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Dr Djohan’s current conditions:

- Sleepiness at all times

o When having interesting visitors, he seems to be more alert
- Balance problem
- Stiffness
- Occasionally, he tends to walk fast (losing control) with tendency to fall to the front
- Usually showing apathy, but sometimes can still engage in conversations at times
- Does not eat much in general
- When eating, he used to have slight runny nose (not anymore?)
- Difficulties in writing, reading and following text
- Vision is disturbed, double vision
- Mild tremor
Daily routines:
- Regular light exercises: static bike, slow walking, making big steps to the front, back
and sideways
- Regular reading and writing exercises
- Physiotherapy
- Blopress
- Sinemet
- Concor
- Pradaksa
- Biocurliv
- HP Pro
- Starcef 200
- Methicobal
- Vitamins: ginko biloba, Korean ginseng
- Sinemet
- Allopurinol
- Vitamins such as propolis, Car-Q, etc.
- Sinemet
- Sigmaxim-PG (Fargoxin/Digoxin)
- Pradaxa
- Meticobal
Dr Djohan’s illness history

 May 2016:
o aspergillus fungal chest infection
o started to have difficulties in thinking and planning (for trip to Singapore)
o started to have difficulties in writing and signing
o Singapore doctors diagnosis – lack of oxygen in the brain, lack of sodium
 June – December 2016:
o Walking problem, stiffness
o Repeated falls
o Mild tremor
o Vision problem
o Sleepiness
 March 2017:
o Seeing a neurologist (Dr Bruce Campbell) in Melbourne
o Started to take Sinemet
o Diagnosed with Progressive Supranuclear Palsy by Dr Wesley Thevathasan
o Started to use a walker
 Aug 2017:
o retina operation instead of cataract operation (left eye)
o experiencing double vision
 Dec 2017:
o cataract operation
o If double vision is not reducing, another surgery might be required in March
to loosen eye muscles
 Feb 2018:
o double vision is reducing, but still having some vision problem when wearing
bi-focal glasses
o hallucinations occur more often
 March 2018:
o Seeing Dr Wesley Thevathasan again. Vision improved. Diagnosed with
Atypical Parkinson and is likely to be PSP. Sinemet dosage was increased to
4x2tablets a day. Dr Johan’s condition seems improved. Eyelids were still
o Seeing another neurologist, Dr David Williams. Diagnosed with Lewy Body
o Seeing an optometrist in Melbourne. Eye muscles were expected to adjust
overtime and hence operation was not recommended to fix the double
vision. Was prescribed with prims glasses.
 Sept 2018:
o Tried Modafinil ½ tablet a day for 4 days only because Dr Djohan experienced
agitation and hallucinations.
Eye problem history (email to Tt Gaby):
With my Dad, he had been having cataract problem in his left eye in the last few years. He
suffered from aspergillus fungal infection in May 2016 and started to experience eye vision
problem - difficulty in reading, complaining about his glasses. He fell down 7 times in the
second half of 2016. Only in Mach 2017 - we knew about the PSP disease. He finally wanted
to have a cataract operation last Aug but the doctor found out about retina detachment. So,
he had a retina operation instead. After the operation, he started to experience double
vision for a few months. The retina doctor suggested my dad to have eye cataract operation
in Dec and see how things go afterwards. If necessary, then he would need another
operation to loosen the eye muscle. So, he had a a cataract operation in Dec 2017.
Recently he said the double vision has reduced and the vision has improved. However, he
still has some vision problem when reading, probably because of his bifocal glasses. When
using reading glasses only, it seems to be better.

Below is the summary of my Dad's condition:

- May 2016: suffered from chest aspergillus fungal infection, started to experience
vision problem
- July-Dec 2016: repeated falls
- Aug 2017: retina operation instead of cataract operation (left eye)
- Aug-Jan 2018: experiencing double vision
- Dec 2017: cataract operation
- Feb 2018: double vision is reducing, but still having some vision problem when wearing bi-
focal glasses
- May/June 2018: started to wear prism glasses. Vision seems improved.

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