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History Of

BY: Diana Hernandez and
Emely Gutierrez
What is Zero??
Zero is a strange number and it is one of the greatest
paradoxes of human thought. A paradox is an insane
statement or theory that when investigated or explained, it
may prove to be well founded or true. Zero means both
everything and nothing. It is proven to be both positive and
History of Zero...
Zero was originally not considered a number. It is said
that the number zero originated from these 3 places;
Ancient India, Ancient Babylon and Mayan Civilization.
Historians believed that zero came into the existence in 458
AD. It is said that zero has been created in different times
in these 3 different civilizations. But people think that zero
was first created and used in Ancient India by the Hindus
and the Arabs.
Zero in India
Zero first appeared in India in the 10th century. The word zero
in hindu-india is “Shunya” which means void or empty. India is
respected by many states and countries throughout the world.

This is how the numbers were in

ancient India.
Zero in Babylon
The Babylonians got their number system from the
Sumerians. The Sumerians were the first people in the
world to develop a counting system. The Babylonians were
the first culture to invent the place value system. They
created zero in the third century B.C. . The Babylonian
placeholder was not a true zero because zero was not used
Zero in the Mayans
The Mayans developed zero in the year 350 A.D . The
Mayans never used the number zero in their equations.
Zero is used to indicate a placeholder in their complicated
calendar systems. Their symbol for zero looked like a bowl
or an eye. Their numeral system goes up to 20 and they
invented the number 20 by putting 0 below 1. This actually
means that zero is actually 20 and that one is 1.
How Zero works...
Websites used...

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