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The list below will help you follow up on your achievement. Please put a check () in the box that, in your opinion, shows
your progress in this course. Make sure you demonstrate that you can use the following when finishing the respective
chapter in class and in your assignments.

Advanced Reading and Writing One (ARW1)

Chapter Skill Learning Objectives Ranking
1 2
  I can infer word meaning from context
  I can make and confirm predictions
  I can read to identify the main idea of a paragraph
  I can read to identify and categorize details and examples
  I can read to infer the writer´s assumptions
  I can read to identify word meaning
  I can read to locate specific information
  I can distinguish voice in quotations
  I can organize and synthesize information using a Venn diagram
1 

I can recognize and use word forms
I can identify, categorize, and use modals and semi-modal verbs
  I can brainstorm ideas using listing
 I can identify and write the topic sentence and controlling idea of a
 summary paragraph
  I can plan my paragraph using a web map
  I can identify and correct sentence fragments and complete sentences
  I can write a summary paragraph
  I can edit and revise writing for content, language, and conventions

ALP  I can write a report about an autistic savant based on a website research

  I can make and confirm predictions

 I can recognize the use of synonyms and antonyms to reinforce word
 meaning
  I can read to identify main ideas in a chronology
  I can read to identify details to construct chronology
 
2  
I can read to infer the meaning of idioms and expressions from context
I can read and guess meaning in context
  I can read to identify specific information
  I can read to recognize positive redundancy
  I can use a chart to organize and synthesize information
  I can write a comparison paragraph

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  I can use a chain diagram to show stages in a cycle
  I can recognize the use of synonyms and antonyms in analogies
  I can write a personal letter
 I can recognize and use gerunds and infinitives as subject, as object, and
 after prepositions and certain adjectives, nouns and verbs.
  I can brainstorm ideas using listing
 I can identify and write the topic sentence, supporting and concluding
 sentence in a biographical paragraph
  I can use a paragraph organizer to plan a biographical paragraph
  I can recognize appropriate support in a paragraph
  I can write a biographical paragraph
  I can edit and revise writing for content, language, and conventions
 I can write a biographical essay about a famous person who overcame
ALP an obstacle based on a website research
  I can make and confirm predictions
  I can infer word meaning from context
  I can read to categorize main ideas
  I can read to identify different types of supporting details
  I can read to infer degree of support
  I can read to identify word meaning
  I can read to identify specific information
  I can read and use a timeline to organize sequence of events
3   I can use a Venn diagram to organize similarities and differences
  I can write a comparison-contrast paragraph
  I can use words in context
 I can analyze relationships between words (similar and different
 meanings)
  I can recognize and use Past Unreal Conditionals
  I can use Tree mapping to organize ideas
  I can identify the introduction, body, and conclusion of an opinion essay
  I can use an essay organizer to plan an opinion essay
  I can write an opinion essay
  I can identify the parts of an effective introduction
  I can edit and revise writing for content, language, and conventions
 I can write a report on two genetic testing companies based on a website
ALP research

Self-assessment ranking scale:

During the course, it is natural to gradually move from 1 to 2. Remember to go over my ranking regularly. Ideally, the
more 2’s you get, the better prepared you will be.

1 = I am becoming familiar with it and I am getting better at it.

2 = I can do it right without help most of the times.

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