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Candidates for scholarships in Germany are also required to register with the
German Academic Exchange through the following link:

MSC (2 years)
1. Experimental Geosciences Bayreuth University
2. Marine Geoscience Bremen University
3. Process Engineering and Energy Technology HS Bremerhaven
4. Electrical Engineering HS Darmstadt
5. Electrical Engineering HS Kempten
6. Materials Science and Engineering Kiel University
7. Geophysics LMU Munich
8. Geospatial Technologies Muenster University
9. Electrical Engineering Rostock University
10. Environmental Sciences Trier University
11. Process, Energy, and Environmental Systems Engineering TU Berlin
12. Petroleum Engineering TU Clausthal
13. Research in Computer & Systems Engineering TU Ilmenau
14. Applied & Environmental Geoscience Tuebingen University
15. Power Engineering TUM
16. Energy Science and Technology Ulm University

PHD (3 years)
Geology and Petroleum Geology
a. TU Clausthal (Clausthal University of Technology)
b. University of Cologne
c. University of Göttingen
d. Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich

Civil and Marine Engineering (Marine Geosciences)

a. Kiel University
Renewable Energy
a. Kiel University
b. University of Oldenburg

Reservoir Engineering/Production Technology

a. TU Clausthal (Clausthal University of Technology)

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