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1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 1

2 Background .............................................................................................................................................. 1

3 Statement of the Problem ........................................................................................................................ 1

4 Problem solution ...................................................................................................................................... 2

5 Objectives of the Project ......................................................................................................................... 2

5.1 General Objective ............................................................................................................................. 2

5.2 Specific Objective .............................................................................................................................. 2

6 Significance of the Project ....................................................................................................................... 2

7 Project Scope & Limitation..................................................................................................................... 3

7.1 scope of the Project ........................................................................................................................... 3

7.2 Limitations of the Project ................................................................................................................. 4

8 Methodology of the Project ..................................................................................................................... 4

8.1 Data Collection Method .................................................................................................................... 4

8.2 System Development Methodology.................................................................................................. 5

8.2.1 Object Oriented Analysis (OOA): ............................................................................................ 5

8.2.2 Object Oriented Design (OOD): ............................................................................................... 5

8.3 Software Development Tools............................................................................................................ 5

8.4 Hardware Development Tools ......................................................................................................... 6

9 Feasibility Study ....................................................................................................................................... 6

9.1 Technical Feasibility ......................................................................................................................... 6

9.2 Economic Feasibility ......................................................................................................................... 6

9.3 Operational Feasibility ..................................................................................................................... 7

10 Time Schedule ........................................................................................................................................ 7

11 Budget ..................................................................................................................................................... 7

12 References ........................................................................................................................................ 8

List of tables

Table1. 1 Time schedule ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7

Table1. 2 Cost Estimation of Materials and Other Expenses --------------------------------- 8

1 Introduction
Library system is the most significant system in our University (WCU). Without library we can’t
get enough information to compute with today’s world, we will not lead our study blissfully as
much as possible. So we have to give great emphasis for this important part of our university.
There are plenty of problems which could abuse our ability and the only mechanism to cope up
this problem is to go to library to get knowledge. We can say that library is the place where to
get back our knowledge which has been abused by ignorance.

2 Background
Wachemo University is one of academic section that provides direct support to the teaching-
learning and research activities of the university. It is accountable to the academic vice president.
It was established Nov 2004 E.C at Hosanna polley technique collage library. Know, the library
has technique sections (cataloging and classification, acquisition, borrowing, book store, photo
copy, and binding section). Wachemo university library users are increasing in number and
diversity. At this stage the need to develop library legislation is found to be important. The
library legislation is manifestation of the continuous development and change of the university in
general and in the library in particular. General rules and regulations cover the use of all library
sources and facilities administrated by the Wachemo university library system. This regulation
covers the use of all library resources and facilities administrated by the Wachemo university
library system.

For the purpose of this regulation Wachemo University create the branch library is to refer
library system main and branch libraries including:-

1. Business and Economics and Social Science Library

2. Technology and Natural Science and Humanities Library

3 Statement of the Problem
Library system has currently many problems that initiated the group members to develop desktop
application. These problems are
 Uses manual system to process data. For instance, different information about every
situation of the Library system is done by paper
 Inflexible service
 Less accurate
 Security
 Customers waste their time and energy waiting for their turn to be served

4 Problem solution
To solve the problem in the Wachemo university integrated library system we are initiated to
develop desktop application which can make flexible, accurate and secured system for the
university. To reduce the human power our system can do many tasks by one administrator. To
manage books reading documents does not recommended because our system can display detail
information to the user.

5 Objectives of the Project

5.1 General Objective

To change current or existing manual system into computerized system.

5.2 Specific Objective

To achieve the general objective mentioned below the following are specific objective:

 To generate full information of the library for the user on the desktop.
 To manage time by giving exactly limited time for student or user.
 To be accurate for a system user in the library.
 To take all information of the employee and display for the system user.
 To make secured system by protecting with password.

6 Significance of the Project
Library system is not using computerized data processing System; hence it is a serious problem
in time management and to perform their work efficiently and appropriately. So making the
system automated will investigate the technological problems and to find ways and means to
enable the organization computerized working system that could help to work efficiently further
more this project is significant in that project enables the system. Some of the significances are:

 Time consuming activities (tasks) will be reduced.

 Reduce man power & material budget allocations.
 Avoid document missing and material wastage.
 To generate information to the customer easily.
 To make the organization is productive.

7 Project Scope and Limitation

7.1 Scope of the Project

The new system we are going to develop is targeted on the following functions.

 Record books with their detailed information

 Register new books
 Manages time to use books
 Search books
 Arrange books with their faculty then up to department
 Display order information
 Borrow books for students and teachers

7.2 Limitations of the Project
Since, during the development time of our project the following limitations are facing:

 Our project cannot support web site that means it support desktop application.
 Cannot buy books
 Cannot accesses books from their location for the user
 Cannot register new employees to the organization

8 Methodology of the Project

It is the study of a strategic system on how to collect raw data and analyze it by set principle and
deduce on the hypothesis (premise) to conclude with a result. There two types of methodologies
that are used to collect the important tasks to activities done analyze how in existing system and
developed the new system. Data for developing this system obtained from different sources.
These Data Sources were System Users (Personnel Office Clerks, Personnel Office Manager,
technical managers and assistance managers), different forms and documents used in the office,
procedure manuals, and reports of the office. The two important methodologies that we use are:

Quantitative Method:- assumes that reality is socially constructed and variables are complex
and difficult to measure. The purpose of the quantitative method is prediction and causal

The term quantitative refers to a type of information based in quantities or else quantifiable data
(objective properties).

Qualitative Method:-It is a generic term for investigative methodologies described as

naturalistic, field, or participant observer research.

8.1 Data Collection Method

To gather data from the customers and manager the team will use the following techniques.
Those are:
Interview:-to get the basic information about the existing library system, the team will interview
the library manager and some customers about the services that are given to them, and the
problems associated with that environment.

Observation: after we finish the interview, we will also use the other methodology of data
collection that is called practical observation. During this time we will directly enter in to the
internal activities of the library to view what things are done? and what are the limitations and
strength of the library? The essentiality of this method is that, to be confident with the data that
we will collect using an interview method because now a day the reliability of peoples decreases
time to time.
Document analysis:-to get more information about the details of library we will refer to some
documents from the document store.

8.2 System Development Methodology

The team plan to use the object oriented design methodology for the development of the
system among the different methodologies. Because it is better way to construct, manage and
assemble objects that are implemented in our system. Object oriented design methodology has
two phases:-
8.2.1 Object Oriented Analysis (OOA)
During this phase the team will look at the problem domain and with the aim of producing a
conceptual model of the information that exists in the area which will be analyzed and this model
the functions of the system (use case modeling), identifying the business objects, organize the
objects and also the relationship between them and finally model the behavior of the objects.
8.2.2 Object Oriented Design (OOD)
During this phase the model interactions and behaviors that support the use case scenario, and
finally update object model to reflect the implementation environment and also transforms the
conceptual model produced in object-oriented analysis to take account of the constraints imposed
to our system format, so that we will use this phase to refine the use case model to reflect the
implementation environment.

8.3 Software Development Tools

In this project the following system development tools are use
 Programming Language: - VB.NET, C#, MYSQL.
 Microsoft word 2013:- To write the proposal and other parts of the project

 EdraW Max 6.3: For designing UML diagram associated with the project.

 Microsoft Visio2013 :To draw time Schedule
 Adobe Photoshop (CS4): - for editing images.

8.4 Hardware Development Tools

In this project the following system development tools are use
 Laptop:-to install software and to do our project on it.
 Papers:-to write the information which are gathered by using data gathering
 Pens:-to write documents on the papers.
 CD-RW and Flash:-To store useful data and documents in it.

9 Feasibility Study
The feasibility study is applied to test whether the proposed system is worth being implemented.
Feasibility study is a test of system proposed regarding its work ability, its impact on the
organization ability to meet user needs and effective use of resources.

9.1 Technical Feasibility

Technical feasibility means the technical aspects for the development of the proposed project are
well within the project team's capabilities to produce such a product. The project team has gain
experience in all aspects of the technology to be used; desktop application and a database
program, Microsoft Access. Technical feasibility centers on the existing computer system
(hardware, software etc) and to what extent it can support the proposed system addition.

9.2 Economic Feasibility

 Cost benefit analysis: The system which we are going to develop will have economic
benefit. Those economic benefit may be tangible or intangible
Tangible benefit: This means the concrete benefit that can be expressed in terms of
dollars or birr. So the system proposed to develop will decrease a lot of birr that was
expensive to buy the hard copy document material such as paper, pencil, rubber, and so
on. Also reduce employers or human power. For example in Wachemo university
Library system has 71 employees and they have their own salary they take 142000 for
all employers. After developing new system the employers power will decrease in15 or

20 employers and their salary will decrease to 90000 so, new system is 142000-
90000=52000 birr tangible than existing system.

Intangible benefit: Those benefits that cannot be expressed in terms of birr or dollar Intangible
benefit that the system will give is the following:

1 Give more readable, easily manageable, and database which contains all employees track.
2 The proper and ordered files of employees which has stability means which is not easily lost.

9.3 Operational Feasibility

The operational feasibility is the measure how detects the problem happen in the organization
and solve every problem stated in the proposal. The new system will perform series of steps
solve problem in library system.

10 Time Schedule
No Task Start Finish durati oct no De Jan Feb mar a ma J
name on v c p y u
ri n
1 Proposa 14/11/ 02/12/ 2week
l 2015 2015
2 Analysis 10/12/ 10/02/ 2mont
2015 2016 h
3 Design 25/02/ 10/04/ 1mont
2016 2016 h2wee
4 Implem 11/04/ 11/06/ 2mont
entation 2016 2016 h
5 Testing 16/06/ 24/06/ 8day
2016 2016

Table1. 1 Time schedule

11 Budget
Item Quality Unit price Total
Laptop 1 15000 15000
CD-RW 10 20 200
Flash 1(16GB) 300 300
Paper 2 packet 90 180
Pen 1 packet 5 375
Printer cost 200 page 1.50 300
Photocopy cost 200 page 0.40 80
Other ….. 2000 2000
Total …….. 17417 18435

Table1. 2 Cost Estimation of Materials and Other Expenses

12 References
1. Object oriented analysis and design with applications, THIRD EDITION(GRADY
2. Object oriented system analysis and design, FORTH EDITION(SIMON
3. Research methodology ,methods and techniques, THIRD EDITION(CR Kothari
Gaurav Garg(visit us

Use case diagram

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