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Kylie Gempler

​ ​Transformative Field Activity: Mother Lode Regional Juvenile Detention Facility

University of Nevada Las Vegas

CIG: 660

May 27, 2018

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1) Description of the Agency and Reasoning

I was born and raised in a quaint mountain town in rural Northern, California. Growing up in

a small town, I can personally relate and understand the life of small town individual and

community as a whole. I saw firsthand the constant and consistent negative pattern of a never

ending vicious cycle. A majority of the individuals of this community, and communities similar

to mine, become stagnant and stuck because of the lack of resources available. Unfortunately,

with the lack of resources and opportunities, there are not many motivators in getting people out

of this town and onto bigger and better things. The general public are consumed by negative

behaviors including crime and excessive use of selling and using of drugs. Luckily for me, I had

parents who motivated me to get out of this small town and venture out to become the best

person I could be. Now with becoming a teacher and understanding the power of education and

believing that ALL students deserve the chance to do big and positive things in the world, I

wanted to study the pattern and understand why there is such marginalization in my hometown,

specifically with children, and why there is an alarming increase in kids being expelled from

school and thrown into our new juvenile hall facility. I wanted to take a look for myself and see

how and if this juvenile hall is advocating for social justice and, hopefully, rehabilitating and

advocating to help these marginalized students overcome their extreme adversity.

2) Overview of the Mother Lode Regional Juvenile Detention Facility

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About two years ago, a juvenile hall opened up in my small town. I was surprised by this

because the only major building we have here in this little town of Sonora is a Super Walmart.

This intrigued and peaked my interest in why there even needed to be a brand new juvenile hall

built. I wanted to see and find out why the epidemic of increase juvenile halls have now

somehow landed into my community. Before going to the new juvenile hall, I did research on

this brand new juvenile hall. According to their mission statement on the Tuolumne County

website, “The mission of the Mother Lode Regional Juvenile Detention Facility is to provide for

the safe and supportive detention of youth requiring secure rehabilitative services. It is guided by

the belief high risk youth are capable of changing negative patterns of conduct through active

participation in evidenced based and best practices programs empirically proven to promote

positive change” (Mother Lode Regional Juvenile Detention Facility, 2017). There mission

statement illuminates that their ultimate goal is to not punish, but rehabilitate in a positive

manner in order to truly promote positive change for these kids. The website also stated various

positive and proven evidence based practices they use to promote positive change in these kids.

There are four categories in which they focus on: ​Core Programs, Education, Health Services,

and various Evidence Based Activities/Programs.​ For the ​Core Programs​, this includes: a

Religious Program, Life and Vocation Skills, Truth about Drugs Education, Sex and Parenting

Education, and a Work Program. For the ​Education Services​, this includes: English/Language

Arts and Social Sciences, Math, Science, Health, Fine Arts/Foreign Language, Electives,

Specialized educational services, Credit recovery services, and Emphasis on project based

learning. The ​Health Services​ include: dental, mental health, behavioral health, and medical.
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Lastly, the ​Evidence-Based Programs t​ hat are offered include: Boy’s Council, Girl’s Circle,

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Aggression Replacement Training (ART), Motivational

Interviewing, Interactive Journaling, Seeking Safety (treatment for youth with PTSD and

co-occurring substance use disorder), and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (Mother Lode Regional

Juvenile Detention Facility, 2017). After doing research and seeing all of the resources provided,

It made me truly hopeful that this juvenile detention center was truly advocating for these kids

and wanting to help them succeed.

3) Review of the Literature Bases Concerning Juvenile Hall Systems in the United State

Juvenile hall detention centers are a growing and increasing at a startling rate.

Incarceration in general, whether it be juvenile hall, county jail, or the prison systems, are ALL

escalating and increasing in both size and population at an alarming rate. Unfortunately, the

problem of incarceration is only getting worse and worse especially in the United states for it

“ has the highest rate of incarceration in the world. Our country has only 5% of the world’s

population, yet we incarcerate 25% of the world’s prisoners. In real numbers, that statistic

translates into 2.3 million people behind bars” (de Bladio & Hall, 2015). These staggering

statistics prove that there is a major issue and epidemic in the way in which incarceration is

handled in the U.S. Yes, it is good we have a justice system that protects society from violent

criminals, but it has“unfortunately, become the default remedy for a host of non-violent offenses

in instances where other more effective remedies are available” (2015). There needs to be an

alternative method then just throwing an individual in jail. There is no reason why some of these
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individuals should be ut in juvenile hall, jail, or prison. There has to be another cost effective and

ethical way.

Not only are the numbers of how many individuals are getting incarcerated is astounding,

but so is the marginalized demographic that is being incarcerated. Unfortunately, there are

certain races that are targeted and more likely to be incarcerated just because of their cultural


“ Our country’s massive and reflexive use of incarceration as the solution to all criminal

problems has had a disproportionate (and devastating) impact on African-American and

Latino young men. African-Americans and Latinos collectively account for 30% of our

population, but they represent 60% of our current inmates...Approximately one in every

35 African-American men, and one in 88 Latino men is presently serving time behind

bars (in contrast to one in 214 white men)” (2015).

Once again, these statistics prove that there is a detrimental and unfair systemic pattern that is

occuring in our justice system. There needs to be preventative measures put into place instead of

just tossing individuals in jail.

After researching the statistics of our various incarceration systems, I researched

specifically why their is such an increase and failure to prevent th kids from not only being

thrown into juvenile hall, but becoming repeated offenders that eventually end up in the adult

system. I found that one of the reasons is because, “there is “slippage” in the system that reduces

practitioners’ ability to effectively address needs. Even in domains where interventions are

available, many youth are not receiving services matched to their needs” (Peterson-Badali,
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Skilling, & Haqanee, 2015, p. 305). Like with teaching, if the individualized needs are not met

for each and every student, those students are more likely going to struggle and sometimes even

give up all together. The research article also illuminated the positive outcome that occurs when

the individualized needs are met, “meeting individual needs in treatment was associated with

decreased offending” (2015). This proves how it is imperative to make it a priority to really treat

these kids on an individualized basis and take the time to make sure ALL needs (socially,

behaviorally, emotionally, and academically) are being met . These findings prove when it comes

to educating and trying to reform these students, the system needs to truly take the time to

understand each and every kids individualized needs in order to get them back on the positive


4)​​ Interview with an Educator at Mother Lode Regional Detention Center

Below were my four set interview questions I asked one of the teachers at the Juvenile
detention facility. The interview was recorded in order to get accurate and specific answers
(Anonymous, 2018)

● What exactly do you do here as the Teacher?:

“As the teacher, I try to make up credits for students who need to graduate. I have a special
program where kids who are deficient in credits so I would give them a weeks worth of work for
a quarter credit. It is almost like independent study, but I would work with the students hand

● Can you please elaborate about this particular juvenile hall:

“We recently got a juvenile hall because we were sending kids to Nevada City and it was a little
rough out there. So instead, out county wanted something for our community to help with not
only credit recovery, but counseling. We have volunteers and licensed professionals that help
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with various activities such as helping in library and job opportunities. We have a whole lot of
programs for kids including college while they’re at this facility”.

● What negative patterns do you see in regards to the continuous and vicious cycle in these
kids being “stuck in the system?:

“Right now we have a cycle where the kids get in trouble at school and then their next step is a
community day school. Then the next step after that is a credit recovery with the​ Gold Rush Day
School a​ nd finally after that, it’s juvenile hall. Most of these kids have gone to all four different
systems. I personally believe we need to do something first hand with teachers for when these
kids were younger. We have to make sure and see if they they need an IEP or if they have a
learning disability. Most of the time,that’s probably why the kids are having behavior problems
because once they have behavior problems, it's hard to fix. Then these kids get stuck in the
system of behavior problems and it just goes from there. Once they go to juvenile hall, then the
next step for them is going to Jade County Jail and then they may even end up in prison if they
do not follow through with all the programs that they have for the kids”.

● What kind of ​kids come to this juvenile hall? Do they all have similar backgrounds or
different? Do you see a consistent pattern?:

“Most students do not have a support system at home. They have one or more parents who were
on drugs. I’ve had a few that had parents that sold drugs and they actually participated in as well.
I’ve had students that were victims of sex trafficking too.I’ve had students who have just been
pushed through the education system and nobody really cared so the next step was breaking the

5) An Evaluation of the Agency and its Effectiveness

Overall, the agency as a whole seemed effective in the sense that I truly believe this

juvenile hall has the best intentions for rehabilitating these kids and helping them with getting

back on the positive path. When I interviewed the teacher, she seemed really passionate about

trying to help these kids and give them the best education possible. The educator even told me at
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the interview she helped one student graduate with their high school credits and helped another

student complete 15 units of college classes! When I heard this I truly had chills on my arms. It

is wonderful to see and know there are teachers like her trying to make sure these kids are taken

care of and succeed. This juvenile hall teacher is giving her all in believing in these kids and

knowing they are capable of change and reform. I thought this facility is truly trying to make a

positive influence and impact on these kids lives. You can also tell the community as a whole

wants to help too (I could tell with all the volunteers that were helping out that day).

The only negative evaluation regarding the agency is the cost. The cost of the building

was around two million dollars to build! Plus, there only seemed to be a handful of kids at this

detention facility too. This made me think about that two million dollars and how that money

could have been used to prevent kids from going into a juvenile detention facility in the first

place. What if that two million dollars was used to have access to more SPED classes or

programs for at risk youth? All the workers at the facility truly seemed to honestly try their

hardest. I tell the workers their are passionate individuals working hard to truly make a positive

impact in making sure these kids have a fair chance at a good life.

6) How this Project Has Affected Me Personally

When looking around in the detention facility, I felt very badly for these marginalized

kids. It truly broke my heart seeing these kids in here, knowing that there life had come to this. It

made me wonder what other options, if put into place, would have prevented this? Luckily for

me, I lived a life of privilege. My father is a cop and my mother is a teacher, therefore, I was not
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exposed to any negative behaviors that many of my classmates growing up had to deal with.

Taking a look inside this facility, in my hometown with my own eyes, truly made me want to

help these kids. It made me feel sad, but also upset and angry that this was happening in my town

I grew up in. It seems like a never ending cycle, full of the same things happening over and over


7) How This Project Affected You Professionally In Your Work As A Teacher

Being a teacher, I really feel it is my duty to not give up on any of my kids! Before taking

this class, I understood the importance of taking the time to make sure the needs of ALL my

students are met, but I never realized how truly imperative it is. I truly realize now that

differentiated and one-on-one instruction is vital in making sure all students are enaged in the

content. This will lead to less behavioral issue and hopefully motivate and show students that

they are smart and can succeed! I also realize after doing the readings and research from this

class that I need to be an advocate for my students! Au not only teaches and writes books about

multicultural education, but also takes action in social justice! I believe that I need to more than

ever speak up for my students, especially the students who are marginalized, and give them a

voice. It is my duty as an educator to make sure students are given all the resources available and

know that I will never give up on the,

Not only do I vow to make it my mission to make sure all the needs of my students are

met and advocated for, but also the system needs to make change too. There needs to be a

coherent and positive system that works together, “Most juvenile justice systems, in reality, do

not function as systems. Their components—police, courts, correctional programs, legislation,

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constitutional oversight—lack unity of purpose. Competition is more typical than cooperation”

(Guarino-Ghezzi,2017, p.1). This proves that juvenile halls are ran like big business. Instead of

doing what is right, money is the contributing factor to why the expansion of incarceration

systems are expanding. Money should not be the priority, but instead giving these kids a chance

and asking “what is best for them?”. The only way to make true change is to make positive

policy changes, “What is needed is a comprehensive discussion of the primary considerations

that policymakers should use in striking a balance between holding youths accountable for their

past behavior, and providing services and opportunities to change their environments so that

future behaviors will be guided by constructive, rather than destructive, forces” (Guarino-Ghezzi,

2017, p. 5). This proves that positive action must take place and we must come together as a

whole to truly rehabilitate these kids instead of just keeping them in the system for the rest of

their lives.

I truly believe real and true positive change only takes one person. I vow to be that

person. Even though I may not have the power to reform the entire juvenile hall system as a

whole, I do have the power to make sure my students do not fall into the never ending vicious

cycle of the system. I believe that I can make a true difference by making sure the individualized

needs of ALL my students are met. It is time to make positive change, one student at a time.

Even though I may be one person, I realized that my students depend on me to be their advocate.
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Anonymous. (2018, May 26) Personal Interview.

de Blasio, H. B., & Hall, C. (2015). Re: Mass Incarceration: Seizing the Moment for Reform.

Guarino-Ghezzi, S. (2017). Balancing juvenile justice. Routledge.

Mother Lode Regional Juvenile Detention Facility. (2017). ​Mission Statement.

Retrieved from:

Peterson-Badali, M., Skilling, T., & Haqanee, Z. (2015).

Examining implementation of risk assessment in case management for youth in the

justice system. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 42(3), 304-320.

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