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MULIANY. Stroke Risk Factors ( atrial fibrillation , hypertension , diabetes

mellitus and Gender ) Most Influential Score Genesis Non Haemorrhagic Stroke
Stroke Unit at Gatot Subroto Army Hospital January - December 2014. Guided
by Prof. Dr. dr. Zainal Mustafa, SpJP, MSi, FS, FIHA, and dr. Citra Ayu
Aprilia M.kes.

In Indonesia stoke was a major disease that could lead to disability and death. Stroke
was a clinical manifestation of circulatory disorder of the brain and cause
neurological deficits, can be affected by several risk factors were hypertension ,
diabetes mellitus , gender and age . Stroke that often occured is non- hemorrhagic
stroke , the cause of non- hemorrhagic stroke caused by many cardioembolism ,
emboli originating from the heart that disrupt blood flow to the brain. Atrial
fibrillation was a risk factor for non- hemorrhagic stroke caused by emboli often
formed as an impulse disorder or mechanical interference that occured in the atrial.
The purposed of this study was to identified risk factors ( atrial fibrillation ,
hypertension , diabetes mellitus and sex) that most effected with the incidenced of
non- hemorrhagic stroke . This study is a multivariated cross-sectional design. The
total samples of 50 patients at the Gatot Subroto Army Hospital stroke unit . The data
obtained were tested using logistic regression odds ratio value obtained is greatest in
the amount of 13.699 hypertensions.

Keyword : Atrial Fibrillation, hypertention, diabetes mellitus, gender

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