemukan siapa dirimu
7 Subtle Lies We All Tell Ourselves

1 Remember: dwelling on the past takes you away from the present.

2 Remember: you are never too old or too young to fulfill your

3 Start small — let yourself dream of something bigger and better.

4 If you wait for the perfect moment when all is safe and assured,
it may never arrive.

5 Being different is okay, and sometimes by listening to a person

with a different opinion you can better understand yourself.

6 Change your way of thinking to a more positive one. Let this

phrase be your mantra: "If they can do it, I can too."

7 Your complexes don’t define you.

7 Subtle Lies We All Tell Ourselves

Remember: dwelling on the past takes you away from the present.

Remember: you are never too old or too young to fulfill your calling.

Start small — let yourself dream of something bigger and better.

If you wait for the perfect moment when all is safe and assured,
it may never arrive.

Being different is okay, and sometimes by listening to a person with

a different opinion you can better understand yourself.

Change your way of thinking to a more positive one. Let this phrase
be your mantra: "If they can do it, I can too."

Your complexes don’t define you.

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