Anda di halaman 1dari 14

1. Sebuah kolom struktur menerima beban mati sebesar 4 ton dan beban hidup 1 ton.

Panjang kolom 3 m dengan tumpuan sendi dan jepit. Kolom tersebut direncanakan
menggunakan profil IWF 200.100. Mutu baja kolom dari BJ 37. Buat analisis
apakah kolom tersebut mampu menahan beban terfaktor yang bekerja. (Data profil
dapat dilihat dari tabel Baja & Berat sendiri profil diabaikan).

Penyelesaian :
Data profil IWF 200.100
 h = 200 mm (tinggi profil)
 b = 100 mm (lebar profil)
 tw = 5,5 mm (tebal badan)
 tf = 8 mm (tebal sayap)
 Abr = 2716 mm2 (luas kotor profil)
 W = 21,30 kg/m (berat profil / m)
 Ix = 1840 cm4 (momen inersia arah X)
 Iy = 134 cm4 (momen inersia arah Y)
 ix = rx = 82,4 mm (radius girasi arah X)
 iy = ry = 22,2 mm (radius girasi arah Y)
 Zx = 184 cm3 (tahanan momen arah X)
 Zy = 26,8 cm3 (tahanan momen arah Y)

Data Struktur
 DL (beban mati) = 4 ton
 Ll (beban hidup) = 1 ton
 L (panjang kolom) = 3 m = 3000 mm
 BJ 37 = fy = 240 Mpa
= fu = 370 Mpa
 Tumpuan kolom = jepit – sendi
 E = 200000 Mpa
 Φ = 0,85

a. Beban terfaktor
a) U = 1,4 D
U = 1,4 (4) = 5,6 ton
b) U = 1,2 D + 1,6 L
U = 1,2 (4) + 1,6 (1) = 6,4 ton (dipilih yang terbesar)
Jadi Nu = 6,4 ton = 64 kN

b. Cek kelangsingan penampang kolom

 Pada sayap profil
Syarat untuk profil IWF
(b/2tf) ≤ 250/√fy
100/(2*8) ≤ 250/√240
6,25 ≤ 16,14 (OK)
 Pada badan profil
Syarat untuk profil IWF
(h/tw) ≤ 665/√fy
200/5,5 ≤ 665/√240
36,36 ≤ 42,92 (OK)
c. Cek kelangsingan kolom maksimum (λmak)

Kondisi tumpuan berupa jepit – sendi sehingga faktor panjang tekuk k = 0,8
Arah sumbu X
λx = k . Lx / rx
= 0,8 * 3000 / 82,4
= 29,1

Arah sumbu Y
λy = k . Ly / ry
= 0,8 * 3000 / 22,2
= 108,1

λmak diambil dari nilai terbesar antara λx dan λy, yaitu 108,1
Syarat λmak ≤ 200, sehingga 108,1 ≤ 200 (OK)

d. Menghitung parameter kelangsingan kolom (λc) dan ω

λc = (λmak/π)*√(fy/E)
= (108,1/3,14)*√(240/200000)
= 1,19

Syarat :
Untuk λc ≤ 0,25 maka ω = 1
Untuk 0,25 < λc < 1,2 maka ω = 1,43 / (1,6 – 0,67 λc)
Untuk λc ≥ 1,2 maka ω = 1,25 λc2

Sehingga ω = 1,43 / (1,6 – 0,67 * 1,19)

= 1,78

e. Menghitung kuat nominal tekan (Nn)

Nn = ϕ . Abr . (fy/ω)
= 0,85 * 2716 * (240/1,78)
= 311272 N
= 311,272 kN
Nu = 64 kN

Syarat aman Nn ≥ Nu
Nn ≥ Nu, sehingga kolom aman
2. A structure column support dead load 4 ton ang live load 1 ton. Lenght a column
is 3 m, the end of column fastened by fixed and hinge. The column planned use
IWF 200.100. profile. Quality of steel material from BJ 37. Make an analisys this
column. (Data of the profile can be seen from steel table & ignored the own
weight of profile ).

Answer :
Profile data IWF 200.100
 h = 200 mm (depth of profil)
 b = 100 mm (width of profile)
 tw = 5,5 mm (web thickness)
 tf = 8 mm (flange thickness)
 Abr = 2716 mm2 (Brutto area)
 W = 21,30 kg/m (profile weight / m)
 Ix = 1840 cm4 (momen of inersia X axis)
 Iy = 134 cm4 (momen of inersia Y axis)
 ix = rx = 82,4 mm (radius of gyration X axis)
 iy = ry = 22,2 mm (radius of gyration Y axis)
 Zx = 184 cm3 (Section modulus X axis)
 Zy = 26,8 cm3 (Section modulus Y axis)

Structure Data
 DL (dead load) = 4 ton
 Ll (live load) = 1 ton
 L (colomn lenght) = 3 m = 3000 mm
 BJ 37 = fy = 240 Mpa
= fu = 370 Mpa
 Type support = fixed - hinge
 E = 200000 Mpa
 Φ = 0,85

f. Factored Load
c) U = 1,4 D
U = 1,4 (4) = 5,6 ton
d) U = 1,2 D + 1,6 L
U = 1,2 (4) + 1,6 (1) = 6,4 ton (chosen the biggest)
So the Nu = 6,4 ton = 64 kN

g. Calculation of column section slenderness

 On the flange of profile
Requirement for IWF profile
(b/2tf) ≤ 250/√fy
100/(2*8) ≤ 250/√240
6,25 ≤ 16,14 (OK)
 On the web of profile
Requirement for IWF profile
(h/tw) ≤ 665/√fy
200/5,5 ≤ 665/√240
36,36 ≤ 42,92 (OK)
h. Calculation of maximum column slenderness (λmax)

Column supported by fixed – hinge, so the lenght of buckling k = 0,8

X Axis
λx = k . Lx / rx
= 0,8 * 3000 / 82,4
= 29,1

Y Axis
λy = k . Ly / ry
= 0,8 * 3000 / 22,2
= 108,1

λmax taken from the biggest value between λx dan λy, is 108,1
Requirement λmax ≤ 200, sehingga 108,1 ≤ 200 (OK)

i. Calculation of column slenderness parameter (λc) and ω

λc = (λmax/π)*√(fy/E)
= (108,1/3,14)*√(240/200000)
= 1,19

Requirement :
For λc ≤ 0,25 so ω=1
For 0,25 < λc < 1,2 so ω = 1,43 / (1,6 – 0,67 λc)
For λc ≥ 1,2 so ω = 1,25 λc2

So the value of ω = 1,43 / (1,6 – 0,67 * 1,19)

= 1,78

j. Calculation the nominal compresson strenght (Nn)

Nn = ϕ . Abr . (fy/ω)
= 0,85 * 2716 * (240/1,78)
= 314,8 N
= 311,272 kN
Nu = 64 kN

Safety requirement Nn ≥ Nu
Nn ≥ Nu, so the column safe
3. Suatu batang tekan terbuat dari profil dobel siku 2L100.75.7 medukung beban
mati 120 kN dan beban hidup 80 kN. Mutu baja dari BJ 41. Panjang batang 200
cm, dengan alat sambung baut berdiameter 16 mm dan plat buhul setebal 10 mm.
Buat analisis perhitungan kuat nominal terhadap batang tersebut jika kedua ujung
batang ditumpu oleh sendi dan batang dibagi dengan plat kopel sebanyak 4 kopel.

Penyalesaian :
a. Data struktur :
 BJ 41 fy = 250 Mpa
fu = 410 Mpa
 L = 200 cm
 tpb = 10 mm
 Diameter baut = 16 mm
 Dead load = 120 kN
 Live load = 80 kN
 k =1
 n =4
 m =2

b. Beban terfaktor
U = 1,4 D = 1,4 * 120 = 168 kN
U = 1,2 D + 1,6 L = 1,2 * 120 + 1,6 * 80 = 272 kN (dipilih)

c. Data profil untuk L100.75.7

 A = 1187 mm2
 Ix = 1180000 mm4
 Iy = 569000 mm4
 rx = 30,6 mm
 ry = 18,3 mm
 ex = 31,5 mm
 ey = 21,9 mm

d. Analisis tampang profil 2L100.75.7

 Ag = 2*A = 2*1187 = 2374 mm2
 Ixg = 2*Ix = 2*1180000 = 2360000 mm4
 Iyg = 2(Iy+A(ey+(1/2)*tpb)2)
= 2(569000+1187(21,9+(1/2)*10)2)
= 2855850 mm4
 rxg = √(Ixg/Ag)
= √(2360000/2374)
= 30,6 mm
 ryg = √(Iyg/Ag)
= √(2855850/2374)
= 34,7 mm

e. Analisis kelangsingan batang

L1 = L/(1+n)
= 200/(1+4)
= 40 cm = 400 mm
λ1 = L1/ry
= 400/18,3 = 21,86
Syarat λ1 < 50.......... 21,86 < 50 (OK)

X Axis
λx = k . Lx / rxg
= 1 * 2000 / 30,6
= 65,36
Syarat λx > 1,2 λ1
65,36 > 1,2 * 21,86
65,36 > 26,23 (OK)

Y Axis
λy = k . Ly / ryg
= 1 * 2000 / 34,7
= 57,66
Syarat λy > 1,2 λ1
57,66 > 1,2 * 21,86
57,66 > 26,23 (OK)

Kelangsingan ideal
λiy = √(λy2+(m/2)*λ12)
= √(57,662+(2/2)*21,862)
= 61,67
Syarat λiy > 1,2 λ1
61,67 > 1,2 * 21,86
61,67 > 26,23 (OK)

a. Menghitung kuat nominal tekan (Nn)

λx = 65,36
λiy = 61,67
λmak diambil dari nilai terbesar antara λx dan λiy, yaitu 65,36
Syarat λmak ≤ 200, sehingga 65,36 ≤ 200 (OK)

λc = (λmak/π)*√(fy/E)
= (65,36/3,14)*√(250/200000)
= 0,736

Syarat :
Untuk λc ≤ 0,25 maka ω = 1
Untuk 0,25 < λc < 1,2 maka ω = 1,43 / (1,6 – 0,67 λc)
Untuk λc ≥ 1,2 maka ω = 1,25 λc2

Sehingga ω = 1,43 / (1,6 – 0,67 * 0,736)

= 1,292

Nn = ϕ . Abr . (fy/ω)
= 0,85 * 2374 * (250/1,292)
= 390460 N
= 390,46 kN

Nu = 272 kN

Syarat aman Nn ≥ Nu
Nn ≥ Nu, sehingga kolom aman
2. A compession member made from double angel profile 2L100.75.7, support dead
load 120 kN and live load 80 kN. Steel quality from BJ 41. Lenght of the member
is 200 cm, with bolt as tool connection. Diameter of bolt is 16 mm and thicness
connection plate is 10 mm. Calculate the nominal strenght this member if the both
end of member fastened by hinge and the member devide by 4 coupling plate

Answer :
a. Stricture Data :
 BJ 41 fy = 250 Mpa
fu = 410 Mpa
 L = 200 cm
 tpb = 10 mm
 Diameter of bolt = 16 mm
 Dead load = 120 kN
 Live load = 80 kN
 k =1
 n =4
 m =2

b. Factored Load
U = 1,4 D = 1,4 * 120 = 168 kN
U = 1,2 D + 1,6 L = 1,2 * 120 + 1,6 * 80 = 272 kN (chosen)

c. Profile Data for profile L100.75.7

 A = 1187 mm2
 Ix = 1180000 mm4
 Iy = 569000 mm4
 rx = 30,6 mm
 ry = 18,3 mm
 ex = 31,5 mm
 ey = 21,9 mm

d. Section Analisys for profile 2L100.75.7

 Ag = 2*A = 2*1187 = 2374 mm2
 Ixg = 2*Ix = 2*1180000 = 2360000 mm4
 Iyg = 2(Iy+A(ey+(1/2)*tpb)2)
= 2(569000+1187(21,9+(1/2)*10)2)
= 2855850 mm4
 rxg = √(Ixg/Ag)
= √(2360000/2374)
= 30,6 mm
 ryg = √(Iyg/Ag)
= √(2855850/2374)
= 34,7 mm

e. Slenderness Analisys for element

L1 = L/(1+n)
= 200/(1+4)
= 40 cm = 400 mm
λ1 = L1/ry
= 400/18,3 = 21,86
Requirement, λ1 < 50.......... 21,86 < 50 (OK)

X Axis
λx = k . Lx / rxg
= 1 * 2000 / 30,6
= 65,36
Requirement, λx > 1,2 λ1
65,36 > 1,2 * 21,86
65,36 > 26,23 (OK)

Y Axis
λy = k . Ly / ryg
= 1 * 2000 / 34,7
= 57,66
Requirement, λy > 1,2 λ1
57,66 > 1,2 * 21,86
57,66 > 26,23 (OK)

Ideal slenderness
λiy = √(λy2+(m/2)*λ12)
= √(57,662+(2/2)*21,862)
= 61,67
Requirement, λiy > 1,2 λ1
61,67 > 1,2 * 21,86
61,67 > 26,23 (OK)

b. Calculation the nominal compresson strenght (Nn)

λx = 65,36
λiy = 61,67
λmax taken from the biggest value between λx and λiy, is 65,36
Requirement, λmax ≤ 200, so 65,36 ≤ 200 (OK)

λc = (λmax/π)*√(fy/E)
= (65,36/3,14)*√(250/200000)
= 0,736

Requirement :
For λc ≤ 0,25 so ω=1
For 0,25 < λc < 1,2 so ω = 1,43 / (1,6 – 0,67 λc)
For λc ≥ 1,2 so ω = 1,25 λc2

So the value of ω = 1,43 / (1,6 – 0,67 * 0,736)

= 1,292

Nn = ϕ . Abr . (fy/ω)
= 0,85 * 2374 * (250/1,292)
= 390460 N
= 390,46 kN

Nu = 272 kN

Safety requirement Nn ≥ Nu
Nn ≥ Nu, so the element is safe
3. Suatu balok gelagar dengan bentang 8m, bertumpuan sendi-rol terbuat dari profil
baja IWF 309 x 102 x 6,1 x 8,9. Balok tersebut mendukung beban mati dan beban
hidup yang berupa beban merata penuh dan beban terpusat ditengah bentang. (qd
= 100 kg/m, ql = 150 kg/m, Pd = 400 kg dan Pl = 600 kg. Mutu baja gelagar
tersebut dari BJ 50. Analisis balok tersebut apakah mampu mendukung beban-
beban yang bekerja.

Penyelesaian :
a. Data struktur
 Mutu baja BJ 50 fy = 290 Mpa
fu = 500 Mpa
fr = 70 Mpa
 L = 8 m = 8000 mm
 qd = 100 kg/m
 ql = 150 kg/m
 Pd = 400 kg
 Pl = 600 kg

b. Beban terfaktor
 qu = 1,4*qd = 1,4*100 = 140 kg/m
 qu = 1,2*qd + 1,6*ql = 1,2*100 + 1,6*150 = 360 kg/m (dipilih)
= 3,6 N/mm
 Pu = 1,4*qd = 1,4*400 = 560 kg
 Pu = 1,2*qd + 1,6*ql = 1,2*400 + 1,6*600 = 1440 kg (dipilih)
= 14400 N
c. Momen maksimum
Mmax = (1/8)*qu*L2 + (1/4)*P*L
= (1/8)*360*82 + (1/4)*1440*8
= 5760 kg-m = 57600000 N-mm
Mu = Mmax

d. Gaya geser maksimum

Vmax = (1/2)*qu*L + Pu/2
= (1/2)*360*8 + 1440/2
= 2160 kg = 216000 N
Vu = Vmax

e. Mengahitung modulus plastis penampang perlu (Zxu)

Zxu = Mu / (0,9*fy)
= 57600000 / (0,9*290)
= 220690 mm3 = 220,69 cm3

f. Menghitung momen inersia perlu (Ixu) berdasarkan lendutan ijin (δijin)

Lendutan maksimum terjadi di tengah bentang

δmax = (5/384)*qu*L4/(E*Ix) + (1/48)*Pu*L3/(E*Ix) ≤ δijin

δijin = L/240 = 8000/240 = 33,33 mm
δmax = (5/384)*3,6*80004/(200000*Ix)+(1/48)*14400*80003/(200000*Ix)
≤ 8000/240
Diperoleh Ixu = 51840000 mm4 = 5184 cm4

g. Data profile IWF 309 x 102 x 6,1 x 8,9

Zx = 384 cm3 = 384000 mm3
Ix = 5416 cm4 = 54160000 mm4
b = 102 mm
h = 309 mm
tf = 8,9 mm
tw = 6,1 mm

Syarat, Zx,profil > Zxu

Ix, profil > Ixu\

h. Kontrol kelangsingan plat sayap dan plat badan profil

 Pada sayap profil

λs = (b/2tf) = 102/(2*8,9) = 5,73
λp = 170/√fy = 170/√290 = 9,98
λr = 370/√(fy-fr) = 370/√(290-70) = 24,94
λs < λp (penampang kompak)

 Pada badan profil

λw = (h/tw) = 309/(6,1) = 50,66
λp = 1680/√fy = 1680/√290 = 98,63
λr = 2550/√fy = 2550/√290 = 149,74
λw < λp (penampang kompak)

i. Menghitung momen nominal dan gaya geser nominal

Mn = Mp = ϕ*Zx*fy
= 0,9*384000*290 = 100224000 N-mm = 10022,4 kg-m
Vn = 0,6*fy*Ab = 0,6*fy*(h-2tf)*tw
= 0,6*290*(309-2*8,9)*6,1
=309080 N
δmax = (5/384)*3,6*80004/(200000*54160000)
= 31,9 mm

j. Kontrol keamanan profil

Mn ≥ Mu 10022,4 kg-m ≥ 5760 kg-m (OK)
Vn ≥ Vu 309080 N ≥ 216000 N (OK)
δmax ≤ δijin 31,9 mm ≤ 33,33 mm (OK)
3. A simple beam with L = 8m, supported by hinge-roll, made from steel profile
IWF 309 x 102 x 6,1 x 8,9. This beam supporting dead load and live load which
form uniform load and joint load on the center of beam. (qd = 100 kg/m, ql = 150
kg/m, Pd = 400 kg and Pl = 600 kg. Quality of steel from BJ 50. Analisys this
beam for moment, shear force and displacement.

Answer :
a. Structure Data
 Steel quality BJ 50 fy = 290 Mpa
fu = 500 Mpa
fr = 70 Mpa
 L = 8 m = 8000 mm
 qd = 100 kg/m
 ql = 150 kg/m
 Pd = 400 kg
 Pl = 600 kg

b. Factored Load
 qu = 1,4*qd = 1,4*100 = 140 kg/m
 qu = 1,2*qd + 1,6*ql = 1,2*100 + 1,6*150 = 360 kg/m (chosen)
= 3,6 N/mm
 Pu = 1,4*qd = 1,4*400 = 560 kg
 Pu = 1,2*qd + 1,6*ql = 1,2*400 + 1,6*600 = 1440 kg (chosen)
= 14400 N
c. Moment maximum
Mmax = (1/8)*qu*L2 + (1/4)*P*L
= (1/8)*360*82 + (1/4)*1440*8
= 5760 kg-m = 57600000 N-mm
Mu = Mmax

d. Shear force maximum

Vmax = (1/2)*qu*L + Pu/2
= (1/2)*360*8 + 1440/2
= 2160 kg = 216000 N
Vu = Vmax

e. Calculation of plastic modulus for ultimate section (Zxu)

Zxu = Mu / (0,9*fy)
= 57600000 / (0,9*290)
= 220690 mm3 = 220,69 cm3

f. Calculation ultimate moment of inertia (Ixu) based from deflection (δijin)

Maximum deflection occurs on the center of beam

δmax = (5/384)*qu*L4/(E*Ix) + (1/48)*Pu*L3/(E*Ix) ≤ δijin

δijin = L/240 = 8000/240 = 33,33 mm
δmax = (5/384)*3,6*80004/(200000*Ix)+(1/48)*14400*80003/(200000*Ix)
≤ 8000/240
Diperoleh Ixu = 51840000 mm4 = 5184 cm4
g. Profile Data IWF 309 x 102 x 6,1 x 8,9
Zx = 384 cm3 = 384000 mm3
Ix = 5416 cm4 = 54160000 mm4
b = 102 mm
h = 309 mm
tf = 8,9 mm
tw = 6,1 mm

Requirement, Zx,profil > Zxu

Ix, profil > Ixu

h. Control slenderness of flange plate and web plate of profile

 On flange profile
λs = (b/2tf) = 102/(2*8,9) = 5,73
λp = 170/√fy = 170/√290 = 9,98
λr = 370/√(fy-fr) = 370/√(290-70) = 24,94
λs < λp (penampang kompak)

 On web profile
λw = (h/tw) = 309/(6,1) = 50,66
λp = 1680/√fy = 1680/√290 = 98,63
λr = 2550/√fy = 2550/√290 = 149,74
λw < λp (penampang kompak)

i. Calculation nominal momen and nominal shear force

Mn = Mp = ϕ*Zx*fy
= 0,9*384000*290 = 100224000 N-mm = 10022,4 kg-m
Vn = 0,6*fy*Ab = 0,6*fy*(h-2tf)*tw
= 0,6*290*(309-2*8,9)*6,1
=309080 N
δmax = (5/384)*3,6*80004/(200000*54160000)
= 31,9 mm

j. Control safety of steel profile

Mn ≥ Mu 10022,4 kg-m ≥ 5760 kg-m (OK)
Vn ≥ Vu 309080 N ≥ 216000 N (OK)
δmax ≤ δijin 31,9 mm ≤ 33,33 mm (OK)

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