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Kompleksnya Penanggulangan HIV dan AIDS pada Pecandu Perempuan

Andy Mansrianto [Numbering added]

1. Saat ini jumlah perempuan pengguna narkoba suntik atau injecting drug users (IDU) yang
saya dampingi di Kuta ada 10 orang. Masalah mereka terkait HIV dan AIDS pun sangat
2. Data Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Bali per Juli 2006 menunjukkan jumlah orang dengan
HIV dan AIDS (ODHA) di Bali berlatar belakang IDU mencapai 44.5 persen. Angka ini
lebih tinggi dibandingkan hetereoseksual (38%), homo/biseksual (9%), tidak diketahui
(8%), dan bayi tertular dari ibu (0.5%). Penularan HIV di kalangan IDU terjadi akibat
penggunaan jarum suntik tidak steril.
3. Penanggulangan HIV dan AIDS di kalangan pecandu memang lebih kompleks. Salah
satu contoh, pengakuan dampingan saya. Dia dulu selalu berbagi jarum suntik, karena
saat itu sulit mendapatkan jarum baru, juga informasi tentang HIV dan AIDS dan
4. Kini, saat jarum lebih mudah didapat melalui program pertukaran jarum suntik, masalah
lain justru menghadang. Sebagian besar pecandu perempuan, yang juga pekerja seks
komersial (PSK), jarang sekali menggunakan kondom ketika berhubungan dengan
5. Hal ini terjadi karena sebagian besar pelanggan merasa tidak enak pakai kondom. Atau,
perempuan pecandu itu susah menawarkan pelanggan ketika sedang mabuk.
6. Strategi yang dilakukan misalnya, perempuan itu mengatakan, “Pake kondom dong.
Nanti tertular HIV”. Tapi karena si pelanggan mengatakan tidak enak, tidak alami, dan
ada saja alasan lain seperti mengatakan, “Oke, pakai kondom tapi tidak dibayar”. Maka si
perempuan terpaksa melayani meski tanpa pakai kondom.
7. Dia mengaku dari pada pakai kondom tapi tidak dibayar, lebih baik tidak pakai kondom
asal dibayar. Sebab, ia harus mendapatkan uang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan narkobanya.
Gede Eka Putrawan [0990161044] Lecturer: Drs. Margono, MA
Translating Authentic Text II
“Kompleksnya Penanggulangan HIV dan AIDS pada Pecandu Perempuan [I – E]”

The Complexity of Eradicating HIV and AIDS from Female Drug Addicts

Andy Mansrianto [Numbering added]

1. Currently, there are a total of 10 female injecting drug users (IDUs) who need my

counseling service in Kuta. Their problems related to HIV and AIDS are very complex.

2. The Bali Provincial Health Office data for July 2006 showed that the number of people

who were infected with HIV and AIDS (People Living with HIV/AIDS) in Bali who had

a history of IDU reached 44.5%. The figure was much higher than that of heterosexuals

(38%), homosexuals/bisexuals (9%), unknown (8%), and infants infected by their

mothers (0.5%). The transmission of HIV among the IDUs occurs primarily due to the

use of unsterilized syringes.

3. The eradication of HIV and AIDS among drug users is much more complex. One woman

I am counseling, for instance, has confessed she used to share syringes with her friends

because, at that time, it was difficult to get new syringes and information about

HIV/AIDS and drugs.

4. At the present time, as syringes are much easier to get through the syringe exchange

program, another problem, infection through sexual intercourse, is intercepting. Most of

the female drug users, who are also commercial sex workers (CSWs), rarely wear a

condom when having sexual intercourse with their customers.

5. This happens because most of their customers feel uncomfortable when wearing a

condom. In addition, the female addicts find it hard to insist their customers to put on a

condom when they are intoxicated.

6. There are some strategies which the women can use when faced with this situation, for

instance, they may say, “Please put on a condom, I’m afraid of being infected with HIV”.

However, since the customers say that it is not comfortable, not natural, or various other

reasons, they refuse to put on a condom. Alternatively, they may say, “OK, I’ll wear a

condom but I won’t give you any money”. So as a result, the women are forced to serve

their customers even though they do not wear condoms.

7. Many women claim that it is better not to wear a condom and get paid than it is to wear a

condom but not be paid. This is because they need to get money to meet their need for


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