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Title of experiment

Acid-Base Neutralization

B. The aim of experiment:

Do acid- base titration using indikator

C. Literature review
In the 18th century the idea saying that acid contain oxygen, oxides of
nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur and halogen that produces all that make up the
acid solution. but in the early 19th century the definition was considered too
narrow because it found many compounds that do not contain oxygen but
shows the behavior associated with
acid. (Miessler, Paul j. Fischer, and Doland A. Tarr, 2014: 169)
Among of natural dyes as acid-base indicator, Flavones, Flavonols,
Anthocyanidins, Anthocyanins are some types of indicator, which have been
studied in order to substitute these compound instead of synthetic indicators
[11,12]. For example, the chemical structure forms and colors of an
anthocyanin at different.(Baharodi A, and Maroufi NG, 2016: 1)
Acid–base chemistry was first satisfactorily explained in molecular terms
after Ostwald and Arrhenius established the existence of ions in aqueous
solution in the late nineteenth century (Arrhenius received the 1903 Nobel
Prize in Chemistry). Arrhenius acids yield hydrogen ions * in aqueous
solution; Arrhenius bases yield hydroxide ions in aqueous solution. The
neutralization of hydrogen and hydroxide ions to form water, the net ionic
equation of

HCl(aq) + NaOH(aq) H2O(l) > NaCl(aq) + H2O(l)

(Miessler, Paul j. Fischer, and Doland A. Tarr, 2014: 170)

The relationship between acidic behavior and the presence of hydrogen in
a compound was clarified in 1887 by the Swedish chemist Svante Arrhenius
(1859–1927). Arrhenius proposed that an acid is a substance that dissociates
in water to give hydrogen ions (H+ ) and a base is a substance that dissociates
in water to give hydroxide ions ( OH-):
an acid HA(aq) → H+(aq) + A- (aq)
a base MOH(aq) → M+ (aq) + OH- (aq)

Although convenient to use in equations, the symbol does not really

represent the structure of the ion present in aqueous solution. As a bare
hydrogen nucleus (a proton) with no electron nearby, is much too reactive to
exist by itself. Rather, the bonds to the oxygen atom of a water molecule,
giving the more stable hydronium ion, . We’ll sometimes write for
convenience, particularly when balancing equations, but will more often
write to represent an aqueous acid solution. Hydrogen chloride, for instance,
gives and when it dissolves in water.
The word oxygen is derived from a Greek phrase meaning “acid former.”
Lavoisier’s idea had to be modified, however, when the English chemist Sir
Humphrey Davy (1778–1829) showed in 1810 that muriatic acid (now called
hydrochloric acid) contains only hydrogen and chlorine but no oxygen.
Davy’s studies thus suggested that the common element in acids is hydrogen,
not oxygen. (Mc Murry, 2012: 120)
An acid is a substance that produces H+ ions when dissolved in water, and a
base is a substance that produces OH- ions. Such a definition was provided by
Johannes N. Brønsted (1879–1947) and Thomas M. Lowry (1874–1936),
who defined acids and bases as follows:
An acid is a proton donor.
A base is a proton acceptor.(Zumdahl, 2010: 154)
lewis defined a base as an electron-pair donor and an acid as an
electron-pair acceptor. Modern inorganic chemistry extensively uses the
Lewis definition, which encompasses the Brønsted–Lowry definition, since
H+ accepts an electron pair from a Brønsted base during protonation. The
Lewis definition dramatically expands the acid list to include metal ions and
main group compounds, and provides a framework for nonaqueous reactions.
Lewis definition includes reactions such as

Ag+ + 2 :NH3 → [H3N:Ag:NH3]+

(Miessler, Paul j. Fischer, and Doland A. Tarr, 2014: 184)
An acid–base reaction is often called a neutralization reaction.When just
enough base is added to react exactly with the acid in a solution, we say the
acid has been neutralized.(Zumdahl, 2010: 155)
neutralization reaction:

HA(aq) + MOH(aq) → H2O(l) + MA(aq)

Because salts are generally strong electrolytes in aqueous solution, we can

write the neutralization reaction of a strong acid with a strong base as an
ionic equation:

H+(aq) + A-(aq) + M+(aq) + OH-(aq) → H2O(l) + M+(aq) + A-(aq)

(Mc Murry, 2012: 123)

when each of the strong acid dissociates, the anions formed are the same ones
that normally form soluble ionic compounds.(Wilson, 2012: 83)
Traditionally, in a laboratory experiment of acid-base titration performed
with a buret – pH meter system, a student delivers small increments,
dropwise at times, from a buret, records pH as a function of titrant volume
(perhaps CBL-based), and constructs the pH versus volume plot for further
analysis to determine the unknown concentration of the sample and/or the
ionization constant of the substance in the sample. The data analysis can be
done by penciland-paper, with the help of a graphing calculator, or via a
spreadsheet. However, doing both the data logging and data analysis on a
computer in a single environment has the following pedagogical advantages:
it eliminates tedious and repetitious operations, allowing the students to
concentrate on data analysis, on design of experiments, and on comparison of
measured data with predictions from a chemical model. In addition, use of an
automated pH titration system offers students the opportunity to work
directly with high-quality data in much the same way as is practiced in
professional chemistry
laboratories.( André Heck, Ewa Kędzierska, and Laurence Rogers et al)
The titration data were elaborated to attain chemical models for interpretation
of the proton-binding capacity of the biopolymers obtaining the acidic sites
concentrations and their protonation
constants. (Silvia Tabasso, Silvia Berto, and Roberta Rosato et al 2015:1)
Several types of synthetic chemical indicators are available for different types
of titrimetric analyses. Acid-base indicators are known as pH indicators.
Acid–base indicators are substances (dyes) which change color with pH.
They are usually weak acids or bases, which when dissolved in water
dissociate slightly and form ions. .(Baharodi A, and Maroufi NG, 2016: 1)
In the experiment, a titration solution of known concentration for sure,
referred to as a standard solution (standard solution), is added gradually to
the other solution of unknown concentration, until a chemical reaction
between the two the lasting solution perfect. phenoftalein is one of the
indicators of acid – alkaline pH ranges that have synthetic between 8.00 –
10.0. On a solution of acid and neutral, it becomes colorless. Whereas when
put in a solution of alkaline, its color
will change to red.(Arthy herawati, 2014:1)
D. Apparatus and chemical

1. Apparatus

a. Measuring pipette (1 piece)

b. Elenmeyer flask (3 pieces)
c. Funnel (1 piece)
d. Burette (1 piece)
e. Stative and clamps (1 piece)
f. Spray bottle (1 piece)
g. Dropper pipette (1 piece)

2. Chemicals

a. Hydrochloid acid solution (HCl) 0,1 M

b. Sodium hydroxide solution (NaOH) 0,2 M
c. Universal indicator
d. Phenoftalein indicator (C20H14O4)
e. Aquades (H2O)
Work procedure
1. Burette is filled with 50 ml of 0,2 M NaOH
2. 10 ml of HCl 0,1 M is incorporated into the erlenmeyer flask with
the aid of a 10 ml measuring pipette. Furthermore, the pH of the
solution is measured by universal indicator. 3 drops of phenoftalein
indicator added to the HCl
3. The intial state (scale) in the burette is recorded, then 1 ml of
NaOH solution is dropper from the burette into the HCl solution
carefully. Then the pH of the solution is measured
4. The titration continues antil there is a changes from colorless to
pink, then the pH of the solution is measured by universal indicator
5. The buried and state and volume of NaOH used are recorded
6. Titration is repeated at least twice.

E. Observation result

Titration Initial pH of pH of HCl Next titration PH of HCl

HCl after add volume of
1st Titration 1 2 3 ml 8
2nd Titration 1 2 3 ml 8
3rd Titration 1 2 3 ml 8

F. Analisis data
a. pH of the HCl solution before addition NaOH
Known : M HCl = 0,1 M
V HCl = 10 mL = 0,1 L
Asked: pH…?
[H+] =Mxa
= 0,1 x 1
= 0,1
pH = -log [H+]
= -log 10-1
b. pH of solution when adding 1 mL NaOH 0,2 M to 10 mL HCl 0,1 M
Known : MHCl = 0,1 M
MNaOH = 0,2 M
VHCl = 10 mL
V NaOH = 1 mL
Asked : pH…….?
Solution :
n HCl =MxV
= 0,1 M x 10 mL
= 0, 1 M x 0,01 L
= 0,001 mol
n NaOH =MxV
= 0,2 M x 1 mL
= 0,2 m x 0,001 L
= 0,0002 mol
Volume solution = V HCl + V NaOH
= 10 mL + 1 mL
= 11 mL
= 0,011 L
HCl(aq) + NaOH(aq) → NaCl(aq) + H2O(I)
At First : 0,001 mol 0,0002 mol
React : 0,0002 mol 0, 0002 mol 0, 0002 mol 0,0002 mol

Equally : 0,0008 mol - 0, 0002 mol 0, 0002mol

[HCl] = (mol HCl rest)/(V Solution)

= (0,0008 mol)/(0,011 L) = 0,073 M
pH = -log [H+]
= -log [7,3 x 10-2] M
= 2 – log 7,3
= 1, 13
c. pH of the solution when reach equivaelent point
Known : MHCl = 0,1 M
MNaOH = 0,2 M
VHCl = 10 mL
Asked : pH….?
n HCl = n NaOH
MHCl x VHCl = M NaOH x V NaOH
𝑀 𝐻𝐶𝑙 𝑥 𝑉 𝐻𝐶𝑙
0,1 𝑀 𝑥 10 𝑚𝐿
V NaOH = 0,2 𝑀

V NaOH = 5 mL
So, the volume of NaOH required to titrate is 5 mL
n HCl = MHCl x VHCl
n HCl = 0,1 M x 10 mL
n HCl = 1 mmol
n NaOH = MNaOH x VNaOH
n NaOH = 0,2 M x 5 mL
n NaOH = 1 mmol
HCl(aq) + NaOH(aq)  NaCl(aq) + H2O(I)
Initially : 1 mmol 1 mmol - -
Reaction : 1 mmol 1 mmol 1 mmol 1 mmol

Rest : - - 1 mmol 1 mmol

In this reaction, HCl and NaOH Precisein finished react on stokiometric until on this

[H+][OH-] = 10-14

[H+] = 10-7

pH = -log[H+]

pH = -log 10-7

pH =7

d. pH of solution after passedequivalent point

known : M HCl = 0,1 M
V HCl = 10 mL
M NaOH = 0,2 M
V NaOH = 5mL + 1 mL = 6 mL
Asked : pH…?

Solution :

n HCl = M HCl x V HCl

= 0,1 M x 10 mL

= 1 mmol

n NaOH = M NaOH x V NaOH

= 0,2 M x 6 mL

= 1,2 mmol

HCl(aq) + NaOH(aq)  NaCl(aq) + H2O(I)

Initially : 1 mmol 1,2 mmol - -
Reaction : 1 mmol 1 mmol 1 mmol 1 mmol

Rest : - 0,2 mmol 1 mmol 1 mmol

𝑛 𝑅𝑒𝑠𝑡
M NaOH = 𝑉 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙
0,2 𝑚𝑚𝑜𝑙
M NaOH = 16 𝑚𝐿

M NaOH = 0,0125 M

[OH-] =Mxb
= 0,0125 x 1
[OH-] = 1,25 x 10-2 M
pOH = -log[OH-]
pOH = -log 1,25 x 10-2
= 2 – log 1,25
= 2 – 0,097
pOH = 1,903
pH = 14 – pOH
pH = 14 – 1,903
pH = 12,09

G. Discussion
This experiment was done between titration strong acid and strong base apply
larutan HCl 0.1 M and 0.2 M NaOH. the purpose of titration is to know the level
of solution. Principle of acid-base titration process is by reacting both kinds of
solution. the first langakah was preparing all tools and materials are then input
into the burette NaOH, then input solution HCl 10 ml measuring pipette into
using elenmeyer add 3 drops of pH measurement with phenoftalein indicators
universal indicator, squirt 1ml NaOH into a solution of HCl and then measure
the pH, repeat until there are changes color to pink and then write down the
solution pH titration repeat at least 3 times.

Conclusion and suggestion

1. Conclusion
Titration is a method of quantitative analysis that aims to determine the level of
a solution. The use of indicators in titration processes are used as a guide to
achieve the equivalent point, indicated by a change in color of the solution.
2. Suggestion
My advice may not praktikan future panic when mixing NaOH into HCl from

Bahadori A* and Maroufi NG Volumetric Acid-Base Titration by using of

Natural Indicators and Effects of Solvent and Temperature ISSN 2379-7975
Volume 3 Issue

Eid I. Brima , Anass M. Abbas International Journal of Chemical Studies

Determination of Citric acid in Soft drinks, Juice drinks and Energy drinks using
Titration 2014 ISSN: 2321-4902 Volume 1 Issue 6

Mc Murry John, and Robert C. Fay 2012 Chemistry sixth edition United States
of America

Miessler Gary L, Paul J Fischer, and Donald A Tarr 2014 Inorganic Chemistry
fifth edition United States of America

Puji lestari kertas indikator belimbing wuluh 2017 ISSN 2527- 4287

Roxy Wilson 2012 chemistry twelfth edition Upper Saddle River

Zumdahl Steven S and Susan A. Zumdahl 2010 Chemistry eighth edition United
State of America

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